■I I i*-**^ jr zjRln ' w ?&tor . j u f / 4 The Histories of Herodotus Translated by- Henry Cary With a Critical and Biographical Introduction by Basil L. Gildersleeve Illustrated New York D. Appleton and Company 1899 NEHrtY MORSE STEPHEH* Copyright, 1899, By D. APPLETON AND COMPANY. HERODOTUS 75* \ **■ OF the life of Herodotus, the Father of History, little is known. The date commonly accepted for his birth is 484 b. c, and he is supposed not to have survived the year 424. Both dates rest on combinations. He was a native of Halicarnassus, a Dorian city of Caria, and was proud of his Doric blood. But the Doric speech of Halicarnassus was in time supplanted by the Ionic, which was the prevalent Asiatic type of Greek, and in a Halicarnassian inscription of 455 b. c. only the opening formula is Doric. Halicarnassus was thrust out of the Dorian league because of a sin which one of the citizens had committed against the majesty of Apollo, and fell first under Lydian and then under Persian sway. At the time of Herodotus's birth it was held as a fief of the Persian Empire by Artemisia, the high-hearted heroine of Salamis. Herodotus was of a noble family, the son of Lyxes and Dryo, or Rhoio, and a kinsman of Panyassis, the diviner, the poet, the reviver of the epic. What the relation was is not clear. Intermarriage among the Greeks was often complex, and Panyassis, his mother's brother, may readily have been his father's nephew. At all events, the connection with Pany- assis lends especial significance to the Herodotean weakness for dreams and omens, signs and wonders, and makes still more intelligible the historian's familiarity with epic poetry, and the epic cast and colouring of his narrative ; and when we read that Herodotus undertook a long voyage in order to investigate the origin of the worship of Tyrian Heracles, we recollect that Panyassis composed a Heracleis. More im- I^JPZW 57905 iv HERODOTUS portant still was the political work of Panyassis, who perished in an unsuccessful revolt against Lygdamis, grandson or haply younger son of Artemisia. After the death of Panyassis, Herodotus, who may have been implicated in the affair, is sup- posed to have withdrawn to Samos, and it is recorded that he bore a conspicuous part in the revolution that unseated Lygdamis in 455. In 454 the name of Halicarnassus appears on the roll of the Athenian allies who paid their quota to the fund levied for resistance to Persia. But faction begets faction, and Herodotus, who had ousted Lygdamis, was himself forced to withdraw, and we find him registered among those who joined the Athenian colony of Thurii, in Lower Italy, founded in 444. Hence he is sometimes called a Thurian. His tomb was there, but another tomb was shown in Athens, the city he loved so well. Shortly before going to Thurii he is said to have read a portion of his histories at Athens — which por- tion is much disputed — and to have received a public reward of ten talents for his praise of the violet-wreathed city. The amount is extravagant ; the story reminds one of the old tale about Pindar, but a public recitation is not at all improb- able, nor a public recognition of some kind. Much of his time was spent in travel. What the modern historian finds useful for giving vividness and exactness to his narrative the ancient historian found indispensable for the collection of material. The day of the bookworm his- torians, whose journeys were limited to papyrus and to parch- ment, had not yet come. In point of fact, the geographer and the historian were one in the early time, and the differ- entiation did not take place until a comparatively late period. History (l takes place, a supernatural impulse seizes on the cats. For the Egyptians, standing at a distance, take care of the cats, and neglect to put out the fire; but the cats, making their escape, and leaping over the men, throw themselves into the fire; and when this happens great lamentations are made among the Egyptians. In whatever house a cat dies of a natu- ral death, all the family shave their eyebrows only; but if a dog die, they shave the whole body and the .head. All cats that die are carried to certain sacred houses, where, being first embalmed, they are buried in the city of Bubastis. All persons bury their dogs in sacred vaults within their own city ; and ichneumons are buried in the same manner as the dogs : but field-mice and hawks they carry to the city of Buto; the ibis to Hermopolis ; the bears, which are few in number, and the wolves, which are not much larger than foxes, they bury wherever they are found lying. -^ The following is the nature of the crocodile : During the four coldest months it eats nothing, and though it has four feet, it is amphibious. It lays its eggs on land, and there hatches them. It spends the greater part of the day on the dry ground, but the whole night in the river ; for the water is then warmer than the air and dew. Of all living things with which we are acquainted, this, from the least beginning, grows to be the largest. For it lays eggs little larger than those of a goose, and the young is at first in proportion to the egg ; but when grown up it reaches to the length of seven- teen cubits, and even more. It has the eyes of a pig, large teeth, and projecting tusks, in proportion to the body: it is the only animal that has no tongue : it does not move the lower jaw, but is the only animal that brings down its upper jaw to the under one. It has strong claws, and a skin covered with scales, that can not be broken on the back. It is blind in the water, but very quick-sighted on land ; and because it lives for the most part in the water, its mouth is filled with leeches. All other birds and beasts avoid him, but he is at HO HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [68-73 peace with the trochilus, because he receives benefit from that bird. For when the crocodile gets out of the water on land, and then opens its jaws, which it does most commonly toward the west, the trochilus enters its mouth and swallows the leeches : the crocodile is so well pleased with this service that it never hurts the trochilus. With some of the Egyptians crocodiles are sacred; with others not, but they treat them as enemies. Those who dwell about Thebes and Lake Mceris consider them to be very sacred ; and they each of them train up a crocodile, which is taught to be quite tame; and they put crystals and gold ear-rings into their ears, and bracelets on their fore paws ; and they give them appointed and sacred food, and treat them as well as possible while alive, and when dead they embalm them, and bury them in sacred vaults. But the people who dwell about the city of Elephantine eat them, not considering them sacred. They are not called crocodiles by the Egyptians, but " champsae ; the Ionians gave them the name of crocodiles, because they thought they resembled lizards, which are also so called, and which are found in the hedges in their country. The modes of taking the crocodile are many and various, but I shall only describe that which seems to me most worthy of relation. When the fisherman has baited a hook with the chine of a pig, he lets it down into the middle of the river, and, holding a young live pig on the brink of the river, beats it ; the crocodile, hearing the noise, goes in its direction, and meeting with the chine, swallows it ; but the men draw it to land : when it is drawn out on shore, the sportsman first of all plasters its eyes with mud ; and having done this, afterward manages it very easily ; but until he has done this, he has a great deal of trouble. The hippopotamus is esteemed sacred in the district of Papremis, but not so by the rest of the Egyptians. This is the nature of its shape : It is a quadruped, cloven-footed, with the hoofs of an ox, snub-nosed, has the mane of a horse, projecting tusks, and the tail and neigh of a horse. In size he is equal to a very large ox : his hide is so thick that spear-handles are made of it when dry. Otters are also met with in the river, which are deemed sacred : and among fish, they consider that which is called the lepidotus, and the eel, sacred ; these they say are sacred to the Nile; and among birds, the vulpanser. There is also another sacred bird, called the phoenix, which I have never seen except in a picture ; for it seldom makes its appearance among them, only once in five hundred years, as the Heliopolitans affirm : they say that it comes on the death of its sire. If he is like the picture, he is of the follow- 73-76] CUSTOMS OF THE EGYPTIANS IU ing size and description : The plumage of his wings is partly golden-coloured, and partly red ; in outline and size he is very like an eagle. They say that he has the following contrivance, which in my opinion is not credible. They say that he comes from Arabia, and brings the body of his father to the temple of the sun, having inclosed him in myrrh, and there buries him in the temple. He brings him in this manner : first he moulds an egg of myrrh as large as he is able to carry ; then he tries to carry it, and when he has made the experiment, he hollows out the egg, and puts his parent into it, and stops up with some more myrrh the hole through which he had introduced the body, so when his father is put inside, the weight is the same as before : then, having covered it over, he car- ries him to the temple of the sun in Egypt. This they say is done by this bird. In the neighbourhood of Thebes there are sacred serpents not at all hurtful to men : they are diminutive in size, and carry two horns that grow on the top of the head. When these serpents die they bury them in the Temple of Jupiter, for they say they are sacred to that god. There is a place in Arabia, situated very near the city of Buto, to which I went, on hearing of some winged serpents ; and when I arrived there, I saw bones and spines of serpents, in such quantities as it would be impossible to describe : there were heaps of these spinal bones, some large, some smaller, and others still less ; and there were great numbers of them. The place in which these spinal bones lay scattered is of the following de- scription : It is a narrow pass between two mountains into a spacious plain; this plain is contiguous to the plain of Egypt : it is reported, that at the beginning of spring, winged serpents fly from Arabia toward Egypt ; but that ibises, a sort of bird, meet them at the pass, and do not allow the serpents to go by, but kill them: for this service the Arabians say that the ibis is highly reverenced by the Egyptians ; and the Egyptians acknowledge that they reverence these birds for this reason. The ibis is of the following description : It is all over a deep black, it has the legs of a crane, its beak is much curved, and it is about the size of the crex. Such is the form of the black ones, that fight with the serpents. But those that are commonly conversant among men (for there are two species) are bare on the head and the whole neck ; have white plumage, except on the head, the throat, and the tips of the wings and extremity of the tail ; in all these parts that I have mentioned they are of a deep black ; in their legs and beak they are like the other kind. The form of the serpent is like 112 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [76-80 that of the water-snake; but he has wings without feathers, and as like as possible to the wings of a bat. This must suf- fice for the description of sacred animals. Of the Egyptians, those who inhabit that part of Egypt which is sown with corn, in that they cultivate the memory of past events more than any other men, are the best informed of all with whom I have had intercourse. Their manner of life is this : They purge themselves every month, three days suc- cessively, seeking to preserve health by emetics and clysters, for they suppose that all diseases to which men are subject proceed from the food they use. And indeed in other respects the Egyptians, next to the Libyans, are the most healthy peo- ple in the world, as I think, on account of the seasons, because they are not liable to change; for men are most subject to disease at periods of change, and above all others at the change of the seasons. They feed on bread of spelt, made into loaves, which they call cyllestis ; and they use wine made of barley, for they have no vines in that country. Some fish they dry in the sun, and eat raw, others salted with brine ; and of birds they eat quails, ducks, and smaller birds raw, having first salted them : all other things, whether birds or fishes, that they have, except such as are accounted sacred, they eat either roasted or boiled. At their convivial banquets, among the wealthy classes, when they have finished supper, a man carries round in a coffin the image of a dead body carved in wood, made as like as possible in colour and workmanship, and in size generally about one or two cubits in length ; and showing this to each of the company, he says : " Look upon this, then drink and enjoy yourself; for when dead you will be like this." This practice they have at their drinking parties. They observe their ancient customs, but acquire no new ones. Among other memorable customs, they have one song, Linus, which is sung in Phoenicia, Cyprus, and elsewhere ; in different nations it bears a different name, but it agrees so exactly as to be the same which the Greeks sing, under the name of Linus. So that among the many wonderful things seen in Egypt, this is especially wonderful, whence they got this Linus ; for they seem to have sung it from time imme- morial. The Linus in the Egyptian language is called Maneros ; and the Egyptians say that he was the only son of the first King of Egypt, and that happening to die prema- turely, he was honoured by the Egyptians in this mourning dirge : and this is the first and only song they have. In this other particular the Egyptians resemble the Lacedaemonians only among all the Grecians : the young men when they meet 80-86] CUSTOMS OF THE EGYPTIANS 113 their elders give way and turn aside; and when they ap- proach, rise from their seats. In the following custom they do not resemble any nation of the Greeks : instead of ad- dressing one another in the streets, they salute by letting the hand fall down as far as the knee. They wear linen tunics fringed round the legs, which they call calasiris, and over these they throw white woollen mantles ; woollen clothes, however, are not carried into the temples, nor are they buried with them, for that is accounted profane. In this respect they agree with the worshippers of Orpheus and Bacchus, who are Egyptians and Pythagoreans. For it is considered pro- fane for one who is initiated in these mysteries to be buried in woollen garments, and a religious reason is given for this custom. These other things were also invented by the Egyptians : each month and day is assigned to some particular god ; and according to the day on which each person is born, they de- termine what will befall him, how he will die, and what kind of person he will be. And these things the Grecian poets have made use of. They have also discovered more prodigies than all the rest of the world ; for when any prodigy occurs, they carefully observe and write down the result ; and if a similar occurrence should happen afterward they think the result will be the same. The art of divination is in this condition : it is attributed to no human being, but only to some of the gods. For they have among them an oracle of Hercules, Apollo, Minerva, Diana, Mars, and Jupiter ; and that which they hon- our above all others is the oracle of Latona in the city of Buto. Their modes of delivering oracles, however, are not all alike, but differ from each other. The art of medicine is thus di- vided among them : each physician applies himself to one dis- ease only, and not more. All places abound in physicians; some physicians are for the eyes, others for the head, others for the teeth, others for the parts about the belly, and others for internal disorders. Their manner of mourning and burying is as follows: When in a family a man of any consideration dies, all the women of that family besmear their heads and faces with mud, and then leaving the body in the house, they wander about the city, and beat themselves, having their clothes girt up, and exposing their breasts, and all their relations accompany them. On the other hand, the men beat themselves, being girt up, in like manner. When they have done this, they carry out the body to be embalmed. There are persons who are appointed for this very purpose; they, when the dead 8 114 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [86-88 body is brought to them, show to the bearers wooden models of corpses, made exactly like by painting. And they show that which they say is the most expensive manner of em- balming, the name of which I do not think it right to men- tion on such an occasion ; they then show the second, which is inferior and less expensive; and then the third, which is the cheapest. Having explained them all, they learn from them in what way they wish the body to be prepared; then the relatives, when they have agreed on the price, depart ; but the embalmers remaining in the workshops thus proceed to embalm in the most expensive manner. First they draw out the brains through the nostrils with an iron hook, taking part of it out in this manner, the rest by the infusion of drugs. Then with a sharp Ethiopian stone they make an incision in the side, and take out all the bowels ; and having cleansed the abdomen and rinsed it with palm-wine, they next sprinkle it with pounded perfumes. Then having filled the belly with pure myrrh pounded, and cassia, and other perfumes, frank- incense excepted, they sew it up again; and when they have done this, they steep it in natrum, leaving it under for seventy days; for a longer time than this it is not lawful to steep it. At the expiration of the seventy days they wash the corpse, and wrap the whole body in bandages of flaxen cloth, smear- ing it with gum, which the Egyptians commonly use instead of glue. After this the relatives, having taken the body back again, make a wooden case in the shape of a man, and hav- ing made it, they inclose the body ; and thus, having fastened it up, they store it in a sepulchral chamber, setting it upright against the wall. In this manner they prepare the bodies that are embalmed in the most expensive way. Those who, avoid- ing great expense, desire the middle way, they prepare in the following manner: When they have charged their syringes with oil made from cedar, they fill the abdomen of the corpse without making any incision or taking out the bowels, but inject it at the fundament; and having prevented the injec- tion from escaping, they steep the body in natrum for the prescribed number of days, and on the last day they let out from the abdomen the oil of cedar which they had before in- jected, and it has such power that it brings away the intestines and vitals in a state of dissolution; the natrum dissolves the flesh, and nothing of the body remains but the skin and the bones. When they have done this they return the body with- out any further operation. The third method of embalming is this, which is used only for the poorer sort: Having thor- oughly rinsed the abdomen in syrmaea, they steep it with 88-91] CUSTOMS OF THE EGYPTIANS 115 natrum for the seventy days, and then deliver it to be carried away. But the wives of considerable persons, when they die, they do not immediately deliver to be embalmed, nor such women as are very beautiful and of celebrity, but when they have been dead three or four days they then deliver them to the embalmers ; and they do this for the following reason, that the embalmers may not abuse the bodies of such women ; for they say that one man was detected in abusing a body that was fresh, and that a fellow-workman informed against him. Should any person, whether Egyptian or stranger, no matter which, be found to have been seized by a crocodile, or drowned in the river, to whatever city the body may be carried the inhabitants are by law compelled to have the body embalmed, and, having adorned it in the handsomest manner, to bury it in the sacred vaults. Nor is it lawful for any one else, whether relatives or friends, to touch him ; but the priests of the Nile bury the corpse with their own hands, as being something more than human. They avoid using Grecian customs; and, in a word, the customs of all other people whatsoever. All the other Egyp- tians are particular in this. But there is a large city called Chemmis, situated in the Thebaic district, near Neapolis, in which is a quadrangular temple dedicated to Perseus, the son of Danae; palm trees grow round it, and the portico is of stone, very spacious, and over it are placed two large stone statues. In this inclosure is a temple, and in it is placed a statue of Perseus. The Chemmitse affirm that Perseus has frequently appeared to them on earth, and frequently within the temple, and that a sandal worn by him is sometimes found, which is two cubits in length; and that after its appearance all Egypt flourishes. This they affirm. They adopt the fol- lowing Grecian customs in honour of Perseus : they cele- brate gymnastic games, embracing every kind of contest ; and they give as prizes, cattle, cloaks, and skins. When I in- quired why Perseus appeared only to them, and why they differed from the rest of the Egyptians, in holding gymnastic games, they answered that Perseus derived his origin from their city ; for that Danaus and Lynceus, who were both na- tives of Chemmis, sailed from them into Greece ; and tracing the descent down from them, they came to Perseus; and that he coming to Egypt, for the same reason as the Greeks allege, in order to bring away the Gorgon's head from Libya, they affirm that he came to them also and acknowledged all his kindred; and that when he came to Egypt he was well acquainted with the name of Chemmis, having heard it from Il6 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [91-93 his mother: they add that by his order they instituted gym- nastic games in honour of him. The Egyptians who dwell above the morasses observe all these customs; but those who live in the morasses have the same customs as the rest of the Egyptians, and as in other things, so in this, that each man has but one wife, like the Greeks. But to obtain food more easily, they have the follow- ing inventions : When the river is full, and has made the plains like a sea, great numbers of lilies, which the Egyp- tians call lotus, spring up in the water : these they gather and dry in the sun ; then having pounded the middle of the lotus, which resembles a poppy, they make bread of it and bake it. The root also of this lotus is fit for food, and is tolerably sweet ; and is round, and of the size of an apple. There are also other lilies, like roses, that grow in the river, the fruit of which is contained in a separate pod, that springs up from the root in form very like a wasp's nest ; in this there are many berries fit to be eaten, of the size of an olive stone, and they are eaten both fresh and dried. The byblus, which is an annual plant, when they have pulled it up in the fens, they cut off the top of it and put to some other uses, but the lower part that is left, to the length of a cubit, they eat and sell. Those who are anxious to eat the byblus dressed in the most delicate manner, stew it in a hot pan and then eat it. Some of them live entirely on fish, which they catch, and gut, and dry in the sun, and then eat them dried. Fishes that are gregarious are seldom found in the rivers, but being bred in the lakes, they proceed as follows : When the desire of engendering comes upon them, they swim out in shoals to the sea; the males lead the way, scattering the sperm ; and the females following swallow it, and are thus impregnated. When they find themselves full in the sea, they swim back, each to their accustomed haunts ; however, the males no longer take the lead, but this is done by females : they, leading the way in shoals, do as the males did before; for they scatter their spawn by degrees, and the males fol- lowing devour them ; but from the spawn that escapes and are not devoured, the fish that grow up are engendered. Any of these fish that happen to be taken in their passage toward the sea are found bruised on the left side of the head; but those that are taken on their return are bruised on the right ; and this proceeds from the following cause : they swim out to the sea, keeping close to the land on the left side, and when they swim back again they keep to the same shore, hugging it and touching it as much as possible, for fear of losing their 93-96] CUSTOMS OF THE EGYPTIANS 117 way by the stream. When the Nile begins to overflow, the hollow parts of the land and the marshes near the river first begin to be filled by the water oozing through from the river ; and as soon as they are full, they are immediately filled with little fishes; the reason of which, as I conjecture, is this: in the preceding year, when the Nile retreated, the fish that had deposited their eggs in the marshy ground went away with the last of the waters ; but when, as the time came round, the water has risen again, fishes are immediately produced from these eggs. Thus it happens with respect to the fishes. The Egyptians who live about the fens use an oil drawn from the fruit of the sillicypria, which they call cici ; and they make it in the following manner : They plant these sillicypria, which in Greece grow spontaneous and wild, on the banks of the rivers and lakes : these, when planted in Egypt, bear abundance of fruit, though of an offensive smell. When they have gathered it, some bruise it and press out the oil ; others boil and stew it, and collect the liquid that flows from it ; this is fat, and no less suited for lamps than olive-oil ; but it emits an offensive smell. They have the following contrivance to protect themselves from the mosquitoes, which abound very much : the towers are of great service to those who inhabit the upper parts of the marshes ; for the mosquitoes are pre- vented by the winds from flying high ; but those who live round the marshes have contrived another expedient instead of the towers. Every man has a net, with which in the day he takes fish, and at night uses it in the following manner: In whatever bed he sleeps, he throws the net around it, and then getting in, sleeps under it: if he should wrap himself up in his clothes or in linen, the mosquitoes would bite through them, but they never attempt to bite through the net. Their ships in which they convey merchandise are made of the acacia, which in shape is very like the Cyrensean lotus, and its exudation is gum. From this acacia they cut planks about two cubits in length, and join them together like bricks, building their ships in the following manner: they fasten the planks of two cubits length round stout and long ties : when they have thus built the hulls, they lay benches across them. They make no use of ribs, but calk the seams inside with byblus. They make only one rudder, and that is driven through the keel. They use a mast of acacia, and sails of byblus. These vessels are unable to sail up the stream unless a fair wind prevails, but are towed from the shore. They are thus carried down the stream : there is a hurdle made of tamarisk, wattled with a band of reeds, and a stone bored 118 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [96-99 through the middle, of about two talents in weight ; of these two, the hurdle is fastened to a cable, and let down at the prow of the vessel to be carried on by the stream ; and the stone by another cable at the stern ; and by this means the hurdle, by the stream bearing hard upon it, moves quickly and draws along " the baris " (for this is the name given to these vessels), but the stone being dragged at the stern, and sunk to the bottom, keeps the vessel in its course. They have very many of these vessels, and some of them carry many thousand tal- ents. When the Nile inundates the country, the cities alone are seen above its surface, very like the islands in the JEgean Sea; for all the rest of Egypt becomes a sea, and the cities alone are above the surface. When this happens, they navi- gate no longer by the channel of the river, but across the plain. To a person sailing from Naucratis to Memphis, the passage is by the pyramids; this, however, is not the usual course, but by the point of the Delta and the city of Cerca- sorus ; and in sailing from the sea and Canopus to Naucratis across the plain, you will pass by the city of Anthylla and that called Archandropolis. Of these, Anthylla, which is a city of importance, is assigned to purchase shoes for the wife of the reigning King of Egypt ; and this has been so as long as Egypt has been subject to the Persians. The other city appears to me to derive its name from the son-in-law of Da- naus, Archander, son of Phthius, and grandson of Achseus; for it is called Archandropolis. There may, indeed, have been another Archander, but the name is certainly not Egyptian. Hitherto I have related what I have seen, what I have thought, and what I have learned by inquiry: but from this point I proceed to give the Egyptian account according to what I heard ; and there is added to it something also of my own observation. The priests informed me that Menes, who first ruled over Egypt, in the first place protected Memphis by a mound ; for the whole river formerly ran close to the sandy mountain on the side of Libya ; but Menes, beginning about a hundred stades above Memphis, filled in the elbow toward the south, dried up the old channel, and conducted the river into a canal, so as to make it flow between the moun- tains : 1 this bend of the Nile, which flows excluded from its ancient course, is still carefully upheld by the Persians, being made secure every year ; for if the river should break through and overflow in this part there would be danger lest all Mem- phis should be flooded. When the part cut off had been made firm land by this Menes, who was first king, he in the first 1 That is, those of Arabia and Libya. 99-102] SESOSTRIS II9 place built on it the city that is now called Memphis; for Memphis is situated in the narrow part of Egypt; and out- side of it he excavated a lake from the river toward the north and the west; for the Nile itself bounds it toward the east. In the next place, they relate that he built in it the Temple of Vulcan, which is vast and well worthy of mention. After this the priests enumerated from a book the names of three hun- dred and thirty other kings. In so many generations of men there were eighteen Ethiopians and one native queen ; the rest were Egyptians. The name of this woman who reigned was the same as that of the Babylonian queen, Nitocris : they said that she avenged her brother, whom the Egyptians had slain, while reigning over them ; and after they had slain him, they then delivered the kingdom to her; and she, to avenge him, destroyed many of the Egyptians by stratagem: for having caused an extensive apartment to be made under ground, she pretended that she was going to consecrate it, but in reality had another design in view: and having invited those of the Egyptians whom she knew to have been principally concerned in the murder, she gave a great banquet, and when they were feasting she let in the river upon them, through a large con- cealed channel. This is all they related of her, except that, when she had done this, she threw herself into a room full of ashes in order that she might escape punishment. Of the other kings they did not mention any memorable deeds, nor that they were in any respect renowned, except one, the last of them, Mceris ; but he accomplished some memorable works, as the portal of Vulcan's temple, facing the north wind ; and dug a lake (the dimensions of which I shall describe here- after), and built pyramids in it, the size of which I shall also mention when I come to speak of the lake itself. He, then, achieved these several works, but none of the others achieved anything. Having therefore passed them by, I shall proceed to make mention of the king that came after them, whose name was Sesostris. The priests said that he was the first who, setting out in ships of war from the Arabian Gulf, subdued those na- tions that dwell by the Red Sea ; until sailing onward, he ar- rived at a sea which was not navigable on account of the shoals ; and afterward, when he came back to Egypt, accord- ing to the report of the priest, he assembled a large army, and marched through the continent, subduing every nation that he fell in with ; and wherever he met with any who were valiant, and who were very ardent in defence of their liberty, he erected columns in their territory, with inscriptions de- 120 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [102-105 daring his own name and country, and how he had conquered them by his power: but when he subdued any cities without fighting and easily, he made inscriptions on columns in the same way as among the nations that had proved themselves valiant ; and he had besides engraved on them the secret parts of a woman, wishing to mke it known that they were cow- ardly. Thus doing, he traversed the continent, until, having crossed from Asia, into Europe, he subdued the Scythians and Thracians : to these the Egyptian army appears to me to have reached, and no farther; for in their country the col- umns appear to have been erected, but nowhere beyond them. From thence, wheeling round, he went back again ; and when he arrived at the river Phasis, I am unable after this to say with certainty whether King Sesostris himself, having de- tached a portion of his army, left them there to settle in that country, or whether some of the soldiers, being wearied with his wandering expedition, of their own accord remained by the river Phasis. For the Colchians were evidently Egyptians, and I say this, having myself observed it before I heard it from others ; and as it was a matter of interest to me, I in- quired of both people, and the Colchians had more recollec- tion of the Egyptians than the Egyptians had of the Colchians ; yet the Egyptians said that they thought the Colchians were descended from the army of Sesostris ; and I formed my con- jecture, not only because they are swarthy and curly-headed, for this amounts to nothing, because others are so likewise, but chiefly from the following circumstances, because the Col- chians, Egyptians, and Ethiopians are the only nations of the world who, from the first, have practised circumcision. For the Phoenicians, and the Syrians in Palestine, acknowledge that they learned the custom from the Egyptians; and the Syrians about Thermodon and the river Parthenius, with their neighbours the Macrones, confess that they very lately learned the same custom from the Colchians. And these are the only nations that are circumcised, and thus appear evidently to act in the same manner as the Egyptians. But of the Egyp- tians and Ethiopians I am unable to say which learned it from the other, for it is evidently a very ancient custom. And this appears to me a strong proof that the Phoenicians learned this practice through their intercourse with the Egyptians, for all the Phoenicians who have any commerce with Greece no longer imitate the Egyptians in this usage, but abstain from circumcising their children. I will now mention another fact respecting the Colchians, how they resemble the Egyptians. They alone and the Egyptians manufacture linen in the same 105-108] EXPEDITION OF SESOSTRIS 121 manner; and the whole way of living, and the language, is similar in both nations ; but the Colchian linen is called by the Greeks Sardonic, though that which comes from Egypt is called Egyptian. As to the pillars which Sesostris, King of Egypt, erected in the different countries, most of them are evidently no longer in existence, but in Syrian Palestine I myself saw some still remaining, and the inscriptions before mentioned still on them. There are also in Ionia two im- ages of this king, carved on rocks, one on the way from Ephesia to Phocsea, the other from Sardis to Smyrna. In both places a man is carved, four cubits and a half high, holding a spear in his right hand, and in his left a bow, and the rest of his equipment in unison, for it is partly Egyp- tian and partly Ethiopian ; from one shoulder to the other across the breast extend sacred Egyptian characters en- graved, which have the following meaning : " I acquired this region by my own shoulders." Who or whence he is, he does not here show, but has elsewhere made known. Some who have seen these monuments have conjectured them to be images of Memnon, herein being very far from the truth. The priests said moreover of this Egyptian Sesostris, that returning and bringing with him many men from the nations whose territories he had subdued, when he arrived at the Pelu- sian Daphnse, his brother, to whom he had committed the government of Egypt, invited him to an entertainment, and his sons with him, and caused wood to be piled up round the house, and having caused it to be piled up, set it on fire : but that Sesostris, being informed of this, immediately consulted with his wife, for he took his wife with him ; and she advised him to extend two of his six sons across the fire, and form a bridge over the burning mass, and that the rest should step on them and make their escape. Sesostris did so, and two of his sons were in this manner burned to death, but the rest, together with their father, were saved. Sesostris hav- ing returned to Egypt, and taken revenge on his brother, employed the multitude of prisoners whom he brought from the countries he had subdued, in the following works : these were the persons who drew the huge stones which, in the time of this king, were conveyed to the Temple of Vulcan; they, too, were compelled to dig all the canals now seen in Egypt; by their involuntary labour they made Egypt, which before was throughout practicable for horses and carriages, unfit for these purposes; for from that time Egypt, though it was one level plain, became impassable for horses or car- 122 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [108-111 riages ; and this is caused by the canals, which are numerous and in every direction. But the king intersected the country for this reason : such of the Egyptians as occupied the cities not on the river, but inland, when the river receded, being in want of water, were forced to use a brackish beverage which they drew from wells; and for this reason Egypt was inter- sected. They said also that this king divided the country among all the Egyptians, giving an equal square allotment to each ; and from thence he drew his revenues, having re- quired them to pay a fixed tax every year; but if the river happened to take away a part of any one's allotment, he was to come to him and make known what had happened ; where- upon the king sent persons to inspect and measure how much the land was diminished, that in future he might pay a pro- portionate part of the appointed tax. Hence land-measuring appears to me to have had its beginning, and to have passed over into Greece ; for the pole and the sun-dial, and the divi- sion of the day into twelve parts, the Greeks learned from the Babylonians. This king was the only Egyptian that ruled over Ethiopia ; and he left as memorials before Vulcan's Temple statues of stone; two of thirty cubits, himself and his wife ; and his four sons, each of twenty cubits. A long time afterward, the priest of Vulcan would not suffer Darius the Persian to place his statue before them, saying that deeds had not been achieved by him equal to those of Sesos- tris the Egyptian: for that Sesostris had subdued other na- tions, not fewer than Darius had done, and the Scythians besides ; but that Darius was not able to conquer the Scythi- ans; wherefore it was not right for one who had not sur- passed him in achievements to place his statue before his offer- ings. They relate, however, that Darius pardoned these ob- servations. After the death of Sesostris, they said that his son Pheron succeeded to the kingdom ; that he undertook no military ex- pedition, and happened to become blind through the follow- ing occurrence: The river having risen a very great height for that time, to eighteen cubits, when it overflowed the fields, a storm of wind arose, and the river was tossed about in waves ; whereupon they say that the king with great arro- gance laid hold of a javelin, and threw it into the midst of the eddies of the river; and that immediately afterward he was seized with a pain in his eyes, and became blind. He continued blind for ten years; but in the eleventh year an oracle reached him from the city of Buto, importing that the time of his punishment was expired, and he should re- m-113] PHERON AND PROTEUS 123 cover his sight by washing his eyes with the urine of a woman who had had intercourse with her own husband only, and had known no other man. He therefore made trial of his own wife first, and afterward, when he did not recover his sight, he made trial of others indifferently; and at length having recovered his sight, he collected the women of whom he had made trial, except the one by washing with whose urine he had recovered his sight, into one city, which is now called Erythrebolus, and when he had assembled them together he had them all burned, together with the city ; but the woman, by washing in whose urine he recovered his sight, he took to himself to wife. Having escaped from this calamity in his eyes, he dedicated other offerings throughout all the cele- brated temples, and, what is most worthy of mention, he dedi- cated to the temple of the sun works worthy of admiration, two stone obelisks, each consisting of one stone, and each a hundred cubits in length and eight cubits in breadth. They said that a native of Memphis succeeded him in the kingdom, whose name in the Grecian language is Proteus : there is to this day an inclosure sacred to him at Memphis, which is very beautiful and richly adorned, situated to the south side of the Temple of Vulcan. Tyrian Phoenicians dwell round this inclosure, and the whole tract is called the Tyrian camp. In this inclosure of Proteus is a temple which is called after the foreign Venus: and I conjecture that this is the Temple of Helen, the daughter of Tyndarus, both because I have heard that Helen lived with Proteus, and also because it is named from the foreign Venus : for of all the other tem- ples of Venus, none is anywhere called by the name of foreign. When I inquired about Helen, the priests told me that the case was thus : That when Paris had carried Helen off from Sparta, he sailed away to his own country, and when he was in the yEgean, violent winds drove him out of his course into the Egyptian Sea, and from thence, for the gale did not abate, he came to Egypt, and in Egypt to that which is now called the Canopic mouth of the Nile, and to Taricheae. On that shore stood a Temple of Hercules, which remains to this day ; in which, if the slave of any person whatsoever takes refuge and has sacred marks impressed on him, so devoting himself to the god, it is not lawful to lay hands on him. This custom continues the same to my time, as it was from the first. The attendants of Paris, therefore, when informed of the custom that prevailed respecting the temple, revolted from him, and sitting as suppliants of the god, accused Paris with a view to injure him, relating the whole account how things stood 124 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [113-116 with regard to Helen, and his injustice toward Menelaus. These accusations were made to the priests, and the governor of that mouth, whose name was Thonis. Thonis having heard this, immediately sent a message to Proteus at Memphis, to the following effect : " A stranger of Trojan race has arrived, after having committed a nefarious deed in Greece ; for, hav- ing beguiled the wife of his own host, he has brought her with him, and very great treasures, having been driven by winds to this land. Whether, then, shall we allow him to depart unmolested, or shall we seize what he has brought with him ? " Proteus sent back a messenger with the following answer: " Seize this man, whoever he may be, that has acted so wick- edly toward his host, and bring him to me, that I may know what he will say for himself." Thonis having received this message, seized Paris, and detained his ships; and then sent him up to Memphis with Helen and his treasures, and besides the suppliants also. When all were carried up, Proteus asked Paris who he was, and whence he had sailed ; and he gave him an account of his family, and told him the name of his country, and moreover described his voyage, and from whence he had set sail. Then Proteus asked him whence he got Helen ; and when Paris prevaricated in his account, and did not speak the truth, they who had become suppliants accused him, relating the whole account of his crime. At last Pro- teus pronounced this judgment, saying : " If I did not think it of great moment not to put any stranger to death who, being prevented by the winds from pursuing his course, has come to my territory, I would take vengeance on you on behalf of the Grecian, you basest of men, who, after you had met with hospitable treatment, have committed the most ne- farious deed : you seduced the wife of your host, and this did not content you, but having excited her passions, you have taken her away by stealth. Nor even did this content you, but you have also robbed the house of your host, and come hither with the spoils : now, therefore, since I deem it of great moment not to put a stranger to death, I will not suffer you to carry away this woman or this treasure, but I will keep them for your Grecian host until he please to come himself and take them away; as for you and your shipmates, I bid you depart out of my territory to some other within three days ; if not, you shall be treated as enemies." The priests gave this account of the arrival of Helen at the court of Proteus. And Homer appears to me to have heard this relation ; but it was not equally suited to epic poetry as the other which he has made use of, wherefore he has re- Ii6-n8] HELEN IN EGYPT 125 jected it, though he has plainly shown that he was acquainted with this account also. And this is evident, since he has described in the " Iliad " (and has nowhere else retraced his steps) the wanderings of Paris, how, while he was carrying off Helen, he was driven out of his course, and wandered to other places, and how he arrived at Sidon of Phoenicia : and he has mentioned it in the exploits of Diomede, his verses are as follows : " Where were the variegated robes, works of Sidonian women, which godlike Paris himself brought from Sidon, sailing over the wide sea, along the course by which he conveyed high-born Helen." x He mentions it also in the " Odyssey," in the following lines : " Such well-chosen drugs had the daughter of Jove, of excellent quality, which Poly- damna gave her, the Egyptian wife of Thonis, where the fruitful earth produces many drugs, many excellent when mixed, and many noxious." 2 Menelaus also says the follow- ing to Telemachus : " The gods detained me in Egypt, though anxious to return hither because I did not offer perfect heca- tombs to them." 3 He shows in these verses that he was acquainted with the wandering of Paris in Egypt ; for Syria borders on Egypt ; and the Phoenicians, to whom Sidon be- longs, inhabit Syria. From these verses, and this first passage especially, it is clear that Homer was not the author of the Cyprian verses, but some other person. For in the Cyprian verses it is said that Paris reached Ilium from Sparta on the third day, when he carried off Helen, having met with a favourable wind and a smooth sea ; whereas Homer in the " Iliad " says that he wandered far while taking her with him. And now I take my leave of Homer and the Cyprian verses. When I asked the priests whether the Greeks tell an idle story about the Trojan war, or not, they gave me the follow- ing answer, saying that they knew it by inquiry from Mene- laus himself: That after the rape of Helen, a vast army of Grecians came to the land of Teucria to assist Menelaus; and that when the army had landed and pitched their camp, they sent ambassadors to Ilium, and that Menelaus himself went with them : when they reached the walls, they demanded the restitution of Helen, and the treasures that Paris had stolen from him, and satisfaction for the injuries done : that the Trojans told the same story then and ever after, both when put to the oath and when not swearing, that they had neither Helen nor the treasures about which they were accused, but that they were all in Egypt; and that they could not with justice be answerable for what Proteus, the Egyptian king, 1 Iliad, vi: 289. ' Odyssey, iv: 227. 3 Odyssey, iv: 351. 126 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [118-120 had in his possession : but the Greeks, thinking they were derided by them, therefore besieged them until they took their city. When, after they had taken the fortifications, Helen was nowhere found, but they heard the same story as be- fore, then they gave credit to the first account, and sent Mene- laus himself to Proteus. When Menelaus reached Egypt, he sailed up to Memphis, and related the real truth : he both met with very hospitable entertainment, and received back Helen unharmed, and in addition all his treasures. Menelaus, however, though he met with this treatment, behaved very iniquitously to the Egyptians : for when he was desirous of sailing away, contrary winds detained him ; and when this continued the same for a long time, he had recourse to a nefarious expedient; for having taken two children of the people of the country, he sacrificed them ; but afterward, when it was discovered that he had done this deed, he was detested and persecuted by the Egyptians, and fled with his ships to Libya: whither he bent his course from thence, the Egyp- tians were unable to say; but of the above particulars they said they knew some by inquiry, and others, having taken place among themselves, they were able from their own knowl- edge to speak of with certainty. These things the priests of the Egyptians related ; and I myself agree with the ac- count that is given respecting Helen, from the following con- siderations : If Helen had been in Ilium, she would have been restored to the Grecians, whether Paris were willing or not. For surely Priam could not have been so infatuated, nor the others his relatives, as to be willing to expose their own per- sons, their children, and the city to danger, in order that Paris might cohabit with Helen. But even if at first they had taken this resolution, yet seeing that many of the other Trojans perished, whenever they engaged with the Greeks, and that on every occasion when a battle took place, two or three or even more of Priam's own sons fell, if we may speak on the authority of the epic poets — when such things hap- pened, I think, that if Priam himself were cohabiting with Helen, he would have restored her to the Greeks, in order to be delivered from such present evils. Neither would the king- dom devolve upon Paris, so that when Priam was now old, the administration of affairs should fall upon him ; but Hector, who was both older and more a man than he was, would succeed to the throne on the death of Priam ; nor did it be- come him to give way to his brother when acting unjustly, and this too when through his means so many evils were fall- ing on himself, and on all the rest of the Trojans. But indeed I20-I2I] THE TROJAN WAR 1 27 they had it not in their power to restore Helen, nor when they spoke the truth, did the Greeks give credit to them : provi- dence ordaining, as I am of opinion, that they, by utterly perishing, should make it clear to all men that for great crimes great punishments at the hands of the gods are in store. Thus these things have been related as they appear to me. The priests also informed me that Rhampsinitus succeeded Proteus in the kingdom: he left as a monument the portico of the Temple of Vulcan, fronting to the west ; and he erected two statues before the portico, twenty-five cubits high. Of these, the one standing to the north the Egyptians call Sum- mer; and that to the south, Winter: and the one that they call Summer, they worship and do honour to; but the one called Winter, they treat in a quite contrary way. This king, they said, possessed a great quantity of money, such as no one of the succeeding kings was able to surpass, or even nearly come up to; and he, wishing to treasure up his wealth in safety, built a chamber of stone, of which one of the walls adjoined the outside of the palace. But the builder, forming a plan against it, devised the following con- trivance : He fitted one of the stones so that it might be easily taken out by two men, or even one. When the chamber was finished, the king laid up his treasures in it ; but in course of time the builder, finding his end approaching, called his sons to him, for he had two, and described to them how (pro- viding for them that they might have abundant sustenance) he had contrived when building the king's treasury ; and hav- ing clearly explained to them everything relating to the re- moval of the stone, he gave them its dimensions, and told them, if they would observe his instructions, they would be stewards of the king's riches. He accordingly died, and the sons were not long in applying themselves to the work ; and having come by night to the palace, and having found the stone in the building, they easily removed it, and carried off a great quantity of treasure. When the king happened to open the chamber, he was astonished at seeing the vessels deficient in treasure ; but he was not able to accuse any one, as the seals were unbroken, and the chamber well secured. When, therefore, on his opening it two or three times, the treasures were always evidently diminished (for the thieves did not cease plundering), he adopted the following plan : He ordered traps to be made, and placed them round the vessels in which the treasures were. And when the thieves came as before, and one of them had entered, as soon as he went near a vessel he was straightway caught in the trap; perceiving, 128 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [121 therefore, in what a predicament he was, he immediately called to his brother, and told him what had happened, and bade him enter as quick as possible, and cut off his head, lest, if he was seen and recognised, he should ruin him also: the other thought that he spoke well, and did as he was advised ; then, having fitted in the stone, he returned home, taking with him his brother's head. When day came, the king, hav- ing entered the chamber, was astonished at seeing the body of the thief in the trap without the head, but the chamber secure, and without any means of entrance or exit. In this perplexity he contrived the following plan : he hung up the body of the thief from the wall, and having placed sentinels there, he ordered them to seize and bring before him whom- soever they should see weeping or expressing commiseration at the spectacle. The mother was greatly grieved at the body being suspended, and coming to words with her surviving son, commanded him, by any means he could, to contrive how he might take down and bring away the corpse of his brother; but, should he neglect to do so, she threatened to go to the king, and inform him that he had the treasures. When the mother treated her surviving son harshly, and when with many entreaties he was unable to persuade her, he con- trived the following plan : Having got some asses, and having filled some skins with wine, he put them on the asses, and then drove them along; but when he came near the sentinels that guarded the suspended corpse, having drawn out two or three of the necks of the skins that hung down, he loosened them ; and when the wine ran out, he beat his head, and cried out aloud, as if he knew not to which of the asses he should turn first : and the sentinels, when they saw wine flowing in abundance, ran into the road, with vessels in their hands, caught the wine that was being spilt, thinking it all their own gain ; but the man, feigning anger, railed bitterly against them all ; however, as the sentinels soothed him, he at length pre- tended to be pacified, and to forego his anger; at last he drove his asses out of the road, and set them to rights again. When more conversation passed, and one of the sentinels joked with him and moved him to laughter, he gave them another of the skins ; and they, just as they were, lay down and set to to drink and joined him to their party, and invited him to stay and drink with them ; he was persuaded, forsooth, and remained with them ; and as they treated him kindly dur- ing the drinking, he gave them another of the skins ; and the sentinels, having taken very copious draughts, became exceedingly drunk, and being overpowered by the wine, fell 121-122] THE TREASURE OF RHAMPSINITUS 129 asleep on the spot where they had been drinking. But he, as the night was far advanced, took down the body of his brother, and by way of insult shaved the right cheeks of all the sentinels ; then having laid the corpse on the asses, he drove home, having performed his mother's injunctions. The king, when he was informed that the body of the thief had been stolen, was exceedingly indignant, and resolving by any means to find out the contriver of this artifice, had recourse, as it is said, to the following plan, a design which to me seems incredible : He placed his own daughter in a brothel, and or- dered her to admit all alike to her embraces, but before they had intercourse with her, to compel each one to tell her what he had done during his life most clever and most wicked, and whosoever should tell her the facts relating to the thief, she was to seize, and not suffer him to escape. When, there- fore, the daughter did what her father commanded, the thief, having ascertained for what purpose this contrivance was had recourse to, and being desirous to outdo the king in crafti- ness, did as follows : Having cut off the arm of a fresh corpse at the shoulder, he took it with him under his cloak, and hav- ing gone in to the king's daughter, and being asked the same questions as all the rest were, he related that he had done the most wicked thing when he cut off his brother's head who was caught in a trap in the king's treasury; and the most clever thing when, having made the sentinels drunk, he took away the corpse of his brother that was hung up : she, when she heard this, endeavoured to seize him, but the thief in the dark held out to her the dead man's arm, and she seized it and held it fast, imagining that she had got hold of the man's own arm ; then the thief, having let it go, made his escape through the door. When this also was reported to the king, he was astonished at the shrewdness and daring of the man ; and at last, sending throughout all the cities, he caused a proclamation to be made, offering a free pardon, and promising great reward to the man, if he would discover himself. The thief, relying on this promise, went to the king's palace ; and Rhampsinitus greatly admired him and gave him his daughter in marriage, accounting him the most knowing of all men ; for that the Egyptians are superior to all others, but he was superior to the Egyptians. After this, they said that this king descended alive into the place which the Greeks call Hades, and there played at dice with Ceres, and sometimes won, and other times lost; and that he came up again and brought with him as a pres- ent from her a napkin of gold. On account of the descent of 9 130 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [122-124 Rhampsinitus, since he came back again they said that the Egyptians celebrated a festival : this I know they observed even in my time; but whether they held this feast for some other reason, or for that above mentioned, I am unable to say. However, on that same day, the priests, having woven a cloak, bind the eyes of one of their number with a scarf, and having conducted him with the cloak on him to the way that leads to the Temple of Ceres, they then return: upon which they say, this priest with his eyes bound is led by two wolves to the Temple of Ceres, twenty stades distant from the city, and afterward the wolves lead him back to the same place. Any person to whom such things appear credible may adopt the accounts given by the Egyptians; it is my object, how- ever, throughout the whole history, to write what I hear from each people. The Egyptians say that Ceres and Bacchus hold the chief sway in the infernal regions ; and the Egyp- tians also were the first who asserted the doctrine that the soul of man is immortal, and that when the body perishes it enters into some other animal, constantly springing into ex- istence; and when it has passed through the different kinds of terrestrial, marine, and aerial beings, it again enters into the body of a man that is born ; and that this revolution is made in three thousand years. Some of the Greeks have adopted this opinion, some earlier, others later, as if it were their own ; but although I knew their names I do not men- tion them. Now, they told me that in the reign of Rhampsinitus there was a perfect distribution of justice, and that all Egypt was in a high state of prosperity; but that after him Cheops, com- ing to reign over them, plunged into every kind of wicked- ness. For that, having shut up all the temples, he first of all forbade them to offer sacrifice, and afterward he ordered all the Egyptians to work for himself; some, accordingly, were appointed to draw stones from the quarries in the Arabian mountain down to the Nile, others he ordered to receive the stones when transported in vessels across the river, and to drag them to the mountain called the Libyan. And they worked to the number of a hundred thousand men at a time, each party during three months. The time during which the people were thus harassed by toil lasted ten years on the road which they constructed, along which they drew the stones, a work, in my opinion, not much less than the pyra- mid : for its length is five stades, and its width ten orgyse, and its height, where it is the highest, eight orgyse; and it is of polished stone, with figures carved on it: on this road then ■ BUILDING THE PYRAMIDS. Photogravure from a painting bv Gustavc Richter. 130 "US- npsinitus, since he came uted a ?• even in my time ; bu other reason, or for wever, 01 t ■ . east for n enters revoluti< the Greeks I ater, as if it do not n anfi ^re ti stones, s stone, w: -;. an on this 1 124-127] BUILDING THE PYRAMIDS 131 ten years were expended, and in forming the subterranean apartments on the hill, on which the pyramids stand, which he had made as a burial vault for himself, in an island, formed by draining a canal from the Nile. Twenty years were spent in erecting the pyramid itself: of this, which is square, each face is eight plethra, and the height is the same; it is com- posed of polished stones, and jointed with the greatest exact- ness ; none of the stones are less than thirty feet. This pyra- mid was built thus : in the form of steps, which some call crossse, others bomides. When they had first built it in this manner, they raised the remaining stones by machines made of short pieces of wood : having lifted them from the ground to the first range of steps, when the stone arrived there, it was put on another machine that stood ready on the first range ; and from this it was drawn to the second range on an- other machine ; for the machines were equal in number to the ranges of steps ; or they removed the machine, which was only one, and portable, to each range in succession, when- ever they wished to raise the stone higher ; for I should relate it in both ways, as it is related. The highest parts of it, there- fore, were first finished, and afterward they completed the parts next following; but last of all they finished the parts on the ground, and that were lowest. On the pyramid is shown an inscription, in Egyptian characters, how much was expended in radishes, onions, and garlics for the workmen; which the interpreter, as I well remember, reading the in- scription, told me amounted to one thousand six hundred tal- ents of silver. And if this be really the case, how much more was probably expended in iron tools, in bread, and in clothes for the labourers, since they occupied in building the works the time which I mentioned, and no short time besides, as I think, in cutting and drawing the stones, and in forming the subterranean excavations ! It is related that Cheops reached such a degree of infamy that, being in want of money, he prostituted his own daughter in a brothel, and ordered her to extort, they did not say how much ; but she exacted a cer- tain sum of money, privately, as much as her father ordered her; and she contrived to leave a monument of herself, and asked every one that came in to her to give her a stone to- ward the edifice she designed : of these stones they said the pyramid was built that stands in the middle of the three, be- fore the great pyramid, each side of which is a plethron and a half in length. The Egyptians say that this Cheops reigned fifty years ; and when he died, his brother Chephren suc- ceeded to the kingdom ; and he followed the same practices as 132 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [127-131 the other, both in other respects, and in building a pyramid ; which does not come up to the dimensions of his brother's, for I myself measured them; nor has it subterranean cham- bers; nor does a channel from the Nile flow to it, as to the other; but this flows through an artificial aqueduct round an island within, in which they say the body of Cheops is laid. Having laid the first course of variegated Ethiopian stones, less in height than the other by forty feet, he built it near the large pyramid. They both stand on the same hill, which is about a hundred feet high. Chephren, they said, reigned fifty- six years. Thus one hundred and six years are reckoned, during which the Egyptians suffered all kinds of calamities, and for this length of time the temples were closed and never opened. From the hatred they bear them, the Egyptians are not very willing to mention their names; but call the pyra- mids after Philition, a shepherd, who at that time kept his cattle in those parts. They said that after him, Mycerinus, son of Cheops, reigned over Egypt; that the conduct of his father was dis- pleasing to him; and that he opened the temples, and per- mitted the people, who were worn down to the last extremity, to return to their employments, and to sacrifices ; and that he made the most just decisions of all their kings. On this account, of all the kings that ever reigned in Egypt, they praise him most, for he both judged well in other respects, and more- over, when any man complained of his decision, he used to make him some present out of his own treasury and pacify his anger. To this Mycerinus, who was thus beneficent to- ward his subjects, and who followed these practices, the first beginning of misfortunes was the death of his daughter, who was his only child: whereupon he, being extremely afflicted with the calamity that had befallen him, and wishing to bury her in a more costly manner than usual, caused a hollow wooden image of a cow to be made, and then, having covered it with gold, he put the body of his deceased daughter into it. This cow was not interred in the ground, but even in my time was exposed to view, being in the city of Sais, placed in the royal palace, in a richly furnished chamber; and they burn near it all kinds of aromatics every day, and a lamp is kept burning by it throughout each night. In another chamber near to this cow are placed the images of Mycerinus's concu- bines, as the priests of Sais affirmed ; and indeed wooden stat- ues, about twenty in number, all formed naked, are placed there ; however, as to who they are, I am unable to say, ex- cept what was told me. Some people give the following ac- 131-134] MYCERINUS 133 count of this cow and these statues: That Mycerinus fell in love with his own daughter, and had intercourse with her against her will ; but afterward, they say, the girl strangled herself through grief, and he entombed her in this cow; but her mother cut off the hands of the servants who had be- trayed her daughter to the father ; and now their images have suffered the same that they did when alive. But these things, as I conjecture, are trifling fables, both in other respects and in what relates to the hands of the statues, for I myself saw that they had lost their hands from age, which were seen lying at their feet even in my time. The cow is in other parts covered with a purple cloth, but shows the head and the neck, covered over with very thick gold; and the orb of the sun imitated in gold is placed between the horns. The cow is not standing up, but kneeling ; in size it is equal to a large living cow. It is carried every year out of the chamber. When the Egyptians beat themselves for the god that is not to be named by me on this occasion, they then carry out the cow to the light ; for they say that she, when she was dying, en- treated her father Mycerinus to permit her to see the sun once every year. After the loss of his daughter, this second calam- ity befell this king: An oracle reached him from the city of Buto, importing that he had no more than six years to live, and should die in the seventh: but he, thinking this very hard, sent a reproachful message to the god, complaining that his father and uncle, who had shut up the temples, and paid no regard to the gods, and moreover had oppressed men, had lived long; whereas he who was religious must die so soon. But a second message came to him from the oracle, stating that for this very reason his life was shortened, be- cause he had not done what he ought to have done; for it was needful that Egypt should be afflicted during one hun- dred and fifty years ; and the two who were kings before him understood this, but he did not. When Mycerinus heard this, seeing that this sentence was now pronounced against him, he ordered a great number of lamps to be made, and having lighted them, whenever night came on, he drank and enjoyed himself, never ceasing night or day, roving about the marshes and groves, wherever he could hear of places most suited for pleasure : and he had recourse to this artifice for the purpose of convicting the oracle of falsehood, that by turning the nights into days, he might have twelve years instead of six. This king also left a pyramid much less than that of his father, being on each side twenty feet short of three plethra; 134 HERODOTUS— BOOK II, EUTERPE [134-136 it is quadrangular, and built half-way up of Ethiopian stone. Some of the Grecians erroneously say that this pyramid is the work of the courtesan Rhodopis ; but they evidently appear to me ignorant who Rhodopis was ; for they would not else have attributed to her the building such a pyramid, on which, so to speak, numberless thousands of talents were expended; besides, Rhodopis flourished in the reign of Amasis, and not at this time ; for she was very many years later than those kings who left these pyramids. By birth she was a Thracian, serv- ant to Iadmon, son of Hephaestopolis, a Samian, and fellow- servant with ^Esop, the writer of fables, for he too belonged to Iadmon, as is clearly proved by this circumstance: When the Delphians frequently made proclamation, in obedience to the oracle, for any one who would require satisfaction for the death of . more plain ; and he sent a third message to her in these words : " Daughter, it becomes you, being of noble birth, to under- take any peril that your father may require you to incur. For if this Smerdis is not the son of Cyrus, but the person whom I suspect, it is not fit that he, lying with you and pos- sessing the empire of the Persians, should escape with im- punity, but suffer the punishment due to his offences. Now, therefore, follow my directions : When he sleeps with you, and you know him to be sound asleep, touch his ears ; and if you find he has ears, be assured that you cohabit with Smerdis, son of Cyrus; but if he has none, with Smerdis the magus." To this message Phaedyma answered, saying that she should incur very great danger by doing so; for if he had no ears, and she should be discovered touching him, she well knew that he would put her to death ; nevertheless she would make the attempt. She accordingly promised to accomplish this for her father. Now Cyrus, son of Cambyses, during his reign, had cut off the ears of this Smerdis, the magus, for some grave offence. This Phaedyma, daughter of Otanes, there- fore, determining to execute all that she had promised her father, when her turn came to approach the magus (for in Persia the wives visit their husbands in regular succession), went and slept with him : and when the magus was sound asleep, she felt for his ears, and perceiving without any diffi- 69-72] DISCOVERY OF SMERDIS l8l culty that the man had no ears, as soon as it was day she sent and made known to her father what the case was. Thereupon Otanes, having taken with him Aspathines and Gobryas, who were the noblest of the Persians, and persons on whom he could best rely, related to them the whole affair : they, too, had themselves suspected that the case was so; and when Otanes had adduced his reasons, they admitted their force ; and they agreed that each should associate with himself a Persian in whom he could place most reliance. Otanes accordingly introduced Intaphernes ; Gobryas, Megabyzus ; and Aspathines, Hydarnes. These six being associated, Darius, son of Hystaspes, arrived at Susa from Persia, where his father was governor. When, therefore, he arrived, the six Persians determined to admit Darius to the confederacy. These seven having met, exchanged pledges with each other and conferred together. When it came to the turn of Darius to declare his opinion, he addressed them as follows : " I thought that I was the only person who knew that it was the magus who reigns, and that Smerdis, son of Cyrus, is dead ; and for this very reason I hastened hither in order to con- trive the death of the magus. But since it proves that you also are acquainted with the fact, and not I only, it appears to me that we should act immediately, and not put it off; for that would be of no advantage." Otanes said to this : " Son of Hystaspes, you are born of a noble father, and show yourself not at all inferior to him ; do not, however, so incon- siderately hasten this enterprise, but set about it with more caution : for we must increase our numbers, and then attempt it." Darius replied to this : " Be assured, ye men who are here present, if you adopt the plan proposed by Otanes, you will all miserably perish : for some one will discover it to the magus, consulting his own private advantage: and indeed you ought to have carried out your project immediately, with- out communicating it to any one else ; but since you have thought fit to refer it to others, and ye have disclosed it to me, let us carry it out this very day, or be assured that if this day passes over no one shall be beforehand with me and become my accuser, but I myself will denounce you to the magus." Otanes, seeing Darius so eager, replied : " Since you compel us to precipitate our enterprise, and will not permit us to defer, come, do you tell us in what way we are to enter the palace and attack them ; for you yourself know, if not hav- ing seen them, yet surely by report, that guards are stationed at intervals ; and how shall we pass them ? Darius answered Otanes : " There are many things that can not be made clear 1 82 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [72-74 by words, but may by action : and there are other things that seem practicable in description, but no signal effect proceeds from them. Be assured that the guards stationed there will not be at all difficult to pass by : for in the first place, seeing our rank, there is no one who will not allow us to pass, partly from respect, and partly from fear; and in the next place, I have a most specious pretext by which we shall gain admis- sion, for I will say that I am just arrived from Persia, and wish to report a message to the king from my father. For when a lie must be told, let it be told : for we all aim at the same ends, both they who tell lies and they who keep to the truth. Some tell lies when, by persuading with falsehoods, they are likely to gain some advantage; while others speak the truth, in order that by the truth they may acquire some advantage, and something further may be intrusted to them: thus by different processes we aim at the same end. But if nothing were likely to be gained, as well he who speaks truth would lie, and he who lies would speak truth. Whoever of the doorkeepers, therefore, shall willingly let us pass, shall be rewarded in due time; but whoever offers to oppose us must instantly be treated as an enemy; and when we have forced our passage, we must accomplish our work." After this Go- bryas said : " Friends, shall we ever have a better opportunity to recover the sovereign power, or if we shall be unable to do so, to die? seeing we who are Persians, are governed by a Medic magus, and one without ears. Those among you who were present with Cambyses when he lay sick well remem- ber the imprecations he uttered at the point of death against the Persians if they should not attempt to repossess them- selves of the sovereign power : we did not then believe his story, but thought that Cambyses spoke from ill-will. I there- fore give my voice that we yield to Darius, and that on break- ing up this conference we go nowhere else than direct to the magus." Thus spoke Gobryas, and all assented to his pro- posal. While they were deliberating on these things, the follow- ing events happened to take place : The magi, on consulta- tion, determined to make Prexaspes their friend ; both be- cause he had suffered grievous wrongs from Cambyses, who shot his son dead with an arrow; and because he alone of all the Persians knew of the death of Smerdis, son of Cyrus, having despatched him with his own hand; and, moreover, because Prexaspes was in high repute with the Persians. For these reasons, therefore, having sent for Prexaspes, they en- deavoured to win his friendship, binding him by pledges and 74-77] DEATH OF PREXASPES 1 83 oaths that he would keep to himself, and never divulge to any man, the cheat they had put upon the Persians, assuring him that they would give him everything in abundance. When Prexaspes had promised that he would do as the magi per- suaded him, they made a second proposal, saying that they would assemble all the Persians under the walls of the palace, and desired that he would ascend a tower, and harangue them, assuring them that they were governed by Smerdis, son of Cyrus, and by no one else. This they enjoined him, as being a man most trusted by the Persians, and as having frequently affirmed his belief that Smerdis, son of Cyrus, was still living, and having utterly denied his murder. When Prexaspes said that he was ready to do that also, the magi, having convoked the Persians, placed him on the top of a turret, and com- manded him to harangue the people. But he purposely forgot what they desired him to say, and, beginning from Achae- menes, described the genealogy of Cyrus's family; and after- ward, when he came down to him, he ended by telling them what great benefits Cyrus had done the Persians : and hav- ing gone through these, he declared the whole truth, saying that he had before concealed it, as it was not safe for him to tell what had happened; but that in the present emergency necessity constrained him to make it known. He accordingly told them that he, being compelled by Cambyses, had put Smerdis, son of Cyrus, to death, and that the magi then reigned. After he had uttered many imprecations against the Persians if they should not recover the sovereign power, and punish the magi, he threw himself headlong from the tower. Thus died Prexaspes, a man highly esteemed during the course of his whole life. The seven Persians, having resolved to attack the magi without delay, set out after they had offered prayers to the gods ; and while they were in the midst of their way they were informed of all that had occurred with respect to Prex- aspes ; whereupon, standing aside out of the way, they again conferred together ; and some with Otanes strongly advised to defer the enterprise, and not to attempt it while affairs were in such a ferment ; but others, with Darius, urged to proceed at once, and to do what had been determined on, and on no account to defer it. While they were hotly disputing there appeared seven pairs of hawks pursuing two pairs of vultures, and plucking and tearing them. The seven, on see- ing this, all approved the opinion of Darius, and forthwith proceeded to the palace, emboldened by the omen. When they approached the gates, it happened as Darius had sup- 184 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [77~79 posed : for the guards, out of respect for men of highest rank among the Persians, and not suspecting any such design on their part, let them pass by, moved as they were by divine impulse; nor did any one question them. But when they reached the hall, they fell in with the eunuchs appointed to carry in messages, who inquired of them for what purpose they had come; and at the same time that they questioned them they threatened the doorkeepers for permitting them to pass, and endeavoured to prevent the seven from proceeding any farther. But they, having exhorted each other, and drawn their daggers, stabbed all that opposed their passage on the spot, and then rushed to the men's apartment. The magi happened to be both within at the time, and were consulting about the conduct of Prexaspes. When, therefore, they saw the eunuchs in confusion, and heard their outcry, they both hurried out, and when they perceived what was going on, put themselves on the defensive. One of them accordingly snatched up a bow and the other had recourse to a javelin, and thereupon the parties engaged with each other. The one who had taken up the bow, seeing his enemies were near and pressing upon them, found it of no use; but the other made resistance with his spear, and first wounded Aspathines in the thigh, and next Intaphernes in the eye ; and Intaphernes lost his eye from the wound, but did not die. Thus one of the magi wounded those two; but the other, when he found his bow of no service, fled to a chamber adjoining the men's apartment, purposing to shut to the door, and two of the seven, Darius and Gobryas, rushed in with him; and as Go- bryas was grappling with the magus, Darius, standing by, was in perplexity, fearing lest he should strike Gobryas in the dark ; but Gobryas, seeing that he stood by inactive, asked him why he did not use his hand ; he answered, " Fearing for you, lest I should strike you." But Gobryas replied, " Drive your sword even through both of us." Darius, obey- ing, made a thrust with his dagger, and by good fortune hit the magus. Having slain the magi, and cut off their heads, they left the wounded of their own party there, as well on account of their exhaustion as to guard the acropolis ; but the other five of them, carrying the heads of the magi, ran out with shout- ing and clamour, and then called upon the rest of the Per- sians, relating what they had done, and showing them the heads ; and at the same time they slew every one of the magi that came in their way. The Persians, informed of what had been done by the seven, and of the fraud of the magi, deter- 79-8i] FALL OF THE MAGI 185 mined themselves also to do the like ; and having drawn their daggers, they slew every magus they could find ; and if night coming on had not prevented, they would not have left a single magus alive. This day the Persians observe in common more than any other, and in it they celebrate a great festival, which they call " The slaughter of the magi." On that day no magus is allowed to be seen in public, but they shut themselves up in their own houses during the whole of that day. When the tumult had subsided, and five days had elapsed, those who had risen up against the magi deliberated on the state of affairs ; and speeches were made that are disbelieved by some of the Greeks, however they were made. Otanes advised that they should commit the government to the Per- sians at large, speaking as follows : " It appears that no one of us should henceforward be a monarch, for it is neither agreeable nor good. For you know to what a pitch the inso- ^lence of Cambyses reached, and you have experienced the insolence of the magus. And indeed how can a monarchy be a well-constituted government where one man is allowed to do whatever he pleases without control? for if even the best of men were placed in such power, he would depart from his wonted thoughts. For insolence is engendered in him by the advantages that surround him, and envy is implanted in man from his birth, and having these two, he has every vice; for puffed up by insolence he commits many nefarious actions, and others through envy. One would think that a man who holds sovereign power should be free from envy, since he possesses every advantage; but the contrary to this takes place in his conduct toward the citizens, for he envies the best who continue to live, and delights in the worst men of the nation ; he very readily listens to calumny, and is the most inconsistent of all men ; for if you show him respect in moderation he is offended because he is not sufficiently hon- oured ; and if any one honours him very much he is offended as with a flatterer. But I proceed to relate what is most im- portant. He changes the institutions of our ancestors, vio- lates women, and puts men to death without trial. But a popular government bears the fairest name of all, equality of rights ; and secondly, is guilty of none of those excesses that a monarch is. The magistrate obtains his office by lot, and exercises it under responsibility, and refers all plans to the public. I therefore give my opinion that we should do away with monarchy, and exalt the people, for in the many all things are found." Otanes accordingly advanced this opinion. Megabyzus advised them to intrust the government 1 86 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [81-82 to an oligarchy, and spoke as follows : " I concur with what Otanes has said about abolishing tyranny ; but in bidding us transfer the power to the people, he has erred from the best opinion ; for nothing is more foolish and insolent than a use- less crowd, therefore it is on no account to be endured, that men, who are endeavouring to avoid the insolence of a tyrant, should fall under the insolence of an unrestrained multitude. The former, when he does anything, does it knowingly, but the latter have not the means of knowing, for how should they know who have neither been taught nor are acquainted with anything good or fitting; they who, rushing on without re- flection, precipitate affairs like a winter torrent? Let those, then, who desire the ruin of the Persians adopt a democracy ; but let us, having chosen an association of the best men, commit the sovereign power to them, for among them we our- selves shall be included, and it is reasonable to expect that the best counsels will proceed from the best men." Mega- byzus accordingly advanced this opinion. Darius expressed his opinion the third, saying : " In what Megabyzus has said concerning the people, he appears to me to have spoken rightly; but concerning an oligarchy, not so. For if three forms are proposed, and each of these which I allude to the best in its kind, the best democracy, and oligarchy, and mon- archy, I affirm that the last is far superior. For nothing can be found better than one man, who is the best; since acting upon equally wise plans, he would govern the people without blame, and would keep his designs most secret from the ill- affected. But in an oligarchy, while many are exerting their energies for the public good, strong private enmities com- monly spring up; for each wishing to be chief, and to carry his own opinions, they come to deep animosities one against another, from whence seditions arise ; and from seditions, murder; and from murder it results in monarchy: and thus it is proved how much this form of government is the best. But when the people rule, it is impossible but that evil should spring up; when, therefore, evil springs up, mutual enmities do not arise among the bad, but powerful combinations, for they who injure the commonwealth act in concert; and this lasts until some one of the people stands forward and puts them down ; and on this account he is admired by the people, and being admired, he becomes a monarch; and in this he too shows that a monarchy is best. But to comprehend all in one word, whence came our freedom? and who gave it? was it from the people, or an oligarchy, or a monarch? My opinion, therefore, is that as we were made free by one man, 82-85] KINGDOM RE-ESTABLISHED 1 87 we should maintain the same kind of government ; and, more- over, that we should not subvert the institutions of our an- cestors, seeing they are good ; for that were not well." These three opinions were proposed, and four of the seven adhered to the last. When the opinion of Otanes, who was anxious to introduce equality among the Persians, was over- ruled, he thus spoke in the midst of them : " Associates, since it is evident that some one of us must be made king, either appointed by lot, or by the body of the Persians intrusting the government to whom they may choose, or by some other way; now I will not enter into competition with you; for I wish neither to govern nor be governed. But on this con- dition I give up all claim to the government, that neither I nor any of my posterity may be subject to any one of you." When he had said this, and the six had agreed to these terms, he did not join in the contest, but withdrew from the assem- bly ; and this family alone, of all the Persians, retains its lib- erty to this day, and yields obedience only so far as it pleases, but without transgressing the laws of the Persians. The rest of the seven consulted how they might appoint a king on the most equitable terms ; and they determined that to Otanes and his posterity forever, if the kingdom should devolve on any other of the seven, should be given a Median vest yearly, by way of distinction, together with all such presents as are accounted most honourable among the Persians. They de- creed that these things should be given him for this reason, because he first advised the enterprise, and associated them together. These honours were conferred on Otanes by way of distinction. And they made the following resolutions with regard to the whole body: That every one of the seven should have liberty to enter into the palace without being introduced, unless the king should happen to be in bed with one of his wives; and that the king should not be allowed to marry a wife out of any other family than of the conspirators. With regard to the kingdom, they came to the following determina- tion : that he whose horse should first neigh in the suburbs at sunrise, while they were mounted, should have the kingdom. Darius had a groom, a shrewd man, whose name was CEbares; to this person, when the assembly had broken up, Darius spoke as follows : " CEbares, we have determined with respect to the kingdom to do in this manner : he whose horse shall neigh first at sunrise, when we ourselves are mounted, is to have the kingdom. Now therefore, if you have any in- genuity, contrive that I may obtain this honour, and not an- other." CEbares answered : " If, sir, it indeed depends on 1 88 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [85-88 this, whether you shall be king or not, be confident on this point, and keep up your spirits ; for no one else shall be king before you ; I have a charm for the occasion." Darius said : " If you have any such contrivance, it is time to put it in prac- tice, and not to delay; for to-morrow our trial is to be." CEbares having heard this, did as follows : As soon as it was night, he led the mare which Darius's horse was most fond of to the suburbs, tied her up, and led Darius's horse to her; and he led him several times round near the mare, gradually bringing him nearer, and at last let the horse cover her. At dawn of day, the six, as they had agreed, met together on horseback ; and as they were riding round the suburbs, when they came to the spot where the mare had been tied the pre- ceding night, Darius's horse ran forward and neighed; and as the horse did this, lightning and thunder came from a clear sky. These things happening to Darius, consummated the auspices, as if done by appointment. The others, dismount- ing from their horses, did obeisance to Darius as king. Some say that CEbares had recourse to the foregoing artifice ; others, to the following (for the story is told both ways by the Per- sians) : That having rubbed his hand upon the genital part of the mare, he kept it concealed under his trousers, and at sunrise, when the horses were about to start, CEbares drew out his hand and put it to the nostrils of Darius's horse, and that he, taking the scent, began to snort and neigh. Accordingly Darius, son of Hystaspes, was declared king, and all the people of Asia, except the Arabians, were subject to him, Cyrus having first subdued them, and afterward Cam- byses. The Arabians never submitted to the Persian yoke, but were on friendly terms, and gave Cambyses a free passage into Egypt ; for without the consent of the Arabians the Per- sians could not have penetrated into Egypt. Darius con- tracted his first marriages with Persians ; he married two daughters of Cyrus, Atossa and Artystona: Atossa had been before married to her brother Cambyses, and afterward to the magus, but Artystona was a virgin. He married another also, daughter of Smerdis, son of Cyrus, whose name was Parmys ; and he had besides the daughter of Otanes who de- tected the magus. His power was fully established on all sides. Having then first of all made a stone statue, he had it erected ; and a figure was upon it representing a man on horseback ; and he had engraved on it the following inscrip- tion : Darius, son of Hystaspes, by the sagacity of his horse (here mentioning the name), and by the address of CEbares, his groom, obtained the empire of the Per- 89-91] DARIUS MADE KING 189 sians. Having done this in Persia, he constituted twenty governments, which they call satrapies ; and having consti- tuted the governments and set governors over them, he ap- pointed tributes to be paid to him from each nation, both connecting the adjoining people with the several nations, and omitting some neighbouring people, he annexed to some others that were more remote. He distributed the govern- ments, and the annual payment of tribute, in the following manner : Such of them as contributed silver, were required to pay it according to the standard of the Babylonian talent ; and such as contributed gold, according to the Euboic talent. The Babylonian talent is equal to seventy Euboic minae. Dur- ing the reign of Cyrus, and afterward of Cambyses, there was no fixed regulation with regard to tribute, but they brought in presents. In consequence of this imposition of tribute, and other things of a similar kind, the Persians say Darius was a trader, Cambyses a master, and Cyrus a father. The first, because he made profit of everything; the second, be- cause he was severe and arrogant ; the latter, because he was mild, and always aimed at the good of his people. From the Ionians, the Magnesians in Asia, the Cohans, Carians, Lyci- ans, Milyens, and Pamphylians, for one and the same tribute was imposed on them all, there came in a revenue of four hundred talents in silver; this then composed the first di- vision. From the Mysians, Lydians, Lasonians, Cabalians, and Hygennians, five hundred talents ; this was the second division. From the Hellespontians, who dwell on the right as one sails in, the Phrygians, the Thracians in Asia, Paphla- gonians, Mariandynians, and Syrians, there was a tribute of three hundred and sixty talents; this was the third division. From the Cilicians, three hundred and sixty white horses, one for every day, and five hundred talents of silver; of these a hundred and forty were expended on the cavalry that guarded the Cilician territory, and the remaining three hundred and sixty went to Darius ; this was the fourth division. From the city of Poseideium, which Amphilochus, son of Amphiaraus, founded on the confines of the Cilicians and Syrians, begin- ning from this down to Egypt, except a district belonging to Arabians, which was exempt from taxation, was paid a tribute of three hundred and fifty talents ; and in this division is included all Phoenicia, Syria which is called Palestine, and Cyprus ; this was the fifth division. From Egypt, and the Libyans bordering on Egypt, and from Cyrene and Barce (for these were annexed to the Egyptian division), accrued seven hundred talents, besides the revenue arising from Lake Iqo HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [91-95 Mceris, which was derived from the fish: in addition, then, to this money, and the fixed supply of corn, there accrued seven hundred talents ; for they furnish in addition one hun- dred and twenty thousand measures of corn for the Persians who occupy the white fortress at Memphis, and their allies : this was the sixth division. The Sattagydae, Gandarians, Dadicae, and Aparytae, joined together, contributed one hun- dred and seventy talents ; this was the seventh division. From Susa, and the rest of the country of the Cissians, three hun- dred talents; this was the eighth division. From Babylon and the rest of Assyria, there accrued to him a thousand tal- ents of silver, and five hundred young eunuchs; this was the ninth division. From Ecbatana and the rest of Media, and the Paricanians, and Orthocorybantes, four hundred and fifty talents; this was the tenth division. The Caspians, Pausicae, Pantimathians, and Daritae, contributing together, paid two hundred talents ; this was the eleventh division. From the Bactrians as far as the iEglae, was a tribute of three hundred and sixty talents ; this was the twelfth division. From Pac- tyica, and the Armenians, and the neighbouring people as far as the Euxine Sea, four hundred talents ; this was the thir- teenth division. From the Sagartians, Sarangeans, Thama- naeans, Utians, Mycians, and those who inhabit the islands on the Red Sea, in which the king settles transported con- victs ; from all these came a tribute of six hundred talents ; this was the fourteenth division. The Sacae and Caspians paid two hundred and fifty talents ; this was the fifteenth di- vision. The Parthians, Chorasmians, Sogdians, and Arians, three hundred talents ; this was the sixteenth division. The Paricanians and Asiatic Ethiopians paid four hundred talents ; this was the seventeenth division. The Matienians, Saspires, and Alarodians were taxed at two hundred talents ; this was the eighteenth division. From the Moschians, Tibarenians, Macronians, Mosyncecians, and Marsians, three hundred tal- ents were demanded ; this was the nineteenth division. Of the Indians the population is by far the greatest of all nations whom we know of, and they paid a tribute proportionably larger than all the rest, three hundred and sixty talents of gold dust ; this was the twentieth division. Now the Baby- lonian standard, compared with the Euboic talent, makes the total nine thousand five hundred and forty talents; and the gold estimated at thirteen times the value of silver, the gold dust will be found to amount to four thousand six hundred and eighty Euboic talents. Therefore, if the total of all these are computed together, fourteen thousand five hundred and 95-98] TRIBUTARY NATIONS I9I sixty Euboic talents were collected by Darius as an annual tribute ; and passing over less sums than these, I do not mention them. This tribute accrued to Darius from Asia, and a small part of Libya ; but in the course of time another tribute accrued from the islands, and the inhabitants of Eu- rope as far as Thessaly. This tribute the king treasures up in the following manner: Having melted it, he pours it into earthen jars, and having filled it he takes away the earthen mould ; and when he wants money he cuts off so much as he has occasion for from time to time. These, then, were the governments and the imposts on each. The Persian territory alone has not been mentioned as subject to tribute; for the Persians occupy their land free from taxes. They indeed were not ordered to pay any tribute, but brought gifts. The Ethiopians bordering on Egypt, whom Cambyses subdued when he marched against the Macrobian Ethiopians, and who dwell about the sacred city of Nysa, and celebrate festivals of Bacchus — these Ethiopians, and their neighbours, use the same grain as the Calantian Indians, and live in subterranean dwellings — both these bring every third year, and they continued to do so to my time, two chcenices of unmolten gold, two hundred blocks of ebony, five Ethi- opian boys, and twenty large elephants' tusks. The Colchians numbered themselves among those who gave presents, as well as the neighbouring nations, as far as Mount Caucasus ; for to this mountain the dominions of Persia extend. But the people to the north side of the Caucasus pay no regard to the Persians. These, then, for the gifts they imposed on them- selves, furnished, even to my time, every five years one hun- dred boys and one hundred virgins. The Arabians also fur- nished every year a thousand talents of frankincense. These, then, brought to the king the above gifts besides the tribute. . The Indians obtain the great quantity of gold, from which y(^ they supply the before-mentioned dust to the king, in the manner presently described. That part of India toward the rising sun is all sand ; for of the people with whom we are acquainted, and of whom anything certain is told, the In- dians live the farthest toward the east and the sunrise of all the inhabitants of Asia; for the Indians' country toward the east is a desert, by reason of the sands. There are many na- tions of Indians, and they do not speak the same language as each other; some of them are nomads, and others not. Some inhabit the marshes of the river, and feed on raw fish, which they take going out in boats made of reeds ; one joint of the reed makes a boat. These Indians wear a garment 1 92 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [98-103 made of rushes, which, when they have cut the reed from the river and beaten it, they afterward plait like a mat and wear it as a corselet. Other Indians, living to the east of these, are nomads, and eat raw flesh ; they are called Padaeans. They are said to use the following customs : When any one of the community is sick, whether it be a woman or a man, if it be a man the men who are his nearest connections put him to death, alleging that if he wasted by disease his flesh would be spoiled; but if he denies that he is sick, they, not agreeing with him, kill and feast upon him. And if a woman be sick, in like manner the women who are most intimate with her do the same as the men. And whoever reaches to old age, they sacrifice and feast upon; but few among them attain to this state, for before that they put to death every one that falls into any distemper. Other Indians have the following differ- ent custom : They neither kill anything that has life, nor sow anything, nor are they wont to have houses, but they live upon herbs, and they have a grain of the size of millet in a pod, which springs spontaneously from the earth, this they gather, and boil it and eat it with the pod. When any one of them falls into any disorder, he goes and lies down in the desert, and no one takes any thought about him, whether dead or sick. All have a complexion closely resembling the Ethiopians. These Indians are situated very far from the Persians, toward the south, and were never subject to Darius. There are other Indians bordering on the city of Caspa- tyrus and the country of Pactyica, settled northward of the other Indians, whose mode of life resembles that of the Bac- trians. They are the most warlike of the Indians, and these are they who are sent to procure the gold ; for near this part is a desert by reason of the sand. In this desert, then, and in the sand, there are ants in size somewhat less indeed than dogs, but larger than foxes. Some of them are in the possession of the King of the Persians, which were taken there. These ants, forming their habitations under ground, heap up the sand, as the ants in Greece do, and in the same manner; and they are very like them in shape. The sand that is heaped up is mixed with gold. The Indians therefore go to the desert to get this sand, each man having three camels, on either side a male one harnessed to draw by the side, and a female in the middle ; this last the man mounts himself, having taken care to yoke one that has been separated from her young as recently born as possible ; for camels are not inferior to horses in swiftness, and are much better able to carry burdens. What kind of figure the camel has I shall not describe to the Greeks, 103-107] INDIA I93 as they are acquainted with it; but what is not known re- specting it I will mention. A camel has four thighs and four knees in his hinder legs, and his private parts are turned be- tween the hinder legs to the tail. The Indians, then, adopting such a plan and such a method of harnessing, set out for the gold, having before calculated the time, so as to be engaged in their plunder during the hottest part of the day, for dur- ing the heat the ants hide themselves under ground. Among these people the sun is hottest in the morning, and not, as among others, at midday from the time that it has risen some way, to the breaking up of the market; during this time it scorches much more than at midday in Greece; so that, it is said, they then refresh themselves in water. Midday scorches other men much the same as the Indians; but as the day declines, the sun becomes to them as it is in the morning to others ; and after this, as it proceeds it becomes still colder, until sunset: then it is very cold. When the Indians arrive at the spot, having sacks with them, they fill these with the sand, and return with all possible expedition. For the ants, as the Persians say, immediately discovering them by the smell, pursue them, and they are equalled in swiftness by no other animal, so that if the Indians did not get the start of them while the ants were assembling, not a man of them could be saved. Now the male camels (for they are inferior in speed to the females) slacken their pace, dragging on, not both equally ; but the females, mindful of the young they have left, do not slacken their pace. Thus the Indians, as the Persians say, obtain the greatest part of their gold ; and they have some small quantity more that is dug in the country. The extreme parts of the inhabited world somehow possess the most excellent products ; as Greece enjoys by far the best tempered climate. For in the first place, India is the farthest part of the inhabited world toward the east, as I have just observed : in this part, then, all animals, both quadrupeds and birds, are much larger than they are in other countries, with the exception of horses ; in this respect they are surpassed by the Medic breed called the Nyssean horses. In the next place, there is abundance of gold there, partly dug, partly brought down by the rivers, and partly seized in the manner I have described. And certain wild trees there bear wool in- stead of fruit, that in beauty and quality excels that of sheep ; and the Indians make their clothing from these trees. Again, Arabia is the farthest of inhabited countries toward the south ; and this is the only region in which grow frankincense, myrrh, cassia, cinnamon, and ledanum. All these, except myrrh, the X3 I94 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [107-110 Arabians gather with difficulty. The frankincense they gather by burning styrax, which the Phoenicians import into Greece ; they take it by burning this; for winged serpents, small in size, and various in form, guard the trees that bear frankin- cense, a great number round each tree. These are the same serpents that invade Egypt. They are driven from the trees by nothing else but the smoke of the styrax. The Arabians say this also, that the whole land would be filled by these ser- pents if some such thing did not take place with regard to them, as I know happens to vipers. And the providence of God, as was likely, proves itself wise : whatever creatures are timid, and fit for food, have been made very prolific, lest the species should be destroyed by constant consumption; but such as are savage and noxious, unprolific. For instance, the hare, which is hunted by all, beasts, birds, and men, is so pro- lific that it alone of all beasts conceives to superfetation, hav- ing in its womb some of its young covered with down, others bare, others just formed, and at the same time conceives again. Such, then, is the case. Whereas a lioness, which is the strongest and fiercest of beasts, bears only one once in her life ; for in bringing forth she ejects her matrix with the whelp ; and this is the cause : when the whelp begins to move in the womb, he, having claws, much sharper than those of any other beast, lacerates the womb; and as he increases in strength, he continues tearing it much more ; and when the birth approaches, not a single part of it remains sound. So also if vipers and the winged serpents of Arabia multiplied as fast as their nature admits, men could not possibly live. But now when they couple together, and the male is in the very act of impregnating, the female seizes him by the neck, and clinging to him, never lets him go until she has gnawed through him. In this manner the male dies, and the female pays the following retribution to the male: the offspring, while yet in the womb, avenging their father, eat through the matrix; and having gnawed through her bowels, thus make their entrance into the world. But other serpents, which are not hurtful to men, lay eggs, and hatch a vast number of young. Now vipers are found in all parts of the world; but flying serpents are abundant in Arabia, and nowhere else: there they appear to be very numerous. The Arabians obtain the frankincense in the manner I have described; and the cassia as follows: When they have covered their whole body and face, except the eyes, with hides and other skins, they go to the cassia ; it grows in a shallow lake; and around the lake and in it lodge winged animals no-US] ARABIA 195 very like bats, and they screech fearfully, and are exceed- ingly fierce. These they keep off from their eyes, and so gather the cassia. The cinnamon they collect in a still more wonderful manner. Where it grows and what land produces it, they are unable to tell ; except that some, giving a prob- able account, say that it grows in those countries in which Bacchus was nursed. And they say that large birds bring those rolls of bark, which we, from the Phoenicians, call cin- namon, the birds bring them for their nests, which are built with clay, against precipitous mountains, where there is no access for man. The Arabians, to surmount this difficulty, have invented the following artifice : Having cut up into large pieces the limbs of dead oxen, and asses, and other beasts of burden, they carry them to these spots, and having laid them near the nests, they retire to a distance. But the birds flying down carry up the limbs of the beasts to their nests, which not being strong enough to support the weight, break and fall to the ground. Then the men, coming up, in this manner gather the cinnamon, and being gathered by them it reaches other countries. But the ledanum, which the Ara- bians call ladanum, is still more wonderful than this; for though it comes from a most stinking place, it is itself most fragrant. For it is found sticking like gum to the beards of he-goats, which collect it from the wood. It is useful for many ointments, and the Arabians burn it very generally as a per- fume. It may suffice to have said thus much of these per- fumes ; and there breathes from Arabia, as it were, a divine odour. They have two kinds of sheep worthy of admiration, which are seen nowhere else. One kind has large tails, not less than three cubits in length, which, if suffered to trail, would ulcerate, by the tails rubbing on the ground. But every shep- herd knows enough of the carpenter's art to prevent this, for they make little carts and fasten them under the tails, binding the tail of each separate sheep to a separate cart. The other kind of sheep have broad tails, even to a cubit in breadth. Where the meridian declines toward the setting sun,1 the Ethi- opian territory reaches, being the extreme part of the habitable world. It produces much gold, huge elephants, wild trees of all kinds, ebony, and men of large stature, very handsome, and long-lived. These, then, are the extremities of Asia and Libya. Con- cerning the western extremities of Europe I am unable to speak with certainty, for I do not admit that there is a river, called by barbarians Eridanus, which discharges itself into 1 That is, "southwest." 196 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA ["5-"7 the sea toward the north, from which amber is said to come ; nor am I acquainted with the Cassiterides Islands, from whence our tin comes. For in the first place, the name Eridanus shows that it is Grecian, and not barbarian, and feigned by some poet; in the next place, though I have diligently in- quired, I have never been able to hear from any man who has himself seen it that there is a sea on that side of Europe. However, both tin and amber come to us from the remotest parts. Toward the north of Europe there is evidently a very great quantity of gold, but how procured I am unable to say with certainty ; though it is said that the Arimaspians, a one- eyed people, steal it from the griffins. Neither do I believe this, that men are born with one eye, and yet in other respects resemble the rest of mankind. However, the extremities of the world seem to surround and inclose the rest of the earth, and to possess those productions which we account most ex- cellent and rare. There is a plain in Asia shut in on every side by a range of mountains, and there are five defiles in the mountain. This plain formerly belonged to the Chorasmians, situated on the confines of these Chorasmians, of the Hyrcanians, Parthians, Sarangaeans, and Thamanaeans; but since the Persians have had the empire it belongs to the king. From this range of mountains, then, that shuts in this plain, there flows a great river, the name of which is Aces ; it formerly, being divided into five several channels, used to irrigate the lands of the nations before mentioned, being conducted to each nation through each separate defile. But since they have become subject to the Persian, they have suffered the following calam- ity : The king, having caused the clefts of the mountains to be blocked up, placed gates at each cleft, and the passage of the water being stopped, the plain within the mountains has become a sea, as the river continued to pour in, and had no- where any exit. The people, therefore, who before were in the habit of using the water, not being able to use it any longer, were reduced to great extremities; for though in winter heaven supplies them with rain, as it does other men, yet in summer, when they sow millet and sesame, they stood in need of water. When, therefore, no water was allowed them, they and their wives going to the Persians, and standing before the king's palace, raise a great outcry. But the king gave order that the gates should be open toward those lands that were most in need ; and when their land was satiated by im- bibing water, these gates were shut, and he ordered others to be opened to those who were next in greatest need. And 117-119] FATE OF INTAPHERNES 197 as I have been informed, he opens them after he has exacted large sums of money, in addition to the tribute. Now these things are so. Of the seven men that conspired against the magus, it happened that one of them, Intaphernes, having committed the following act of insolence, lost his life shortly after the revolution. He wished to enter the palace in order to confer with Darius ; for the law was so settled among those who had conspired against the magus that they should have access to the king without a messenger, unless the king should happen to be in bed with one of his wives. Intaphernes, therefore, determined that no one should announce him; but, because he was one of the seven, chose to enter ; the doorkeeper, how- ever, and the messenger, would not let him pass, saying that the king was then in bed with one of his wives ; but Inta- phernes, suspecting they told a falsehood, did as follows : hav- ing drawn his scimetar, he cut off their ears and noses, and having strung them to the bridle of his horse, he hung them round their necks, and so dismissed them. They presented themselves to the king, and told him the cause for which they had been so treated. Darius, fearing lest the six had done this in concert, sent for them, one by one, and endeavoured to discover their opinions, whether they approved of what had been done. But when he discovered that Intaphernes had not done this with their privity, he seized Intaphernes him- self, and his children, and all his family, having many reasons to suspect that he, with his relatives, would raise a rebellion against him. And having seized them, he bound them as for death: but the wife of Intaphernes, going to the gates of the palace, wept and lamented aloud ; and having done this con- tinually, she prevailed on Darius to have compassion on her. He therefore, having sent a messenger, spoke as follows : " Madam, King Darius allows you to release one of your relatives who are now in prison, whichever of them all you please." But she, having deliberated, answered as follows, " Since the king grants me the life of one, I choose my brother from them all." Darius, when he heard this, wondering at her choice, having sent again, asked : " Madam, the king in- quires the reason why, leaving your husband and children, you have chosen that your brother should survive ; who is not so near related to you as your children, and less endeared to you than your husband ? " She answered as follows : " O king, I may have another husband if God will, and other chil- dren if I lose these ; but as my father and mother are no longer alive, I can not by any means have another brother; for this I98 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [11^-122 reason I spoke as I did." The woman appeared to Darius to have spoken well, and he granted to her the one whom she asked, and her eldest son, he was so pleased with her : all the rest he put to death. Of the seven, therefore, one very soon perished in the manner now mentioned. Near about the time of Cambyses's illness the following events took place: Orcetes, a Persian, had been appointed governor of Sardis by Cyrus ; this man conceived an impious project; for without having sustained any injury, or heard a hasty word from Polycrates the Samian, and without hav- ing seen him before, he conceived the design of seizing him and putting him to death ; as most people say, for some such cause as this. Orcetes and another Persian, whose name was Mitrobates, governor of the district of Dascylium, were sit- ting together at the palace gates, and fell into a dispute. As they were quarrelling about valour, Mitrobates said to Orcetes tauntingly : " Are you to be reckoned a brave man, who have not yet acquired for the king the island of Samos, that lies near your government, and is so easy to be subdued? which one of its own inhabitants, having made an insurrection with fifteen armed men, obtained possession of, and now reigns over ? " Some say that he, having heard this, and being stung with the reproach, conceived a desire, not so much to re- venge himself on the man who said it, as of utterly destroy- ing Polycrates, on whose account he had been reproached. A fewer number say that Orcetes sent a herald to Samos to make some demand which is not mentioned, and that Polyc- rates happened to be reclining in the men's apartment, and that Anacreon of Teos was with him ; and somehow (whether designedly disregarding the business of Orcetes, or by chance it so happened), when the herald of Orcetes came forward and delivered his message, Polycrates, as his face chanced to be turned toward the wall, neither turned about, nor made any answer. These twofold causes are assigned for the death of Polycrates ; every man may give credit to whichever he pleases. However, Orcetes, who resided in Magnesia, situ- ated on the river Maeander, being acquainted with the inten- tions of Polycrates, sent Myrsus, a Lydian, son of Gyges, with a message to Samos ; for Polycrates is the first of the Grecians of whom we know who formed a design to make himself master of the sea, except Minos the Cnossian, or any other, who before his time obtained the empire of the sea ; but within what is called the historical age, Polycrates is the first who had entertained great expectations of ruling Ionia and the islands. Orcetes, therefore, having ascertained that he had 122-125] DEATH OF POLYCRATES 1 99 formed this design, sent a message to the following effect: " Orcetes to Polycrates says as follows : I understand that you are planning vast enterprises, and that you have not money answerable to your projects. Now, if you will do as I advise, you will promote your own success, and preserve me; for King Cambyses meditates my death, and of this I have certain information. Now, do you convey me and my wealth out of the country, and take part of it, and suffer me to enjoy the rest : by means of the wealth, you will become master of all Greece. If you doubt what I say concerning my riches, send to me the most trusty of your servants, to whom I will show them." Polycrates, having heard this, was delighted, and accepted the offer; and as he was very eager for wealth, he first sent Maeandrius, son of Maeandrius, to view it, a citizen who was his secretary : he not long after dedicated to the Temple of Juno all the ornamental furniture from the men's apartment of Polycrates, which was indeed magnificent. Orcetes, having learned that an inspector might be expected, did as follows : having filled eight chests with stones, except a very small space round the brim, he put gold on the surface of the stones, and having made the chests fast with cords, he kept them in readiness. But Maeandrius, hav- ing come and inspected the chests, took back a report to Polycrates. He, though earnestly dissuaded by the oracles and by his friends, resolved to go in person; and moreover, though his daughter had seen in a dream this vision : she im- agined she saw her father elevated in the air, washed by Jupi- ter, and anointed by the sun. Having seen this vision, she endeavoured by all possible means to divert Polycrates from going from home to Orcetes ; and as he was going on board a fifty-oared galley, she persisted in uttering words of bad omen. But he threatened her, if he should return safe, that she should long continue unmarried ; and she prayed that so it might be brought to pass ; for she chose to continue a longer time unmarried than be deprived of her father. Thus Polyc- rates, disregarding all advice, set sail to visit Orcetes, taking with him many others of his friends, and among them Demo- cedes, son of Calliphon, a Crotonian, who was a physician, and the most skilful practitioner of his time. But Polycrates, on his arrival at Magnesia, was put to death in a horrid man- ner, unworthy of himself and his lofty thoughts : for, with the exception of those who have been tyrants of Syracuse, not one of all the Grecian tyrants deserves to be compared with Polycrates for magnificence. But Orcetes, having put him to death in a manner not to be described, caused him to be 200 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [125-128 crucified : of those that accompanied Polycrates, as many as were Samians, he dismissed, bidding them to feel thankful to him for their liberty; but as many as were strangers and servants he detained and treated as slaves. Thus Polycrates, being crucified, fulfilled the vision of his daughter in every particular : for he was washed by Jupiter, when it rained, and was anointed by the sun, himself emitting moisture from his body. Thus the constant good fortune of Polycrates endexl^ as Amasis, King of Egypt, had foretold. s^ Not long after, vengeance on account of Polycrates over- took Orcetes; for after the death of Cambyses, and during the reign of the magi, Oroetes, continuing at Sardis, gave no assistance to the Persians, who had been deprived of the gov- ernment by the Medes ; but he in this confusion put to death Mitrobates, governor of Dascylium, who had upbraided him with his conduct to Polycrates, together with Mitrobates's son Cranaspes, men of high repute among the Persians ; and he committed various other atrocities ; and a certain courier of Darius who came to him, because he brought him an unwel- come message, he had assassinated on his return, having set men to waylay him ; and when he had caused him to be slain, he had him and his horse put out of sight. Darius, therefore, when he got possession of the throne, was anxious to punish Orcetes for all his iniquities, and especially for the death of Mitrobates and his son. But he did not think it prudent to send an army against him openly, as his affairs were still in a ferment, and he had but just got possession of the throne, and he heard that Orcetes had great strength; for he had a body-guard of a thousand Persians, and held the government of Phrygia, Lydia, and Ionia. Under these circumstances, therefore, Darius had recourse to the following plan: hav- ing called the most eminent of the Persians together, he ad- dressed them as follows : " Which of you, O Persians, will undertake to accomplish for me this by address, and not by force and numbers? for where skill is required, force is of no avail. Which of you, then, will either bring me Orcetes alive, or put him to death? He has never done the Persians any service, but has brought great mischiefs upon them. In the first place, he destroyed two of us, Mitrobates and his son; and in the next place, he slew the messenger sent by me to recall him, displaying intolerable insolence. He must therefore be stopped by death, before he has perpetrated any greater evils against the Persians." Darius asked the above questions ; and thirty men offered to undertake it, each being willing to accomplish the plan alone. But Darius put an end 128-130] PUNISHMENT OF ORCETES 201 to their competitions by desiring them to cast lots ; and when they cast lots it fell to Bagaeus, son of Artontes. Bagaeus, having obtained it, did as follows : Having written several let- ters relating to a variety of affairs, he affixed to them Darius's seal, and then proceeded with them to Sardis. On his ar- rival, having come into the presence of Orcetes, he opened the letters one by one, and gave them to the royal secretary to read ; for all the governors have royal secretaries. Bagaeus gave the letters in order to make trial of the guards whether they would listen to a revolt from Orcetes : and perceiving they paid great respect to the letters, and still more to the contents, he gave one in which were these words, " Persians, King Darius forbids you to be guards to Orcetes." They, when they heard this, lowered their lances to him. When Bagaeus saw them so obedient to the letter, he thereupon took confidence, and delivered the last letter to the secretary, in which was written, " King Darius commands the Persians at Sardis to put Orcetes to death." The guards, when they heard this, drew their scimetars, and killed him immediately. Thus vengeance overtook Orcetes the Persian, on account of Polyc- rates the Samian. When the treasures of Orcetes had been removed, and had arrived at Susa, it happened not long after that Darius, in leaping from his horse while hunting, twisted his foot, and it was twisted with such violence that the ankle bone was dislocated; and at first thinking he had about him those of the Egyptians who had the first reputation for skill in the healing art, he made use of their assistance. But they, by twisting the foot, and using force, made the evil worse ; and from the pain which he felt, Darius lay seven days and seven nights without sleep. On the eighth day, as he still continued in a bad state, some one who had before heard at Sardis of the skill of Democedes the Crotonian, made it known to Darius ; and he ordered them to bring him to him as quickly as possible. They found him among the slaves of Orcetes, altogether neglected ; and brought him forward, dragging fet- ters behind him, and clothed in rags. As he stood before him, Darius asked him whether he understood the art. He denied that he did, fearing lest, if he discovered himself, he should be altogether precluded from returning to Greece. But he appeared to Darius to dissemble, although he was skilled in the art; he therefore commanded those who had brought him thither to bring out whips and goads. Whereupon he discovered himself, saying that he did not know it perfectly, but having been intimate with a physician, he had some poor 202 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [130-133 knowledge of the art. Upon which, when Darius put himself under his care, by using Grecian medicines, and applying leni- tives after violent remedies, he caused him to sleep, and in a little time restored him to his health, though he had before despaired of ever recovering the use of his foot. After this cure, Darius presented him with two pair of golden fetters; but Democedes asked him if he purposely gave him a double evil because he had restored him to health. Darius, pleased with the speech, sent him to his own wives ; and the eunuchs, introducing him, said to the women that this was the man who had saved the king's life; whereupon each of them, dipping a goblet into a chest of gold, presented Democedes with such a munificent gift that a servant, whose name was Sciton, fol- lowing behind, picked up the staters that fell from the goblets and collected a large quantity of gold. This Democedes visited Polycrates, after having left Cro- tona on the following account: He was harshly treated at Crotona by his father, who was of a severe temper, and being unable to endure this, he left him and went to .Egina; hav- ing settled there, in the first year, though he was unprovided with means, and had none of the instruments necessary for the exercise of his art, he surpassed the most skilful of their physicians ; and in the second year, the vEginetae engaged him for a talent out of the public treasury; and in the third year the Athenians, for a hundred minse; and in the fourth year Polycrates, for two talents ; thus he came to Samos. From this man the Crotonian physicians obtained a great reputation ; for at this period the physicians of Crotona were said to be the first throughout Greece, and the Cyrenaeans the second. At the same time the Argives were accounted the most skilful of the Greeks in the art of music. At that time, then, Democedes, having completely cured Darius at Susa, had a very large house, and had a seat at the king's table ; and he had everything he could wish for, except the liberty of returning to Greece. And in the first place he ob- tained from the king a pardon for the Egyptian physicians, who first attended the king, and were about to be empaled, because they had been outdone by a Greek physician; and in the next place he procured the liberty of a prophet of Elis, who had attended Polycrates, and lay neglected among the slaves. In short, Democedes had great influence with the king. ; Not long after these things, the following events took place: Atossa, daughter of Cyrus, and wife to Darius, had a tumour on her breast; after some time it burst, and spread 133-135] DEMOCEDES 203 considerably. As long as it was small, she concealed it, and from delicacy informed no one of it ; when it became danger- ous, she sent for Democedes and showed it to him. He, say- ing that he could cure her, exacted from her a solemn promise that she in return would perform for him whatever he should require of her, but added that he would ask nothing which might bring disgrace on her. When therefore he had healed her, and restored her to health, Atossa, instructed by Demo- cedes, addressed Darius, as he lay in bed, in the following words : " O king, you who possess so great power, sit idle, and do not add any nation or power to the Persians. It were right that a man who is both young and master of such vast treasures should render himself considerable by his actions, that the Persians may know that they are governed by a man. Two motives should influence you to such a course : first, that the Persians may know that it is a man who rules over them ; and, secondly, that they may be worn in war, and not tempted by too much ease to plot against you. You should therefore perform some illustrious action while you are in the flower of your age ; for the mind grows with the growth of the body, and as it grows old, grows old with it, and dull for every action." She spoke thus according to her instructions, and he answered : " Lady, you have mentioned the very things that I myself purpose to do; for I have determined to make a bridge and march from this continent to the other, against the Scythians; and this shall shortly be put in execution." Atossa replied : " Look you now, give up the thought of marching first against the Scythians, for they will be in your power whenever you choose; but take my advice, and lead an army into Greece ; for from the account I have heard, I am anxious to have Lacedaemonian, Argive, Athenian, and Corin- thian attendants ; and you have the fittest man in the world to show and inform you of everything concerning Greece; I mean the person who cured your foot." Darius answered: " Lady, since you think I ought to make my first attempt against Greece, I think it better first to send some Persians thither as spies with the man you mention : they, when they are informed of and have seen every particular, will make a report to me; and then, being thoroughly informed, I will turn my arms against them." Thus he spoke ; and no sooner said than done ; for as soon as day dawned, having summoned fifteen eminent Persians, he commanded them to accompany Democedes, and pass along the maritime parts of Greece ; and to take care that Democedes did not escape from them, but they must by all means bring him back again. Having given 204 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [135-137 these commands to them, he next summoned Democedes himself, and requested him, when he had conducted the Per- sians through all Greece, and shown it to them, to return again ; he also commanded him to take with him all his mov- ables as presents to his father and brothers, promising to give him many times as much instead. Moreover, he said that for the purpose of transporting the presents he would give a merchant ship, filled with all kinds of precious things, which should accompany him on his voyage. Now Darius, in my opinion, promised him these things without any deceitful in- tention ; but Democedes, fearing lest Darius was making trial of him, received all that was given, without eagerness, but said that he would leave his own goods where they were, that he might have them on his return ; the merchant ship which Darius promised him to convey the presents to his brothers, he said he would accept of. Darius having given him these instructions, sent them down to the coast. Accordingly, going down to Phoenicia and Sidon, a city of Phoenicia, they manned two triremes, and with them also a large trading vessel, laden with all kinds of precious things ; and having prepared everything, they set sail for Greece ; and keeping to the shore, they surveyed the coasts, and made notes in writing; at length, having inspected the greatest part of it, and whatever was most remarkable, they proceeded to Tarentum in Italy. There, out of kindness toward Demo- cedes, Aristophilides, King of the Tarentines, first took off the rudders of the Median ships, and next shut up the Per- sians as spies. While they were in this condition Democedes went to Crotona, and when he had reached his own home, Aristophilides set the Persians at liberty, and restored what he had taken from their ships. The Persians, sailing from thence, and pursuing Democedes, arrived at Crotona, and having found him in the public market, they laid hands on him. Some of the Crotonians, dreading the Persian power, were ready to deliver him up ; but others seized the Persians in turn, and beat them with staves, though they expostulated in these terms : " Men of Crotona, have a care what you do : you are rescuing a man who is a runaway from the king ; how will King Darius endure to be thus insulted? How can what you do end well if you force this man from us? What city shall we sooner attack than this? What sooner shall we en- deavour to reduce to slavery ? " Saying this, they did not per- suade the Crotonians ; but being forcibly deprived of Demo- cedes, and having had the trading vessel which they brought with them taken from them, they sailed back to Asia; nor, 137-140] DARIUS AND SYLOSON 205 as they were deprived of their guide, did they attempt to ex- plore Greece any further. At their departure Democedes en- joined them to tell Darius that he had Milo's daughter affi- anced to him as his wife, for the name of Milo, the wrestler, stood high with the king; and on this account it appears to me that Democedes spared no expense to hasten this mar- riage, that he might appear to Darius to be a man of conse- quence in his own country. The Persians, having set sail from Crotona, were driven to Iapygia, and being made slaves there, Gillus, a Tarentine exile, ransomed them, and conducted them to King Darius ; and he in return for this professed him- self ready to give him whatever he should desire. But Gillus, having first related his misfortunes, asked to be restored to Tarentum ; but that he might not disturb Greece, if on his account a great fleet should sail to Italy, he said that the Cnidians alone would suffice to effect his restoration ; think- ing that by them, as they were on terms of friendship with the Tarentines, his return would be most easily effected. Darius having promised this, performed it; for having de- spatched a messenger to Cnidus, he bade them restore Gillus to Tarentum; but the Cnidians, though they obeyed Darius, could not persuade the Tarentines, and were not strong enough to employ force. Thus these things ended : and these were the first Persians who came from Asia to Greece, and they, on that occasion, were spies. After these things, King Darius took Samos, first of all the cities, either Grecian or barbarian, and he took it for the following reason : When Cambyses, son of Cyrus, invaded Egypt, many Grecians resorted thither; some, as one may conjecture, on account of trade ; others, to serve as soldiers ; others, to view the country. Of these, the last was Syloson, son of ^aces, brother to Polycrates, and an exile from Samos. The following piece of good luck befell this Syloson : having put on a scarlet cloak, he walked in the streets of Memphis ; and Darius, who was one of Cambyses's guard, and as yet a man of no great account, seeing him, took a fancy to the cloak, and coming up, wished to purchase it. But Syloson, per- ceiving that Darius was very anxious to have the cloak, im- pelled by a divine impulse, said, " I will not sell it for any sum, but I will give it you for nothing, if so it must needs be." Darius, having accepted his offer with thanks, took the cloak. Syloson thought afterward that he had lost it through his good nature, but when, in course of time, Cambyses died, and the seven rose up against the magus, and of the seven, Darius possessed the throne, Syloson heard that the king- 206 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [140-142 dom had devolved on the man to whom he had given his cloak in Egypt on his requesting it; so having gone up to Susa, he seated himself at the threshold of the king's palace, and said he had been a benefactor to Darius. The porter, having heard this, reported it to the king; but he, wondering, said to the man : What Grecian is my benefactor, to whom I owe a debt of gratitude, having so lately come to the throne? Scarcely one of them has as yet come up hither; nor can I mention anything that I owe to a Greek. However, bring him in, that I may know the meaning of what he says." The porter introduced Syloson, and as he stood in the midst, the interpreters asked him who he was, and what he had done, that he said he had been a benefactor to the king. Then Syloson related all that had passed respecting the cloak, and that he was the person who gave it. To this the king an- swered : " Most generous of men ! art thou then the man who, when as yet I had no power, made me a present, small as it was? yet the obligation is the same as if I were now to re- ceive a thing of great value. In return I will give thee abun- dance of gold and silver, so that thou shalt never repent hav- ing conferred a favour on Darius, son of Hystaspes." To this Syloson replied : " O king, give me neither gold nor silver ; but recover and give me back my country, Samos, which now, since my brother Polycrates died by the hands of Orcetes, a slave of ours has possessed himself of. Give me this without blodshed and bondage." When Darius heard this, he sent an army under the conduct of Otanes, one of the seven, with orders to accomplish whatever Syloson should desire. Where- upon Otanes, going down to the sea, embarked his army. Maeandrius, son of Mseandrius, held the government of Samos, having had the administration intrusted to him by Polycrates : though he wished to prove himself the most just of men, he was unable to effect his purpose. For when the death of Polycrates was made known to him, he did as fol- lows : First, he erected an altar to Jupiter Liberator, and marked round it the sacred inclosure, which is now in the suburbs. Afterward, when he had done this, he summoned an assembly of all the citizens, and spoke as follows : " To me, as you know, the sceptre and all the power of Polycrates has been intrusted, and I am now able to retain the government. But what I condemn in another I will myself, to the utmost of my ability, abstain from doing. For neither did Polycrates please me in exercising despotic power over men equal to himself, nor would any other who should do the like. Now Polycrates has accomplished his fate ; and I, surrendering the 142-145] PERSIANS OCCUPY SAMOS 207 government into your hands, proclaim equality to all. I re- quire, however, that the following remuneration should be granted to myself: that six talents should be given me out of the treasures of Polycrates; and in addition, I claim for myself and my descendants forever the priesthood of the Tem- ple of Jupiter Liberator; to whom I have erected an altar, and under whose auspices I restore to you your liberties." He then made these demands of the Samians ; but one of them rising up said : " You forsooth are not worthy to rule over us, being as you are a base and pestilent fellow ; rather think how you will render an account of the wealth that you have had the management of." Thus spoke a man of eminence among the citizens, whose name was Telesarchus. But Maean- drius, perceiving that if he should lay down the power some other would set himself up as tyrant in his place, no longer thought of laying it down. To which end, when he had with- drawn to the citadel, sending for each one severally, as if about to give an account of the treasures, he seized them and put them in chains. They then were kept in confinement; but after this disease attacked Maeandrius ; and his brother, whose name was Lycaretus, supposing that he would die, in order that he might the more easily possess himself of the government of Samos, put all the prisoners to death; for, as it seems, they were not willing to be free. When the Persians arrived at Samos, bringing Syloson with them, no one raised a hand against them, and the parti- sans of Maeandrius, and Maeandrius himself, said they were ready to quit the island under a treaty; and when Otanes had assented to this, and had ratified the agreement, the prin- cipal men of the Persians, having had seats placed for them, sat down opposite the citadel. The tyrant Maeandrius had a brother somewhat out of his senses, whose name was Chari- laus ; he, for some fault he had committed, was confined in a dungeon ; and having at that time overheard what was doing, and having peeped through his dungeon, when he saw the Persians sitting quietly down, he shouted, and said that he wished to speak with Maeandrius ; and Maeandrius, having heard this, commanded him to be released, and brought into his presence ; and as soon as he was brought there, upbraid- ing and reviling his brother, he urged him to attack the Per- sians, saying : " Me, O vilest of men, who am your own brother, and have done nothing worthy of bonds, you have bound and adjudged to a dungeon; but when you see the Persians driving you out and making you houseless, you dare not avenge yourself, though they are so easy to be subdued. 208 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [145-148 But if you are in dread of them, lend me your auxiliaries, and I will punish them for coming here, and I am ready also to send you out of the island." Thus spoke Charilaus ; and Maean- drius accepted his offer, as I think, not that he had reached such a pitch of folly as to imagine that his own power could overcome that of the king, but rather out of envy to Syloson, if without a struggle he should possess himself of the city uninjured. Having therefore provoked the Persians, he wished to make the Samian power as weak as possible, and then to give it up: being well assured that the Persians, if they suffered any ill treatment, would be exasperated against the Samians ; and knowing also that he had for himself a safe retreat from the island, whenever he chose, for he had had a secret passage dug leading from the citadel to the sea. Accordingly, Maeandrius himself sailed away from Samos; but Charilaus, having armed all the auxiliaries, and having thrown open the gates, sallied out upon the Persians, who did not expect anything of the kind, but thought everything had been agreed upon ; and the auxiliaries, falling on, slew those of the Persians who were seated in chairs, and who were the principal men among them. But the rest of the Persian army came to their assistance, and the auxiliaries, being hard pressed, were shut up again within the citadel. But Otanes, the general, when he saw that the Persians had suffered great loss, purposely neglected to obey the orders which Darius had given him at his departure, that he should neither kill nor take prisoner any of the Samians, but deliver the island to Syloson without damage ; on the contrary, he commanded his army to put to death every one they met with, both man and child alike. Whereupon one part of the army besieged the citadel, and the rest killed every one that came in their way, all they met, as well within the temples as without. Maeandrius, having escaped from Samos, sailed to Lacedae- mon ; and having arrived there, and carried with him all the treasures that he had when he set out, he did as follows: When he had set out his silver and golden cups, his servants began to clean them ; and he, at the same time, holding a conversation with Cleomenes, son of Anaxandrides, then King of Sparta, led him on to his house. When the king saw the cups, he was struck with wonder and astonishment; upon which Maeandrius bade him take away whatever he pleased, and when Maeandrius had repeated his offer two or three times, Cleomenes showed himself a man of the highest in- tegrity, who refused to accept what was offered ; and being informed that by giving to other citizens he would gain their 148-153] REVOLT OF THE BABYLONIANS 209 support, he went to the Ephori, and said that it would be better for Sparta that this Samian stranger should quit the Pelopon- nesus, lest he should persuade him or some other of the Spar- tans to become base. And they, having assented, banished Maeandrius by public proclamation. The Persians having drawn Samos as with a net, delivered it to Syloson, utterly destitute of inhabitants. Afterward, however, Otanes, the general, repeopled it, in consequence of a vision in a dream. "^ While the naval armament was on its way to Samos, the Babylonians revolted, having very well prepared themselves. For while the magus reigned, and the seven rose up against him, during all that time, and in the confusion, they had made preparations for a siege, and somehow in doing this had es- caped observation. But when they openly revolted they did as follows : Having excepted their mothers, each man selected one woman besides, whomsoever he chose, from his own fam- ily, but all the rest they assembled together and strangled : the one woman each man selected to cook his food. They stran- gled them, that they might not consume their provisions. Darius, being informed of this, and having collected all his forces, marched against them ; and having advanced to Baby- lon, he besieged them, who were not at all solicitous about the event, for the Babylonians, mounting on the ramparts of the wall, danced, and derided Darius and his army, and one of them spoke as follows : " Why sit ye there, O Persians ? will ye not be off? for ye will take us when mules bring forth young." One of the Babylonians said this, who never expected that a mule would breed. When a year and seven months had now passed, Darius was vexed, and all his army, that they were not able to take the Babylonians ; though Darius had recourse to every kind of stratagem and artifice against them. But even so he could not take them ; and having tried other stratagems, he made trial of that also by which Cyrus had taken them. However, the Babylonians kept strict guard, and he was not able to surprise them. Thereupon, in the twentieth month, to Zopyrus, son of that Megabyzus who was one of the seven who dethroned the magus — to this Zopyrus, son of Megabyzus, the following prodigy happened : One of his sumpter mules brought forth young: but when the news was told him, Zopyrus himself, not believing it, went to see the foal, and having strictly charged his servants not to tell any one what had happened, he considered on it: and in consequence of the words of the Babylonian, who at the beginning said, " When even mules bring forth young, then would the city be taken " — in conse- 14 2io HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [i 53-155 quence of this omen, he thought that Babylon could now be taken; for that the man had spoken under divine influence, and that his own mule had brought forth young. When he thought that it was fated for Babylon to be now taken, he went to Darius, and asked him whether he deemed the taking of Babylon as of very great importance; and having learned that he valued it at a high price, he next considered how he might be the person to take it, and the work might be his own; for among the Persians great achievements are hon- oured in the highest degree. Now, he concluded that he should not be able to reduce it in any other way than if he should mutilate himself, and desert to the enemy. Thereupon, considering that as a light matter, he inflicted on himself an irremediable mutilation, for having cut off his nose and ears, and having cut his hair in a disgraceful manner, and having scourged himself, he presented himself before Darius. Darius was very much grieved when he beheld a man of high rank so mutilated, and having started from his throne, he shouted aloud and asked who had mutilated him, and for what cause. He answered : " O king, there is no man except yourself who could have power to treat me thus; no stranger has done this, O king, but I have done it to myself, deeming it a great indignity that the Assyrians should deride the Persians." He replied : " Most wretched of men, you have given the fairest name to the foulest deed, in saying that you have injured your- self thus incurably on account of those who are besieged. How, foolish man, because you are mutilated, will the enemy sooner submit? Have you lost your senses, that you have thus ruined yourself ? " He said in answer : " If I had com- municated to you what I was about to do, you would not have permitted me, but now, having deliberated with myself, I have done it; now, therefore, if you are not wanting to your own interests, we shall take Babylon. For I, as I am, will desert to the city, and will tell them that I have been thus treated by you ; and I think that when I have persuaded them that such is the case, I shall obtain the command of their army. Do you, then, on the tenth day after I shall have en- tered the city, of that part of your army whose loss you would least regret, station a thousand men over against the gates called after Semiramis ; again after that, on the seventh day after the tenth, station two thousand more against the gate called from Nineveh ; and from the seventh day let an interval of twenty days elapse, and then place four thousand more against the gate called from the Chaldseans ; but let neither the first nor these carry any defensive arms except swords, 155-157] SIEGE OF BABYLON 211 but let them have these. After the twentieth day, straight- way command the rest of the army to invest the wall on all sides, but station the Persians for me at those called the Be- lidian and Cissian gates; for as I think, when I have per- formed great exploits, the Babylonians will intrust everything to me, and, moreover, the keys of the gates, and then it will be mine and the Persians' care to do what remains to be done." Having given these injunctions, he went to the gates, turn- ing round as if he were really a deserter. But those who were stationed in that quarter, seeing him from the turrets, ran down, and having opened one door of the gate a little, asked him who he was, and for what purpose he came. He told them that he was Zopyrus, and had deserted to them : the doorkeepers, therefore, when they heard this, conducted him to the assembly of the Babylonians, and standing before them he deplored his condition, saying that he had suffered from Darius the injuries he had inflicted on himself, and that he was so treated because he had advised to raise the siege, since there appeared no means of taking the city. " Now, there- fore," he said, " I come to you, O Babylonians, the greatest blessing ; and to Darius, his army, and the Persians, the great- est mischief; for he shall not escape with impunity, having thus mutilated me ; and I am acquainted with all his designs." Thus he spoke : and the Babylonians, seeing a man of dis- tinction among the Persians deprived of his ears and nose, and covered with stripes and blood, thoroughly believing that he spoke the truth, and that he had come as an ally to them, were ready to intrust him with whatever he should ask ; and he asked the command of the forces. But he, having obtained this from them, acted as he had preconcerted with Darius; for on the tenth day, leading out the army of the Babylonians, and having surrounded the thousand, whom he had instructed Darius to station there first, he cut them all in pieces. The Babylonians therefore perceiving that he performed deeds suit- able to his promises, were exceedingly rejoiced, and were ready to obey him in everything. He, therefore, having suffered the appointed number of days to elapse, and again having selected a body of Babylonians, led them out and slaughtered the two thousand of Darius's soldiers. But the Babylonians witnessing this action also, all had the praises of Zopyrus on their tongues. Then he again, having suffered the appointed number of days to elapse, led out his troops accord- ing to the settled plan, and having surrounded the four thou- sand, he cut them in pieces. And when he had accomplished 212 HERODOTUS— BOOK III, THALIA [157-160 this, Zopyrus was everything to the Babylonians, and he was appointed commander-in-chief, and guardian of the walls. But when Darius, according to agreement, invested the wall all round, then Zopyrus discovered his whole treachery ; for the Babylonians, mounting on the wall, repelled the army of Darius that was attacking them ; but Zopyrus, having opened the Cissian and Belidian gates, led the Persians within the wall. Those of the Babylonians who saw what was done fled into the Temple of Jupiter Belus ; and those who did not see it remained each at his post, until they also discovered that they had been betrayed. Thus Babylon was taken a second time. And when Darius had made himself master of the Babylonians, first of all he demolished the walls and bore away all the gates, for when Cyrus had taken Babylon before, he did neither of these things ; and, secondly, Darius impaled about three thousand of the principal citizens, and allowed the rest of the Baby- lonians to inhabit the city. And that the Babylonians might have wives, in order that offspring might grow up from them, Darius made the following provision ; for the Babylonians had strangled their wives, as already has been mentioned, to pre- vent the consumption of their provisions; and to that end he enjoined the neighbouring provinces to send women to Babylon, taxing each at a certain number, so that a total of fifty thousand women came together; and from these the Babylonians of our time are descended. No Persian, in the opinion of Darius, either of those who came after, or lived before, surpassed Zopyrus in great achievements, Cyrus only excepted; for with him no Persian ever ventured to compare himself. It is also reported that Darius frequently expressed this opinion, that he would rather Zopyrus had not suffered ignominious treatment than acquire twenty Babylons in ad- dition to that he had. And he honoured him exceedingly; for he every year presented him with those gifts which are most prized by the Persians, and he assigned him Babylon to hold free from taxes during his life, and gave him many other things in addition. From this Zopyrus sprung Mega- byzus, who commanded the army in Egypt against the Athe- nians and their allies ; and from this Megabyzus sprung Zopy- rus, who deserted to the Athenians from the Persians. < BOOK IV MELPOMENE A FTER the capture of Babylon, Darius's expedition against /\ the Scythians took place; for as Asia was flourishing jf \ in men, and large revenues came in, Darius was desir- ous of revenging himself upon the Scythians, because they formerly, having invaded the Median territory, and de- feated in battle those that opposed them, were the first begin- ners of violence. For the Scythians, as I have before men- tioned, ruled over Upper Asia for eight-and-twenty years. For while in pursuit of the Cimmerians, they entered Asia and overthrew the empire of the Medes ; for these last, be- fore the arrival of the Scythians, ruled over Asia. Those Scythians, however, after they had been abroad eight-and- twenty years, and returned to their own country after such an interval, a task no less than the invasion of Media awaited : for they found an army of no inconsiderable force ready to oppose them; for the wives of the Scythians, seeing their husbands were a long time absent, had sought the company of their slaves. The Scythians deprive all their slaves of sight for the sake of the milk which they drink, doing as fol- lows : When they have taken bone tubes very like flutes, they thrust them into the genital parts of the mares, and blow with their mouths ; while some blow, others milk. They say they do this for the following reason : because the veins of the mare, being inflated, become filled, and the udder is depressed. When they have finished milking, they pour it into hollow wooden vessels, and having placed the blind men round about the vessels, they agitate the milk : and having skimmed off that which swims on the surface, they consider it the most valuable, but that which subsides is of less value than the other. On this account the Scythians put out the eyes of every prisoner they take; for they are not agriculturists, but feeders of cattle. From these slaves, then, and the women a race of youths had grown up, who, when they knew their own extraction, opposed those who were returning from 213 214 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [3-6 Media. And first they cut off the country by digging a wide ditch, stretching from Mount Taurus to the Lake Maeotis, which is of great extent, and afterward encamping opposite, they came to an engagement with the Scythians, who were endeavouring to enter. When several battles had been fought, and the Scythians were unable to obtain any advantage, one of them said : " Men of Scythia, what are we doing ? by fight- ing with our slaves, both we ourselves by being slain become fewer in number, and by killing them we shall hereafter have fewer to rule over. Now therefore it seems to me that we should lay aside our spears and bows, and that every one, taking a horsewhip, should go directly to them; for so long as they saw us with arms, they considered themselves equal to us, and born of equal birth; but when they shall see us with our whips instead of arms, they will soon learn that they are our slaves, and being conscious of that, will no longer resist." The Scythians, having heard this, adopted the ad- vice ; and the slaves, struck with astonishment at what was done, forgot to fight, and fled. Thus the Scythians both ruled over Asia, and being afterward expelled by the Medes, re-' turned in this manner to their own country: and for the above-mentioned reasons Darius, desiring to take revenge, assembled an army to invade them. As the Scythians say, theirs is the most recent of all na- tions; and it arose in the following manner: The first man that appeared in this country, which was a wilderness, was named Targitaus : they say that the parents of this Targitaus, in my opinion relating what is incredible — they say, however, that they were Jupiter and a daughter of the river Borys- thenes ; that such was the origin of Targitaus : and that he had three sons, who went by the names of Lipoxais, Apoxais, and the youngest, Colaxais ; that during their reign a plough, a yoke, an axe, and a bowl of golden workmanship, dropping down from heaven, fell on the Scythian territory; that the eldest, seeing them first, approached, intending to take them up, but as he came near the gold began to burn ; when he had retired the second went up, and it did the same again; accordingly, the burning gold repulsed these; but when the youngest went up the third, it became extinguished, and he carried the things home with him ; and that the elder brothers in consequence of this giving way surrendered the whole au- thority to the youngest. From Lipoxais, they say, are de- scended those Scythians who are called Auchatse; from the second, Apoxais, those who are called Catiari and Traspies; and from the youngest of them, the royal race, who are called 6-9] ORIGIN OF THE SCYTHIANS 21 5 Paralatae. But all have the name of Scoloti, from the surname of their king; but the Grecians call them Scythians. The Scythians say that such was their origin ; and they reckon the whole number of years from their first beginning, from King Targitaus to the time that Darius crossed over against them, to be not more than a thousand years, but just that number. This sacred gold the kings watch with the greatest care, and annually approach it with magnificent sacrifices to render it propitious. If he who has the sacred gold happens to fall asleep in the open air on the festival, the Scythians say he can not survive the year, and on this account they give him as much land as he can ride round on horseback in one day. The country being very extensive, Colaxais established three of the kingdoms for his sons, and made that one the largest in which the gold is kept. The parts beyond the north of the inhabited districts the Scythians say can neither be seen nor passed through, by reason of the feathers shed there ; for that the earth and air are full of feathers, and that it is these which intercept the view. Such is the account the Scythians give of themselves, and of the country above them : but the Greeks who inhabit Pon- tus give the following account : they say that Hercules, as he was driving away the herds of Geryon, arrived in this coun- try, that was then a desert, and which the Scythians now in- habit: that Geryon, fixing his abode outside the Pontus, in- habited the island which the Greeks call Erythia, situated near Gades, beyond the columns of Hercules in the ocean. The ocean, they say, beginning from the sunrise, flows round the whole earth, but they do not prove it in fact; that Her- cules thence came to the country now called Scythia, and as a storm and frost overtook him, he drew his lion's skin over him, and went to sleep ; and in the meanwhile his mares, which were feeding apart from his chariot, vanished by some divine chance. They add that when Hercules awoke, he sought for them; and that having gone over the whole country, he at length came to the land called Hylaea; he found a monster, having two natures, half virgin, half viper, of which the upper parts from the buttocks resembled a woman, and the lower parts a serpent : when he saw her he was astonished, but asked her if she had anywhere seen his strayed mares. She said that she herself had them, and would not restore them to him before she had lain with him: Hercules accordingly lay with her on these terms. She, however, delayed giving back the mares, out of a desire to enjoy the company of Her- cules as long as she could; he was desirous of recovering 2i6 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [9-1 1 them and departing; at last as she restored the mares, she said : " These mares that strayed hither I preserved for you, and you have paid me salvage, for I have three sons by you ; tell me, therefore, what must I do with them when they are grown up; whether shall I establish them here, for I possess the rule over this country, or shall I send them to you ? " She asked this question, and he replied, they say : " When you see the children arrived at the age of men, you can not err if you do this : whichever of them you see able thus to bend this bow, and thus girding himself with this girdle, make him an inhabitant of this country; and whichever fails in these tasks which I enjoin, send out of the country. If you do this, you will please yourself and perform my injunc- tions." Then having drawn out one of his bows, for Hercules carried two at that time, and having shown her the belt, he gave her both the bow and the belt, which had a golden cup at the extremity of the clasp, and having given them, he de- parted. But she, when the sons who were born to her attained to the age of men, in the first place gave them names ; to the first, Agathyrsis, to the second, Gelonus, and to the young- est, Scythes ; and, in the next place, remembering the orders, she did what had been enjoined ; and two of her sons, Agathyr- sis and Gelonus, being unable to come up to the proposed task, left the country, being expelled by their mother; but the youngest of them, Scythes, having accomplished it, re- mained there. From this Scythes, son of Hercules, are de- scended those who have been successively kings of the Scyth- ians ; and from the cup, the Scythians even to this day wear cups from their belts. This thing only the mother did for Scythes. Such is the account given by the Greeks who in- habit Pontus. There is another account, to the following effect, to which I myself rather incline: It is said that the Scythian nomads who dwelt in Asia, being harassed in war by the Massagetse, crossed the river Araxes and entered the Cimmerian territory : for the country which the Scythians now inhabit is said to have formerly belonged to the Cimmerians. The Cimmerians, when the Scythians invaded them, deliberated, seeing a large army was coming against them ; however, their opinions were divided, which both vehemently upheld, though that of the kings was the best ; for the opinion of the people was that it was necessary to retire, and that there was no need to hazard a battle against superior numbers : but the opinion of the kings was that they should fight to the last for their country against the invaders. When, therefore, neither the people would sub- 11-14] ARISTEAS OF PROCONNESUS, 2\J mit to the kings, nor the kings to the people; and one party resolved to depart without fighting, and abandon the coun- try to the invaders, while the kings determined to die and be buried in their own country, and not fly with the people, considering what great advantages they had enjoyed, and how many misfortunes would probably befall them if they fled from their country: when they had come to this resolu- tion, having divided, and being equal in numbers, they fought with one another; and the one party, the royal race, having all perished, the people of the Cimmerians buried them near the river Tyras ; and their sepulchre is still to be seen. After they had buried them, they then abandoned the country ; and the Scythians coming up, took possession of the deserted coun- try. And there are now in Scythia Cimmerian fortifications and Cimmerian Porthmia ; x there is also a district named Cimmeria, and a bosphorus called Cimmerian. The Cim- merians evidently appear to have fled from the Scythians into Asia, and settled in the peninsula in which the Grecian city Sinope now stands : and it is evident that the Scythians, pur- suing them, and entering the Median territory, missed their way ; for the Cimmerians fled constantly by the sea-coast ; whereas the Scythians pursued, keeping Caucasus on the right, until they entered the Median territory, toward the midland. This last account is given in common both by Greeks and barbarians. But Aristeas, son of Caystrobius, a native of Proconnesus, says in his epic verses that, inspired by Apollo, he came to the Issedones ; that beyond the Issedones dwell the Arimaspians, a people that have only one eye ; and beyond them the gold- guarding griffins; and beyond these the Hyperboreans, who reach to the sea : that all these, except the Hyperboreans, be- ginning from the Arimaspians, continually encroached upon their neighbours ; that the Issedones were expelled from their country by the Arimaspians, the Scythians by the Issedones, and that the Cimmerians, who inhabited on the south sea, being pressed by the Scythians, abandoned their country. Thus he does not agree with the Scythians respecting this country. Of what country Aristeas, who made these verses, was, has already been mentioned, and I shall now relate the account I heard of him in Proconnesus and Cyzicus. They say that Aristeas, who was inferior to none of the citizens by birth, entering into a fuller's shop in Proconnesus, died suddenly ; and that the fuller, having closed his workshop, went to acquaint the relatives of the deceased. When the * Passages or ferries. 2i8 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [14-17 report had spread through the city, that Aristeas was dead, a certain Cyzicenian, arriving from Artace, fell into a dispute with those who made the report, affirming that he had met and conversed with him on his way to Cyzicus ; and he vehe- mently disputed the truth of the report, but the relatives of the deceased went to the fuller's shop, taking with them what was necessary, for the purpose of carrying the body away, but when the house was opened, Aristeas was not to be seen either dead or alive. They say that afterward, in the seventh year, he appeared in Proconnesus, composed those verses, which by the Greeks are now called Arimaspian, and having composed them, disappeared a second time. Such is the story current in these cities. But these things I know happened to the Metapontines in Italy, three hundred and forty years after the second disappearance of Aristeas, as I discovered by computation in Proconnesus and Metapontium. The Meta- pontines say that Aristeas himself, having appeared in their country, exhorted them to erect an altar to Apollo, and to place near it a statue bearing the name of Aristeas the Pro- connesian ; for he said that Apollo had visited their country only of all the Italians, and that he himself, who was now Aristeas, accompanied him ; and that when he accompanied the god, he was a crow; and after saying this, he vanished; and the Metapontines say they sent to Delphi to inquire of the god what the apparition of the man meant ; but the Pythian bade them obey the apparition, and if they obeyed, it would conduce to their benefit: they accordingly, having received this answer, fulfilled the injunctions. And now a statue bear- ing the name of Aristeas is placed near the image of Apollo, and around it laurels are planted : the image is placed in the public square. Thus much concerning Aristeas. No one knows with certainty what is beyond the country about which this account proceeds to speak ; for I have not been able to hear of any one who says he has seen them with his own eyes; nor even did Aristeas, of whom I have just now made mention, say in his poems that he went farther than the Issedones, but of the parts beyond he spoke by hearsay, stating that the Issedones gave him his information. But as far as we have been able to arrive at the truth with accuracy from hearsay, the whole shall be related. From the port of the Borysthenitae, for this is the most central part of the sea- coast of all Scythia, the first people are the Callipidae, being Greek-Scythians ; beyond these is another nation, called Ala- zones. These and the Callipidae, in other respects, follow the usages of the Scythians, but they both sow and feed on wheat, 17-22] THE SCYTHIANS 219 onions, garlic, lentils, and millet; but beyond the Alazones dwell husbandmen, who do not sow wheat for food, but for sale. Beyond these the Neuri dwell ; and to the north of the Neuri the country is utterly uninhabited, as far as I know. These nations are by the side of the river Hypanis, to the west of the Borysthenes. But if one crosses the Borysthenes, the first country from the sea is Hylaea ; and from this higher up live Scythian agriculturists, where the Greeks settled on the river Hypanis, called Borysthenitae, but they call them- selves Olbiopolitse. These Scythian husbandmen, then, oc- cupy the country eastward, for three days' journey, extend- ing to the river whose name is Panticapes ; and northward a passage of eleven days up the Borysthenes. Beyond this re- gion the country is desert for a great distance ; and beyond the desert Androphagi dwell, who are a distinct people, and not in any respect Scythian. Beyond this is really desert, and no nation of men is found there, as far as we know. The country eastward of these Scythian agriculturists, when one crosses the river Panticapes, nomads occupy, who neither sow at all, nor plough ; and all this country is destitute of trees, except Hylaea. These nomads occupy a tract eastward for fourteen days' journey, stretching to the river Gerrhus. Be- yond the Gerrhus are the parts called the Royal, and the most valiant and numerous of the Scythians, who deem all other Scythians to be their slaves. These extend southward to Taurica, and eastward to the trench, which those sprung from the blind men dug, and to the port on the Lake Maeotis, which is called Cremni, and some of them reach to the river Tanais. The parts above to the north of the Royal Scythians, the Me- lanchlaeni inhabit, a distinct race, and not Scythian. But above the Melanchlaeni are lakes, and an uninhabited desert, as far as we know. After one crosses the river Tanais, it is no longer Scythian, but the first region belongs to the Sauromatae, who, begin- ning from the recess of the Lake Maeotis, occupy the country northward, for a fifteen days' journey, all destitute both of wild and cultivated trees. Above these dwell the Budini, oc- cupying the second region, and possessing a country thickly covered with all sorts of trees. Above the Budini, toward the north, there is first a desert of seven days' journey, and next to the desert, if one turns somewhat toward the east, dwell the Thyssagetae, a numerous and distinct race, and they live by hunting. Contiguous to these, in the same regions, dwell those who are called Iyrcae, who also live by hunting in the following manner : The huntsman, having climbed a tree, lies 220 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [22-25 in ambush (and the whole country is thickly wooded), and each man has a horse ready, taught to lie on his belly, that he may not be much above the ground, and a dog besides. When he sees any game from the tree, having let fly an arrow, and mounted his horse, he goes in pursuit, and the dog keeps close to him. Above these, as one bends toward the east, dwell other Scythians, who revolted from the Royal Scythians, and so came to this country. As far as the territory of these Scythians, the whole country that has been described is level and deep-soiled ; but after this it is stony and rugged. When one has passed through a considerable extent of the rugged country, a people are found living at the foot of lofty moun- tains, who are said to be all bald from their birth, both men and women alike, and they are flat-nosed, and have large chins ; they speak a peculiar language, wear the Scythian cos- tume, and live on the fruit of a tree : the name of the tree on which they live is called ponticon, about the size of a fig tree ; it bears fruit like a bean, and has a stone. When this is ripe they strain it through a cloth, and a thick and black liquor flows from it; the name of what flows from it is aschy; this they suck, and drink mingled with milk : from the thick sedi- ment of the pulp they make cakes, and feed on them ; for they have not many cattle in these parts, as the pastures there are not good. Every man lives under a tree in the winter, when he has covered the tree with a thick white woollen covering ; but in summer, without the woollen covering. No man does any injury to this people, for they are accounted sacred ; nor do they possess any warlike weapon. And in the first place, they determine the differences that arise' among their neigh- bours ; and in the next place, whoever takes refuge among them is injured by no one. They are called Argippaei. As far, then, as these bald people, our knowledge respect- ing the country and the nations before them is very good, for some Scythians frequently go there, from whom it is not diffi- cult to obtain information, as also from Greeks belonging to the port of the Borysthenes, and other ports in Pontus. The Scythians who go to them transact business by means of seven interpreters and seven languages. So far, then, is known ; but beyond the bald men no one can speak with cer- tainty, for lofty and impassable mountains form their bound- ary, and no one has ever crossed them ; but these bald men say, what to me is incredible, that men with goats' feet inhabit these mountains ! and when one has passed beyond them, other men are found, who sleep six months at a time ; but this I do not at all admit. However, the country eastward of the bald 25-29] THE ISSEDONES 221 men is well known, being inhabited by Issedones, though the country above to the north, either of the bald men or the Isse- dones, is utterly unknown, except only such things as these people relate. The Issedones are said to observe these cus- toms : When a man's father dies all his relations bring cattle, and then having sacrificed them, and cut up the flesh, they cut up also the dead parent of their host, and having mingled all the flesh together, they spread out a banquet; then hav- ing made bare and cleansed his head, they gild it; and after- ward they treat it as a sacred image, performing grand an- nual sacrifices to it. A son does this to his father, as the Greeks celebrate the anniversary of their father's death. These people are likewise accounted just ; and the women have equal authority with the men. These, then, are well known. Among them, the Issedones affirm, are the men with only one eye, and the gold-guarding griffins. The Scythians re- peat this account, having received it from them ; and we have adopted it from the Scythians, and call them, in the Scythian language, Arimaspi ; for Arima, in the Scythian language, signifies one, and Spou, the eye. All this country which I have been speaking of is subject to such a severe winter that for eight months the frost is so intolerable that if you pour water on the ground you will not make mud, but if you light a fire you will make mud. Even the sea freezes, and the whole Cimmerian bosphorus ; and the Scythians who live within the trench, lead their armies and drive their chariots over the ice to the Sindians, on the other side. Thus winter continues eight months, and during the other four it is cold there. And this winter is different in character from the winters in all other countries ; for in this no rain worth mentioning falls in the usual season, but during the summer it never leaves off raining. At the time when there is thunder elsewhere there is none there, but in summer it is violent : if there should be thunder in winter, it is accounted a prodigy to be wondered at. So should there be an earthquake, whether in summer or winter, in Scythia it is accounted a prodigy. Their horses endure this cold, but their asses and mules can not endure it at all ; but in other places horses that stand exposed to frost become frost-bitten in the cold, waste away; but asses and mules endure it. On this account also the race of beeves appears to me to be defective there, and not to have horns; and the following verse of Homer, in his " Odyssey," con- firms my opinion, " And Libya, where the lambs soon put forth their horns " ; rightly observing that in warm climates horns shoot out quickly; but in very severe cold, the cattle 222 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [29-33 either do not produce them at all, or if they do produce them they do so with difficulty. Here, then, such are the effects of the cold. I am surprised (for my narrative has from its commencement sought for digressions) that in the whole ter- ritory of Elis no mules are able to breed, though neither is the climate cold nor is there any other visible cause. The Eleans themselves say that mules do not breed with them in consequence of a curse; therefore, when the time for the mares' breeding approaches, they lead them to the neigh- bouring districts, and there put the he-asses with them until they are in foal ; then they drive them home again. With respect to the feathers, with which the Scythians say the air is filled, and that on account of them it is not possible either to see farther upon the continent, or to pass through it, I entertain the following opinion : In the upper parts of this country it continually snows, less in summer than in winter, as is reasonable ; now, whoever has seen snow fall- ing thick near him will know what I mean ; for snow is like feathers: and on account of the winter being so severe, the northern parts of this continent are uninhabited. I think, then, that the Scythians and their neighbours call the snow feathers, comparing them together. These regions, therefore, which are said to be the most remote, have been sufficiently described. Concerning the Hyperboreans, neither the Scythians say anything, nor any people of those parts, except the Issedones ; and, as I think, neither do they say anything, for then the Scythians would mention it, as they do the one-eyed people. Hesiod, however, has made mention of the Hyperboreans, and Homer, in the " Epigoni," if indeed Homer was in reality the author of that poem. But the Delians say very much more than any others about them, affirming that sacred things, wrapped in wheat-straw, were brought from the Hyperboreans and came to the Scythians ; and from the Scythians each con- tiguous nation receiving them in succession, carried them to the extreme west as far as the Adriatic ; that being forwarded thence toward the south, the Dodonseans, the first of the Greeks, received them ; that from them they descended to the Maliac Gulf, and passed over into Eubcea, and that one city sent them on to another as far as Carystus; that after this Andros was passed by, for the Carystians conveyed them to Tenos, and the Tenians to Delos : in this manner they say these sacred things reach Delos. They add that the Hyper- boreans first sent two virgins, whom they called by the names of Hyperoche and Laodice, to carry these sacred things ; and 33-36] THE HYPERBOREANS 223 with them, for the sake of safety, the Hyperboreans sent five of their citizens as attendants, the same who are now called Perpherees, and are held in high honour at Delos. But when those who were sent out by the Hyperboreans did not return, they, thinking it a grievous thing if it should always happen to them not to receive back those whom they sent out, there- fore carried their offerings wrapped in wheat-straw to their borders, and enjoined their neighbours to forward them to the next nation; and these being so forwarded, they say, reached Delos. I myself know that the following practice is observed, resembling that of these sacred things : The Thracian and Paeonian women, when they sacrifice to Royal Diana, do not offer their sacrifices without wheat-straw; and I know that they do this. In honour of these Hyperborean virgins who died in Delos, both the virgins and youths of the Delians shear their hair : the former, having cut off a lock before marriage, and having wound it about a distaff, lay it upon the sepulchre; the sepulchre is within the Temple of Diana, on the left as one enters, and on it grows an olive tree : the youths of the Delians having wound some of their hair round a plant, place it also on the sepulchre. These virgins receive such honour from the inhabitants of Delos. These same persons also affirm that Arge and Opis, who were Hy- perborean virgins, passing through the same nations, came to Delos, even before Hyperoche and Laodice : that these last came to bring the tribute they had agreed to pay to Ilithya for a speedy delivery; but they say that Arge and Opis ar- rived with the gods themselves, and that different honours are paid them by themselves, for that the women collect con- tributions for them, calling on their names in a hymn which Olen, a Lycian, composed for them ; and that the islanders and Ionians afterward, having learned it from them, celebrate Opis and Arge in song, mentioning their names, and collect- ing contributions (now this Olen, coming from Lycia, com- posed also the other ancient hymns which are sung in Delos) ; and that the ashes of the thighs burned on the altar are thrown and expended on the sepulchre of Opis and Arge: but their sepulchre is behind the Temple of Diana, facing the east, very near the banqueting-room of the Ceians. And thus much may be said concerning the Hyperboreans, for I do not relate the story concerning Abaris, who was said to be an Hyperborean, to the effect that he carried an arrow round the whole earth without eating anything. If, however, there are Hyperbo- reans, there must also be Hypernotians. But I smile when I see many persons describing the circumference of the earth, 224 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [36-42 who have no sound reason to guide them; they describe the ocean flowing round the earth, which is made circular as if by a lathe, and make Asia equal to Europe. I will therefore briefly show the dimensions of each of them, and what is the figure of each. The Persian settlements extend to the southern sea, called the Erythraean ; above them to the north are the Medes ; above the Medes, the Saspires; and above the Saspires, the Col- chians, who reach to the northern sea, into which the river Phasis discharges itself. These four nations occupy the space from sea to sea. Thence westward two tracts stretch out to the sea, which I shall describe. On one side, the one tract, beginning at the north from the Phasis, extends along the Euxine and the Hellespont, as far as the Trojan Sigaeum; and on the south, this same tract, beginning from the Myrian- drian Gulf, which is adjacent to Phoenicia, stretches toward the sea as far as the Triopian promontory. In this tract dwell thirty different nations. This, then, is one of the tracts. The other, beginning at Persia, reaches to the Red Sea; it com- prises Persia, and after that Assyria, and after Assyria, Arabia ; it terminates (terminating only by custom) at the Arabian Gulf, into which Darius carried a canal from the Nile. Now, as far as Phoenicia from Persia the country is wide and open, but from Phoenicia the same tract stretches along this sea by Syrian Palestine and Egypt, where it terminates ; in it are only three nations. These, then, are the parts of Asia that lie westward of Persia. Beyond the Persians, Medes, Saspires, and Colchians, toward the east and rising sun, extends the Red Sea, and on the north the Caspian Sea and the river Araxes, which flows toward the rising sun. Asia is inhabited as far as India; but beyond this it is all desert toward the east, nor is any one able to describe what it is. Such and so great is Asia. Libya is in the other tract; for Libya commences from Egypt. Now in Egypt this tract is narrow ; for from this sea to the Red Sea are a hundred thousand orgyae, which make one thousand stades. But from this narrow neck the tract which is called Libya becomes very wide. I wonder there- fore at those who have described the limits of and divided Libya, Asia, and Europe, for the difference between them is not trifling ; for in length Europe extends along both of them, but with respect to width, it is evidently not to be compared. Libya shows itself to be surrounded by water, except so much of it as borders upon Asia. Neco, King of Egypt, was the first whom we know of that proved this ; he, when he had ceased 42-43] CIRCUMNAVIGATION OF AFRICA 225 digging the canal leading from the Nile to the Arabian Gulf, sent certain Phoenicians in ships, with orders to sail back through the Pillars of Hercules into the northern sea,1 and so to return to Egypt. The Phoenicians, accordingly, setting out from the Red Sea, navigated the southern sea; when autumn came, they went ashore, and sowed the land, by what- ever part of Libya they happened to be sailing, and waited for harvest; then having reaped the corn, they put to sea again. When two years had thus passed, in the third, having doubled the Pillars of Hercules, they arrived in Egypt, and related what to me does not seem credible, but may to others, that as they sailed round Libya they had the sun on their right hand. Thus was Libya first known. Subsequently the Car- thaginians say that Libya is surrounded by water. For Satas- pes, son of Teaspes, one of the Achsemenidse, did not sail round Libya, though sent for that very purpose; but dreading the length of the voyage and the desolation, returned home and did not accomplish the task which his mother imposed upon him : for he had violated a virgin, daughter of Zopyrus, son of Megabyzus ; whereupon, when he was about to be impaled for this offence by King Xerxes, the mother of Sataspes, who was sister to Darius, begged him off, promising that she would inflict a greater punishment upon him than he would, for she would constrain him to sail round Libya, until, sailing round, he should reach the Arabian Gulf. Xerxes having agreed on these terms, Sataspes went into Egypt, and having taken a ship and men from thence, sailed through the Pillars of Hercules ; and having sailed through, and doubled the cape of Libya, whose name is Solois, he steered to the southward : but after traversing a vast extent of sea, in many months, when he found that he had still more to pass, he turned back, and sailed away for Egypt. From thence going to King Xerxes, he told him that in the most distant part he sailed past a nation of little men, who wore garments made of palm- leaves, who, whenever they drew to shore, left their cities and flew to the mountains ; that his men, when they entered their country, did them no injury, but only took some cattle from them. Of his not sailing completely round Libya, this he said was the cause : that his ship could not proceed any far- ther, but was stopped. Xerxes, however, being persuaded that he did not speak the truth, as he had not accomplished the task imposed upon him, impaled him, inflicting the origi- nal sentence. A eunuch of this Sataspes, as soon as he heard of his master's death, ran away to Samos with great wealth, 1 Meaning "the Mediterranean," which was north of Libya. 15 226 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [43-46 which a Samian detained: though I know his name, I pur- posely conceal it. A great part of Asia was explored under the direction of Darius. He being desirous to know in what part the Indus, which is the second river that produces crocodiles, discharges itself into the sea, sent in ships both others on whom he could rely to make a true report, and also Scylax of Caryanda. They accordingly, setting out from the city of Caspatyrus and the country of Pactyice, sailed down the river toward the east and sunrise to the sea : then sailing on the sea westward, they arrived in the thirtieth month at that place where the King of Egypt despatched the PhcEnicians, whom I before men- tioned, to sail round Libya. After these persons had sailed round, Darius subdued the Indians, and frequented this sea. Thus the other parts of Asia, except toward the rising sun, are found to exhibit things similar to Libya. Whether Europe is surrounded by water either toward the east or toward the north has not been fully discovered by any man ; but in length it is known to extend beyond both the other continents. Nor can I conjecture for what reason three different names have been given to the earth, which is but one, and those derived from the names of women ; nor why the Egyptian river Nile and the Colchian Phasis have been assigned as boundaries to it (some say the Mseotian river Tanais, and the Cimmerian Porthmeia) ; nor can I learn the names of those who made this division, nor whence they de- rived the appellations. Libya is said by most of the Greeks to take its name from a native woman of the name of Libya ; and Asia, from the wife of Prometheus. But the Lydians claim this name, saying that Asia was so called after Asius, son of Cotys, son of Manes, and not after Asia, the wife of Prometheus ; from whom also a tribe in Sardis is called the Asian tribe. Whether Europe, then, is surrounded by water is known by no man ; nor is it clear whence it received this name, nor who gave it, unless we will say that the region re- ceived the name from the Tyrian Europa, but was before without a name, like the others ; yet she evidently belonged to Asia, and never came into that country which is now called Europe by the Grecians; but only passed from Phoenicia to Crete, and from Crete to Lycia. Thus much may suffice for this subject, for we shall adopt the names in common use. The Euxine Sea, to which Darius led an army of all coun- tries, except the Scythians, exhibits the most ignorant na- tions : for we are unable to mention any one nation of those on this side the Pontus that has any pretensions to intelli- 46-49] THE RIVERS OF SCYTHIA 227 gence; nor have we ever heard of any learned men among them, except the Scythian nation and Anacharsis. By the Scythian nation one of the most important of human devices has been contrived more wisely than by any others whom we know; their other customs, however, I do not admire. This most important device has been so contrived that no one who attacks them can escape; and that, if they do not choose to be found, no one is able to overtake them. For they, who have neither cities nor fortifications, but carry their houses with them, who are all equestrian archers, living not from the cultivation of the earth, but from cattle, and whose dwell- ings are wagons — how must not such a people be invincible, and difficult to engage with ? This device has been contrived by them, as the country is fit for it, and the rivers aid them : for the country, being level, abounds in herbage and is well watered : and rivers flow through it almost as numerous as the canals in Egypt. Such of them as are celebrated and navigable from the sea I will mention: the Ister, that has five mouths; then the Tyres, the Hypanis, the Borysthenes, the Panticapes, the Hypacyris, the Gerrhus, and the Tanais. These flow as follows: The Ister, which is the greatest of all the rivers we know, flows always with an equal stream both in summer and winter. Flowing the first of those in Scythia from the west, it is on this account the greatest, because other rivers discharge them- selves into it. The following are those that make it great: there are five that flow through Scythia; one which the Scythians call Porata, but the Grecians Pyretos ; another the Tiarantus, then the Aratus, the Naparis, and the Ordessus. The first mentioned of these rivers is large, and flowing to- ward the east, communicates its water with the Ister; that mentioned second, the Tiarantus, is more to the west and less ; the Aratus, the Naparis, and Ordessus, passing between these, fall likewise into the Ister. These indigenous Scythian rivers assist in filling it. The river Maris, flowing from the Agathyrsi, mingles with the Ister. From the summits of Mount Haemus three other large rivers, flowing toward the north, empty themselves into it, the Atlas, the Auras, and the Tibisis: the Athres, the Noes, and the Atarnes, flowing through Thrace and the Thracian Crobyzi, discharge them- selves into the Ister; and from the Paeonians and Mount Rhodope, the river Scios, dividing the Haemus in the middle, discharges itself into it. And the river Angrus, flowing from the Illyrians toward the north, empties itself into the Triballic plain and into the river Brongus, and the Brongus into the 228 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [49-52 Ister; thus the Ister receives both these, which are consider- able. From the country above the Umbrici, the river Carpis and another river, Alpis, flowing toward the north, also dis- charge themselves into it. For the Ister flows through all Europe, beginning from the Celts, who, next to the Cynetse, inhabit the remotest parts of Europe toward the west ; and flowing through all Europe, enter the borders of Scythia. By these, then, that have been mentioned, and many other rivers that contribute their waters, the Ister becomes the greatest of all rivers. For if we compare one stream with another, the Nile surpasses in quantity; for into this no river or fountain discharging itself contributes to its increase. But the Ister always flows equal in summer and in winter, for the following reason, as I think: during the winter it is about as large as it usually is, and perhaps a little larger; for this country is very little moistened by rain during the winter, but is en- tirely covered with snow: in the summer, the snow that fell in the winter in vast quantities, dissolving on all sides, flows into the Ister; and this snow flowing into it assists in filling it, and frequent and violent rains besides ; for it rains much in summer. By how much, therefore, the sun draws up to himself more water in summer than in winter, by so much the waters mingled with the Ister are greater in summer than in winter ; and these things therefore being opposed, an equi- librium results, so that it is always found to be equal. One of the rivers, then, of the Scythians is the Ister ; after this is the Tyres, which proceeds from the north, and begins flowing from a vast lake, which separates Scythia and Neuris. At its mouth are settled Grecians, who are called Tyritse. The third river, the Hypanis, proceeds from Scythia and flows from a vast lake, around which wild white horses graze. This lake is rightly called the mother of the Hypanis. The river Hypanis, then rising from this, is small and still sweet for a five days' voyage, but from thence, for a four days' voyage to the sea, it is exceedingly bitter; for a bitter fountain dis- charges itself into it, which is so very bitter, though small in size, that it taints the Hypanis, which is a considerable river among small ones. This fountain is on the borders of the territory of the Scythian husbandmen and the Alazones ; the name of the fountain, and of the district whence it flows, is, in the Scythian language, Exampaeus, but in the language of the Greeks, " The sacred ways." The Tyres and Hypanis contract their boundaries in the country of the Alazones ; but after that, each turning away, flows on widening the inter- mediate space. 53-57] THE RIVERS OF SCYTHIA 229 The fourth is the river Borysthenes, which is the largest of these after the Ister, and, in my opinion, the most pro- ductive, not only of the Scythian rivers, but of all others, except the Egyptian Nile ; for to this it is impossible to com- pare any other river, but of the rest the Borysthenes is the most productive. It affords the most excellent and valuable pasture for cattle, and fish of the highest excellence and in great quantities ; it is most sweet to drink ; it flows pure in the midst of turbid rivers; the sown land near it is of the best quality; and the herbage, where the land is not sown, is very tall ; at its mouth abundance of salt is crystallized spon- taneously ; and it produces large whales, without any spinal bones, which they call Antacaei, fit for salting, and many other things that deserve admiration. As far as the country of Gerrhus, a voyage of forty days, this river is known to flow from the north ; but above that, through what people it flows no one is able to tell : but it evidently flows through a desert to the country of the agricultural Scythians ; for these Scyth- ians dwell near it for the space of a ten days' voyage. Of this river only, and of the Nile, I am unable to describe the sources ; and I think that no Greek can do so. The Borys- thenes continues flowing near the sea, and the Hypanis min- gles with it, discharging itself into the same morass. The space between these rivers, which is a projecting piece of land, is called the promontory of Hippoleon, and in it a temple of Ceres is built; beyond the temple on the Hypanis the Borysthenitae are settled. Thus much concerning these rivers. After these is the fifth river, the name of which is the Pan- ticapes ; this also flows from the north, and out of a lake ; and between this and the Borysthenes dwell the agricultural Scythians ; it discharges itself into Hylsea, and having passed through that region, mingles with the Borysthenes. The Hypacyris is the sixth river, which proceeds from a lake, and, flowing through the middle of the Scythian nomads, discharges itself near the city Carcinitis, skirting Hylaea on the right, and that which is called the Course of Achilles. The seventh river, the Gerrhus, is separated from the Borysthenes near the place at which the Borysthenes is first known. It is separated then from this very spot, and has the same name as the coun- try, Gerrhus ; and flowing toward the sea, it divides the ter- ritory of the Nomadic and the Royal Scythians, and discharges itself into the Hypacyris. The eighth river is the Tanais, which flows originally from a vast lake, and discharges itself into a still larger lake, called Mseotis, which divides the Royal Scythians and the Sauromatse. Into this river Tanais runs 230 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [57-62 another river, the name of which is Hyrgis. Thus the Scyth- ians are provided with these celebrated rivers. The grass that grows in Scythia is the most productive of bile for cattle of any with which we are acquainted; and when the cattle are opened one may infer that such is the case. Thus the greatest commodities are furnished them in abundance. Their other customs are established as follows: They propitiate the following gods only : Vesta, most of all ; then Jupiter, deeming the Earth to be the wife of Jupiter; after these Apollo, and Venus Urania, and Hercules, and Mars. All the Scythians acknowledge these ; but those who are called Royal Scythians sacrifice also to Neptune. Vesta, in the Scyth- ian language, is named Tahiti; Jupiter is, in my opinion, very rightly called Papaeus ; the Earth, Apia; Apollo, GEto- syrus; Venus Urania, Artimpasa; and Neptune, Thamima- sadas. They are not accustomed to erect images, altars, and temples, except to Mars; to him they are accustomed. The same mode of sacrificing is adopted by all, with respect to all kinds of victims, alike, being as follows : The victim itself stands with its fore feet tied together ; he who sacrifices, stand- ing behind the beast, having drawn the extremity of the cord, throws it down; and as the victim falls he invokes the god to whom he is sacrificing; then he throws a halter round its neck, and having put in a stick, he twists it round and stran- gles it, without kindling any fire, or performing any prepara- tory ceremonies, or making any libation, but having strangled and flayed it he applies himself to cook it. As the Scythian country is wholly destitute of wood, they have invented the following method of cooking flesh : When they have flayed the victims, they strip the flesh from the bones, then they put it into caldrons made in the country, if they happen to have any, which very much resemble Lesbian bowls except that they are much larger; having put it into these, they cook it by burning underneath the bones of the victims. If they have no caldron at hand, they put all the flesh into the paunches of the victims, and having poured in water, burn the bones underneath : they burn very well, and the paunches easily contain the flesh stripped from the bones ; thus the ox cooks himself, and of all other victims each cooks itself. When the flesh is cooked, he that sacrifices, offering the first fruits of the flesh and entrails, throws it before him. They also sacri- fice other cattle, chiefly horses. In this manner, then, and these victims, they sacrifice to the other gods ; but to Mars, as follows : In each district, in the place where the magistrates assemble, is erected a struc- 62-64] CUSTOMS OF THE SCYTHIANS 23 1 ture sacred to Mars, of the following kind : bundles of fagots are heaped up to the length and breadth of three stades, but less in height ; on the top of this a square platform is formed ; and three of the sides are perpendicular, but on the fourth it is accessible. Every year they heap on it one hundred and fifty wagon-loads of fagots, for it is continually sinking by reason of the weather. On this heap an old iron scimetar is placed by each tribe, and this is the image of Mars ; and to this scimetar they bring yearly sacrifices of cattle and horses ; and to these scimetars they offer more sacrifices than to the rest of the gods. Whatever enemies they take alive, of these they sacrifice one in a hundred, not in the same manner as they do the cattle, but in a different manner; for after they have poured a libation of wine on their heads, they cut the throats of the men over a bowl ; then having carried the bowl on the heap of fagots, they pour the blood over the scimetar. This then they carry up; but below at the sacred precinct, they do as follows : having cut off all the right shoulders of the men that have been killed, with the arms, they throw them into the air; and then, having finished the rest of the sacrificial rites, they depart; but the arm lies wherever it has fallen, and the body apart. Such, then, are the sacrifices instituted among them. Swine they never use, nor suffer them to be reared in their country at all. Their military affairs are ordered as follows : When a Scythian overthrows his first enemy, he drinks his blood ; and presents the king with the heads of the enemies he has killed in battle: for if he brings a head, he shares the booty that they take ; but not if he does not bring one. He skins it in the following manner: Having made a circular incision round the ears and taking hold of the skin, he shakes from it the skull ; then having scraped off the flesh with the rib of an ox, he softens the skin with his hands ; and having made it supple, he uses it as a napkin ; each man hangs it on the bridle of the horse which he rides, and prides himself on it ; for who- ever has the greatest number of these skin napkins is ac- counted the most valiant man. Many of them make cloaks of these skins, to throw over themselves, sewing them to- gether like shepherd's coats; and many, having flayed the right hands of their enemies that are dead, together with the nails, make coverings for their quivers : the skin of a man, which is both thick and shining, surpasses almost all other skins in the brightness of its white. Many, having flayed men whole, and stretched the skin on wood, carry it about on horseback. Such usages are received among them. The 232 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [65-68 heads themselves, not indeed of all, but of their greatest ene- mies, they treat as follows : Each, having sawn off all below the eyebrows, cleanses it, and if the man is poor, he covers only the outside with leather, and so uses it : but if he is rich, he covers it indeed with leather, and having gilded the inside, he so uses it for a drinking-cup. And they do this to their relatives if they are at variance, and one prevails over another in the presence of the king. When strangers of considera- tion come to him, he produces these heads, and relates how, though they were his relatives, they made war against him, and he overcame them, considering this a proof of bravery. Once in every year the governor of a district, each in his own district, mingles a bowl of wine, from which those Scythians drink by whom enemies have been captured: but they who have not achieved this do not taste of this wine, but sit at a distance in dishonour; this is accounted the greatest dis- grace: such of them as have killed very many men, having two cups at once, drink them together. Soothsayers among the Scythians are numerous, who di- vine by the help of a number of willow rods, in the following manner: When they have brought with them large bundles of twigs, they lay them on the ground and untie them ; and having placed each rod apart, they utter their predictions ; and while they are pronouncing them, they gather up the rods again, and put them together again one by one. This is their national mode of divination. But the Enarees, or Androgyni, say that Venus gave them the power of divining. They divine by means of the bark of a linden tree : when a man has split the linden tree in three pieces, twisting it round his own fin- gers, and then untwisting it, he utters a response. When the King of the Scythians is sick, he sends for three of the most famous of these prophets, who prophesy in the manner above mentioned ; and they generally say as follows, that such or such a citizen has sworn falsely by the royal hearth, mention- ing the name of the citizen of whom they speak : for it is a custom with the Scythians in general to swear by the royal hearth when they would use the most solemn oath. The person who, they say, has sworn falsely is immediately seized and brought forward ; and when he is come, the prophets charge him with being clearly proved by their prophetic art to have sworn falsely by the royal hearth, and for this reason the king is ill. He denies it, affirming that he has not sworn falsely, and complains bitterly. On his denial, the king sends for twice as many more prophets ; and if they also, examining into the prophetic art, condemn him with having sworn falsely, 68-71] CUSTOMS OF THE SCYTHIANS 233 they straightway cut off his head, and the first prophets divide his property between them ; but if the prophets who came last acquit him, other prophets are called in, and others after them. If, then, the greater number acquit the man, it is decreed that the first prophets shall be put to death. They accordingly put them to death in the following manner: When they have filled a wagon with fagots, and have yoked oxen to it, having tied the feet of the prophets and bound their hands behind them, and having gagged them, they inclose them in the midst of the fagots ; then having set fire to them, they ter- rify the oxen, and let them go. Many oxen therefore are burned with the prophets, and many escape very much scorched, when the pole has been burned asunder. In this manner, and for other reasons, they burn the prophets, call- ing them false prophets. The king does not spare the chil- dren of those whom he puts to death, but kills all the males, and does not hurt the females. The Scythians make solemn contracts in the following manner with whomsoever they make them : Having poured wine into a large earthen vessel, they mingle with it blood taken from those who are entering into covenant, having struck with an awl or cut with a knife a small part of the body ; then, having dipped a scimetar, some arrows, a hatchet, and a javelin in the vessel, when they have done this, they make many solemn prayers, and then both those who make the contract and the most considerable of their attendants drink up the mixture. The sepulchres of the kings are in the country of the Ger- rhi, as far as which the Borysthenes is navigable. There, when their king dies, they dig a large square hole in the ground ; and having prepared this, they take up the corpse, having the body covered with wax, the belly opened and cleaned, filled with bruised cypress, incense, and parsley and anise-seed, and then sewn up again, and carry it in a chariot to another nation: those who receive the corpse brought to them do the same as the Royal Scythians; they cut off part of their ear, shave off their hair, wound themselves on the arms, lacerate their forehead and nose, and drive arrows through their left hand. Thence they carry the corpse of the king to another nation whom they govern ; and those to whom they first came accompany them. When they have carried the corpse round all the provinces, they arrive among the Gerrhi, who are the most remote of the nations they rule over, and at the sepulchres. Then, when they have placed the corpse in the grave on a bed of leaves, having fixed spears on each side of the dead body, they lay pieces of wood over it, 234 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [71-74 and cover it over with mats. In the remaining space of the grave they bury one of the king's concubines, having stran- gled her, and his cup-bearer, a cook, a groom, a page, a courier, and horses, and firstlings of everything else, and golden goblets ; they make no use of silver or brass. Having done this, they all heap up a large mound, striving and vying with each other to make it as large as possible. When a year has elapsed, they then do as follows : Having taken the most fitting of his remaining servants ; they are all native Scythians ; for they serve him whomsoever the king may order, and they have no servants bought with money; when, therefore, they have strangled fifty of these servants, and fifty of the finest horses, having taken out their bowels and cleansed them, they fill them with chaff, and sew them up again. Then having placed the half of a wheel, with its concave side upper- most, on two pieces of wood, and the other half on two other pieces of wood, and having fixed many of these in the same manner, then having thrust thick pieces of wood through the horses lengthwise, up to the neck, they mount them on the half-wheels ; and of these the foremost part of the half-wheels supports the shoulders of the horses, and the hinder part supports the belly near the thighs, but the legs on both sides are suspended in the air: then having put bridles and bits on the horses, they stretch them in front, and fasten them to a stake ; they then mount upon a horse each, one of the fifty young men that have been strangled, mounting them in the following manner: When they have driven a straight piece of wood along the spine as far as the neck, but a part of this wood projects from the bottom, they fix it into a hole bored in the other piece of wood that passes through the horse. Hav- ing placed such horsemen round the monument, they depart. Thus they bury their kings. But the other Scythians, when they die, their nearest relatives carry about among their friends, laid in chariots; and of these each one receives and entertains the attendants, and sets the same things before the dead body, as before the rest. In this manner private persons are carried about for forty days, and then buried. The Scyth- ians, having buried them, purify themselves in the following manner: Having wiped and thoroughly washed their heads, they do thus with regard to the body : when they have set up three pieces of wood leaning against each other, they extend around them woollen cloths ; and having joined them together as closely as possible, they throw red-hot stones into a vessel placed in the middle of the pieces of wood and the cloths. They have a sort of hemp growing in this country very like 74-76] CUSTOMS OF THE SCYTHIANS 235 flax, except in thickness and height ; in this respect the hemp is far superior: it grows both spontaneously and from culti- vation ; and from it the Thracians make garments, very like linen, nor would any one who is not well skilled in such mat- ters distinguish whether they are made of flax or hemp, but a person who has never seen this hemp would think the gar- ment was made of flax. When, therefore, the Scythians have taken some seed of this hemp, they creep under the cloths, and then put the seed on the red-hot stones ; and this being put on, smokes, and produces such a steam that no Grecian vapour-bath would surpass it. The Scythians, transported with the vapour, shout aloud ; and this serves them instead of washing, for they never bathe the body in water. Their women, pouring on water, pound on a rough stone pieces of cypress, cedar, and incense tree ; and then this pounded mat- ter, when it is thick, they smear over the whole body and face : and this at the same time gives them an agreeable odour, and when they take off the cataplasm on the following day they become clean and shining. They studiously avoid the use of foreign customs ; not only, therefore, will they not adopt those of each other, but least of all Grecian usages, as the example of Anacharsis, and afterward of Scylas, sufficiently demonstrated ; for, in the first place, Anacharsis, having visited many countries, and hav- ing displayed great wisdom during his progress, was return- ing to the abodes of the Scythians, and sailing through the Hellespont toward Cyzicus, and as he found the Cyzicenians celebrating a festival to the mother of the gods with great magnificence, Anacharsis made a vow to the goddess that if he should return safe and sound to his own country he would sacrifice in the same manner as he saw the inhabitants of Cyzi- cus doing, and would also institute a vigil. Accordingly, when he arrived in Scythia, he returned into the country called Hylaea ; it is near the Course of Achilles, and is full of trees of all kinds ; to this Anacharsis having retired, performed all the rites to the goddess, holding a timbrel in his hand, and fasten- ing images about his person. But one of the Scythians, hav- ing observed him doing this, gave information to the king, Saulius ; and he, having come in person, when he saw Ana- charsis thus employed, shot at him with an arrow, and killed him. And now if any one speaks about Anacharsis, the Scyth- ians say they do not know him, because he travelled into Greece and adopted foreign customs. However, I heard from Timnes, the guardian of Ariapithes, that Anacharsis was paternal uncle to Idanthyrsus, King of the Scythians, and that 236 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [76-79 he was son of Gnurus, son of Lycus, son of Spargapithes ; if, then, Anacharsis was of this family, let him know he was killed by his own brother; for Idanthyrsus was son of Saulius, and it was Saulius who killed Anacharsis. However, I have heard another story told by the Peloponnesians, that Anacharsis, being sent abroad by the King of the Scythians, became a dis- ciple of the Grecians ; and on his return home he said to the king who sent him abroad that all the Greeks were employed in acquiring all kinds of knowledge, except the Lacedaemoni- ans, but that they only were able to give and receive a reason with prudence : but this story is told in sport by the Greeks themselves. The man, then, was killed in the manner before mentioned. Thus, therefore, he fared because of foreign cus- toms and intercourse with the Grecians. Many years afterward, Scylas, son of Ariapithes, met with a similar fate. For Ariapithes, King of the Scythians, had, among other children, Scylas; he was born of an Istrian woman, who did not in any way belong to the country: his mother taught him the Grecian language and letters. After- ward, in course of time, Ariapithes met his death by treachery at the hands of Spargapithes, King of the Agathyrsi, and Scylas succeeded to the kingdom, and his father's wife, whose name was Opcea ; this Opoea was a native, by whom Ariapithes had a son, Oricus. Scylas, though reigning over the Scyth- ians, was by no means pleased with the Scythian mode of life, but was much more inclined to the Grecian manners on ac- count of the education he had received ; he, therefore, acted thus : Whenever he led the Scythian army to the city of the Borysthenitse (now these Borysthenitae say they are Milesians), as soon as Scylas reached them, he used to leave his army in the suburbs, and, when he himself had gone within the walls, and had closed the gates, having laid aside his Scythian dress, he used to assume the Grecian habit, and in this dress he walked in public, unattended by guards or any one else ; and they kept watch at the gates, that no Scythian might see him wearing this dress ; and in other respects he adopted the Grecian mode of living, and performed sacrifices to the gods according to the rites of the Grecians. When he had stayed a month or more, he used to depart, resuming the Scythian habit. This he used frequently to do ; he also built a palace in the Borys- thenes, and married a native woman, to inhabit it. Since, however, it was fated that misfortune should befall him, it happened on this occasion. He was very desirous to be initi- ated in the mysteries of Bacchus; and as he was just about to begin the sacred rites, a very great prodigy occurred. 79-81] CUSTOMS OF THE SCYTHIANS 237 He had in the city of the Borysthenitse a large and magnifi- cent mansion, of which I have just now made mention ; round it were placed sphinxes and griffins of white marble; on this the god hurled a bolt, and it was entirely burned down ; Scy- las, nevertheless, accomplished his initiation. Now, the Scyth- ians reproached the Grecians on account of their Bacchic cere- monies, for they say it is not reasonable to discover such a god as this, who drives men to madness. When Scylas had been initiated in the Bacchic mysteries, one of the Borys- thenitse carried the information to the Scythians, saying: " You Scythians laugh at us, because we celebrate Bacchic rites, and the god takes possession of us ; now this same deity has taken possession of your king, and he celebrates the rites of Bacchus, and is maddened by the god. But if you dis- believe me, follow, and I will show you." The chief men of the Scythians followed him; and the Borysthenite, conduct- ing them in, placed them secretly on a tower : but when Scylas went past with a thyasus, and the Scythians saw him acting the bacchanal, they regarded it as a very great calamity ; and having returned, they acquainted all the army with what they had seen. After this, when Scylas returned to his own home, the Scythians, having set up his brother Octamasades, born of the daughter of Tereus, revolted from Scylas. But he, being informed of what was being done against him, and the reason for which it was done, fled to Thrace. Octama- sades, being informed of this, marched against Thrace, but when he arrived on the Ister, the Thracians advanced to meet him. As they were about to engage, Sitalces sent to Octama- sades, saying as follows : " Why need we try each other's strength? You are the son of my sister, and have with you my brother. Do you restore him to me, and I will deliver up Scylas to you, and so neither you nor I shall expose our army to peril." Sitalces sent this message to him by a herald ; for there was with Octamasades a brother of Sitalces, who had fled from the latter. Octamasades acceded to this proposal ; and having surrendered his maternal uncle to Sitalces, re- ceived his brother Scylas in exchange. Now Sitalces, having got his brother in his power, drew off his forces ; but Octama- sades beheaded Scylas on the same spot. Thus the Scythians maintain their own customs, and impose such punishments on those who introduce foreign usages. I have never been able to learn with accuracy the amount of the population of the Scythians, but I heard different ac- counts concerning the number; for some pretend that they are exceedingly numerous, and others that there are very few 238 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [81-84 real Scythians : thus much, however, they exposed to my sight. There is a spot between the river Borysthenes and the Hypanis, called Exampaeus, which I mentioned a little before, saying that there was in it a fountain of bitter water, from which the water flowing made the Hypanis unfit to be drunk. In this spot lies a brass caldron, in size six times as large as the bowl at the mouth of the Pontus, which Pausanias, son of Cleombrotus, dedicated. For the benefit of any one who has never seen this, I will here describe it : The brass caldron among the Scythians easily contains six hundred amphorae; and this Scythian vessel is six fingers in thickness. Now, the inhabitants say it was made from the points of arrows, for that their king, whose name was Ariantas, wishing to know the population of the Scythians, commanded all the Scythians to bring him each severally one point of an arrow, and he threatened death on whomsoever should fail to bring it. Accordingly, a vast number of arrow points were brought, and he resolved to leave a monument made from them ; he therefore made this brass bowl, and dedicated it at Exampaeus. This I heard concerning the population of the Scythians. Their country has nothing wonderful, except the rivers, which are very large and very many in number ; but what it affords also worthy of admiration, besides the rivers and the extent of the plains, shall be mentioned : they show the print of the foot of Hercules upon a rock; it resembles the footstep of a man, is two cubits in length, near the river Tyras. Such, then, is this ; but I will now return to the subject I at first set out to relate. While Darius was making preparations against the Scyth- ians, and sending messengers to command some to contribute land forces, and others a fleet, and others to bridge over the Thracian Bosphorus, Artabanus, the son of Hystaspes, and brother of Darius, entreated him on no account to make an expedition against the Scythians, representing the poverty of Scythia ; but when he found that although he gave him good counsel he could not persuade him, he desisted : Darius, there- fore, when everything was prepared, marched his army from Susa. At that time CEobazus, a Persian, who had three sons all serving in the army, besought Darius that one might be left at home for him. The king answered him, as a friend, and one who made a moderate request, that he would leave him all his sons ; he therefore was exceedingly delighted, hop- ing that his sons would be discharged from the army. But Darius commanded the proper officers to put all the sons of CEobazus to death ; and they, being slain, were left on the spot. 85-87] DARIUS AT THE BOSPHORUS 239 When Darius, marching from Susa, reached Chalcedon on the Bosphorus, where a bridge was already laid across, from thence going on board a ship he sailed to those called the Cyanean islands, which the Grecians say formerly floated. There, sitting in the temple, he took a view of the Euxine Sea, which is worthy of admiration ; for of all seas it is by nature the most wonderful : its length is eleven thousand one hun- dred stades, and its width, in the widest part, three thousand three hundred stades. The mouth of this sea is four stades in width, and the length of the mouth — that is, the neck — which is called the Bosphorus, where the bridge was laid across, amounts to about a hundred and twenty stades; and the Bosphorus extends to the Propontis. The Propontis, which is five hundred stades in breadth, and one thousand four hundred in length, discharges itself into the Hellespont, which in the narrowest part is seven stades, and in length four hundred ; the Hellespont falls into an expanse of the sea, which is called the fiLgean. These seas have been meas- ured as follows : A ship commonly makes in a long day about seventy thousand orgyae, and in a night about sixty thousand. Now, from the mouth to the Phasis (for this is the greatest length of the Pontus) is a voyage of nine days and eight nights ; these make one million one hundred and ten thou- sand orgyae, and these orgyae are equal to eleven thousand one hundred stades. From Sindica to Themiscyra, on the river Thermodon (for here is the broadest part of the Pontus), is a voyage of three days and two nights ; these make three hundred and thirty thousand orgyae, or three thousand three hundred stades. The Pontus, therefore, and the Bosphorus, and the Hellespont, have been thus measured by me, and are such as I have described. Moreover, this Pontus possesses a lake, that discharges itself into it, not much less than itself; it is called Maeotis, and the mother of the Pontus. Darius, when he had viewed the Pontus, sailed back to the bridge, of which Mandrocles, a Samian, was the architect. And having also viewed the Bosphorus, he erected two col- umns of white marble on the shore, engraving on one in Assyrian characters, and on the other in Grecian, the names of all the nations he had in his army, and he had some from all whom he ruled over; of these, besides the navy, seven hundred thousand were reckoned, including cavalry ; and six hundred ships were assembled. Now these columns the Byzantians some time afterward removed into their city, and used in building the altar of the Orthosian Diana, except one stone; this was left near the Temple of Bacchus in Byzan- 240 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [87-92 tium, covered with Assyrian letters. The spot of the Bos- phorus which King Darius caused the bridge to be laid over was, as I conjecture, midway between Byzantium and the temple at the mouth. Darius after this, being pleased with the bridge, presented its architect, Mandrocles the Samian, with ten of everything; from these, then, Mandrocles, having painted a picture of the whole junction of the Bosphorus, with King Darius seated on a throne, and his army crossing over, having painted this, he dedicated it as first fruits in the Temple of Juno, with this inscription : " Mandrocles, having thrown a bridge across the fishy Bosphorus, dedicated to Juno a me- morial of the raft; laying up for himself a crown, and for the Samians glory, having completed it to the satisfaction of King Darius." This, then, was the memorial of the man who constructed the bridge. Darius, having rewarded Mandrocles, crossed over into Europe, having commanded the Ionians to sail by the Pontus as far as the river Ister; and when they should have reached the Ister, to throw a bridge over the river and there wait his arrival : for the Ionians, yEolians, and Hellespontines con- ducted the naval armament. The fleet accordingly, having sailed through the Cyanean Islands, stood direct for the Ister ; and having sailed up the river a two days' voyage from the sea, they joined the neck of the river with a bridge, at the point where the several mouths of the Ister are separated. But Darius, when he had passed over the Bosphorus by the bridge of boats, marched through Thrace, and, having ar- rived at the sources of the river Tearus, encamped there three days. The Tearus is said by the inhabitants of the country to be the best of all rivers, both for its other healing qualities and especially for curing the itch in men and horses. Its springs are thirty-eight, flowing from the same rock, and some of them are cold, others hot. The distance to them is the same from Heraeopolis, near Perinthus, and from Apollonia on the Euxine Sea, each a two days' journey. This Tearus empties itself into the river Contadesdus, the Contadesdus into the Agrianes, the Agrianes into the Hebrus, and this last into the sea near the city of yEnus. Darius, then, having reached this river, when he had encamped, was so delighted with the river that he erected a pillar here also, with the following inscrip- tion : " The springs of the Tearus yield the best and finest water of all rivers ; and a man, the best and finest of all men, came to them, leading an army against the Scythians, Darius, son of Hystaspes, King of the Persians, and of the whole con- tinent." Darius, having set out from thence, came to another 92-953 ZALMOXIS 241 river, the name of which is Artiscus, which flows through the Odrysae ; when he arrived at this river, he did as follows : Having marked out a certain spot of ground to the army, he commanded every man as he passed by to place a stone on this spot that was marked out; and when the army had exe- cuted his order, having left vast heaps of stones there, he continued his march. But before he reached the Ister he subdued the Getae first, who think themselves immortal ; for the Thracians who oc- cupy Salmydessus, and those who dwell above the cities of Apollonia and Mesambria, who are called Scyrmiadae and Nypsaei, surrendered themselves to Darius without resistance ; but the Getae, having recourse to obstinate resistance, were soon reduced to slavery, though they are the most valiant and the most just of the Thracians. They think themselves immortal in this manner. They imagine that they themselves do not die, but that the deceased goes to the deity Zalmoxis, and some of them think that he is the same with Gebeleizis. Every fifth year they despatch one of themselves, taken by lot, to Zalmoxis, with orders to let him know on each occasion what they want. Their mode of sending him is this : Some of them who are appointed hold three javelins ; while others, having taken up the man who is to be sent to Zalmoxis by the hands and feet, swing him round, and throw him into the air, upon the points. If he should die, being transfixed, they think the god is propitious to them ; if he should not die, they blame the messenger himself, saying that he is a bad man ; and having blamed him, they despatch another, and they give him his instructions while he is yet alive. These same Thra- cians, in time of thunder and lightning, let fly their arrows toward heaven, and threaten the god, thinking that there is no other god but their own. But, as I am informed by the Greeks who dwell about the Hellespont and the Pontus, this Zalmoxis was a man, and lived in slavery at Samos; he was slave to Pythagoras, son of Mnesarchus ; and after that, hav- ing procured his liberty, he acquired great riches, and having acquired them, he returned to his own country; but finding the Thracians lived wretchedly and in a very uncivilized man- ner, this Zalmoxis, being acquainted with the Ionian way of living, and with manners more polite than those of Thrace, in that he had been familiar with Greeks, and with Pythagoras, who was not the meanest sage in Greece, had a hall built, in which receiving and entertaining the principal persons of the country, he taught them that neither he nor any of his guests, nor their posterity forever, would die, but would go into a 16 242 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [95-98 place where they should live eternally, and have every kind of blessing. While he did and said as above described, he, in the meantime, had a subterranean habitation made, and when the building was completed, he disappeared from among the Thracians ; and having gone down to the subterranean hab- itation, he abode there three years. But they both regretted him, and lamented him as dead ; but in the fourth year he ap- peared to the Thracians : and thus what Zalmoxis said became credible to them. Thus they say that he acted. For my own part, I neither disbelieve nor entirely believe the account of this person and the subterranean habitation ; but I am of opinion that this Zalmoxis lived many years before Pythag- oras. Yet whether Zalmoxis were a man or a native deity among the Getae, I take my leave of him. These people, then, who observe such a custom, when they were subdued by the Persians, followed the rest of the army. When Darius and his land forces with him reached the Ister, all crossed over the river, and Darius commanded the Ionians to loose the bridge, and follow him on the continent with the forces from the ships. But as they were about to loose the bridge and execute his orders, Coes, son of Erxan- drus, general of the Mitylenians, spoke as follows to Darius, having first inquired whether it would be agreeable to him to hear an opinion from one who wished to give it : " O king, since you are about to invade a country in which no cultivated land will be seen, nor any inhabited city, do you let this bridge remain where it is, leaving these men who constructed it as its guard ; and if, having met with the Scythians, we succeed according to our wishes, we have a way to return; but if we should not be able to meet with them, we shall at least have a secure retreat. For I am not at all afraid that we shall be conquered in battle by the Scythians; but rather that, being unable to find them, we may suffer somewhat in our wander- ings. Perhaps some one may think I say this for my own sake, that I may remain here; but, O king, I advanced the opinion which I think is best for you; nevertheless, I will follow you myself, and would by no means be left behind." Darius was much pleased with the advice, and answered him as follows : " Lesbian friend, when I am safe back in my own palace, fail not to present yourself to me, that I may requite you for good advice with good deeds." Having spoken thus and tied sixty knots in a thong, and having summoned the Ionian commanders to his presence, he addressed them as follows : " Men of Ionia, I have changed my former resolu- tion concerning the bridge ; therefore take this thong and do 98-101] INVASION OF SCYTHIA 243 thus : as soon as you see me march against the Scythians, be- ginning from that time, untie one of these knots every day ; and if I return not within that time, but the days numbered by the knots have passed, do you sail away to your own coun- try. Till that time, since I have changed my determination, do you guard the bridge, and apply the utmost care to pre- serve and secure it : and if you do this, you will oblige me exceedingly." Darius, having spoken thus, hastened forward. Thrace, in the part next the sea, projects before the Scyth- ian territory; and where a bay is formed in this country Scythia begins, and the Ister discharges itself, having its mouth turned toward the east. But beginning from the Ister, I now proceed to describe by measurement the part of the Scythian country that is on the sea-coast. Now, from the Ister, that is ancient Scythia that lies toward the meridian and the south wind, as far as the city called Carcinitis ; next to that, the Tauric nation inhabits the land extending along the same sea, which is a mountainous country, and projects into the Pontus as far as the Chersonesus called Trachea ; and it reaches to the sea toward the east. For the two parts of the boundaries of Scythia extend to the sea, one toward the south, and the other toward the east, as is the case with the region of Attica : and the Tauri inhabit parts of Scythia simi- lar to this, just as if any other people instead of the Athenians possessed the promontory of Sunium, which extends more into a point into the sea from the borough of Thoricus to that of Anaphlystus. I mention this, if I may compare small things with great. Such, then, is Taurica. But for any one who has never sailed by that part of Attica, I will explain the matter in another way : it is as if a nation distinct from Japygia and not the Japygians, beginning from the port of Brundu- sium, should cut off the country as far as Tarentum, and oc- cupy the promontory. Mentioning these two, I might men- tion many others, to which Taurica is like. From Taurica, Scythians inhabit the country above the Tauri, and the parts along the eastern sea, and the parts westward of the Cim- merian Bosphorus and the lake Maeotis, as far as the river Tanais, which flows into the farthest recess of that lake. Now, from the Ister at the parts above, stretching to the interior, Scythia is shut off first by the Agathyrsi, next by the Neuri, then by the Androphagi, and last by the Melanchlaeni. Of Scythia, therefore, which is quadrangular, with two parts reaching to the sea, that which stretches to the interior and that along the coast is in every way equal. For from the Ister to the Borysthenes is a journey of ten days; and from the 244 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [101-105 Borysthenes to the lake Mseotis ten more; from the sea to the interior, as far as the Melanchlaeni, wtio inhabit above the Scythians, is a journey of twenty days. The day's journey has been computed by me at two hundred stades. Thus the extent of Scythia crossways would be four thousand stades ; and the direct route leading to the interior would be the same number of stades. Such is the extent of this country. The Scythians, considering with themselves that they were not able alone to repel the army of Darius in a pitched battle, sent messengers to the adjoining nations ; and the kings of those nations, having met together, consulted, since so great an army was advancing against them. The kings who met together were those of the Tauri, the Agathyrsi, the Neuri, the Androphagi, the Melanchlaeni, the Geloni, the Budini, and the Sauromatae. Of these, the Tauri observe the follow- ing customs : They sacrifice to the virgin all who suffer ship- wreck, and any Greeks they meet with driven on their coasts, in the following manner: having performed the preparatory ceremonies, they strike the head with a club ; some say they throw the body down from a precipice (for their temple is built on a precipice), and impale the head; but others agree with respect to the head, and say that the body is not thrown from the precipice, but buried in the earth. The Tauri themselves say that this deity to whom they sacrifice is Iphigenia, daugh- ter of Agamemnon. Enemies whom they subdue they treat as follows : Each having cut off a head, carries it home with him, then having fixed it on a long pole, he raises it far above the roof of his house, at all events above the chimney: they say that these are suspended as guards over the whole house- hold. This people live by rapine and war. The Agathyrsi are a most luxurious people, and wear a profusion of gold. They have promiscuous intercourse with women, to the end that they may be brethren one of another, and being all of one family, may not entertain hatred toward each other. In other respects they approach the usages of the Thracians. The Neuri observe Scythian customs. One generation before the expedition of Darius it happened to them to be driven out of their whole country by serpents ; for their country pro- duced many serpents, and a much greater number came down upon them from the deserts above ; until, being hard pressed, they abandoned their territory, and settled among the Budini. These men seem to be magicians, for it is said of them by the Scythians and the Greeks settled in Scythia that once every year each Neurian becomes a wolf for a few days, and then is restored again to the same state. Though they affirm this, io5-no] THE BUDINI 245 however, they do not persuade me; they affirm it neverthe- less, and support their assertion with an oath. The Andro- phagi have the most savage customs of all men : they pay no regard to justice, nor make use of any established law. They are nomads, and wear a dress like the Scythian ; they speak a peculiar language ; and of these nations are the only people that eat human flesh. The Melanchlaeni all wear black gar- ments, from which circumstance they take their name. These follow Scythian usages. The Budini, who are a great and populous nation, paint their whole bodies with a deep blue and red. There is in their country a city built of wood: its name is Gelonus; each side of the wall is thirty stades in length, it is lofty, and made entirely of wood. Their houses also and their temples are of wood : for they have there tem- ples of Grecian gods, adorned after the Grecian manner with images, altars, and shrines of wood. They celebrate the tri- ennial festivals of Bacchus, and perform the bacchanalian ceremonies : for the Geloni were originally Grecians, but being expelled from the trading ports, settled among the Budini: and they use a language partly Scythian and partly Grecian. The Budini, however, do not use the same language as the Geloni, nor the same mode of living; for the Budini, being indigenous, are nomads, and are the only people of these parts who eat vermin ; whereas the Geloni are tillers of the soil, feed upon corn, cultivate gardens, and are not at all like the Budini in form or complexion. By the Greeks, however, the Budini are called Geloni, though erroneously so called. Their country is thickly covered with trees of all kinds ; and in the thickest wood is a spacious and large lake, and a morass and reeds around it: in this otters are taken, and beavers, and other square-faced animals ; their skins are sewed as borders to cloaks, and their testicles are useful for the cure of diseases of the womb. Concerning the Sauromatae the following account is given : When the Grecians had fought with the Amazons (the Scyth- ians called the Amazons " Aiorpata," and this name in the Gre- cian language means manslayers, for they call a man " Aior," and " pata " to kill), the story goes, that the Greeks, having been victorious in the battle at the Thermodon, sailed away, taking with them in three ships as many Amazons as they had been able to take alive ; but the Amazons attacking them out at sea, cut the men to pieces. However, as they had no knowl- edge of navigation, nor any skill in the use of the rudder, sails, or oars, when they had cut the men to pieces, they were car- ried by the waves and wind, and arrived at Cremni on the 246 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [110-114 lake Maeotis, but Cremni belongs to the territory of the free Scythians. Here the Amazons, landing from the vessels, marched to the inhabited parts and seized the first herd of horses they happened to fall in with, and mounting on them, plundered the lands of the Scythians. The Scythians knew not what to make of the matter ; for they were not acquainted either with their language, dress, or nation, but wondered whence they had come. They conjectured that they were men of the same stature, they therefore gave them battle; but after the battle the Scythians got possession of the dead, and so discovered that they were women. On deliberation, therefore, they resolved on no account to kill them any more, but to send out to them the youngest of their own party, guessing a number equal to theirs ; these were to encamp near them, and do the same as they did ; should the Amazons pur- sue them, they were not to fight but fly ; and when they halted were to come and encamp near them. The Scythians resolved on this out of a desire to have children by these women. The young men, being despatched, did as they were ordered: when the Amazons found that they had not come to hurt them, they let them alone ; and they drew one camp nearer to the other every day. The youths, as well as the Amazons, had nothing except their arms and horses, but obtained their subsistence in the same way that the Amazons did, by hunt- ing and pillage. The Amazons about midday were wont to do as follows : They separated themselves into parties of one and two, at a distance from each other, being dispersed for the purpose of easing themselves. The Scythians observing this, did the same ; and one of them drew near one of the Amazons who was alone ; and she did not repel him, but suf- fered him to enjoy her person. She could not speak to him, because they did not understand each other, but she made signs to him by her hand to come the next day to the same place, and to bring another with him, signifying that they should be two, and she would bring another with her. When the youth departed, he related this to the rest, and on the next day he himself went to the place, and took another with him, and found the Amazon with a companion waiting for him. The rest of the youths, when they heard this, conciliated the rest of the Amazons. Afterward, having joined their camps, they lived together, each having for his wife the person he first attached himself to. The men were not able to learn the language of the women, but the women soon attained that of the men. When, therefore, they understood one an- other, the men spoke to the Amazons as follows : " We have II4-U8] THE SAUROMATAE 247 parents and possessions, let us then no longer lead this kind of life, but let us return to the bulk of our people and live with them ; we will have you as our wives, and no others." To this they answered : " We never could live with the women of your country, because we have not the same customs with them. We shoot with the bow, throw the javelin, and ride on horseback, and have never learned the employments of women. But your women do none of the things we have mentioned, but are engaged in women's employments, remain- ing in their wagons, and do not go out to hunt, or anywhere else ; we could not therefore consort with them. If, then, you desire to have us for your wives, and to prove yourselves hon- est men, go to your parents, claim your share of their prop- erty, then return, and let us live by ourselves." The youths yielded, and acted accordingly, but when they came back to the Amazons, having received what fell to their share of the possessions, the women spoke to them as follows : " Alarm and fear come upon us when we consider that we must live in this country; in the first place, because we have deprived you of your parents ; and in the next, have committed great depredations in your territory. Since, therefore, you think us worthy to be your wives, do thus with us : come, let us leave this country, and having crossed the river Tanais, let us settle there." The youths consented to this also ; accordingly, having crossed the Tanais, they advanced a journey of three days eastward from the Tanais, and three from the lake Maeotis northward, and having reached the country in which they are now settled, they took up their abode there. From that time the wives of the Sauromatae retain their ancient mode of liv- ing, both going out on horseback to hunt with their husbands and without their husbands, and joining in war, and wearing the same dress as the men. The Sauromatae use the Scythian language, speaking it corruptly from the first, since the Ama- zons never learned it correctly. Their rules respecting mar- riage are thus settled : no virgin is permitted to marry until she has killed an enemy; some of them therefore die of old age without being married, not being able to satisfy the law. The messengers of the Scythians, therefore, coming to the assembled kings of the nations above mentioned, informed them that the Persian, when he had subdued all the nations on the other continent, had constructed a bridge over the neck of the Bosphorus, and crossed over to this continent; and having crossed over and subdued the Thracians, he was build- ing a bridge over the river Ister, designing to make all these regions also subject to him : " Do you, therefore, on no ac- 248 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV. MELPOMENE [1 18-120 count, sit aloof, and suffer us to be destroyed, but with one accord let us oppose the invader. If you will not do this, we, being pressed, shall either abandon the country or, if we stay, shall submit to terms ; for what would be our condition if you refuse to assist us? Nor will it fall more lightly on you on that account ; for the Persian is advancing not more against us than against you ; nor will he be content to subdue us and abstain from you: and we will give you a strong proof of what we say, for if the Persian had undertaken this expedition against us only, wishing to revenge his former subjection, he would have abstained from all others, and have marched directly against our territories, and would have made it clear to all that he was marching against the Scythians, and not against others. But now, as soon as he crossed over to this continent, he subdued all that lay in his way; and holds in subjection the rest of the Thracians, and more particularly our neighbours the Getae." When the Scythians had made this representation, the kings who had come from the several nations consulted together, and their opinions were divided. The Gelonian, Budinian, and Sauromatian, agreeing together, promised to assist the Scythians ; but the Agathyrsian, Neuri- an, Androphagian, and the Melanchlaenian and Taurian princes gave this answer to the Scythians : " If you, who make the request that you now do, had not been the first to injure the Persians, and begin war, you would have appeared to us to speak rightly, and we, yielding to your wishes, would have acted in concert with you. But, in fact, you having invaded their territory without us, had the mastery of the Persians as long as the god allowed you ; and they, when the same god instigates them, repay you like for like. We, however, neither on that occasion injured these men at all, nor will we now be the first to attempt to injure them. Nevertheless, should he invade our territory also, and become the aggressor, we will not submit to it. But until we see that we will remain quiet at home ; for we think that the Persians are not com- ing against us, but against those who were the authors of wrong." When the Scythians heard this answer brought back they determined to fight no battle in the open field, because these allies did not come to their assistance ; but to retreat and draw off covertly, and fill up the wells they passed by, and the springs, and destroy the herbage of the ground, having di- vided their forces into two bodies, and they resolved that to one of the divisions, which Scopasis commanded, the Sauro- matse should attach themselves, and that they should retire, 120-123] INVASION OF SCYTHIA 249 if the Persian should take that course, retreating direct to the river Tanais, along the lake Maeotis ; and when the Persian marched back, they were to follow him and harass his rear. This was one division of the kingdom appointed to pursue its march in the way that has been described. The two other divisions of the kingdom, the greater one, which Indathyrsus commanded, and the third, which Taxacis ruled over, were directed to act in conjunction, and, with the addition of the Geloni and Budini, to keep a day's march before the Persians, and gradually retreat, retiring slowly, and doing as had been determined : and first of all they were to withdraw direct toward the territories of those who had renounced their alli- ance, in order that they might bring the war upon them ; so that, though they would not willingly take part in the war against the Persians, they might be compelled to engage in it against their will ; afterward they were to return to their own country, and attack the enemy, if, on consultation, it should seem advisable. The Scythians, having come to this determination, went out to meet Darius's army, having sent forward the best of their cavalry as an advanced guard; but the wagons, in which all their children and wives lived, and all the cattle, except so many as were necessary for their sub- sistence, which they left behind — the rest they sent forward with the wagons, ordering them to march continually toward the north. These, therefore, were carried to a distance. When the advance guard of the Scythians fell in with the Persians, about three days' march from the Ister, they, hav- ing fallen in with them, kept a day's march in advance, and encamped, and destroyed all the produce of the ground, but the Persians, when they saw the Scythian cavalry before them, followed their track, while they continually retired ; and then, for they directed their march after one of the divisions, the Persians pursued toward the east and the Tanais; and when they had crossed the river Tanais, the Persians also crossed over and pursued them, until, having passed through the coun- try of the Sauromatae, they reached that of the Budini. As long as the Persians were marching through the Scythian and Sauromatian regions, they had nothing to ravage, as the country was all barren; but when they entered the territory of the Budini, there meeting with the wooden town, the Budini having abandoned it, and the town being emptied of every- thing, they set it on fire. Having done this, they continued to follow in the track of the enemy, until, having traversed this region, they reached the desert : this desert is destitute of inhabitants, and is situated above the territory of the Budini, 250 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [123-126 and is a seven days' march in extent. Beyond the desert the Thyssagetae dwell ; and four large rivers, flowing from them through the Mseotians, discharge themselves into the lake called Maeotis ; their names are these : Lycus, Oarus, Tanais, and Syrgis. When Darius came to the desert, having ceased his pursuit, he encamped his army on the river Oarus. And having done this, he built eight large forts, equally distant from each other, about sixty stades apart, the ruins of which remain to this day. While he was employed about these, the Scythians who were pursued, having made a circuit of the upper parts, returned into Scythia : these having entirely van- ished, when they could no longer be seen, Darius left the forts half finished, and himself wheeling round, marched westward, supposing them to be all the Scythians, and that they had fled to the west. Advancing with his army as quickly as possible, when he reached Scythia, he fell in with the two Scythian divisions, and having fallen in with them, he pursued them, but they kept a day's march before him. The Scythians, for Darius did not relax his pursuit, fled, as had been determined, toward those nations that had refused to assist them, and first they entered the territories of the Melanchlaeni ; and when the Scythians and the Persians, entering into their country, had put all things into confusion, the Scythians led the way into the country of the Androphagi ; and when they had been thrown into confusion, they retreated to Neuris ; and when they were thrown into confusion, the Scythians advanced in their flight toward the Agathyrsi. But the Agathyrsi, seeing their neighbours flying before the Scythians, and thrown into confusion before the Scythians entered, despatched a herald, and forbade the Scythians to cross their borders, warning them that if they should attempt to force their way they must first fight with them. The Agathyrsi having sent this mes- sage beforehand, advanced to protect their frontiers, deter- mined to repel the invaders. Whereas the Melanchlaeni, An- drophagi, and Neuri, when the Persians and Scythians to- gether invaded them, offered no resistance, but forgetting their former menaces, fled continually in great confusion north- ward, toward the desert. The Scythians no longer advanced toward the Agathyrsi, when they warned them not to do so, but departing from the Neurian territory, they led the Per- sians into their own. When this had continued for a considerable time, and did not cease, Darius sent a horseman to Indathyrsus, King of the Scythians, with the following message : " Most miserable of 126-129] INVASION OF SCYTHIA 25 1 men, why dost thou continually fly, when it is in thy power to do one of these two other things? For if thou thinkest thou art able to resist my power, stand, and having ceased thy wanderings, fight; but if thou art conscious of thy in- feriority, in that case also cease thy hurried march, and bring- ing earth and water as presents to thy master, come to a con- ference." To this Indathyrsus, the King of the Scythians, made answer as follows : " This is the case with me, O Per- sian ; I never yet fled from any man out of fear, neither before, nor do I now so flee from thee; nor have I done anything different now from what I am wont to do, even in time of peace; but why I do not forthwith fight thee I will now ex- plain. We have no cities nor cultivated lands, for which we are under any apprehension lest they should be taken or rav- aged, and therefore should hastily offer you battle. Yet if it is by all means necessary to come to this at once, we have the sepulchres of our ancestors ; come, find these and attempt to disturb them, then you will know whether we will fight for our sepulchres or not; but before that, unless we choose, we will not engage with thee. Thus much about fighting. The only masters I acknowledge are Jupiter, my progenitor, and Vesta, Queen of the Scythians ; but to thee, instead of presents of earth and water, I will send such presents as are proper to come to thee. And in answer to thy boast, that thou art my master, I bid thee weep." (This is a Scythian saying.) The herald therefore departed, carrying this answer to Darius. The kings of the Scythians, when they heard the name of servitude, were filled with indignation ; whereupon they sent the division united with the Sauromatae, which Scopasis com- manded, with orders to confer with the Ionians, who guarded the bridge over the Ister. Those who were left resolved no longer to lead the Persians about, but to attack them when- ever they were taking their meals ; accordingly, observing the soldiers of Darius taking their meals, they put their design into execution. The Scythian cavalry always routed the Per- sian cavalry, but the Persian horsemen in their flight fell back on the infantry, and the infantry supported them. The Scyth- ians, having beaten back the cavalry, wheeled round through fear of the infantry. The Scythians also made similar attacks at night. A very remarkable circumstance, that was advan- tageous to the Persians and adverse to the Scythians, when they attacked the camp of Darius, I will now proceed to men- tion : this was the braying of the asses, and the appearance of the mules ; for Scythia produces neither ass nor mule, as I have before observed ; nor is there in the whole Scythian ter- 252 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [129-133 ritory a single ass or mule, by reason of cold. The asses, then, growing wanton, put the Scythian horse into confusion ; and frequently, as they were advancing upon the Persians, when the horses heard, midway, the braying of the asses, they wheeled round in confusion, and were greatly amazed, prick- ing up their ears, as having never before heard such a sound, nor seen such a shape ; now this circumstance in some slight degree affected the fortune of the war. The Scythians, when they saw the Persians in great com- motion, in order that they might remain longer in Scythia, and by remaining might be harassed through want of all things necessary, adopted the following expedient: When they had left some of their own cattle in the care of the herdsmen, they themselves withdrew to another spot; and the Persians com- ing up, took the cattle, and, having taken them, exulted in what they had done. When this had happened several times, at last Darius was in a great strait, and the kings of the Scyth- ians, having ascertained this, sent a herald, bearing as gifts to Darius a bird, a mouse, a frog, and five arrows. The Per- sians asked the bearer of the gifts the meaning of this present ; but he answered that he had no other orders than to deliver them and return immediately; and he advised the Persians, if they were wise, to discover what the gifts meant. The Per- sians, having heard this, consulted together. Darius's opin- ion was that the Scythians meant to give themselves up to him, as well as earth and water, forming his conjecture thus : since a mouse is bred in the earth, and subsists on the same food as a man ; a frog lives in the water ; a bird is very like a horse ; and the arrows they deliver up as their whole strength. This was the opinion given by Darius. But the opinion of Gobryas, one of the seven who had deposed the magus, did not coincide with this ; he conjectured that the presents in- timated : " Unless, O Persians, ye become birds and fly into the air, or become mice and hide yourselves beneath the earth, or become frogs and leap into the lakes, ye shall never return home again, but be stricken by these arrows." And thus the other Persians interpreted the gifts. In the meantime that division of the Scythians that had been before appointed to keep guard about the lake Mseotis, and then to confer with the Ionians at the Ister, when they arrived at the bridge, spoke as follows : " Men of Ionia, we are come bringing freedom to you if only you will listen to us. We have heard that Darius commanded you to guard the bridge sixty days only, and if he did not come up within that time then to return into your own country. Now, there- i33-!36] RETREAT OF DARIUS 253 fore, if you do this, you will be free from all blame as regards him and as regards us ; when you have waited the appointed number of days, after that depart." On the Ionians promising to do so, the Scythians hastened back with all expedition. The rest of the Scythians, after they had sent the presents to Darius, drew themselves opposite the Persians with their foot and horse, as if they intended to come to an engagement ; and as the Scythians were standing in their ranks, a hare started in the midst of them, and each of them, as they saw the hare, went in pursuit of it. The Scythians being in great confusion, and shouting loudly, Darius asked the meaning of the uproar in the enemy's ranks ; but when he heard that they were pursuing a hare, he said to those he was accus- tomed to address on such occasions : " These men treat us with great contempt ; and I am convinced that Gobryas spoke rightly concerning the Scythian presents. Since, then, I am of opinion that the case is so, we have need of the best advice, how our return home may be effected in safety." To this Gobryas answered : " O king, I was in some measure ac- quainted by report with the indigence of these men ; but I have learned much more since I came hither, and seen how they make sport of us. My opinion, therefore, is that as soon as night draws on we should light fires, as we are accustomed to do, and having deceived those soldiers who are least able to bear hardships, and having tethered all the asses, should depart before the Scythians direct their march to the Ister, for the purpose of destroying the bridge, or the Ionians take any resolution which may occasion our ruin." Such was the advice of Gobryas. Afterward night came on, and Darius acted on this opinion : the infirm among the soldiers, and those whose loss would be of the least consequence, and all the asses tethered, he left on the spot in the camp. And he left the asses and the sick of his army for the following reason : that the asses might make a noise ; and the men were left on this pretext, namely, that he with the strength of his army was about to attack the Scythians, and they, during that time, would defend the camp. Darius, having laid these injunctions on those he was preparing to abandon, and having caused the fires to be lighted, marched away with all speed toward the Ister. The asses, being deserted by the multitude, began to bray much louder than usual ; so that the Scythians, hear- ing the asses, firmly believed that the Persians were still at their station. When day appeared, the men that were aban- doned, discovering that they had been betrayed by Darius, extended their hands to the Scythians, and told them what 254 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [136-139 had occurred ; when they heard this, the two divisions of the Scythians, and the single one, the Sauromatse, Budini, and Geloni, having joined their forces together as quickly as pos- sible, pursued the Persians straight toward the Ister. But as a great part of the Persian army consisted of infantry, and they did not know the way, there being no roads cut, and as the Scythian army consisted of cavalry, and knew the short- est route, they missed each other, and the Scythians arrived at the bridge much before the Persians. And having learned that the Persians were not yet arrived, they spoke to the Ioni- ans who were on board the ships in these terms : " Men of Ionia, the number of days appointed for your stay is already passed, and you do not as you ought in continuing here ; but if you remained before through fear, now break up the passage and depart as quickly as possible, rejoicing that you are free, and give thanks to the gods and the Scythians. As for the man who before was your master, we will so deal with him that he shall never hereafter make war on any people." Upon this the Ionians held a consultation. The opinion of Miltiades the Athenian, who commanded and reigned over the Chersonesites on the Hellespont, was that they should comply with the request of the Scythians, and restore liberty to Ionia. But Histiseus the Milesian was of a contrary opin- ion, and said that every one reigned over his own city through Darius ; and if Darius's power should be destroyed, neither would he himself continue master of Miletus, nor any of the rest of other places; because every one of the cities would choose to be governed rather by a democracy than a tyranny. Histiseus had no sooner delivered this opinion than all went over to his side who had before assented to that of Miltiades. These were they who gave their votes and were in high esti- mation with Darius ; the tyrants of the Hellespontines, Daph- nis of Abydos, Hippocles of Lampsacus, Herophantus of Parium, Metrodorus of Proconnesus, Aristagoras of Cyzicum, and Ariston of Byzantium ; these were from the Hellespont. From Ionia, Strattis of Chios, iEaces of Samos, Laodamas of Phocsea, and Histiseus of Miletus, whose opinion was opposed to that of Miltiades. Of the iEolians the only person of con- sideration present was Aristagoras of Cyme. When these men had approved the opinion of Histiseus, they determined to add to it the following acts and words: To break up the bridge on the Scythian side as far as a bow- shot might reach, that they might seem to do something, when in effect they did nothing; and that the Scythians might not attempt to use violence and purpose to cross the Ister by the I39-H3] RETREAT OF DARIUS 255 bridge; and to say, while they were breaking up the bridge on the Scythian side, that they would do everything that might be agreeable to the Scythians. This they added to the opinion of Histiaeus. And afterward Histiaeus delivered the answer in the name of all, saying as follows : " Men of Scythia, you have brought us good advice, and urge it seasonably; you, on your part, have pointed out the right way to us, and we on ours readily submit to you ; for, as you see, we are breaking up the passage, and will use all diligence, desiring to be free. But while we are breaking it up, it is fitting you should seek for them, and having found them, avenge us and yourselves on them, as they deserve." The Scythians, be- lieving a second time that the Ionians were sincere, turned back to seek the Persians, but entirely missed the way they had taken. The Scythians themselves were the cause of this, having destroyed the pastures for the horses in this direc- tion, and having filled in the wells ; for if they had not done this they might easily have found the Persians if they wished ; but now they erred in the very thing which they thought they had contrived for the best. For the Scythians sought the enemy by traversing those parts of the country where there were forage and water for the horses, thinking that they too would make their retreat by that way. But the Persians, care- fully observing their former track, returned by it, and thus with difficulty found the passage. As they arrived in the night, and perceived the bridge broken off, they fell into the utmost consternation lest the Ionians had abandoned them. There was with Darius an Egyptian, who had an exceedingly loud voice. This man Darius commanded to stand on the bank of the Ister, and call Histiaeus the Milesian. He did so, and Histiaeus, having heard the first shout, brought up all the ships to carry the army across, and joined the bridge. Thus the Persians escaped. The Scythians in their search missed them a second time: and on the one hand, considering the Ionians as free and cowardly, they deem them to be the most base of men ; but on the other, accounting the Ionians as slaves, they say that they are most attached to their masters, and least inclined to run away. These reproaches the Scyth- ians fling out against the Ionians. Darius, marching through Thrace, reached Sestos in the Chersonesus ; and thence he himself crossed over on ship- board into Asia, and left Megabyzus, a Persian, to be his gen- eral in Europe. Darius once paid this man great honour, having expressed himself in this manner in the presence of the Persians : Darius being about to eat some pomegranates, as 256 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [143-146 soon as he opened the first, his brother Artabanus asked him, Of what thing he would wish to possess a number equal to the grains in the pomegranate. Darius said that he would rather have as many Megabyzuses than Greece subject to him. By saying this he honoured him in the presence of the Per- sians, and now he left him as general, with eighty thousand men of his own army. This Megabyzus by making the follow- ing remark left an everlasting memorial of himself among the Hellespontines ; for when he was at Byzantium he was informed that the Chalcedonians had settled in that country seventeen years before the Byzantines; but when he heard it he said that the Chalcedonians must have been blind at that time, for if they had not been blind they would never have chosen so bad a situation, when they might have had so beau- tiful a spot to settle in. This Megabyzus, then, being left as general in the country of the Hellespontines, subdued those nations who were not in the interest of the Medes. He ac- cordingly did this. About the same time another great expedition was under- taken against Libya, on what pretext I will relate when I have first given the following account by way of preface : The descendants of the Argonauts, being expelled from Lemnos by the Pelasgians who carried off the Athenian women from Brauron, set sail for Lacedaemon, and seating themselves on Mount Taygetus, lighted fires. The Lacedaemonians, having seen this, despatched a messenger to demand who and whence they were. They said to the messenger who questioned them that they were Minyae, descendants of those heroes who sailed in the Argo, and that they, having touched at Lemnos, begot them. The Lacedaemonians, having heard this account of the extraction of the Minyae, sent a second time to inquire with what design they had come to their territory and lighted fires ; they said that, being ejected by the Pelasgians, they had come to their fathers, for that it was most proper for them so to do ; and they requested leave to dwell with them, participating in their honours, and being allotted a portion of land. The Lacedaemonians determined to receive the Minyae on the terms they themselves proposed; and the sailing of the Tyndaridae in the Argo especially induced them to do this : having, there- fore, received the Minyae, they assigned them a portion of land, and distributed them among their tribes, and they im- mediately contracted marriages, and gave to others the wives they brought from Lemnos. But when no long time had elapsed the Minyae became insolent, and demanded a share in the sovereignty, and committed other crimes. The Lace- 146-148] ORIGIN OF THE THERJEANS " 257 daemonians therefore determined to put them to death, and having seized them, they threw them into prison. Now those whom they kill the Lacedaemonians kill by night, but no one by day. When, therefore, they were about to put them to death, the wives of the Minyae, who were citizens, and daugh- ters to the principal Spartans, begged permission to enter the prison, and confer each with her husband. The Lacedae- monians gave them permission, not suspecting any fraud on their part, but they, when they entered, did as follows : hav- ing given all the clothes they had on to their husbands, them- selves took their husbands' clothes. Upon which, the Minyse, having put on the women's dress, passed out as women, and having thus escaped, again seated themselves on Mount Tay- getus. At the same time Theras, son of Austesion, son to Tisa- menus, son of Thersander, son of Polynices, set out from Lace- daemon on a colonizing expedition. This Theras was by birth a Cadmaean, brother to the mother of Aristodemus's sons, Eurysthenes and Procles; and while these youths were yet in- fants Theras had the kingdom of Sparta under his guardian- ship. But when the youths were grown up and assumed the government, Theras, not brooking to be ruled by others after he had tasted the pleasures of power, declared that he would not remain at Lacedaemon, but would sail away to his own kindred. In the island now called Thera, the same that was formerly Callista, lived the descendants of Membliares, the son of Paeciles, a Phoenician. For Cadmus, son of Agenor, when in quest of Europa, touched at the island now called Thera; and whether when he touched at it the country pleased him, or whether for some other reason he chose to do so, he left in this island both others of the Phoenicians, and, moreover, his own kinsman, Membliares : these men occupied the island, then called Callista, during eight generations, before Theras came from Lacedaemon. To these people, then, Theras went, hav- ing, with a multitude drawn out of the tribes, set out, pur- posing to dwell with them, and on no account to drive them out, but by all means to conciliate them. But when the Minyae who had escaped from the prison seated themselves on Mount Taygetus, as the Lacedaemonians determined to destroy them, Theras begged that they might not be put to death, and prom- ised that he would himself take them out of the country. The Lacedaemonians acceding to his request, he set sail with three thirty-oared galleys, to the descendants of Membliares, taking with him not all the Minyae, but some few of them ; for the greater number of them went over to Paroreates and 17 258 HERODOTUS— BOOK IV, MELPOMENE [148-151 Caucones ; and having driven them out from their country, distributed themselves into six divisions, and then founded the following cities there : Leprium, Macistus, Phrixas, Pyr- gus, Epium, and Nudium ; most of these the Eleans have de- stroyed in my time. The name of Thera was given to the island after the founder. His son refused to accompany him in his voyage, therefore he said that he would leave him as a sheep among wolves ; in consequence of this speech, the name of Oiolycus was given to this youth, and this name chanced to prevail. To this Oiolycus was born iEgeus, from whom the JEgidze, a principal tribe in Sparta, are named. As the children of the men of this tribe did not survive, they erected a temple, in obedience to an oracle, to the furies of Laius and CEdipus; and after that the same thing happened in Thera to those who were descended from these men. To this part of the story the Lacedaemonians agree with the Theraeans ; but after this the Theraeans only say that what follows took place : Grinus, son of .mest :e ob- ever did, : itiate in the gov- i in Sp; vould leomenes did not \>ut a so r Sparta tablet, on which was engraved the circumference of the . earth, and the whole sea, and all rivers. And Arista? having come to a conference, addressed him as follows : omenes, at my eagerness in coming for th s I will I be sla is a g is easy for tiiant; wherea* r, have attained t< ■ i . battle, w • natio variegated gai you may hav ">g one ai as I will show you. Nex e Lydia inhabit a fertile country ilver." As he showed the circun of the earth, brought with him, engrav * " Ne: is, " are these Ph* 49-50 ARISTAGORAS AND CLEOMENES 291 who are the richest in cattle and in corn of all with whom I am acquainted. Next to the Phrygians are the Cappa- docians, whom we call Syrians ; and bordering on them, the Cilicians, extending to this sea in which the island of Cyprus is situated ; they pay an annual tribute of five hundred talents to the king. Next to the Cilicians are these Armenians, who also abound in cattle ; and next the Armenians are the Mati- enians, who occupy this country ; and next them this territory of Cissia, in which Susa is situated on this river Choaspes, here the great king resides, and there are his treasures of wealth. If you take this city, you may boldly contend with Jupiter in wealth. But now you must carry on war for a country of small extent, and not very fertile, and of narrow limits, with the Messenians, who are your equals in valour, and with the Arcadians and Argives, who have nothing akin to gold and silver, the desire of which induces men to hazard their lives in battle. But when an opportunity is offered to conquer all Asia with ease, will you prefer anything else ? " Aristagoras spoke thus, and Cleomenes answered him as fol- lows, Milesian friend, I defer to give you an answer until the third day." On that day they got so far. When the day appointed for the answer was come, and they had met at the appointed place, Cleomenes asked Aristagoras how many days' journey it was from the sea of the Ionians to the king. But Aristagoras, though he was cunning in other things, and had deceived him with much address, made a slip in this ; for he should not have told the real fact if he wished to draw the Spartans into Asia; whereas he told him plainly that it was a three months' journey up there. But he, cutting short the rest of the description which Aristagoras was proceeding to give of the journey, said : " Milesian friend, depart from Sparta before sunset ; for you speak no agreeable language to the Lacedaemonians in wishing to lead them a three months' journey from the sea." Cleomenes having spoken thus, went home. But Aristagoras, taking an olive branch in his hand, went to the house of Cleomenes, and having entered in, as a suppliant, besought Cleomenes to listen to him, having first sent away his little child ; for his daughter, whose name was Gorgo, stood by him ; she happened to be his only child, and was about eight or nine years of age. But Cleomenes bade him say what he would, and not refrain for the sake of the child. Thereupon Aristagoras began promising ten talents if he would do as he desired ; and when Cleomenes refused, Aristag- oras went on increasing in his offers, until he promised fifty talents ; then the girl cried out, Father, this stranger will 292 HERODOTUS— BOOK V, TERPSICHORE [51-53 corrupt you unless you quickly depart." Cleomenes, pleased with the advice of the child, retired to another apartment ; and Aristagoras left Sparta altogether, nor could he get an op- portunity to give further particulars of the route to the king's residence. With respect to this road, the case is as follows : There are royal stations all along, and excellent inns, and the whole road is through an inhabited and safe country. There are twenty stations extending through Lydia and Phrygia, and the dis- tance is ninety-four parasangs and a half. After Phrygia, the river Halys is met with, at which there are gates, through which it is absolutely necessary to pass, and thus to cross the river : there is also a considerable fort on it. When you cross over into Cappadocia, and traverse that country to the bor- ders of Cilicia, there are eight-and-twenty stations, and one hundred and four parasangs ; and on the borders of these people you go through two gates, and pass by two forts. When you have gone through these and made the journey through Cilicia, there are three stations and fifteen parasangs and a half. The boundary of Cilicia and Armenia is a river that is crossed in boats ; it is called the Euphrates. In Ar- menia there are fifteen stations for resting places, and fifty-six parasangs and a half; there is also a fort in the stations. Four rivers that are crossed in boats flow through this coun- try, which it is absolutely necessary to ferry over. First, the Tigris ; then, the second and third have the same name, though they are not the same river, nor flow from the same source. For the first mentioned of these flows from the Ar- menians, and the latter from the Matienians. The fourth river is called the Gyndes, which Cyrus once distributed into three hundred and sixty channels. As you enter from Armenia into the country of Matiene, there are four stations; and from thence as you proceed to the Cissian territory there are eleven stations, and forty-two parasangs and a half, to the river Choaspes, which also must be crossed in boats : on this Susa is built. All these stations amount to one hundred and eleven : x accordingly, the resting places at the stations are so many as you go up from Sardis to Susa. Now if the royal road has been correctly measured in parasangs, and if the parasang is equal to thirty stades, as indeed it is, from Sardis to the royal palace, called Memnonia, is a distance of thirteen thousand five hundred stades, the parasangs being four hun- 1 The detail of stations above-mentioned gives only eighty-one instead of one hundred and eleven. The discrepancy can only be accounted for by a supposed defect in the manuscripts. 53-58] ARISTAGORAS AT ATHENS 293 dred and fifty ; and by those who travel one hundred and fifty stades every day, just ninety days are spent on the journey. Thus Aristagoras the Milesian spoke correctly when he told Cleomenes the Lacedaemonian that it was a three months' journey up to the king's residence. But if any one should require a more accurate account than this, I will also point this out to him, for it is necessary to reckon with the above the journey from Ephesus to Sardis : I therefore say that the whole number of stades from the Grecian sea to Susa (for such is the name of the Memnonian city) amounts to fourteen thou- sand and forty; for from Ephesus to Sardis is a distance of five hundred and forty stades. And thus the three months' journey is lengthened by three days. Aristagoras, being driven from Sparta, went to Athens, which had been delivered from tyrants in the following man- ner: When Aristogiton and Harmodius, who were originally Gephyraeans by extraction, had slain Hipparchus, son of Pisis- tratus, and brother to the tyrant Hippias, and who had seen a vision in a dream manifestly showing his own fate, after this the Athenians during the space of four years were no less, but even more, oppressed by tyranny than before. Now the vision in Hipparchus's dream was as follows : On the night preceding the Panathenaic festival, Hipparchus fancied that a tall and handsome man stood by him, and uttered these enig- matical words : " Lion, endure with enduring mind to bear unendurable ills ; no one among unjust men shall escape retri- bution." As soon as it was day he laid these things before the interpreters of dreams ; and afterward, having attempted to avert the vision, he conducted the procession in which he perished. The Gephyraeans, of whom were the murderers of Hip- parchus, were, as they themselves say, originally sprung from Eretria; but, as I find by diligent inquiry, they were Phoe- nicians, of the number of those Phoenicians who came with Cadmus to the country now called Bceotia, and they inhabited the district of Tanagra, in this country, which fell to their share. The Cadmeans having been first expelled from thence by the Argives, these Gephyraeans being afterward expelled by the Boeotians, betook themselves to Athens ; and the Athe- nians admitted them into the number of their citizens, on cer- tain conditions, enacting that they should be excluded from several privileges, not worth mentioning. These Phoenicians who came with Cadmus, and of whom the Gephyraeans were, when they settled in this country, introduced among the Greeks many other kinds of useful knowledge, and more par- 294 HERODOTUS— BOOK V, TERPSICHORE [58-62 ticularly letters ; which, in my opinion, were not before known to the Grecians. At first they used the characters which all the Phoenicians make use of; but afterward, in process of time, together with the sound, they also changed the shape of the letters. At that time Ionian Greeks inhabited the great- est part of the country round about them ; they having learned these letters from the Phoenicians, changed them in a slight degree, and made use of them; and in making use of them, they designated them Phoenician, as justice required they should be called, since the Phoenicians had introduced them into Greece. Moreover, the Ionians, from ancient time, call books made of papyrus parchments, because formerly, from the scarcity of papyrus, they used the skins of goats and sheep ; and even at the present day many of the barbarians write on such skins. And I myself have seen in the Temple of Is- menian Apollo at Thebes, in Bceotia, Cadmian letters engraved on certain tripods, for the most part resembling the Ionian. One of the tripods has this inscription, " Amphitryon dedi- cated me on his return from the Teleboans." These must be about the age of Laius, son of Labdacus, son of Polydorus, son of Cadmus. Another tripod has these words in hexameter verse, " Scaeus, a boxer, having been victorious, dedicated me, a very beautiful offering, to thee, far-darting Apollo." Scseus must have been son of Hippocoon, if indeed it was he who made the offering, and not another person bearing the same name as the son of Hippocoon ; and must have been about the time of CEdipus, son of Laius. A third tripod has these words also in hexameters, " Laodamas, being a monarch, dedicated this tripod, a very beautiful offering, to thee, far- seeing Apollo." During the reign of this Laodamas, son of Eteocles, the Cadmeans were expelled by the Argives, and betook themselves to the Encheleae. But the Gephyraeans, who were then left, were afterward compelled by the Boeotians to retire to Attica ; and they built temples in Athens, in which the rest of the Athenians do not participate, but they are dis- tinct from the other temples ; more particularly the temple and mysteries of the Achaean Ceres. Thus I have related the vision of Hipparchus's dream, and whence were sprung the Gephyraeans, of whom were the mur- derers of Hipparchus; and it is now proper to resume the account I originally set out to relate, and show how the Athenians were delivered from tyrants. While Hippias was tyrant, and embittered against the Athenians on account of the death of Hipparchus, the Alcmaeonidae, who were Athe- nians by extraction, and were then banished by the Pisistrati- 62-64] PISISTRATIDAE AND ALCMjEONIDjE 295 dae, when they with other Athenian exiles did not succeed in their attempt to effect their return by force, but were signally defeated in their endeavours to reinstate themselves and lib- erate Athens, having fortified Lipsydrium, which is above Paeonia — thereupon the Alcmaeonidae, practising every scheme against the Pisistratidae, contracted with the Amphictyons to build the temple which is now at Delphi, but then did not exist ; and as they were wealthy, and originally men of dis- tinction, they constructed the temple in a more beautiful man- ner than the plan required, both in other respects, and also, though it was agreed they should make it of porine stone, they built its front of Parian marble. Accordingly, as the Athe- nians state, these men, while staying at Delphi, prevailed on the Pythian by money, when any Spartans should come thither to consult the oracle, either on their own account or that of the public, to propose to them to liberate Athens from servi- tude. The Lacedaemonians, when the same warning was al- ways given them, sent Anchimolius, son of Aster, a citizen of distinction, with an army to expel the Pisistratidae from Athens, though they were particularly united to them by the ties of friendship, for they considered their duty to the god more obligatory than their duty to men. These forces they sent by sea in ships, and he having touched at Phalerum, dis- embarked his army : but the Pisistratidae, having had notice of this beforehand, called in assistance from Thessaly, for they had entered into an alliance with them. In accordance with their request, the Thessalians with one consent despatched a thousand horse to their assistance, and their king Cineas, a native of Conium. When the Pisistratidae had these auxil- iaries, they had recourse to the following plan : Having cleared the plains of the Phalereans, and made the country practicable for cavalry, they sent the cavalry against the enemy's camp; and it having fallen on, killed many of the Lacedaemonians, and among them Anchimolius, and the survivors they drove to their ships. The first expedition from Lacedaemon thus got off ; and the tomb of Anchimolius is at Alopecae of Attica, near the Temple of Hercules in Cynosarges. Afterward the Lacedaemonians, having fitted out a larger armament, sent it from Sparta, having appointed King Cleomenes, son of Anax- andrides, commander in chief; they did not, however, send it again by sea, but by land. On their entrance into the Athe- nian territory the Thessalian cavalry first engaged with them, and was soon defeated, and more than forty of their number fell : the survivors immediately departed straight for Thes- saly. Cleomenes having reached the city, accompanied by 296 HERODOTUS— BOOK V, TERPSICHORE [64-67 those Athenians who wished to be free, besieged the tyrants who were shut up in the Pelasgian fort. However, the Lace- daemonians would not by any means have been able to expel the Pisistratidae ; for they had no intention of forming a block- ade, and the Pisistratidae were well provided with meat and drink ; and after they had besieged them for a few days, they would have returned to Sparta ; but now an accident hap- pened, unfortunate for one party, and at the same time ad- vantageous to the other; for the children of the Pisistratidae were taken as they were being secretly removed from the coun- try ; when this occurred all their plans were thrown into con- fusion ; and, to redeem their children, they submitted to such terms as the Athenians prescribed, so as to quit Attica within five days. They afterward retired to Sigeum, on the Scaman- der, having governed the Athenians for thirty-six years. They were by extraction Pylians, and Neleidae, being sprung from the same ancestors as Codrus and Melanthus, who, though formerly foreigners, became kings of Athens. For this reason Hippocrates gave the same name to his son, in token of re- membrance, calling him Pisistratus after Nestor's son Pisis- tratus. Thus the Athenians were delivered from tyrants ; and what things worthy of recital they either did or suffered before Ionia revolted from Darius, and Aristagoras the Milesian came to Athens to desire their assistance, I shall now relate. Athens, although it was before powerful, being now deliv- ered from tyrants, became still more so. Two men in it had great influence, Clisthenes, one of the Alcmaeonidae, who is reported to have prevailed with the Pythian, and Isagoras, son of Tysander, who was of an illustrious family, though I am not able to mention his extraction ; his kinsmen, however, sacrifice to Carian Jupiter. These men disputed for power; and Clisthenes, being worsted, gained over the people to his side, and afterward he divided the Athenians, who consisted of four tribes, into ten ; changing the names, derived from the sons of Ion, Geleon, ^Egicores, Argades, and Hoples, and in- venting names from other heroes who were all natives, except Ajax ; him, though a stranger, he added as a near neighbour and ally. Herein, I think, this Clisthenes imitated his ma- ternal grandfather, Clisthenes, tyrant of Sicyon. For Clis- thenes, when he made war on the Argives, in the first place put a stop to the rhapsodists in Sicyon contending for prizes in reciting the verses of Homer, because the Argives and Argos are celebrated in almost every part ; and in the next place, as there was, and still is, a shrine dedicated to Adrastus, son of Talaus, in the very forum of the Sicyonians, he was 67-69] CLISTHENES OF SICYON 297 desirous of expelling him from the country, because he was an Argive. Going, therefore, to Delphi, he consulted the ora- cle whether he should expel Adrastus ; and the Pythian an- swered him, saying, " That Adrastus indeed was king of the Sicyonians, but Clisthenes deserved to be stoned." Finding the god would not permit this, Clisthenes returned home and considered of a contrivance by which Adrastus might depart of himself. When he thought he had found out a way, he sent to Thebes of Boeotia, and said that he wished to introduce Melanippus, son of Astacus ; and the Thebans assented. Clis- thenes, therefore, having introduced Melanippus, appointed him a precinct in the very prytaneum, and placed it there in the strongest position. But Clisthenes introduced Melanip- pus, for it is necessary to mention this motive, because he was the greatest enemy of Adrastus, having killed his brother Mecistes and his son-in-law Tydeus. When he had appointed him this precinct, he took away the sacrifices and festivals of Adrastus, and gave them to Melanippus. But the Sicyonians had been accustomed to honour Adrastus very highly; for the country itself belonged to Polybus, and Polybus dying without a son, gave the sovereignty to Adrastus, the son of his daughter. The Sicyonians paid other honours to Adras- tus, and, moreover, celebrated his misfortune by tragic cho- ruses; not honouring Bacchus, but Adrastus, to that time. But Clisthenes transferred these dances to the worship of Bac- chus, and the rest of the ceremonies to Melanippus. This he did with reference to Adrastus. He also changed the names of the Dorian tribes, in order that the Sicyonians and Argives might not have the same. And in this he very much ridiculed the Sicyonians. For, changing their names into names de- rived from a swine and an ass, he added only the terminations, except in the case of his own tribe ; to this he gave a name significant of his own sovereignty, for they were called Arche- lai ; but others Hyatae, some Oneatae, and others Choereatas. The Sicyonians adopted these names for their tribes, both during the reign of Clisthenes, and after his death, during sixty years ; after that, however, by common consent they changed them into Hylleans, Pamphylians, and Dymanatse; and they added a fourth, after iEgialeus, son of Adrastus, giv- ing them the name of ^gialeans. Now the Sicyonian Clisthenes had done these things : and the Athenian Clisthenes, who was son to the daughter of this Sicyonian, and had his name from him, from contempt for the Ionians, as it appears to me, that the Athenians might not have the same tribes as the Ionians, imitated his namesake 298 HERODOTUS— BOOK V, TERPSICHORE [69-72 Clisthenes. For when he had brought over to his own side the whole of the Athenian people, who before had been alien- ated from him, he changed the names of the tribes, and aug- mented their number; and established ten phylarchs instead of four, and distributed the people into ten tribes ; and having gained over the people, he became much more powerful than his opponents. Isagoras, being overcome in his turn, had re- course to the following counterplot: He called in Cleomenes the Lacedaemonian, who had been on terms of friendship with him from the time of the siege of the Pisistratidae ; and, be- sides, Cleomenes was suspected of having had intercourse with the wife of Isagoras. First of all, therefore, Cleomenes, send- ing a herald to Athens, required the expulsion of Clisthenes, and with him of many other Athenians, as being " under a curse." He sent this message under the instruction of Isag- oras : for the Alcmaeonidae, and those of their party, were accused of the following murder ; but neither he himself had any share in it, nor had his friends. Those of the Athenians who were " accursed " obtained the name on the following occasion : Cylon, an Athenian, had been victorious in the Olympic games; he, through pride, aspired to the tyranny; and having associated with himself a band of young men about his own age, attempted to seize the Acropolis, and, not being able to make himself master of it, he seated himself as a sup- pliant at the statue of the goddess. The prytanes of the Nau- crari, who then had the administration of affairs in Athens, removed them, under promise that they should not be pun- ished with death. But the Alcmaeonidae are accused of hav- ing put them to death. These things were done before the time of Pisistratus. When Cleomenes sent a herald to require the expulsion of Clisthenes and the accursed, Clisthenes himself withdrew. But, nevertheless, Cleomenes came afterward to Athens with a small force, and, on his arrival, banished seven hundred Athe- nian families whom Isagoras pointed out to him. Having done this, he next attempted to dissolve the senate, and placed the magistracy in the hands of three hundred partisans of Isagoras. But when the senate resisted and refused to obey, Cleomenes and Isagoras, with his partisans, seized the Acropo- lis ; and the rest of the Athenians, who sided with the senate, besieged them two days : on the third day, as many of them as were Lacedaemonians left the country under a truce. And thus an omen, addressed to Cleomenes, was accomplished; for when he went up to the Acropolis, purposing to take pos- session of it, he approached the sanctuary of the goddess to 72-75] CLISTHENES OF ATHENS 299 consult her; but the priestess, rising from her seat before he had passed the door, said : " Lacedaemonian stranger ! retire, nor enter within the precincts, for it is not lawful for Dorians to enter here." He answered, " Woman, I am not a Dorian, but an Achaean." He, however, paying no attention to the omen, made the attempt, and was again compelled to with- draw with the Lacedaemonians. The Athenians put the rest in bonds for execution ; and among them Timesitheus of Del- phi, of whose deeds, both of prowess and courage, I could say much. These, then, died in bonds. After this the Athenians, having recalled Clisthenes, and the seven hundred families that had been banished by Cleomenes, sent ambassadors to Sardis, wishing to form an alliance with the Persians ; for they were assured that the Lacedaemonians and Cleomenes would make war upon them. When the ambassadors arrived at Sardis, and had spoken according to their instructions, Arta- phernes, son of Hystaspes, governor of Sardis, asked who they were, and what part of the world they inhabited, that they should desire to become allies of the Persians? And having been informed on these points by the ambassadors, he an- swered in few words that if the Athenians would give earth and water to King Darius, he would enter into an alliance with them ; but if they would not give them, he commanded them to depart. The ambassadors, having conferred together, said that they would give them, being anxious to conclude the alliance : they, however, on their return home were greatly blamed. Cleomenes, conceiving that he had been highly insulted in words and deeds by the Athenians, assembled an army from all parts of the Peloponnesus, without mentioning for what purpose he assembled it ; but he both purposed to re- venge himself upon the Athenians, and desired to establish Isagoras as tyrant, for he had gone with him out of the Acropolis. Cleomenes accordingly invaded the territory of Eleusis with a large force, and the Boeotians, by agreement, took ^Enoe and Hysiae, the extreme divisions of Attica, and the Chalcidians attacked and ravaged the lands of Attica on the other side. The Athenians, though in a state of doubt, resolved to remember the Boeotians and Chalcidians on a future occasion, and took up their position against the Pelo- ponnesians, who were at Eleusis. When the two armies were about to engage, the Corinthians first, considering that they were not acting justly, changed their purpose and withdrew : and afterward Demoratus, son of Ariston, who was also King of the Spartans, and joined in leading out the army from Lace- 300 HERODOTUS— BOOK V. TERPSICHORE [75-77 daemon, and who had never before had any difference with Cleomenes, did the same. In consequence of this division a law was made in Sparta that the two kings should not accom- pany the army when it went out on foreign service ; for until that time both used to accompany it; and that when one of them was released from military service one of the Tyndaridae * likewise should be left at home; for before that time both these also used to accompany the army as auxiliaries. At that time the rest of the allies, perceiving that the kings of the Lacedaemonians did not agree, and that the Corinthians had quitted their post, likewise took their departure. This, then, was the fourth time that the Dorians had come to Attica, hav- ing twice entered to make war, and twice for the good of the Athenian people. First, when they settled a colony in Me- gara, when Codrus was King of Athens, that may properly be called an expedition ; a second and third, when they were sent from Sparta for the expulsion of the Pisistratidae ; and a fourth time, when Cleomenes, at the head of the Pelopon- nesians, invaded Eleusis. Thus the Dorians then invaded Athens for the fourth time. When this army was ingloriously dispersed, the Athe- nians, desirous to avenge themselves, marched first against the Chalcidians. The Boeotians came out to assist the Chal- cidians at the Euripus ; and the Athenians, seeing the auxil- iaries, resolved to attack the Boeotians before the Chalcidians. Accordingly, the Athenians came to an engagement with the Boeotians, and gained a complete victory; and having killed a great number, took seven hundred of them prisoners. On the same day the Athenians, having crossed over to Eubcea, came to an engagement also with the Chalcidians ; and having conquered them also, left four thousand men, settlers, in pos- session of the lands of the Hippobotae ;2 for the most opulent of the Chalcidians were called Hippobotae. As many of them as they took prisoners they kept in prison with the Boeotians that were taken, having bound them in fetters ; but in time they set them at liberty, having fixed their ransom at two minae. The fetters in which they had been bound they hung up in the Acropolis, where they remained to my time hang- ing on a wall that had been much scorched by fire by the Mede, opposite the temple that faces the west. And they dedi- cated a tithe of the ransoms, having made a brazen chariot with four horses, and this stands on the left hand as you first enter the portico in the Acropolis ; and it bears the following 1 Castor and Pollux, the guardian deities of Sparta. * " Feeders of horses," 77-81] BENEFITS OF LIBERTY 301 inscription : " The sons of the Athenians, having overcome the nations of the Boeotians and Chalcidians in feats of war, quelled their insolence in a dark iron dungeon : they have dedicated these mares, a tithe of the spoil, to Pallas." The Athenians accordingly increased in power. And equality of rights shows, not in one instance only, but in every way, what an excellent thing it is. For the Athenians, when governed by tyrants, were superior in war to none of their neighbours ; but when freed from tyrants, became by far the first ; this, then, shows that as long as they were oppressed they pur- posely acted as cowards, as labouring for a master ; but when they were free every man was zealous to labour for himself. They accordingly did this. After this the Thebans sent to the god, wishing to revenge themselves on the Athenians ; but the Pythian said that they would not obtain vengeance by their own power, but bade them refer the matter to the many-voiced people, and ask the assistance of their nearest friends. Those who were sent to consult the oracle having returned, called a general assem- bly, and referred the oracle to them. But when they heard them say that they were to ask the assistance of their nearest friends, the Thebans, on hearing this, said : " Do not the Tana- grseans, Coronaeans, and Thespians live nearest to us, and do not they always fight on our side, and heartily share with us in the toils of war? What need have we then to ask their as- sistance ? But probably this is not the meaning of the oracle." While they were discussing the matter, one, having at length comprehended it, said : " I think I understand what the oracle means. Thebe and ^Egina are said to be daughters of Asopus. Now because these were sisters, I think the god has admon- ished us to entreat the ^ginetse to become our avengers." As no better opinion than this was brought forward, they im- mediately sent and entreated the JEginetae, calling upon them to assist them according to the admonition of the oracle, as being their nearest friends. But they, on their petition, prom- ised to send the iEacidae x to their assistance. The Thebans, relying on the assistance of the ^acidae, having tried the for- tune of war, and being roughly handled by the Athenians, sent again and restored the ^acidse, and requested a supply of men. Whereupon the ^ginetae, elated with their present prosperity, and calling to mind the ancient enmity they had toward the Athenians, at the request of the Thebans, levied war upon the Athenians without proclamation. For while they were pursuing the Boeotians, having sailed in long ships 1 Meaning " the statues of the jEacidae." 302 HERODOTUS— BOOK V, TERPSICHORE [81-84 to Attica, they ravaged Phalerum and many villages on the rest of the coast ; and in doing this they did considerable dam- age to the Athenians. The enmity that was due of old from the JEg'metze to the Athenians proceeded from this origin. The land of the Epi- daurians yielded no fruit: the Epidaurians therefore sent to consult the oracle at Delphi concerning this calamity. The Pythian bade them erect statues of Damia and Auxesia, and when they had erected them it would fare better with them. The Epidaurians then asked whether the statues should be made of brass or stone ; but the Pythian did not allow it to be of either, but of the wood of a cultivated olive. The Epidau- rians thereupon requested the Athenians to permit them to cut down an olive tree, thinking that they were the most sacred : and it is said that there were olive trees in no other part of the world at that time. The Athenians said that they would permit them, on condition that they should annually bring victims to Minerva Polias and Erectheus. The Epi- daurians, having agreed to these terms, obtained what they asked for, and having made statues from these olive trees, erected them ; and their land became fruitful, and they ful- filled their engagements to the Athenians. At that time and before the ^Eginetae obeyed the Epidaurians, both in other respects, and crossing over to Epidaurus, the vEginetae gave and received 1 justice from one another. But afterward hav- ing built ships, and having recourse to foolish confidence, they revolted from the Epidaurians, and being at variance, they did them much damage, as they were masters of the sea ; and, moreover, they took away from them these statues of Damia and Auxesia, and carried them off, and set them up in the interior of their own territory, the name of which is (Ea, and about twenty stades distant from the city. Having set them up in this spot, they propitiated them with sacrifices, and derisive dances of women, ten men being assigned to each deity as leaders of the chorus ; and the choruses reviled, not any men, but the women of the country. The Epidaurians also had such religious ceremonies, but their religious cere- monies are kept secret. When these statues had been stolen, the Epidaurians ceased to fulfil their engagements to the Athenians. The Athenians sent to expostulate with the Epi- daurians, but they demonstrated that they were not in reality guilty of injustice; for as long as they had the statues in their country, they fulfilled their engagements, but when they had been deprived of them it was not just that they should still 1 That is, " brought and defended actions there." 84-87] THE ATHENIANS AND ^EGINET^ 303 pay the tribute, but they bade them demand it of the ^Eginetae who possessed them. Upon this the Athenians, having sent to JEg'ma., demanded back the statues ; but the ^ginetae made answer that they had nothing to do with the Athenians. The Athenians say that after this demand some of their citizens were sent in a single trireme, who being sent by the common- wealth, and arriving at ^gina, attempted to drag these statues from off the pedestals, as made from their wood, in order that they might carry them away; but not being able to get pos- session of them in that way, they threw cords about the statues, and hauled them along, and as they were hauling them, thun- der, and with the thunder an earthquake, came on ; and the crew of the trireme who were hauling them were in conse- quence deprived of their senses, and in this condition slew one another as enemies, till only one of the whole number was left and escaped to Phalerum. Thus the Athenians say that it happened ; but the ^Eginetae say that the Athenians did not come with a single ship ; for that they could easily have re- pulsed one, or a few more than one, even though they had no ships of their own. But they say that they sailed against their territory with many ships, and that they yielded and did not hazard a sea-fight. They are, however, unable to explain this clearly, whether they yielded because they were conscious that they would be inferior in a sea-fight, or with the purpose of doing what they did. They say, however, that the Athe- nians, when no one prepared to give them battle, disembarked from the ships and proceeded toward the statues ; and that not being able to wrench them from their pedestals, they then threw cords round them, and hauled them until the statues being hauled did the same thing; herein relating what is not credible to me, but may be so to some one else ; for they say that they fell on their knees, and have ever since continued in that posture. The yEginetae say that the Athenians did this ; but concerning themselves, that being informed that the Athe- nians were about to make war upon them, they prepared the Argives to assist them ; and, accordingly, that the Athenians landed on the territory of ^gina, and that the Argives came to their assistance ; and that they crossed over to the island from Epidaurus unperceived, and fell upon the Athenians un- expectedly, cutting off their retreat to the ships ; and at this moment the thunder and earthquake happened. Such is the account given by the Argives and ^Eginetse : and it is ad- mitted by the Athenians that only one of their number was saved, and escaped to Attica : but the Argives affirm that this one man survived when they destroyed the Attic army; the 304 HERODOTUS— BOOK V, TERPSICHORE [87-89 Athenians, on the contrary, say when the deity destroyed it; and that this one did not survive, but perished in the follow- ing manner: On his return to Athens he gave an account of the disaster, and the wives of the men who had gone on the expedition against iEgina, when they heard it, being enraged that he alone of the whole number should be saved, crowded round this man, and, piercing him with the clasps of their garments, each asked him where her own husband was ; thus he died. This action of the women seemed to the Athenians more dreadful than the disaster itself; however, they had no other way of punishing the women : they therefore compelled them to change their dress for the Ionian. For before that time the wives of the Athenians wore the Dorian dress, which nearly resembles the Corinthian ; they changed it, therefore, for a linen tunic, that they might not use clasps. Yet if we follow the truth, this garment is not originally Ionian, but Carian ; for the whole ancient Grecian dress of the women was the same as that which we now call Dorian. In consequence of this event it became a custom with both the Argives and the iEginetae to do this : to make their clasps one half larger than the measure before established, and that the women should chiefly dedicate clasps in the temple of these deities ; and to bring no other Attic article within the temple, not even a pitcher ; but a law was made that they should drink there in future from vessels of their own country. Accordingly, from that time the wives of the Argives and iEginetae, on account of their quarrel with the Athenians, continued even to my time to wear clasps larger than formerly. The origin of the enmity entertained by the Athenians against the ^Eginetae was such as has been described. At that time, therefore, when the Thebans called upon them, the vEginetse, recalling to mind what had taken place respecting the statues, readily assisted the Boeotians. The yEginetae therefore laid waste the maritime places of Attica, and when the Athenians were preparing to march against the /Eginetae, an oracle came from Delphi enjoining them " to wait for thirty years from the period of the injury committed by the /Eginetas ; and in the thirty-first year, after building a temple to /Eacus, to begin the war against the /Eginetae : and then they would succeed according to their wishes. But if they should march against them immediately, they should in the meanwhile en- dure much and also inflict much ; but in the end would sub- due them." When the Athenians heard this answer reported, they erected that temple to /Eacus which now stands in the forum ; yet they could not bear to wait thirty years when they 89-91] JEALOUSY OF THE SPARTANS 305 heard that they ought to wait, though they had suffered such indignities from the ^ginetae. But as they were preparing to take their revenge an affair, set on foot by the Lacedae- monians, became an impediment. For the Lacedaemonians, being informed of the practices of the Alcmaeonidae toward the Pythia, and those of the Pythia against themselves and the Pisistratidae, considered it a double misfortune, because they had expelled men who were their own friends out of their country, and because, when they had done this, no gratitude was shown to them by the Athenians. In addition to this, the oracles urged them on, telling them that they would suffer many and grievous indignities from the Athenians, of which oracles they knew nothing before, but then became acquainted with them on the return of Cleomenes to Sparta. Cleomenes got the oracles from the Acropolis of the Athenians; the Pisistratidae had had them before, and left them in the temple when they were expelled; and as they were left behind, Cle- omenes took them away. When the Lacedaemonians obtained the oracles, and saw the Athenians increasing in power, and not at all disposed to submit to them, taking into consideration that if the people of Attica should continue free they would become of equal weight with themselves, but if depressed by a tyranny would be weak and ready to obey ; having consid- ered each of these things, they sent for Hippias, son of Pisis- tratus, from Sigeum on the Hellespont, to which place the Pisistratidae had retired. And when Hippias came, in compli- ance with their invitation, the Spartans, having summoned also the ambassadors of the rest of their confederates, ad- dressed them as follows : " Confederates, we are conscious that we have not acted rightly ; for, being induced by lying ora- cles, the men who were our best friends, and who had prom- ised to keep Athens subject to us — them we expelled from their country, and then, having done this, we delivered the city to an ungrateful people, who, after they had been set at liberty, and had lifted up their heads through our means, have insultingly ejected us and our king; and having obtained re- nown, are growing in power, as their neighbours the Boeotians and Chalcidians have already learned full well, and as others will soon learn to their cost.1 Since, then, in doing these things we have committed an error, we will now endeavour, with your assistance, to remedy the mischief and punish them. 1 I have ventured on a new mode of translating this passage, which appears to me more in accordance with the Greek idiom. Baehr, whose version is most simple and literal, renders it, "and perhaps some one else will learn that he has committed an error" ; meaning the Lacedaemonians themselves, to whom the speaker doubtless alludes. 20 306 HERODOTUS— BOOK V, TERPSICHORE [91-92 For on this very account we sent for Hippias, who is here present, and summoned you from your cities, that by common consent and combined forces we may take him back to Athens and restore to him what we took away." Thus these spoke ; but the majority of the confederates did not approve of their proposition. The rest kept silence, but Sosicles the Corinthian spoke as follows : " Surely the heav- ens will sink beneath the earth, and the earth ascend aloft above the heavens; men will live in the sea, and the fishes where men did before, now that you, O Lacedaemonians, abol- ish equality, dissolve a commonwealth, and prepare to restore tyrannies in the cities, than which there is nothing more un- just nor more cruel among men. If, in truth, this appears to you a good thing, that cities should be ruled by tyrants, do you first set up a tyrant over yourselves, and then attempt to set them up over others. But now, while ye yourselves are altogether unacquainted with tyrannical power, and watch with jealousy that such a thing should not happen in Sparta, ye behave contemptuously toward your allies. But if ye had been taught by experience, as we have, ye would have a better proposal to make to us than you now do. The constitution of the Corinthians was formerly of this kind : it was an oligarchy, and those who were called Bacchiadae governed the city ; they intermarried only within their own family. Amphion, one of these men, had a lame daughter ; her name was Labda. As no one of the Bacchiadse would marry her, Eetion, son of Echecrates, who was of the district of Petra, though originally one of the Lapithae, and a descendant of Caeneus, had her. He had no children by this wife, nor by any other ; he there- fore went to Delphi to inquire about having offspring, and immediately as he entered the Pythian saluted him in the fol- lowing lines : ' Eetion, no one honours thee, though worthy of much honour. Labda is pregnant, and will bring forth a round stone; it will fall on monarchs, and will vindicate Corinth.' This oracle, pronounced to Eetion, was by chance reported to the Bacchiadae, to whom a former oracle concern- ing Corinth was unintelligible, and which tended to the same end as that of Eetion, and was in these terms : * An eagle broods on rocks ; * and shall bring forth a lion, strong and carnivorous ; and it shall loosen the knees of many. Now ponder this well, ye Corinthians, who dwell around beauteous Pirene and frowning Corinth.' Now this, which had been 1 The words, aicrbs, " an eagle," and ir£rpTju? since without t ;vas in your ^vith force by the land, ta toward the arrival, it w; d toward the onese, having on Hellc, daughter of Athamas, he on the the rising sun, thrv it hand the city, th< om thence, b 58-61] THE TROOPS REVIEWED 389 bay called Melas, and having come to the river Melas, whose stream did not suffice for the army, but failed — having crossed this river, from which the bay derives its name, they marched westward, passing by .^Enos, an iEolian city, and the lake Stentoris, until they reached Doriscus. Doriscus is a shore and extensive plain of Thrace. Through it flows a large river, the Hebrus. On it a royal fort had been built, the same that is now called Doriscus, and a Persian garrison had been established in it by Darius from the time that he marched against the Scythians. This place, therefore, appeared to Xerxes to be convenient for reviewing and numbering his army ; this he accordingly did. All the ships, therefore, hav- ing arrived at Doriscus, the captains, at the command of Xerxes, brought them to the shore adjoining Doriscus. On this coast stood Sala, a Samothracian city, and Zona; and at its extremity Serrhium, a celebrated promontory : this region formerly belonged to the Ciconians. Having steered to this shore, they hauled up the ships and repaired them; and in the meantime Xerxes numbered his army at Doriscus. How great a number of men each contributed, I am unable to say with certainty; for it is not mentioned by any one; but the amount of the whole land forces was found to be seventeen hundred thousand. They were computed in this manner: Having drawn together ten thousand men in one place, and having crowded them as close together as it was possible, they traced a circle on the outside ; and having traced it, and removed the ten thousand, they threw up a stone fence on the circle, reaching to the height of a man's navel. Having done this, they made others enter within the inclosed space, until they had in this manner computed all ; and having numbered them, they drew out according to nations. Those who served in this expedition were the following: The Persians, equipped as follows : on their heads they wore loose coverings, called tiaras; on the body various coloured sleeved breastplates, with iron scales like those of fish; and on their legs, loose trousers ; and instead of shields, bucklers made of osiers; and under them their quivers were hung. They had short spears, long bows, and arrows made of cane ; and, besides, daggers suspended from the girdle on the right thigh. They had for their general Otanes, father of Amestris, wife of Xerxes. They were formerly called Cephenes by the Grecians, but by themselves and neighbours Artaeans; but when Perseus, son of Danae and Jupiter, came to Cepheus, son of Belus, and married his daughter Andromeda, he had a son to whom he gave the name of Perses; and him he left 390 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII. POLYMNIA [61-67 in the country, for Cepheus had no male offspring ; from him therefore they derived their appellation. The Medes marched equipped in the same manner as the Persians ; for the above is a Medic and not a Persian costume. The Medes had for their general Tigranes, of the family of the Achaemenidae ; they were formerly called Arians by all nations ; but when Medea of Colchis came from Athens to these Arians, they also changed their names : the Medes themselves give this account of their nation. The Cissians, who served in the army, were in other respects accoutred like the Persians, except that, in- stead of turbans, they wore mitres. Anaphes, son of Otanes, commanded the Cissians. The Hyrcanians were also armed like the Persians, and had for their general Megapanus, who was afterward governor of Babylon. The Assyrians who served in the army had helmets of brass, twisted in a bar- barous fashion, not easy to be described ; and they had shields and spears, and daggers similar to those of the Egyptians ; and, besides, wooden clubs knotted with iron, and linen cuirasses. By the Greeks they were called Syrians, but by the barbarians Assyrians. Among them were the Chaldeans ; and Otaspes, son of Artachaeus, commanded them. The Bac- trians joined the army, having turbans on their heads, very much like those of the Medes, and bows made of cane pecul- iar to their country, and short spears. The Sacse, who are Scythians, had on their heads caps, which came to a point and stood erect : they also wore loose trousers, and carried bows peculiar to their country, and daggers, and also battle-axes, called sagares. These, though they are Amyrgian Scythians, they called Sacse, for the Persians call all the Scythians Sacae. Hystaspes, son of Darius and Atossa, daughter of Cyrus, com- manded the Bactrians and Sacae. The Indians, clad with gar- ments made of cotton, had bows of cane, and arrows of cane tipped with iron. Thus the Indians were equipped ; and they were marshalled under the command of Phanazathres, son of Artabates. The Arians were furnished with Medic bows ; and in other respects were accoutred like the Bactrians. Sisamnes, son of Hydarnes, commanded the Arians. The Parthians, Chorasmians, Sogdians, Gandarians, and Dadicae, joined the army, having the same accoutrements as the Bactrians. The following leaders commanded them : Artabazus, son of Phar- naces, commanded the Parthians and Chorasmians ; Azanes, son of Artaeus, the Sogdians ; and Artyphius, son of Arta- banus, the Gandarians and Dadicae. The Caspians, clothed in goat-skin mantles, and carrying bows made of cane peculiar to their country, and scimetars, joined the expedition. These 67-72] CATALOGUE OF THE TROOPS 391 were thus equipped, having for their general Ariomardus, brother of Artyphius. The Sarangae were conspicuous by having dyed garments ; they also wore buskins reaching up to the knee, and had bows and Medic javelins. Pherendates, son of Megabyzus, commanded the Sarangae. The Pactyes wore goat-skin mantles, and had bows, peculiar to the coun- try, and daggers. The Pactyes had for their general Artyn- tes, son of Ithamatres. The Utians, Mycians, and Parican- ians were equipped like the Pactyes. The following leaders commanded them : Arsamenes, son of Darius, led the Utians and Mycians ; and Siromitres, son of CEobazus, the Pari- canians. The Arabians wore cloaks fastened by a girdle ; and carried on their right sides long bows which bent backward. The Ethiopians were clothed in panthers' and lions' skins, and carried long bows, not less than four cubits in length, made from branches of the palm tree ; and on them they placed short arrows made of cane ; instead of iron, tipped with a stone, which was made sharp, and of that sort on which they engrave seals. Besides they had javelins, and at the tip was an ante- lope's horn, made sharp, like a lance ; they had also knotted clubs. When they were going to battle, they smeared one half of their body with chalk, and the other half with red ochre. The Arabians and Ethiopians who dwell above Egypt were commanded by Arsames, son of Darius and Artystone, daugh- ter of Cyrus, whom Darius loved more than all his wives, and whose image he had made of beaten gold. The Ethiopians from the sunrise (for two kinds served in the expedition) were marshalled with the Indians, and did not at all differ from the others in appearance, but only in their language and their hair. For the eastern Ethiopians are straight-haired; but those of Libya have hair more curly than that of any other people. These Ethiopians from Asia were accoutred almost the same as the Indians ; but they wore on their heads skins of horses' heads, as masks, stripped off with the ears and mane ; and the mane served instead of a crest, and the horses' ears were fixed erect ; and as defensive armour they used the skins of cranes instead of shields. The Libyans marched, clad in leathern garments, and made use of javelins hardened by fire. They had for their general Massages, son of Oarizus. The Paph- lagonians joined the expedition, wearing on their heads plaited helmets, and carried small shields, and not large spears ; and besides, javelins and daggers : and on their feet they wore boots, peculiar to their country, reaching up to the middle of the leg. The Ligyes and the Matienians, the Mariandynians and Syrians, marched in the same dress as the Paphlagonians. 392 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [72-78 These Syrians are called by the Persians Cappadocians. Now Dotus, son of Megasidrus, commanded the Paphlagonians and Matienians ; and Gobryas, son of Darius and Artystone, the Mariandynians, Ligyes, and Syrians. The Phrygians had very nearly the same dress as that of Paphlagonia, varying it a little. The Phrygians, as the Macedonians say, were called Briges, as long as they were Europeans, and dwelt with the Macedonians ; but having passed over into Asia, they changed their name with their country, into that of Phrygians. The Armenians, being colonists of the Phrygians, were equipped like the Phrygians. Artochmes, who had married a daughter of Darius, commanded both these. The Lydians' arms were very like the Grecian. The Lydians were formerly called Meionians, but took their appellation from Lydus, the son of Atys, having changed their name. The Mysians wore on their heads a helmet peculiar to their country ; and small shields ; and they used javelins hardened by fire. They are colonists of the Lydians, and from the mountain Olympus are called Olympieni. Artaphernes, son of Artaphernes, who invaded Marathon with Datis, commanded the Lydians and Mysians. The Thracians joined the expedition, having fox-skins on their heads and tunics around their body, and over them they were clothed with various coloured cloaks, and on their feet and legs they had buskins of fawn-skin, and, besides, they had javelins, light bucklers, and small daggers. These people having crossed over into Asia, were called Bithynians ; but formerly, as they themselves say, were called Strymonians, as they dwelt on the river Strymon : they say that they were removed from their original settlements by the Teucrians and Mysians. Bassaces, son of Artabanus, commanded the Thra- cians of Asia. The . . .* had small shields made of raw-hides, and each had two javelins used for hunting wolves, and on their heads brazen helmets ; and in addition to the helmets they wore the ears and horns of an ox in brass. And over these were crests ; and as to their legs, they were enwrapped in pieces of purple cloth. Among these people there is an oracle of Mars. The Cabalian Meionians, who are also called Lasonians, had the same dress as the Cilicians ; which I shall describe when I come to speak of the army of the Cilicians. The Milyae had short lances, and their garments were fastened by clasps. Some of them had Lycian bows, and on their heads helmets made of tanned skins. Badres, son of Hystanes, commanded all these. The Moschians had on their heads 1 There is an hiatus in the manuscripts, which the ingenuity of anno- tators and editors has been unable to supply. 78-83] CATALOGUE OF THE TROOPS 393 wooden helmets, and small bucklers, and spears ; but there were large points on the spears. The Tibarenians, Macrones, and Mosynceci joined the expedition equipped as the Mos- chians. The following generals marshalled these: The Mos- chians and Tibarenians, Ariomardus, son of Darius and Parmys, daughter of Smerdis, son of Cyrus ; the Macrones and Mosynceci, Artayctes, son of Cherasmis, who was in- trusted with the government of Sestos on the Hellespont. The Mares wore helmets on their heads, painted after the manner of their country; and carried small shields made of skin, and javelins. The Colchians had about their heads wooden hel- mets, and small shields of raw-hide, and short lances ; and, besides, they had swords. Pherendates, son of Teaspes, com- manded the Mares and Colchians. The Alarodi and the Sas- pires marched armed like the Colchians ; Masistius, son of Siromitres, commanded them. The insular nations that came from the Erythraean Sea, and from the islands in which the king makes those dwell who are called " the banished," had clothing and arms very similar to the Medic. Mardontes, son of Bagaeus, who, when commanding the army at Mycale, two years after this, died in battle, commanded these islanders. These were the nations that marched on the continent, and composed the infantry. They, then, who have been mentioned commanded this army, and these were they who set in order, and numbered them, and appointed commanders of thou- sands and of ten thousands. But the commanders of ten thou- sands appointed the captains of hundreds and captains of tens. There were other subaltern officers over the troops and na- tions, but those who have been mentioned were the com- manders. Over these and the whole infantry were appointed as generals Mardonius, son of Gobryas ; Tritantsechmes, son of Artabanus, who gave his opinion against the invasion of Greece; Smerdomenes, son of Otanes (both these were sons to brothers of Darius, and cousins to Xerxes) ; Masistes, son of Darius and Atossa ; Gergis, son of Arizus ; and Megabyzus, son of Zopyrus. These were generals of the whole land forces, except the ten thousand ; of these ten thousand chosen Per- sians, Hydarnes, son of Hydarnes, was general. These Per- sians were called Immortal, for the following reason : if any one of them made a deficiency in the number, compelled either by death or disease, another was ready chosen to supply his place ; so that they were never either more or less than ten thousand. The Persians displayed the greatest splendour of all, and were also the bravest ; their equipment was such as has been described; but, besides this, they were conspicuous 394 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [83-88 from having a great profusion of gold. They also brought with them covered chariots, and concubines in them, and a numerous and well-equipped train of attendants. Camels and other beasts of burden conveyed their provisions, apart from that of the rest of the soldiers. All these nations have cavalry; they did not, however, all furnish horse, but only the following: First, the Persians, equipped in the same manner as their infantry, except that on their heads some of them wore brazen and wrought-steel ornaments. There is a certain nomadic race, called Sagar- tians, of Persian extraction and language: they wear a dress fashioned between the Persian and the Pactyan fashion ; they furnished eight thousand horse, but they are not accustomed to carry arms either of brass or iron, except daggers : they use ropes made of twisted thongs ; trusting to these, they go to war. The mode of fighting of these men is as follows: When they engage with the enemy, they throw out the ropes, which have nooses at the end, and whatever any one catches, whether horse or man, he drags toward himself ; and they that are entangled in the coils are put to death. This is their mode of fighting ; and they were marshalled with the Persians. The Medes had the same equipment as that used in the infantry, and the Cissians in like manner. The Indians were also equipped like their infantry, but they used saddle horses and chariots : and in their chariots they yoked horses and wild asses. The Bactrians were equipped in the same manner as their infantry, and the Caspians likewise. The Libyans, too, were accoutred like their infantry ; but they all drove chariots. In like manner the Caspiri and Paricanii were equipped in the same way as their infantry. And the Arabians had the same dress as their infantry, but all rode camels not inferior to horses in speed. These nations only furnished cavalry. The number of the horse amounted to eighty thousand, besides the camels and chariots. All the rest of the cavalry were mar- shalled in troops ; but the Arabians were stationed in the rear : for as horses can not endure camels, they were stationed be- hind, that the horses might not be frightened. Armamithres and Tithseus, sons of Datis, were generals of the cavalry. Their third colleague in command, Pharnuches, had been left at Sardis sick. For as they were setting out from Sardis he met with a sad accident. For when he was mounted, a dog ran under the legs of his horse, and the horse, not being aware of it, was frightened, and rearing up, threw Pharnuches ; upon which he, having fallen, vomited blood, and the disease turned into consumption. With respect to the horse, his servants 88-93] CATALOGUE OF THE SHIPS 395 immediately did as he ordered ; for leading him to the place where he had thrown his master, they cut off his legs at the knees. Thus Pharnuches was deprived of the command. The number of the triremes amounted to twelve hundred and seven ; the following nations furnished them : The Phoe- nicians, with the Syrians of Palestine, furnished three hun- dred, being thus equipped : on their heads they had helmets, made very nearly after the Grecian fashion ; and clothed in linen breastplates, they carried shields without rims, and javelins. These Phoenicians, as they themselves say, anciently dwelt on the Red Sea; and having crossed over from thence, they settled on the sea-coast of Syria ; this part of Syria, and the whole as far as Egypt, is called Palestine. The Egyptians contributed two hundred ships. These had on their heads plaited helmets, and carried hollow shields, with large rims, and pikes fit for a sea-fight, and large hatchets. The greater part of them had breastplates, and carried large swords. The Cyprians contributed a hundred and fifty ships, and were equipped as follows : their kings had their heads wrapped in turbans ; the rest wore tunics, and were in other respects at- tired like the Greeks. Of these there are the following na- tions, some from Salamis and Athens ; others from Arcadia ; others from Cythnus ; others from Phoenicia ; and others from Ethiopia, as the Cyprians themselves say. The Cilicians con- tributed a hundred ships. These, again, wore on their heads helmets peculiar to their country, and had bucklers instead of shields, made of raw-hides, and were clothed in woollen tunics ; every one had two javelins, and a sword made very much like the Egyptian scimetar. They were anciently called Hypachaeans, and took their present name from Cilix, son of Agenor, a Phoenician. The Pamphylians contributed thirty ships, and were equipped in Grecian armour. These Pam- phylians are descended from those who, in their return from Troy, were dispersed with Amphilochus and Calchas. The Lycians contributed fifty ships, and wore breastplates and greaves. They had bows made of cornel-wood, and cane arrows without feathers, and javelins ; and, besides, goat-skins were suspended over their shoulders; and round their heads caps encircled with feathers; they had also daggers and fal- chions. The Lycians were called Termilae, being sprung from Crete, but took their present name from Lycus, son of Pan- dion, an Athenian. The Dorians of Asia contributed thirty ships, wearing Grecian armour, and sprung from the Pelopon- nesus. The Carians contributed seventy ships, and were in other respects accoutred like the Greeks, but had falchions 396 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII. POLYMNIA [93-98 and daggers. What these were formerly called I have men- tioned in the first part of my history. The Ionians contributed a hundred ships, and were equipped as Greeks. The Ionians, as long as they inhabited that part of the Peloponnesus which is now called Achaia, and before Danaus and Xuthus arrived in the Peloponnesus, as the Greeks say, were called Pelasgian iEgialees ; but Ionians from Ion, son of Xuthus. The island- ers contributed seventeen ships, and were armed like the Greeks. This race is also Pelasgic, but was afterward called Ionian for the same reason as the Ionians of the twelve cities who came from Athens. The yEolians contributed sixty ships, and were equipped like the Greeks ; they were anciently called Pelasgians, as the Grecians say. The Hellespontines, except those of Abydos, for the people of Abydos were ordered by the king to stay at home and guard the bridges — the rest, how- ever, who joined the expedition from the Pontus, contributed a hundred ships ; they were equipped like the Greeks : these are colonists of the Ionians and Dorians. Persians, Medes, and Sacae served as marines on board all the ships. Of these the Phoenicians furnished the best sail- ing ships, and of the Phoenicians the Sidonians. Over all these, as well as over those that formed the land army, native officers were appointed to each ; but I do not mention their names, for I am not necessarily constrained to do so for the purpose of the history; nor were the officers of each nation worthy of mention ; and in each nation, as many as the cities were, so many were the leaders. They did not, however, fol- low in the quality of generals, but like the other subjects who joined the expedition. Moreover, the generals, who had all the power, and were the commanders of the several nations, such of them as were Persians have been already mentioned by me. The following were admirals of the navy : Ariabignes, son of Darius ; Prexaspes, son of Aspathines ; Magabyzus, son of Megabates ; and Achsemenes, son of Darius ; of the Ionian and Carian force, Ariabignes, son of Darius and the daughter of Gobryas ; Achaemenes, who was brother to Xerxes on both sides, commanded the Egyptians ; and the other two commanded the rest of the fleet. Trieconters, pentecon- ters, light boats, and long horse transports were found to as- semble to the number of three thousand. Of those who served in the fleet, the following, next to the admirals, were the most illustrious : Tetramnestus, son of Anysus, a Sidonian ; Mapen, son of Siromus, a Tyrian; Merbalus, son of Agbalus, an Aridian ; Syennesis, son of Oromedon, a Cilician ; Cybernis- cus, son of Sicas, a Lycian; Gorgus, son of Chersis, and 98-101] THE REVIEW COMPLETED 397 Timonax, son of Timagoras, Cyprians ; and of the Carians, Histiseus, son of Tymnes; Pygres, son of Seldomus, and Damasithymus, son of Candaules. Of the other captains I make no mention, as I deem it unnecessary, except of Arte- misia, whom I most admire, as having, though a woman, joined this expedition against Greece; who, her husband being dead, herself holding the sovereignty while her son was under age, joined the expedition from a feeling of courage and manly spirit, though there was no necessity for her doing so. Her name was Artemisia, and she was the daughter of Lyg- damis, and by birth she was of Halicarnassus on her father's side, and on her mother's a Cretan. She commanded the Hali- carnassians, the Coans, the Nisyrians, and the Calydnians, hav- ing contributed five ships : and of the whole fleet, next to the Sidonians, she furnished the most renowned ships, and of all the allies, gave the best advice to the king. The cities which I have mentioned as being under her command I pronounce to be all of Doric origin ; the Halicarnassians being Trceze- nians, and the rest Epidaurians. Thus far the naval arma- ment has been spoken of. Xerxes, when he had numbered his forces, and the army was drawn up, desired to pass through and inspect them in person. Accordingly, he did so, and driving through on a chariot, by each separate nation, he made inquiries, and his secretaries wrote down the answers ; until he had gone from one extremity to the other, both of the horse and foot. When he had finished this, and the ships had been launched into the sea, Xerxes thereupon removing from his chariot to a Sidonian ship, sat under a gilded canopy, and then sailed by the prows of the ships, asking questions of each, as he had done with the land forces, and having the answers written down. The captains of the ships having drawn their vessels about four plethra from the beach, lay to, all having turned their ships frontwise to land, and having armed the marines as if for a battle ; but Xerxes, sailing between the prows and the beach, inspected them. When he had sailed through them, and had landed from the ship, he sent for Demaratus, son of Ariston, who accom- panied him in his expedition against Greece ; and having called him, he addressed him thus : " Demaratus, it is now my pleasure to ask of you certain questions that I wish. You are a Greek, and, as I am informed by you, and other Greeks who have conversed with me, of a city neither the least nor the weakest. Now, therefore, tell me this, whether the Grecians will venture to lift their hands against me: for, as I think, 398 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [101-103 if all the Grecians, and all the rest of the nations that dwell toward the west, were collected together, they would not be able to withstand my attack, unless they were united together. However, I am desirous to know what you say on this sub- ject." Such was the question he asked; but Demaratus an- swering said, " O king, whether shall I speak truth to you, or what is pleasing?" He bade him speak truth, assuring him that he would not be at all less agreeable than he was before. When Demaratus heard this, he spoke thus : " O king, since you positively require me to speak truth, I will say such things as whoever should utter them would not here- after be convicted of falsehood. Poverty has ever been famil- iar to Greece, but virtue has been acquired, having been ac- complished by wisdom and firm laws; by the aid of which Greece has warded off poverty and tyranny. I commend, indeed, all those Greeks who dwell round those Doric lands; but I shall now proceed to speak, not of all, but of the Lace- daemonians only. In the first place, I say it is not possible that they should ever listen to your proposals, which bring slavery on Greece ; secondly, that they will meet you in battle, even if all the rest of the Greeks should side with you. With respect to their number, you need not ask how many they are, that they are able to do this ; for whether a thousand men, or more, or even less, should have marched out, they will certainly give you battle." Xerxes, having heard this, re- plied : " Demaratus, what have you said ? that a thousand men will fight with such an army as this ? Come, tell me, you say that you were yourself king of these men? Are you, then, willing on the spot to fight with ten men? And yet if all your citizens are such as you represent, you, who are their king, ought by your own institutions to be matched against twice that number; for if each of them is a match for ten men in my army, I expect that you should be a match for twenty, so the opinion you have given utterance to would prove correct. But if, being such as yourself, and of the same stature as you and other Greeks who have conversed with me, ye boast so much, beware that the opinion you have uttered be not an idle vaunt. For come, let us consider every prob- ability : how could a thousand men, or even ten thousand, or even fifty thousand, being all equally free, and not subject to the command of a single person, resist such an army as this? for if they are five thousand, we are more than a thousand against one. Were they, indeed, according to our custom, subject to the command of a single person, they might, through fear of him, prove superior to their natural courage ; 103-106J XERXES AND DEMARATUS 399 and, compelled by the lash, might, though fewer, attack a greater number: but now, being left to their own free will, they will do nothing of the kind. And I am of opinion that even if they were equal in numbers the Grecians would hardly contend with the Persians alone. For the valour that you speak of exists among us ; it is not, however, common, but rare. For there are Persians among my body-guards who would readily encounter three Greeks at once ; and you, hav- ing no experience of these men, talk very idly." To this Demaratus replied : " O king, I knew from the first that, by adhering to the truth, I should not say what would be agree- able to you ; but since you constrained me to speak the exact truth, I told you the real character of the Spartans. However, you yourself well know how tenderly I must love them, who, after they had deprived me of my paternal honours and dig- nity, have made me citiless and an exile ; but your father, having received me, gave me maintenance and a home: it is not probable, therefore, that a prudent man should repel mani- fest benevolence, but should by all means cherish it. For my part, I do not pretend to be able to fight with ten men, nor with two ; nor would I willingly fight with one. But if there was any necessity, or any great stake to rouse me, I would most willingly fight with one of those men who pretend to be singly a match for three Grecians. In like manner the Lacedaemonians in single combat are inferior to none ; but together are the bravest of all men. For though free, they are not absolutely free; for they have a master over them, the law, which they fear much more than your subjects do you. They do, accordingly, whatever it enjoins ; and it ever enjoins the same thing, forbidding them to fly from battle before any number of men, but to remain in their ranks, and conquer or die. If I appear to you, in saying this, to talk idly, I will for the future observe silence on this subject, and now I have spoken through compulsion ; however, may events, O king, turn out according to your wish ! " Such was the reply he made. But Xerxes turned it into ridicule, and evinced no anger, but dismissed him kindly. Xerxes, having held this conversation, and appointed Mas- cames, son of Megadostes, to be governor of this Doriscus, and having deposed the person placed there by Darius, marched his army through Thrace toward Greece. Mascames, whom he left, proved so excellent a man that Xerxes used to send presents every year to him alone, as being the best of all the governors whom either he or Darius had appointed ; and he used to send them every year ; as did also Artaxerxes, 400 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [106-109 son of Xerxes, to the descendants of Mascames. For even before this expedition governors had been appointed in Thrace, and throughout the Hellespont. Now all these, both in Thrace and on the Hellespont, except the one in Doriscus, were driven out by the Greeks after this invasion; but none were able to drive out Mascames, who was in Doriscus, though many made the attempt. On this account presents are sent to his family by the reigning King of Persia. But of all those who were driven out by the Greeks, King Xerxes thought no one had behaved himself with courage except Boges, who was governor of Eion. Him he never ceased praising, and conferred the highest honours on his sons who survived in Persia. And indeed Boges deserved great praise ; for when he was besieged by the Athenians under Cimon, son of Mil- tiades, and might have marched out by capitulation and re- turned to Asia, he would not do so, lest the king should think he saved his life through cowardice; but he held out to the last. And when there was no longer any food in the fort, having raised a great pile, he slew his children and wife, and concubines and servants, and then threw their bodies into the fire ; after this he cast all the gold and silver that was in the tower from the fort into the Strymon ; and having done this, he threw himself into the fire. So that he is with justice commended by the Persians even to this day. Xerxes set out from Doriscus toward Greece, and com- pelled such nations as he met with to join his army. For, as I before observed, the whole country as far as Thessaly had been brought to subjection, and made tributary to the king, Megabyzus, and afterward Mardonius, having subdued it. In his march from Doriscus, he first passed the Samothracian fortresses ; the last of which is situated toward the west, and is a city called Mesambria ; near this is Stryme, a city of the Thasians. Between these two places the river Lissus flows ; which did not supply sufficient water for the army of Xerxes, but failed. This country was anciently called Gallaica, but now Briantica : in strict right, however, it belongs to the Ciconians. Xerxes having crossed the dried-up channel of the river Lissus, passed by the following Grecian cities : Maronea, Dicaea, and Abdera; he accordingly went by these, and near them, the following celebrated lakes : the Ismaris, situated be- tween Maronea and Stryme; and Bistonis, near Dicaea, into which two rivers empty their water, the Travus and Comp- satus. Near Abdera Xerxes passed by no celebrated lake, but the river Nestus, which flows into the sea. After these places he passed in his march by several continental cities; 109-115] THE MARCH OF XERXES 401 in one of which is a lake about thirty stades in circumference ; it abounds in fish, and is very brackish. The beasts of burden alone, being watered there, dried this up. The name of this city is Pistyrus. These cities, then, maritime and Grecian, he passed by, leaving them on the left hand. The nations of Thrace, through whose country he marched, are these: the Paeti, Ciconians, Bistonians, Sapaei, Dersaei, Edoni, and Satrae. Of these, such as dwelt near the sea attended him with their ships; and such as dwelt inland, who have been enumerated by me, all, except the Satrae, were compelled to follow by land. The Satrae, as far as we are informed, were never subject to any man, but alone, of all the Thracians, have continued free to this day. For they inhabit lofty mountains, covered with all kinds of wood and snow, and are courageous in war. These are the people that possess an oracle of Bacchus ; this oracle is on the highest range of their mountains. The Bessi are those among the Satrae who interpret the oracles of the tem- ple ; a priestess delivers them, as in Delphi, and they are not at all more ambiguous. Xerxes, having traversed the coun- try that has been mentioned, after this passed by the forts of the Pierians, one of which is called Phagres, and the other Pergamus : here he marched close to the very forts, keeping on his right hand Mount Pangaeus, which is vast and lofty, and in it are gold and silver mines, which the Pierians and Odomanti, and especially the Satrae, work. Passing by the Paeonians, Doberes, and Paeoplae, who dwell above Pangaeus to the north, he went westward, till he arrived at the river Strymon, and the city of Eion, of which Boges, whom I have lately mentioned, being still alive, was governor. The land itself, which is about Mount Pangaeus, is called Phillis, ex- tending westward to the river Angites, which falls into the Strymon; and on the south, reaching to the Strymon itself, which the magi propitiated by sacrificing white horses to it. Having used these enchantments to the river, and many others besides, they marched by the Nine Ways of the Edonians to the bridges, and found the banks of the Strymon united by a bridge. But being informed that this place was called the Nine Ways, they buried alive in it so many sons and daughters of the inhabitants. It is a Persian custom to bury people alive ; for I have heard that Amestris, wife of Xerxes, having grown old, caused fourteen children of the best families in Persia to be buried alive, to show her gratitude to the god who is said to be beneath the earth. When the army marched from the Strymon. there is a shore toward the sunset on which it passed by a Grecian city 26 402 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [115-119 called Argilus ; this and the country above it is called Bisaltia ; from thence keeping the bay near the Temple of Neptune on the left hand, it went through what is called the plain of Syleus; and passing by Stagirus, a Grecian city, arrived at Acanthus; taking with them each of the above nations, and those that dwell round Mount Pangaeus, as well as those which I have before enumerated; having those that dwelt near the sea to serve on shipboard, and those above the sea to follow on foot. This road, along which King Xerxes marched his army, the Thracians neither disturb nor sow, but regard it with great veneration even to my time. When he arrived at Acanthus, the Persian enjoined the Acanthians to show them hospitality, and presented them with a Medic dress, and commended them, seeing them ready for the war, and hearing of the excavation at Mount Athos. While Xerxes was at Acanthus, it happened that Artachaees, who had superintended the canal, died of disease ; he was much esteemed by Xerxes, and was of the race of the Achaemenidae, and in stature the tallest of the Persians, for he wanted only four fingers of five royal cubits; and he had the loudest voice of any man, so that Xerxes, considering his loss very great, had him carried to the grave and buried him with great pomp ; and the whole army raised up a mound for his sepulchre. To this Artachaees the Acanthians, in obedience to an oracle, offer sacrifice as to a hero, invoking him by name. King Xerxes, therefore, when Artachaees died, considered it a great loss. Those of the Grecians who received the army and entertained Xerxes were reduced to extreme distress, so that they were obliged to abandon their homes; since Antipater, son of Orges, one of the most distinguished citizens, being selected by the Tha- sians, who received and entertained the army of Xerxes on behalf of the cities on the continent, showed that four hun- dred talents of silver had been expended on the banquet. In like manner those who superintended in the other cities gave in their accounts. For the banquet was of the following kind, as being ordered long beforehand, and considered of great importance: In the first place, as soon as they heard the heralds proclaiming it all around, the citizens, having dis- tributed the corn that was in the cities, all made flour and meal for many months ; and in the next place, they fatted cattle, finding the best they could for money, and fed land and water fowl in coops and ponds, for the entertainment of the army : moreover, they made gold and silver cups and ves- sels, and all such things as are placed on a table. But these things were made for the king himself, and those who sat at 1 19-123] THE MARCH OF XERXES 403 table with him ; for the rest of the army provisions only were required. Wherever the army arrived, a tent was readily pitched, in which Xerxes himself lodged; but the rest of the army remained in the open air. When meal time came, those who received them had all the trouble ; but the guests, when they had been satisfied and passed the night there, on the following day, having torn up the tent and taken all the furni- ture, went away, leaving nothing, but carrying away every- thing. On this occasion a clever remark was made by Maga- creon of Abdera, who advised the Abderites to go in a body, themselves and their wives, to their own temples, and to seat themselves as suppliants of the gods, beseeching them also for the future to avert one half of the evils that were coming upon them ; and to express their hearty thanks for what was passed, that King Xerxes was not accustomed to take food twice every day: for if they had been ordered to prepare a dinner as well as a supper, they, the Abderites, would have been compelled either not to await the arrival of Xerxes, or, if they had awaited him, they must have been worn down the most miserably of all men. They, however, though hard put to it, executed the order imposed upon them. At Acanthus Xerxes dismissed the ships from his presence to proceed on their voyage, having given orders to the ad- mirals that the fleet should await his arrival at Therma; at Therma, which is situated on the Thermsean Gulf, and from which that gulf derives its name; for he had heard that that was the shortest way. As far as Acanthus the army marched from Doriscus in the following order : Xerxes, having divided the whole land forces into three bodies, ordered one of them to accompany the fleet along the coast : of this division Mar- donius and Masistes were commanders. Another of the three divisions of the army marched inland, commanded by Trin- tantaechmes and Gersis. But the third division, with which Xerxes himself went, marched between the other two, and had for generals Smerdomenes and Megabyzus. The fleet accordingly, when it had been dismissed by Xerxes, and had passed through the canal which was at Athos extending to the bay on which the cities of Assa, Pilorus, Singus, and Sarta are situated, after that, when it had taken troops on board from those cities, sailed with all speed to the Thermaean Bay. Doubling Ampelus, the Toronaean foreland, it passed by the following Greek cities, from which it took ships and men : Torone, Galepsus, Sermyla, Mecyberna, and Olynthus ; all of which country is now called Sithonia. Xerxes's fleet, stretch- ing across from the Cape of Ampelus to the Cape of Canas- 404 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [123-127 traeum, which is the most prominent point of all Pallene, thence took ships and men from Potidaea, Aphytis, Neapolis, Mga, Therambus, Scione, Menda, and Sana, for these are the cities that belong to what is now Pallene, but was formerly called Phlegra. Coasting along this country, it sailed to the appointed place, taking with it troops also from the cities near Pallene and bordering on the Thermaean Gulf; their names are as follows : Lipaxus, Combrea, Lisse, Gigonus, Campsa, Smila, and -dinea. The country in which these cities are situated is to the present time called by the name of Cros- saea. From ^Enea, with which I ended my enumeration of the cities, the course of the fleet was direct to the Thermaean Gulf and the Mygdonian territory : and sailing on, it reached the appointed place, Therma, and Sindus and Chalestra, on the river Axius, which divides the territories of Mygdonia and Bottiaeis ; on a narrow tract of which, near the sea, stand the cities of Ichnae and Pella. The naval force encamped there near the river Axius, and the city of Therma, and the intermediate places, awaiting the arrival of the king. But Xerxes and the land army marched from Acanthus, taking the road through the interior, wishing to reach Therma. And he marched through the Paeonian and Crestonian territories toward the river Echidorus, which, be- ginning from the Crestonians, flows through the Mygdonian territory, and discharges itself into the marsh which is above the river Axius. While he was marching in this direction, lions fell upon his camels, that carried provisions : for the lions coming down by night and leaving their usual haunts, seized nothing else, whether beast of burden or man ; but they at- tacked the camels only. And I wonder what the reason could be that induced the lions to abstain from all the rest and set upon the camels ; a beast which they had never before seen or made trial of. But in those parts lions are numerous, and wild bulls, which have very large horns that are brought into Greece. The boundaries of the lions are the river Nestus, which flows through Abdera, and the Achelous, which flows through Acarnania. For no one would ever see a lion any- where eastward of the Nestus, throughout the fore part of Europe, nor to the west of the Achelous, in the rest of the continent, but they breed in the tract between these two rivers. When Xerxes arrived at Therma, he there ordered his army to halt. And his army, when encamped, occupied the fol- lowing district along the coast: extending from the city of Therma, and from Mygdonia, to the rivers Lydias and Haliac- mon, which divide the territories of Bottiaeis and Macedonia, 127-129] THE MARCH OF XERXES 405 uniting their waters in the same channel. In these countries, then, the barbarians encamped. Of the rivers above men- tioned, the Echidorus, which flows from the Crestonians, was the only one that was not sufficient for the army, but failed. Xerxes, seeing from Therma the Thessalonian mountains, Olympus and Ossa, which are of vast size, and having learned that there was a narrow pass between them, through which the river Peneus runs, and hearing that at that spot there was a road leading to Thessaly, very much wished to sail and see the mouth of the Peneus ; because he designed to march by the upper road through the country of the Macedonians, who dwell higher up, to the territory of the Perrhsebi, near the city of Gonnus ; for he was informed that this was the safest way. Accordingly, as he wished, so he did. Having gone on board a Sidonian ship, in which he always embarked whenever he wished to do anything of this kind, he made a signal for all the rest of the fleet to get under way, leaving the land forces where they were. When Xerxes arrived, and beheld the mouth of the Peneus, he was struck with great astonishment ; and having called his guides, asked if it would be possible to turn the river and conduct it by another channel into the sea. It is said that Thessaly was anciently a lake, since it is inclosed on all sides by lofty mountains. For the side next the east Mount Pelion and Ossa shut in, mingling their bases with each other ; and the side toward the north Olympus shuts in; and the west, Pindus; and the side toward the midday and the south wind, Othrys: the space in the midst of the above-mentioned mountains is Thessaly, which is hollow. Since, then, several other rivers flow into it, and these five most noted ones, the Peneus, the Apidanus, the Onochonus, the Enipeus, and the Pamisus ; these that have been named, accordingly, meeting together in this plain from the moun- tains that inclose Thessaly, discharge themselves into the sea through one channel, and that a narrow one, having all before mingled their waters into the same stream ; but as soon as they have mingled together, from that spot the names of the other rivers merge in that of the Peneus.1 It is said that formerly when the pass and outlet did not yet exist, these rivers, and besides them the lake Bcebeis, were not called by the names they now bear, though they flowed not less than they do now ; but that by their stream they made all Thessaly a lake. How- ever, the Thessalians themselves say that Neptune made the pass through which the Peneus flows ; and their story is prob- 1 Literally, " the- river Peneus gaining the victory as to the name, causes the others to be nameless." f 406 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [129-133 able. For whoever thinks that Neptune shakes the earth, and that rents occasioned by earthquakes are the works of this god, on seeing this, would say that Neptune formed it. For it appears evident to me that the separation of these mountains is the effect of an earthquake. The guides, when Xerxes asked if there was any other exit for the Peneus to the sea, being accurately acquainted with the country, said : " O king, this river has no other outlet that extends to the sea, except this one; for all Thessaly is surrounded by mountains." Xerxes is reported to have said to this : " The Thessalians are prudent men, and therefore they long ago took precautions, and altered their minds, both on other accounts, and because they possessed a country which might be easily subdued, and quickly taken. For it would only be necessary to turn the river on to their territory, by forcing it back by a mound at the pass, and diverting it from the channels through which it now flows, so that all Thessaly, except the mountains, would be inundated." Xerxes expressed himself thus, in reference to the sons of Aleuas, because they, being Thessalians, were the first of the Greeks who gave themselves up to the king; Xerxes supposing that they promised alliance in behalf of the whole nation. Having thus spoken, and viewed the spot, he sailed back to Therma. He remained several days about Pieria, for a third division of his army was employed in felling the trees on the Mace- donian range, that the whole army might pass in that direc- tion to the Perrhsebi. In the meantime the heralds, who had been sent to Greece to demand earth, returned to Xerxes ; some empty, and others bringing earth and water. Of those who gave them were the following: the Thessalians, the Dolopes, the Enienes, the Perrhaebi, the Locrians, the Magnetes, the Melians, the Achgeans of Pthiotis, and the Thebans, and all the rest of the Boeotians, except the Thespians and Plataeans. Against these the Greeks who engaged in war with the bar- barians made a solemn oath. The oath ran as follows : " Whatever Greeks have given themselves up to the Persian, without compulsion, so soon as their affairs are restored to order, these shall be compelled to pay a tithe to the god at Delphi." Such was the oath taken by the Greeks. To Athens and Sparta he did not send heralds to demand earth, for the following reasons : On a former occasion when Darius sent for the same purpose, the former having thrown those who made the demand into the barathrum,1 and the latter 1 The barathrum was a deep pit at Athens, into which certain criminals who were sentenced to death, were thrown. 133-136J FATE OF THE PERSIAN HERALDS 407 into a well, bade them carry earth and water to the king from those places. For that reason Xerxes did not send persons to make the demand. What calamity befell the Athenians in consequence of their having treated the heralds in this man- ner, I can not say, except that their territory and city were ravaged; but I do not think that happened in consequence of that crime. On the Lacedaemonians, however, the anger of Talthybius, Agamemnon's herald, alighted. For Talthyb- ius has a temple in Sparta ; and there are descendants of Tal- thybius, called Talthybiadae, to whom all embassies from Sparta are given as a privilege. After these events the Spartans were unable, when they sacrificed, to get favourable omens; and this continued for a long time. The Lacedaemonians being grieved, and considering it a great calamity, and having fre- quently held assemblies, and at length made inquiry by public proclamation, whether any Lacedaemonian was willing to die for Sparta, Sperthies, son of Aneristus, and Bulis, son of Nicolaus, both Spartans of distinguished birth, and eminent for their wealth, voluntarily offered to give satisfaction to Xerxes for the heralds of Darius who had perished at Sparta. Accordingly, the Spartans sent them to the Medes, for the purpose of being put to death. And both the courage of these men deserves admiration, and also the following words on this occasion. For on their way to Susa they came to Hy- darnes ; but Hydarnes was a Persian by birth, and governor of the maritime people in Asia ; he having offered them hos- pitality, entertained them, and while he was entertaining them he questioned them as follows, saying : " Men of Lacedaemon, why do you refuse to be friendly with the king ? For you may see how well the king knows how to honour brave men, by looking at me and my condition. So also, if you would sur- render yourselves to the king, for you are deemed by him to be brave men, each of you would obtain a government in some part of Greece, at the hands of the king." To this they an- swered as follows : " Hydarnes, the advice you hold out to us is not impartial ; for you advise us, having tried the one state, but being inexperienced in the other: what it is to be a slave you know perfectly well, but you have never tried lib- erty, whether it is sweet or not. For if you had tried it you would advise us to fight for it, not with spears, but even with hatchets." Thus they answered Hydarnes. Afterward, when they went up to Susa, and were come into the king's presence, in the first place, when the guards commanded and endeav- oured to compel them to prostrate themselves and worship the king, they said they would by no means do so, although 40$ HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [136-139 they were thrust by them on their heads ; for that it was not their custom to worship a man, nor had they come for that purpose. When they had fought off this, and on their address- ing Xerxes in words to the following effect, " King of the Medes, the Lacedaemonians have sent us in return for the heralds who were killed at Sparta, to make satisfaction for them " ; on their saying this, Xerxes answered with magna- nimity that he would not be like the Lacedaemonians, for that they had violated the law of all nations by murdering his heralds ; but he would not do the very thing which he blamed in them ; nor by killing them in return, would relieve the Lacedaemonians from guilt. Thus the wrath of Talthyb- ius, when the Spartans acted in this manner, ceased for the time, although Sperthies and Bulis returned to Sparta. But some time afterward it was again aroused, during the war between the Peloponnesians and Athenians, as the Lacedae- monians say; and this appears to me to have happened in a most extraordinary manner : for that the wrath of Talthybius alighted on the messengers, and did not cease until it was satis- fied, justice allowed ; but that it should fall on the sons of the men who went up to the king on account of that wrath, on Nicolaus, son of Bulis, and on Aneristus, son of Sperthies, who, sailing in a merchant vessel fully manned, captured some fishermen from Tiryns, makes it clear to me that the occur- rence was extraordinary in consequence of that wrath. For they, being sent by the Lacedaemonians as ambassadors to Asia, and being betrayed by Sitalces, son of Teres, King of the Thracians, and by Nymphodorus, son of Pytheas of Ab- dera, were taken near Bisanthe on the Hellespont, and being carried to Attica, were put to death by the Athenians ; and with them Aristeas, son of Adimantus, a Corinthian. These things, however, happened many years after the expedition of the king. But I return to my former subject. This expedition of the king was nominally directed against Athens, but was really sent against all Greece. The Greeks, however, though they had heard of it long beforehand, were not all affected alike. For those who had given earth and water to the Persians felt confident that they should suffer no harm from the barbarians ; but those who had refused to give them were in great con- sternation, since the ships in Greece were not sufficient in num- ber to resist the invader, and many were unwilling to engage in the war, and were much inclined to side with the Medes. And here I feel constrained by necessity to declare my opin- ion, although it may excite the envy of most men; however, I39-HO PREDICTIONS OF THE PYTHIAN 409 I will not refrain from expressing how the truth appears to me to be. If the Athenians, terrified with the impending dan- ger, had abandoned their country ; or not having abandoned it, but remaining in it, had given themselves up to Xerxes, no other people would have attempted to resist the king at sea. If, then, no one had opposed Xerxes by sea, the follow- ing things must have occurred on land : Although many lines of walls had been built by the Peloponnesians across the isth- mus, yet the Lacedaemonians, being abandoned by the allies (not willingly, but by necessity, they being taken by the bar- barians city by city), would have been left alone; and being left alone, after having displayed noble deeds, would have died nobly. They would either have suffered thus, or before that, seeing the rest of the Greeks siding with the Medes, would have made terms with Xerxes ; and so, in either case, Greece would have become subject to the Persians ; for I am unable to discover what would have been the advantage of the walls built across the isthmus if the king had been master of the sea. Any one, therefore, who should say that the Athenians were the saviours of Greece would not deviate from the truth ; for to whichever side they turned, that must have prepon- derated. But having chosen that Greece should continue free, they were the people who roused the rest of the Greeks who did not side with the Medes, and who, next to the gods, re- pulsed the king. Neither did alarming oracles that came from Delphi, and inspired them with terror, induce them to abandon Greece ; but, standing their ground, they had courage to await the invader of their country. For the Athenians, having sent deputies to Delphi, were anxious to consult the oracle : and after they had performed the usual ceremonies about the temple, when they entered the sanctuary and sat down, the Pythian, whose name was Aristonica, uttered the following warning : " O wretched men, why sit ye here? fly to the ends of the earth, leaving your houses and the lofty summits of your wheel-shaped city. For neither does the head remain firm nor the body, nor the lowest feet nor the hands, nor is aught of the middle left, but they are all fallen to ruin. For fire and fleet Mars, driving the Syrian chariot, destroys it. And he will destroy many other turrets, and not yours alone ; and he will deliver many tem- ples of the immortals to devouring fire, which now stand drip- ping with sweat, shaken with terror; and from the topmost roofs trickles black blood, pronouncing inevitable woe. But go from the sanctuary, and infuse your mind with courage to meet misfortunes." The deputies of the Athenians, having 4io HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [141-H3 heard this, deemed it a very great calamity; and when they were dejected at the predicted evil, Timon, son of Androbulus, a man reputed at Delphi equally with the best, advised them to take supplicatory branches and go again and consult the oracle as suppliants. The Athenians yielding to this advice, and saying : O king, vouchsafe to give us a more favour- able answer concerning our country, having regard to these supplicatory branches which we have brought with us ; other- wise we will never depart from thy sanctuary, but will remain here till we die." When they had said this, the priestess gave a second answer, in these terms : " Pallas is unable to pro- pitiate Olympian Jove, entreating him with many a prayer and prudent counsel. But to you again I utter this speech, making it like adamant; for when all is taken that the limit of Cecrops contains within it, and the recesses of divine Cithae- ron, wide-seeing Jupiter gives a wooden wall to the Triton- born goddess, to be alone impregnable, which shall preserve you and your children. Nor do you quietly wait for the cav- alry and infantry advancing in multitudes from the continent, but turn your back and withdraw. You will still be able to face them. O divine Salamis, thou shalt cause the sons of women to perish, whether Ceres is scattered or gathered in." Having written this answer down, for it appeared to them to be of milder import than the former one, they departed for Athens : and when the deputies, on their return, reported it to the people, many different opinions were given by per- sons endeavouring to discover the meaning of the oracle, and among them the two following most opposed each other. Some of the old men said they thought the god foretold that the Acropolis should be saved ; for formerly the Acropolis was defended by a hedge ; they therefore on account of the hedge conjectured that this was the wooden wall. Others, on the other hand, said that the god alluded to their ships, and therefore advised that, abandoning everything else, they should get them ready. However, the last two lines uttered by the Pythian perplexed those who said that the wooden wall meant the ships : " O divine Salamis, thou shalt cause the sons of women to perish, whether Ceres is scattered or gathered in." By these words the opinions of those who said that the ships were the wooden wall were disturbed : for the interpreters of oracles took them in this sense, that they should be defeated off Salamis if they prepared for a sea-fight. There was a cer- tain Athenian who had lately risen to eminence, whose name was Themistocles, but he was commonly called the son of Neocles; this man maintained that the interpreters had not 143-145] ASSEMBLING THE GREEKS 411 rightly understood the whole, saying thus: If the word that had been uttered really did refer to the Athenians, he did not think that it would have been expressed so mildly, but thus, " O unhappy Salamis," instead of " O divine Salamis," if the inhabitants were about to perish on its shores ; therefore who- ever understood them rightly would conclude that the oracle was pronounced by the god against their enemies, and not against the Athenians. He advised them, therefore, to make preparations for fighting by sea, since that was the wooden wall. When Themistocles thus declared his opinion, the Athe- nians considered it preferable to that of the interpreters who dissuaded them from making preparations for a sea-fight, and in short advised them not to make any resistance at all, but to abandon the Attic territory and settle in some other. An- other opinion of Themistocles had before this opportunely pre- vailed. When the Athenians, having great riches in the treas- ury, which came in from the mines of Laureum, were about to share them man by man, to each ten drachmas; then Themistocles persuaded them to refrain from this distribution, and to build two hundred ships with this money, meaning for the war with the ^Eginetse. For that war springing up, at this time saved Greece, by compelling the Athenians to apply themselves to maritime affairs. The ships, however, were used for the purpose for which they were built, but were thus very serviceable to Greece. These, therefore, were al- ready built for the Athenians, and it was necessary to con- struct others besides. And it was resolved, on their consult- ing after the receipt of the oracle, to await the barbarian, who was invading Greece, with their whole people on shipboard, in obedience to the god, together with such Greeks as would join them. Such, then, were the oracles delivered to the Athenians. When the Greeks who were better affected toward Greece were assembled together, and consulted with each other, and gave pledges of mutual fidelity, it was thereupon determined, on deliberation, that, before all things, they should reconcile all existing enmities and wars with each other. For there were wars in hand between several others, but the most con- siderable was that between the Athenians and ^ginetae. After this, being informed that Xerxes was with his army at Sardis, they determined to send spies into Asia, in order to discover the true state of the king's affairs; and to send ambassadors to Argos to conclude an alliance against the Persians, and others to Sicily, to Gelon, son of Dinomenes, and to Corcyra, and others to Crete, begging them to come to the assistance 4I2 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [145-148 of Greece; purposing, if possible, that Greece should be united, and that all should combine in adopting the same plan, in dangers which threatened all the Greeks alike; but the power of Gelon was said to be very great, being far superior to that of any other Grecian states. When these things were determined on by them, having reconciled their enmities, they first of all sent three men as spies into Asia; and they hav- ing arrived at Sardis, and endeavoured to get intelligence of the king's forces, when they were discovered were examined by the generals of the land army, and led out to execution, for sentence of death had been passed upon them. But when Xerxes heard of this, disapproving of the decision of the gen- erals, he sent some of his guards with orders to bring the spies to him if they should find them still alive. And when they found them yet living, and brought them into the king's presence, he thereupon, having inquired for what purpose they came, commanded the guards to conduct them round, and show them all the infantry and cavalry, and when they should be satisfied with seeing them, to send them away un- harmed, to whatever country they should choose. He issued these orders, alleging the following reason, that if the spies were put to death, the Greeks would neither be informed beforehand of his power, that it was greater than could be described; nor would he do any great harm to his enemies by putting three men to death ; whereas, if they returned to Greece, it was his opinion, he said, that the Greeks, having heard of his power, would, of their own accord, surrender their liberty, before the expedition should take place, and so it would not be necessary to have the trouble of marching against them. This opinion of his was like this other one. When Xerxes was at Abydos, he saw certain ships laden with corn from the Pontus, sailing through the Hellespont, on their way to iEgina and the Peloponnesus. Those who sat near him, having heard that the ships belonged to the enemy, were ready to capture them, and, fixing their eyes on the king, watched when he would give the order. But Xerxes asked his attend- ants where they were sailing ; they answered, " To your ene- mies, sire, carrying corn." He answering, said : " Are not we also sailing to the same place to which these men are, and provided with other things, and with corn ? What hurt, then, can they do us by carrying corn thither for us ? " The spies, accordingly, having seen the army, and being sent away, re- turned to Europe. But the Greeks who had engaged in a confederacy against the Persian, after the despatch of the spies, next sent ambas- 148-150] ATTITUDE OF THE ARGIVES 413 sadors to Argos. But the Argives say that what concerned them occurred as follows : That they heard from the very first of the design of the barbarian against Greece, and having heard of it, and learned that the Greeks would endeavour to obtain their assistance against the Persian, they sent persons to consult the oracle of Delphi, and inquire of the god what course it would be best for them to adopt; for six thousand of their number had recently been slain by the Lacedaemo- nians, and by Cleomenes, son of Anaxandrides : for this rea- son they sent, and the Pythian gave the following answer to their inquiries : " Hated by your neighbours, beloved by the immortal gods, holding your lance at rest, keep on the watch, and guard your head ; the head shall save the body." They say that the Pythian gave this answer first, and after- ward, when the ambassadors came to Argos, they were intro- duced to the council, and delivered their message ; and they answered to what was said, that the Argives were ready to comply, having first made a thirty years' truce with the Lace- daemonians, and provided they might have an equal share of the command of the allied forces ; though in justice the whole command belonged to them, yet they would be content with the command over half. This, they say, was the answer of their senate, although the oracle had forbidden them to enter into any alliance with the Grecians ; and that they were anx- ious to make a thirty years' truce, although they feared the oracle, in order that their children might become men during that time ; but if a truce was not made, they were apprehen- sive lest if, in addition to their present calamity, another fail- ure should befall them in the Persian war, they might in future become subject to the Lacedaemonians. Those of the ambassadors who came from Sparta gave the following an- swer to what was said by the council : That with respect to a truce, it should be referred to the people; but with respect to the command, they were instructed to answer, and say, that they had two kings, but the Argives only one ; and there- fore it was not possible to deprive either of their kings of his command; but that there was nothing to hinder the Argive king from having an equal vote with their two. Thus the Argives say that they could not put up with the arrogance of the Spartans, but that they rather chose to be subject to the barbarians, than to yield to the Lacedaemonians; and that they ordered the ambassadors to quit the territories of the Argives before sunset, otherwise they would treat them as enemies. Such is the account which the Argives themselves give of 414 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII. POLYMNIA [150-152 this affair. But another report is prevalent throughout Greece that Xerxes sent a herald to Argos before he set out on his expedition against Greece; and it is related that he, on his arrival, said : " Men of Argos, King Xerxes speaks thus to you. We are of opinion that Perses, from whom we are sprung, was son of Perseus, son of Danae, born of Andromeda, daughter of Cepheus. Thus, then, we must be your descend- ants: it is, therefore, neither right that we should lead an army against our progenitors, nor that you should assist others, and be opposed to us; but should remain quiet by yourselves : and if I succeed according to my wish, I shall esteem none greater than you." It is said that the Argives, when they heard this, considered it a great thing, and at once determined neither to promise anything nor demand any- thing in return ; but when the Greeks wished to take them into the confederacy, they then, knowing that the Lacedae- monians would not share the command with them, made the demand in order that they might have a pretext for remain- ing quiet. Some of the Greeks also say that the following circumstance, which occurred many years after, accords with this : Callias, son of Hipponicus, and those who went up with him as ambassadors of the Athenians, happened to be at the Memnonian Susa on some other business ; and the Argives at the same time having sent ambassadors to Susa, asked Artaxerxes, son of Xerxes, whether the alliance which they had formed with Xerxes still subsisted, or whether they were considered by him as enemies. King Artaxerxes answered that it certainly subsisted, and that he considered no city more friendly than Argos. Now whether Xerxes did send a herald to Argos with such a message, and whether am- bassadors of the Argives, having gone up to Susa, asked Arta- xerxes about the alliance, I can not affirm with certainty ; nor do I declare any other opinion on the subject than what the Argives themselves say. But this much I know, that if all men were to bring together their own faults into one place, for the purpose of making an exchange with their neighbours, when they had looked closely into their neighbours' faults, each would gladly take back those which they brought with them. Thus the conduct of the Argives was not the most base. But I am bound to relate what is said, though I am not by any means bound to believe everything : and let this remark apply to the whole history. For even this is reported, that the Argives were the people who invited the Persian to invade Greece, since their war with the Lacedaemonians went on badly, wishing that anything might happen to them rather 152-155] GELON 415 than continue in their present troubles. This is sufficient con- cerning the Argives. Other ambassadors went from the allies to Sicily to con- fer with Gelon ; and among them Syagrus on the part of the Lacedaemonians. An ancestor of this Gelon, who was an inhabitant of Gela, came from the island of Telus, which lies off Triopium ; when Gela was founded by the Lindians from Rhodes and by Antiphemus, he was not left behind; and in course of time his descendants, becoming priests of the in- fernal deities, continued to be so, Telines, one of their an- cestors, having acquired that dignity in the following manner : Some of the inhabitants of Gela being worsted in a sedition, had fled to Mactorium, a city situated above Gela ; these men, then, Telines conducted back again, without the assistance of any human force, but with the sacred things to those dei- ties; though whence he got them, or how he became pos- sessed of them, I am unable to say. However, relying on these, he brought back the fugitives, on condition that his descendants should be priests of the deities. From what I hear, I am much astonished that Telines should have achieved such an action; for I have ever thought that such actions are not in the reach of every man, but proceed from a brave spirit and manly vigour. Whereas, on the contrary, he is reported by the inhabitants of Sicily to have been an effemi- nate and delicate man. Thus, however, he acquired this dig- nity. On the death of Cleander, son of Pantares, who reigned seven years over Gela, but was killed by Sabyllus, a citizen of Gela, thereupon Hippocrates, who was brother to Cleander, succeeded to the sovereignty. While Hippocrates held the tyranny, Gelon, who was a descendant of Telines, the priest, was with many others, and with ^Enesidemus, son of Pataicus, one of the guards of Hippocrates ; and soon after was made commander of the whole cavalry on account of his valour. For when Hippocrates besieged the Callipolitse, the Naxians, the Zanclseans, the Leontines, and besides the Syracusans, and divers of the barbarians, Gelon signalized himself in these several wars ; and of the cities that I have mentioned, not one, except the Syracusans, escaped servitude at the hands of Hippocrates. But the Corinthians and Corcyraeans saved the Syracusans, after they had been defeated in battle on the river Elorus ; and they saved them, having reconciled them on the following terms : that the Syracusans should give up Camarina to Hippocrates ; but Camarina originally belonged to the Syracusans. When Hippocrates, having reigned the same number of years as his brother Cleander, met with his 4i6 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [155-157 death before Hybla, while carrying on the war against the Sicilians, Gelon thereupon, under colour of defending the rights of Euclides and Cleander, sons of Hippocrates, the citizens refusing to be any longer subject to them — in fact, when he had defeated the Geloans in battle, possessed himself of the sovereignty, and deposed the son of Hippocrates. After this success, Gelon leading back those Syracusans who were called Gamori,1 and had been expelled by the people, and by their own slaves, called Cyllyrii, leading them back from the city of Casmene to Syracuse, got possession of this also. For the people of the Syracusans gave up the city and them- selves to Gelon on his first approach. When he had made himself master of Syracuse, he took less account of the gov- ernment of Gela, and intrusted it to his brother Hiero ; but he strengthened Syracuse, and Syracuse was everything to him ; and it grew up rapidly and flourished. For, first of all, he removed all the Camarinaeans to Syracuse, and made them citizens, and destroyed the city of Camarina ; and in the next place he did with more than half the Geloans the same that he had done with the Camarinseans. Moreover, the Megarians in Sicily, when being besieged they came to terms, the more opulent of them, who had raised the war against him, and, therefore, expected to be put to death, he took to Syracuse and made citizens; but the populace of the Megarians, who had no part in promoting this war, nor expected to suffer any harm, he also took to Syracuse, and sold them for ex- portation from Sicily. He treated the Euboeans in Sicily in the same manner, and made the same distinction ; and he treated them both in this way, from an opinion that a populace is a most disagreeable neighbour. By such means Gelon be- came a powerful tyrant. At this time, when the ambassadors of the Grecians ar- rived at Syracuse, having come to a conference with him, they spoke as follows : " The Lacedaemonians, the Athenians, and their allies have sent us to invite you to join with them against the barbarian ; for doubtless you have heard that he is march- ing against Greece, and that a Persian, having thrown a bridge over the Hellespont, and bringing with him all the eastern host out of Asia, is about to invade Greece, holding out as a pretence that he is advancing against Athens, but really de- signing to reduce all Greece under his own power. But you have attained to great power, and possess not the least part of Greece, since you rule Sicily ; assist, therefore, those who are asserting the liberty of Greece, and join them in main- 1 Landholders. 157-160] GELON AND THE AMBASSADORS 417 taining its liberty. For if all Greece is assembled, a large force is collected, and we become able to resist the invaders. But if some of us should betray the common cause, and others refuse to assist, so that the sound part of Greece should be small, then there is great danger that the whole of Greece will fall. For you must not expect that if the Persian should subdue us, having conquered in battle, he will not proceed also against you, but take precautions beforehand; for by I assisting us, you protect yourself. "A favourable result is gen- erally wont to attend a well-devised plan." Thus they spoke. Gelon was very vehement, speaking as follows : " Men of Greece, holding arrogant language, you have dared to invite me to come to your assistance against the barbarians. And yet you yourselves, when I formerly besought you to assist me in attacking a barbarian army when a quarrel was on foot between me and the Carthaginians, and when I exhorted you to avenge the death of Dorieus, son of Anaxandrides, upon the vEgestaeans, and promised that I would join in freeing the ports, from whence great advantages and profits accrued to you ; neither for my sake did you come to assist me, nor to avenge the death of Dorieus. So that as far as you are concerned, all this country is subject to barbarians. How- ever, matters turned out well with me, and prospered ; and now, when the war has come round and reached you, at length you remember Gelon. But though I met with disgraceful treatment from you, I shall not imitate your example, but am ready to assist you, furnishing two hundred triremes, twenty thousand heavy armed troops, two thousand horse, two thou- sand bowmen, two thousand slingers, and two thousand light- horse; I likewise undertake to supply corn for the whole Grecian army until we have finished the war. But I promise these things on this condition, that I shall be general and leader of the Greeks against the barbarians : on no other con- dition will I come myself, or send others." Syagrus, when he heard this, could not contain himself, but spoke as follows: " Agamemnon, the descendant of Pelops, would indeed groan aloud if he heard that the Spartans had been deprived of the supreme command by a Gelon and by Syracusans. Never mention this proposition again, that we should give up the command to you; but if you are willing to succour Greece, know that you must be commanded by Lacedaemonians, or, if you will not deign to be commanded, you need not assist us." Upon this Gelon, when he observed the indignant lan- guage of Syagrus, made this last proposal : " Spartan stranger, reproaches uttered against a man are wont to rouse his indig- 27 4l8 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [160-163 nation. Yet, though you have used insulting words in your speech, you have not provoked me to be unseemly in return. Nevertheless, since you are so exceedingly anxious for the supreme command, it is reasonable that I also should be more anxious for it than you, since I am leader of a far greater army, and many more ships. However, since my proposal is so repugnant to you, I will abate something of my first demand. If, then, you choose to command the army, I will command the fleet ; or if it please you rather to have the com- mand at sea, I will lead the land forces. And you must either be content with these terms, or return destitute of such allies." Gelon, then, proposed these terms ; but the ambassador of the Athenians, anticipating that of the Lacedaemonians, answered him in these words : " King of the Syracusans, the Grecians sent us to you, not to ask for a general, but an army. You declare that you will not send an army unless you have the command of Greece, and you are anxious to be made general of it : as long as you require to command all the forces of the Grecians, we Athenians were contented to remain silent, as we knew that the Spartan would be sufficient to answer for us both ; but since, being excluded from the whole command, you require to govern the navy, the matter stands thus. Even if the Lacedaemonians should allow you to govern it, we shall not allow it, for that is ours, unless the Lacedaemonians wish to take it themselves. If they, indeed, wish to have the com- mand, we shall not oppose them, but we will never cede to any one else the command of the navy. For in vain should we possess the greatest naval power of the Greeks if we, being Athenians, should yield the command to the Syracusans, we who are the most ancient nation, and the only people of the Greeks who have never changed their country ; from whom also Homer, the epic poet, said the best man went to Troy, both for arraying and marshalling an army. So that it is no disgrace to us to speak as we do." To this Gelon answered : " Athenian stranger, you seem to have commanders, but as if you would not have men to be commanded. Since, therefore, you are resolved to concede nothing, but to retain the whole power, you can not be too quick in returning back again, and informing Greece that the spring of the year has been taken from her." The meaning of this saying is, which he wished to intimate, that as the spring is evidently the most valuable season in the year, so of the army of the Grecians, his was the best: Greece, therefore, deprived of his alliance, he com- pared to a year from which the spring should be taken away. The ambassadors of the Greeks, having thus negotiated 163-165] GELON AND THE AMBASSADORS 419 with Gelon, sailed away. But Gelon, upon this, fearing for the Grecians, that they would not be able to withstand the barbarians, but deeming it an intolerable disgrace that he who was tyrant of Sicily should go to Peloponnesus, and be sub- ject to the Lacedaemonians, gave up all thoughts of that course and adopted another. As soon as he was informed that the Persian had crossed the Hellespont, he despatched Cadmus, son of Scythes, a Coan, to Delphi, with three penteconters, taking with him much treasure and friendly messages, for the purpose of watching the contest, in what way it would termi- nate ; and if the barbarian should conquer, he was to present him with the treasure, and earth and water for the countries which Gelon ruled over; but if the Greeks should be victori- ous, he was to bring back the treasure. This Cadmus, having before these events received from his father the sovereignty of the Coans, firmly established, of his own accord, when no danger threatened him, but from a sense of justice, surrendered the government into the hands of the Coans, and retired into Sicily; there, with the Samians, he possessed and inhabited the city of Zancle, which changed its name to Messana. This Cadmus, therefore, who had in this manner come to Sicily, Gelon sent on account of other proofs which he had of his uprightness ; and he, in addition to other instances of up- rightness that had been given by him, left this not the least monument of them : for having in his possession vast treas- ures, which Gelon had intrusted to him, when it was in his power to appropriate them, he would not; but when the Greeks conquered in the sea-fight, and Xerxes had retired, he returned to Sicily, and took back all the treasures. However, the following account is given by those who inhabit Sicily, that Gelon, notwithstanding that he must be governed by the Lacedaemonians, would have assisted the Greeks, had not Terillus, son of Crinippus, who was tyrant of Himera, being expelled from Himera by Theron, son of ^nesidemus, King of the Agrigentines, at that time brought in an army of three hundred thousand men, consisting of Phoenicians, Libyans, Iberians, Ligyans, Elisycians, Sar- dinians, and Cyrnians, under the conduct of Amilcar, son of Hanno, King of the Carthaginians. Terillus persuaded him by the hospitality which existed between them, and especially by the zeal of Anaxilaus, son of Critines, who being tyrant of Rhegium, and having given his children as hostages into the hands of Amilcar, induced him to enter Sicily, in order to revenge the injury done to his father-in-law. For Anaxilaus had married a daughter of Terillus, whose name was Cydippe. 42o HERODOTUS— BOOK VII. POLYMNIA [165-168 Thus, as Gelon was not able to assist the Greeks, he sent the treasures to Delphi. In addition to this, they say that it hap- pened on the same day that Gelon and Theron conquered Amil- car the Carthaginian in Sicily, and the Greeks conquered the Persian at Salamis. I am informed that Amilcar, who was a Carthaginian by his father, and a Syracusan by his mother, and chosen King of Carthage for his virtue, when the engage- ment took place, and he was defeated in battle, vanished out of sight; for he was seen nowhere on the earth, either alive or dead, though Gelon had search made for him everywhere. The following story is also related by the Carthaginians them- selves, who endeavour to give a probable account, that the barbarians fought with the Grecians in Sicily from the morn- ing till late in the evening, for it is said that the conflict lasted so long; and during this time Amilcar, continuing in the camp, offered sacrifices, and observed the omens, burning whole victims upon a large pile ; and when he saw the defeat of his own army, as he happened to be pouring libations on the victims, he threw himself into the flames, and thus, being burned to ashes, disappeared. But whether Amilcar disap- peared in such manner as the Phoenicians relate, or in another manner, as the Syracusans, the Carthaginians in the first place offer sacrifices to him, and in the next have erected monu- ments to his memory in all the cities inhabited by colonists, and the most considerable one in Carthage itself. So much for the affairs of Sicily. The Corcyraeans, having given the following answer to the ambassadors, acted as I shall relate. For the same ambassa- dors who went to Sicily invited them to join the league, using the same language to them as they had done to Gelon. They indeed immediately promised to send and give assistance, adding that they could not look on and see the ruin of Greece, for if it should be overthrown nothing else would remain for them than to become slaves on the very first day ; there- fore they would assist to the utmost of their power. Thus speciously they answered; but when they ought to have assisted, with different intentions, they manned sixty ships, and having put to sea, after great delays, drew near to the Peloponnesus, and anchored about Pylus and Taenarus, of the Lacedaemonian territory ; they also carefully watched the war, in what way it would terminate ; having no expectation that the Grecians would get the better, but thinking that the Per- sian, having gained a decided superiority, would become mas- ter of all Greece. They therefore acted thus purposely, in order that they might be able to say to the Persian : " O king, 168-170] TREACHERY OF THE CORCYR^ANS 421 when the Greeks invited us to take part in the war, we, who have a considerable force, and were able to supply not the least number of ships, but the greatest number, next to the Athenians, would not oppose you, nor do anything displeas- ing to you." By saying this they hoped to get better terms than the rest; which would have been the case, as appears to me; and toward the Greeks their excuse was ready pre- pared, which indeed they did make use of. For when the Greeks accused them of not having sent assistance, they said that they had manned sixty ships, but were unable to double Malea by reason of the Etesian winds ; and so they could not reach Salamis, and were absent from the sea-fight from no bad motive. In this manner they attempted to elude the charge of the Greeks. The Cretans, when those Greeks who were appointed for that purpose invited them to join the league, acted as follows : Having sent, in the name of the commonwealth, persons to consult the oracle at Delphi, they inquired of the god whether it would be to their advantage to assist Greece. The Pythian answered : " Fools, you complain of all the woes which Minos in his anger sent you, for aiding Menelaus, because they would not assist you in avenging his death at Camicus, and yet you assisted them in avenging a woman who was carried off from Sparta by a barbarian." When the Cretans heard this answer reported, they refrained from sending assistance. For it is said that Minos, having come to Sicania, which is now called Sicily, in search of Daedalus, met with a violent death : that after some time the Cretans, at the instigation of a deity, all except the Polichnitae and the Praesians, went with a large force to Sicania, and during five years besieged the city of Camicus, which in my time the Agrigentines possessed ; and at last, not being able either to take it or to continue the siege, because they were oppressed by famine, they abandoned it and went away : and when they were sailing along the coast of Iapygia, a violent storm overtook them, and drove them ashore. And as their ships were broken to pieces, and there appeared no means of their returning to Crete, they thereupon founded the city of Hyria, and settled there, changing their name from Cretans to Messapian Iapygians, and becoming, instead of islanders, inhabitants of the continent. From the city of Hyria they founded other cities, which a long time after- ward the Tarentines endeavouring to destroy, signally failed ; so that this was the greatest Grecian slaughter of all that we know of, both of the Tarentines themselves and of the Rhe- gians, who being compelled by Micythus, son of Chcerus, and 422 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [170-173 coming to assist the Tarentines, thus perished to the number of three thousand ; but of the Tarentines themselves no num- ber was given. This Micythus was a servant of Anaxilaus, and had been left in charge of Rhegium. He is the same per- son that was expelled from Rhegium, and who, having settled in Tegea, a city of Arcadia, dedicated the many statues in Olympia. These events relating to the Rhegians and Taren- tines are a digression from my history. To Crete, then, desti- tute of inhabitants, as the Prsesians say, other men, and espe- cially the Grecians, went, and settled there; and in the third generation after the death of Minos the Trojan war took place, in which the Cretans proved themselves not the worst avengers of Menelaus : as a punishment for this, when they returned from Troy, famine and pestilence fell both on themselves and their cattle; so that Crete being a second time depopulated, the Cretans are the third people who, with those that were left, now inhabit it. The Pythian, therefore, putting them in mind of these things, checked them in their desire to assist 4 Grecians. The Thessalians at first sided with the Mede from neces- _, as they showed, in that the intrigues of the Aleuadae did not please them. For as soon as they were informed that the Persian was about to cross over into Europe, they sent ambas- sadors to the isthmus; and at the isthmus deputies from Greece were assembled chosen from those cities that were better disposed toward Greece. The ambassadors of the Thes- salians, having come to them, said : " Men of Greece, it is necessary to guard the pass of Olympus, that Thessaly and all Greece may be sheltered from the war. Now we are ready to assist in guarding it, but you also must send a large army ; for if you will not send, be assured, we shall come to terms with the Persian : for it is not right that we, who are situated so far in advance of the rest of Greece, should perish alone in your defence. If you will not assist us, you can not impose any obligation upon us; for obligation was ever inferior to inability; and we must ourselves endeavour to contrive some means of safety." Thus spoke the Thessalians. And the Grecians thereupon resolved to send an army by sea to Thes- saly, to guard the pass ; and when the army was assembled, it sailed through the Euripus, and having arrived at Alus of Achaia, debarked, and marched to Thessaly, having left the ships there ; and arrived at Tempe, at the pass that leads from the lower Macedonia into Thessaly, by the river Peneus, be- tween Mount Olympus and Ossa. There heavy armed troops of the Grecians, being assembled together to the number of 173-1/6] THE RETREAT FROM THESSALY 423 ten thousand, encamped, and to them was added the cavalry of the Thessalians. The Lacedaemonians were commanded by Euaenetus, son of Carenus, chosen from among the Pole- marchs, though not of the royal race, and the Athenians were commanded by Themistocles, son of Neocles. There they remained but a few days, for messengers coming from Alex- ander, son of Amyntas, a Macedonian, advised them to retire, and not to stay in the pass and be trampled under foot by the invading army; describing the numbers of the army and the ships. When the messengers gave this advice, as the Grecians conceived the advice to be good, and the Macedonian was evidently well disposed to them, they determined to follow it ; but, in my opinion, it was fear that persuaded them when they heard that there was another pass into Thessaly and Upper Macedonia, through the country of the Perrhaebi, near the city of Gonnus ; by which, indeed, the army of Xerxes did enter. The Grecians, therefore, going down to their ships, went back again to the isthmus. This expedition into Thes- saly took place while the king was about to cross over from Asia into Europe, and was still at Abydos. But the Thes- salians, being abandoned by their allies, then readily took part with the Medes, and with no further hesitation, so much so that in emergency they proved most useful to the king. ^ The Greeks, when they arrived at the isthmus, consulted * on the message they had received from Alexander, in what way and in what places they should prosecute the war. The opinion which prevailed was that they should defend the pass at Thermopylae; for it appeared to be narrower than that into Thessaly, and at the same time nearer to their own terri- tories. For the path by which the Greeks who were taken at Thermopylae were afterward surprised they knew nothing of, till, on their arrival at Thermopylae, they were informed of it by the Trachinians. They accordingly resolved to guard this pass, and not suffer the Barbarian to enter Greece; and that the naval force should sail to Artemisium, in the terri- tory of Histiaeotis, for these places are near one another, so that they could hear what happened to each other. These spots are thus situated : In the first place, Artemisium is con- tracted from a wide space of the Thracian Sea into a narrow frith, which lies between the island of Sciathus and the con- tinent of Magnesia. From the narrow frith begins the coast of Eubcea, called Artemisium, and in it is a Temple of Diana. But the entrance into Greece through Trachis in the narrow- est part is no more than a half plethrum in width ; however, the narrowest part of the country is not in this spot, but before 424 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [176-179 and behind Thermopylae; for near Alpeni, which is behind, there is only a single carriage-road; and before, by the river Phcenix, near the city of Anthela, is another single carriage- road. On the western side of Thermopylae is an inaccessible and precipitous mountain, stretching to Mount (Eta : and on the eastern side of the way is the sea and a morass. In this passage there are hot baths, which the inhabitants call Chytri, and above these is an altar to Hercules. A wall had been built in this pass, and formerly there were gates in it. The Phocaeans built it through fear, when the Thessalians came from Thesprotia to settle in the ,ZEolian territory which they now possess: apprehending that the Thessalians would at- tempt to subdue them, the Phocaeans took this precaution: at the same time they diverted the hot water into the entrance, that the place might be broken into clefts ; having recourse to every contrivance to prevent the Thessalians from making inroads into their country. Now this old wall had been built a long time, and the greater part of it had already fallen through age; but they determined to rebuild it, and in that place to repel the barbarians from Greece. Very near this road there is a village called Alpeni ; from this the Greeks expected to obtain provisions. Accordingly, these situations appeared suitable for the Greeks. For they, having weighed everything beforehand, and considered that the barbarians would neither be able to use their numbers nor their cavalry, there resolved to await the invader of Greece. As soon as they were informed that the Persian was in Pieria, breaking up from the isthmus, some of them proceeded by land to Thermopylae, and others by sea to Artemisium. The Greeks, therefore, being appointed in two divisions, hastened to meet the enemy. But at the same time the Del- phians, alarmed for themselves and for Greece, consulted the oracle; and the answer given them was that they should pray to the winds, for that they would be powerful allies to Greece. The Delphians having received the oracle, first of all communicated the answer to those Greeks who were zeal- ous to be free ; and as they very much dreaded the barbarians, by giving that message they acquired a claim to everlasting gratitude. After that the Delphians erected an altar to the winds at Thyia, where there is an inclosure consecrated to Thyia, daughter of Cephisus, from whom this district derives its name, and conciliated them with sacrifices. And the Del- phians, in obedience to that oracle, to this day propitiate the winds. The naval force of Xerxes, setting out from the city of 179-184] THE FIRST ENGAGEMENT 425 Therma, advanced with ten of the fastest-sailing ships straight to Scyithus, where were three Grecian ships keeping a look- out, a Trcezenian, an yEginetan, and an Athenian. These, seeing the ships of the barbarians at a distance, betook them- selves to flight. The Trcezenian ship, which Praxinus com- manded, the barbarians pursued and soon captured ; and then, having led the handsomest of the marines to the prow of the ship, they slew him, deeming it a good omen that the first Greek they had taken was also very handsome. The name of the man that was slain was Leon, and perhaps he in some measure reaped the fruits of his name. The ^Eginetan ship, which Asonides commanded, gave them some trouble, Pyth- eas, son of Ischenous, being a marine on board, a man who on this day displayed the most consummate valour; who, when the ship was taken, continued fighting until he was en- tirely cut to pieces. But when, having fallen, he was not dead, but still breathed, the Persians who served on board the ships were very anxious to save him alive, on account of his valour, healing his wounds with myrrh, and binding them with band- ages of flaxen cloth. And when they returned to their own camp, they showed him with admiration to the whole army, and treated him well ; but the others, whom they took in this ship, they treated as slaves. Thus, then, two of the ships were taken ; but the third, which Phormus, an Athenian, com- manded, in its flight ran ashore at the mouth of the Peneus ; and the barbarians got possession of the ship, but not of the men : for as soon as the Athenians had run the ship aground, they leaped out, and, proceeding through Thessaly, reached Athens. The Greeks who were stationed at Artemisium were informed of this event by signal fires from Sciathus ; and being informed of it, and very much alarmed, they retired from Artemisium to Chalcis, leaving scouts on the heights of Eu- bcea, intending to defend the Euripus. Of the ten barbarian ships, three approached the sunken rock called Myrmex, be- tween Sciathus and Magnesia. Then the barbarians, when they had erected on the rock a stone column, which they had brought with them, set out from Therma, now that every ob- stacle had been removed, and sailed forward with all their ships, having waited eleven days after the king's departure from Therma. Pammon, a Scyrian, pointed out to them this hidden rock, which was almost directly in their course. The barbarians, sailing all day, reached Sepias in Magnesia, and the shore that lies between the city of Casthanaea and the coast of Sepias. As far as this place, and Thermopylae, the army had suf- 426 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [184-186 fered no loss, and the numbers were at that time, as I find by calculations, of the following amount : Of those in ships from Asia, amounting to one thousand two hundred and seven, originally the whole number of the several nations was two hundred and forty-one thousand four hundred men, allowing two hundred to each ship ; and on these ships thirty Persians, Medes, and Sacae served as marines, in addition to the native crews of each: this further number amounts to thirty-six thousand two hundred and ten. To this and the former num- ber I add those that were on the penteconters, supposing eighty men on the average to be on board of each : but, as I have before said, three thousand of these vessels were assem- bled ; therefore the men on board them must have been two hundred and forty thousand. This, then, was the naval force from Asia, the total being five hundred and seventeen thou- sand six hundred and ten. Of infantry there were seventeen hundred thousand, and of cavalry eighty thousand; to these I add the Arabians who rode camels, and the Libyans who drove chariots, reckoning the number at twenty thousand men. Accordingly, the numbers on board the ships and on the land added together make up two million three hundred and seventeen thousand six hundred and ten. This, then, is the force which, as has been mentioned, was assembled from Asia itself, exclusive of the servants that followed, and the provision ships, and the men that were on board them. But the force brought from Europe must still be added to this whole number that has been summed up ; but it is necessary to speak by guess. Now the Grecians from Thrace, and the islands contiguous to Thrace, furnished one hundred and twenty ships ; these ships give an amount of twenty-four thou- sand men. Of land forces, which were furnished by Thracians, Pseonians, the Eordi, the Bottiaeans, the Chalcidian race, Brygi, Pierians, Macedonians, Perrhaebi, iEnianes, Dolopians, Magnesians, and Achseans, together with those who inhabit the maritime parts of Thrace ; of these nations I suppose that there were three hundred thousand men. So that these myri- ads added to those from Asia make a total of two million six hundred and forty-one thousand six hundred and ten fighting men. I think that the servants who followed them, and with those on board the provision ships and other vessels that sailed with the fleet, were not fewer than the fighting men, but more numerous ; but supposing them to be equal in num- ber with the fighting men, they make up the former number of myriads. Thus Xerxes, son of Darius, led five million two hundred and eighty-three thousand two hundred and twenty 186-189] FLEET DAMAGED BY STORM 427 men to Sepias and Thermopylae. This, then, was the num- ber of the whole force of Xerxes. But of women who made bread, and concubines, and eunuchs, no one could mention the number with accuracy; nor of draught cattle and other beasts of burden; nor of Indian dogs that followed, could any one mention the number, they were so many. There- fore I am not astonished that the streams of some rivers failed ; but rather, it is a wonder to me, how provisions held out for so many myriads. For I find by calculation, if each man had a chcenix of wheat daily, and no more, one hundred and ten thousand three hundred and forty medimni must have been consumed every day; and I have not reckoned the food for the women, eunuchs, beasts of burden, and dogs. But of so many myriads of men, not one of them, for beauty and stature, was more entitled than Xerxes himself to possess this power. When the fleet, having set out, sailed and reached the shore of Magnesia that lies between the city of Casthansea and the coast of Sepias, the foremost of the ships took up their station close to land, others behind rode at anchor (the beach not being extensive enough) with their prows toward the sea, and eight deep. Thus they passed the night, but at daybreak, after serene and tranquil weather, the sea began to swell, and a heavy storm with a violent gale from the east, which those who inhabit these parts call a Hellespontine, burst upon them ; as many of them, then, as perceived the gale increasing, and who were able to do so from their position, anticipated the storm by hauling their ships on shore, and both they and their ships escaped. But such of the ships as the storm caught at sea, it carried away, some to the parts called Ipni, near Pelion, others to the beach ; some were dashed on Cape Sepias itself ; some were wrecked at Melibcea, and others at Casthansea. The storm was indeed irresistible. A story is told that the Athenians invoked Boreas, in obedience to an oracle, an- other response having come to them, that they should call their son-in-law to their assistance. But Boreas, according to the account of the Greeks, married a woman of Attica, Orithyia, daughter to Erectheus. On account of this mar- riage, the Athenians, as the report goes, conjecturing that Boreas was their son-in-law, and having stationed their fleet at Chalcis of Eubcea, when they saw the storm increasing, or even before, offered sacrifices to and invoked Boreas and Orithyia, praying that they would assist them, and destroy the ships of the barbarians, as they had done before at Mount Athos. Whether, indeed, the north wind in consequence of 428 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [189-193 this fell upon the barbarians as they rode at anchor, I can not undertake to say; however, the Athenians say that Boreas, having assisted them before, then also produced this effect; and on their return they erected a temple to Boreas near the river Ilissus. In this disaster those who give the lowest ac- count say that not fewer than four hundred ships perished, and innumerable lives, and an infinite quantity of treasure; so that this wreck of the fleet proved a source of great profit to Aminocles, son of Cretinus, a Magnesian, who possessed land about Sepias; he some time afterward picked up many golden cups that had been driven ashore, and many silver ones ; he also found treasures belonging to the Persians, and gained an unspeakable quantity of other golden articles. He then, though in other respects unfortunate, became very rich by what he found; for a sad calamity, which occasioned the death of his son, gave him great affliction. The provision ships and other vessels destroyed were beyond number; so that the commanders of the naval force, fearing lest the Thes- salians should attack them in their shattered condition, threw up a high rampart from the wrecks ; for the storm lasted three days. But at length the magi, having sacrificed victims, and endeavoured to charm the winds by incantations, and, more- over, having offered sacrifices to Thetis and the Nereids, laid the storm on the fourth day; or perhaps it abated of its own accord. They sacrificed to Thetis, having heard from the Ionians the story that she had been carried off from this coun- try by Peleus, and that all the coast of Sepias belonged to her and the other Nereids. Accordingly, the wind was lulled on the fourth day. The scouts on the heights of Euboea, run- ning down on the second day after the storm first began, acquainted the Greeks with all that had occurred with respect to the wreck of the fleet. They, when they heard it, having offered up vows and poured out libations to Neptune the Deliv- erer, immediately hastened back to Artemisium, hoping that there would be only some few ships to oppose them. Thus they coming there a second time took up their station at Arte- misium; and from that time to the present have given to Neptune the surname of the Deliverer. The barbarians, when the wind had lulled, and the waves had subsided, having hauled down their ships, sailed along the continent ; and having doubled the promontory of Mag- nesia, stood directly into the bay leading to Pagasae. There is a spot in this bay of Magnesia where it is said Hercules was abandoned by Jason and his companions, when he had been sent from the Argo for water, as they were sailing to 193-197] PERSIAN SHIPS CAPTURED 429 Asia in Colchis, for the golden fleece; for from thence they purposed to put out to sea, after they had taken on water : from this circumstance the name of Aphetae was given to the place. In this place, then, the fleet of Xerxes took up its moorings. Fifteen of these ships happened to be driven out to sea some time after the rest, and somehow saw the ships of the Greeks at Artemisium ; the barbarians thought that they were their own, and, sailing on, fell in among their ene- mies. They were commanded by Sandoces, son of Thau- masius, governor of Cyme, of ^olia. He, being one of the royal judges, had been formerly condemned to be crucified by King Darius, who had detected him in the following offence : Sandoces gave an unjust sentence for a bribe. But while he was actually hanging on the cross, Darius, considering with himself, found that the services he had done to the royal family were greater than his faults ; Darius, therefore, hav- ing discovered this, and perceiving that he himself had acted with more expedition than wisdom, released him. Having thus escaped being put to death by Darius, he survived ; but now, sailing down among the Grecians, he was not to escape a second time. For when the Greeks saw them sailing toward them, perceiving the mistake they had committed, they bore down upon them and easily took them. In one of these Ari- dolis, tyrant of the Alabandians, in Caria, was taken ; and in another the Paphian commander Penthylus, son of Demonous. He brought twelve ships from Paphos ; but having lost eleven in the storm that took place off Sepias, he was taken with the one that escaped, as he was sailing to Artemisium. The Grecians, having learned by inquiry what they wished to know respecting the forces of Xerxes, sent these men away bound to the isthmus of the Corinthians. Accordingly, the naval force of the barbarians, with the exception of the fifteen ships which, I have mentioned, San- doces commanded, arrived at Aphetae. But Xerxes and the land forces marching through Thessaly and Achaia, had en- tered on the third day into the territories of the Maelians. In Thessaly he had made a match with his own horses, for the purpose of trying the Thessalian cavalry, having heard that it was the best of all Greece ; and on that occasion the Grecian horses proved very inferior. Of the rivers in Thessaly, the Onochonus alone did not supply a sufficient stream for the army to drink ; but of the rivers that flow in Achaia, even the largest of them, the Epidanus, scarcely held out. When Xerxes arrived at Alos in Achaia, the guides, wishing to tell everything, related to him the tradition of the country, con- 430 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [197-200 cerning the Temple of Laphystian Jupiter ; how Athamas, son of ^Eolus, conspiring with Ino, planned the death of Phryxus ; and then, how the Achaians, in obedience to an oracle, im- posed the following penalty on his descendants : whoever is the eldest person of this race, having ordered him to be ex- cluded from the Prytaneum, they themselves keep watch ; the Achaians call the Prytaneum Leietum ; and if he should enter, he can not possibly go out again except in order to be sacri- ficed : and how, moreover, many of those who were on the point of being sacrificed, through fear, went away and fled the country; but in process of time having returned back again, if they were taken, entering the Prytaneum, they re- lated how such a one, being covered with sacred fillets, is sacrificed, and how conducted with great pomp. The de- scendants of Cytissorus, son of Phryxus, are liable to this pun- ishment ; because when the Achaians, in obedience to an oracle, were about to make an expiation for their country by the sacrifice of Athamas, son of JEolus, Cytissorus, arriving from Aia of Colchis, rescued him, and having done so, drew down the anger of the gods upon his descendants. Xerxes having heard this, when he came to the grove, both abstained from entering it himself and commanded all the army to do the same ; and he showed the same respect to the dwelling of the descendants of Athamas as he did to the sacred pre- cinct. These things occurred in Thessaly and in Achaia. From these countries Xerxes advanced to Malis, near a bay of the sea in which an ebb and a flow take place every day. About this bay lies a plain country, in one part wide, and in the other very narrow, and around it high and impassable mountains, called the Trachinian rocks, inclose the whole Malian terri- tory. The first city in the bay, as one comes from Achaia, is Anticyra, by which the river Sperchius, flowing from the coun- try of the yEnianes, falls into the sea : and from thence about twenty stades is another river, to which the name of Dyras is given, which, it is said, rose up to assist Hercules when he was burning. From this, at a distance of another twenty stades, is another river, which is called Melas. The city of Trachis is distant five stades from this river Melas ; and in this part where Trachis is built, is the widest space of all this country, from the mountains to the sea ; for there are twenty- two thousand plethra of plain. In this mountain, which in- closes the Trachinian territory, there is a ravine to the south of Trachis, and through the ravine the river Asopus flows, by the base of the mountain. To the south of the Asopus is 200-204] THERMOPYLAE 43 1 another river, the Phoenix, not large, which, flowing from these mountains, falls into the Asopus. At the river Phcenix it is the narrowest; for only a single carriage road has been constructed there. From the river Phcenix it is fifteen stades to Thermopylae; and between the river Phcenix and Ther- mopylae is a village, the name of which is Anthela, by which the Asopus flowing, falls into the sea: the country about it is wide, and in it is situated a temple of Ceres Amphictyonis, and there are the seats of the Amphictyons, and a temple of Amphictyon himself. '"''King Xerxes, then, encamped in the Trachinian territory of Malis, and the Greeks in the pass. This spot is called by most of the Greeks Thermopylae, but by the inhabitants and neighbours Pylae. Both parties, then, encamped in these places. The one was in possession of all the parts toward the north, as far as Trachis ; and the others, of the parts which stretch toward the south and meridian, on this continent. The following were the Greeks who awaited the Persian in this position : of Spartans three hundred heavy armed men ; of Tegeans and Mantineans one thousand, half of each ; from Orchomenus in Arcadia one hundred and twenty; and from the rest of Arcadia one thousand, there were so many Arca- dians ; from Corinth four hundred ; from Phlius two hundred men, and from Mycenae eighty. These came from Pelopon- nesus. From Bceotia, of Thespians seven hundred, and of Thebans four hundred. In addition to these, the Opuntian Locrians, being invited, came with all their forces, and a thousand Phocians. For the Greeks themselves had invited them, representing by their ambassadors that they had arrived as forerunners of the others, and that the rest of the allies might be daily expected ; that the sea was protected by them, being guarded by the Athenians, the yEginetae, and others, who were appointed to the naval service; and that they had nothing to fear, for that it was not a god who invaded Greece, but a man; and that there never was, and never would be, any mortal who had not evil mixed with his prosperity from his very birth; and to the greatest of them the greatest re- verses happen. That it must, therefore, needs be, that he who is marching against us, being a mortal, will be disap- pointed in his expectation. They, having heard this, marched with assistance to Trachis. These nations had separate gen- erals for their several cities ; but the one most admired, and who commanded the whole army, was a Lacedaemonian, Le- onidas, son of Anaxandrides, son of Leon, son of Eurycratides, son of Anaxander, son of Eurycrates, son of Polydorus, son 432 HERODOTUS— BOOK VII, POLYMNIA [204-208 of Alcamenes, son of Teleclus, son of Archelaus, son of Agesi- laus, son of Doryssus, son of Leobotes, son of Echestratus, son of Agis, son of Eurysthenes, son of Aristodemus, son of Aris- tomachus, son of Cleodseus, son of Hyllus, son of Hercules; who had unexpectedly succeeded to the throne of Sparta. For as he had two elder brothers, Cleomenes and Dorieus, he was far from any thought of the kingdom. J However, Cleomenes having died without male issue, and Dorieus being no longer alive, having ended his days in Sicily, the kingdom thus devolved upon Leonidas ; both because he was older than Cleombrotus (for he was the youngest son of Anaxan- drides), and also because he had married the daughter of Cleomenes. He then marched to Thermopylae, having chosen the three hundred men allowed by law, and such as had chil- dren. On his march he took with him the Thebans, whose numbers I have already reckoned, and whom Leontiades, son of Eurymachus, commanded. For this reason Leonidas was anxious to take with him the Thebans alone of all the Greeks, because they were strongly accused of favouring the Medes : he, therefore, summoned them to the war, wishing to know whether they would send their forces with him, or would openly renounce the alliance of the Grecians. But they, though otherwise minded, sent assistance. The Spartans sent these troops first with Leonidas, in order that the rest of the allies, seeing them, might take the field, and might not go over to the Medes, if they heard that they were delaying. But afterward, for the Carnean festival was then an obstacle to them, they purposed, when they had kept the feast, to leave a garrison in Sparta, and to march immediately with their whole strength. The rest of the confederates likewise intended to act in the same manner; for the Olympic games occurred at the same period as these events. As they did not, therefore, suppose that the engagement at Thermopylae would so soon be decided, they despatched an advance guard. Thus, then, they intended to do. The Greeks at Thermopylae, when the Persian came near the pass, being alarmed, consulted about a retreat; accord- ingly, it seemed best to the other Peloponnesians to retire to Peloponnesus, and guard the isthmus ; but Leonidas, per- ceiving the Phocians and Locrians very indignant at this proposition, determined to stay there, and to despatch mes- sengers to the cities, desiring them to come to their assist- ance, as being too few to repel the army of the Medes. While they were deliberating on these matters, Xerxes sent a scout on horseback to see how many they were, and what they were 2o8-2io] THERMOPYLAE 433 doing. For while he was still in Thessaly he had heard that a small army had been assembled at that spot, and as to their leaders, that they were Lacedaemonians, and Lepnidas, who was of the race of Hercules. When the horseman rode up to the camp, he reconnoitred, and saw not indeed the whole camp, for it was not possible that they should be seen who were posted within the wall, which, having rebuilt, they were now guarding: but he had a clear view of those on the out- side, whose arms were piled in front of the wall. At this time the Lacedaemonians happened to be posted outside ; and some of the men he saw performing gymnastic exercises, and others combing their hair. On beholding this he was astonished, and ascertained their number ; and having informed himself of everything accurately, he rode back at his leisure, for no one pursued him, and he met with general contempt. On his return he gave' an account to Xerxes of all that he had seen. When Xerxes heard this, he could not comprehend the truth that the Grecians were preparing to be slain and to slay to the utmost *X^ $ BOOK VIII URANIA THE Greeks who were assigned to the navy were these : the Athenians, who furnished one hundred and twenty- seven ships ; but the Plataeans, from a spirit of valour and zeal, though inexperienced in the sea service, as- sisted the Athenians in manning the ships. The Corinthians furnished forty ships ; the Megureans twenty ; the Chalcidians manned twenty, the Athenians having furnished them with ships; the iEginetae, eighteen; the Sicyonians, twelve; the Lacedaemonians, ten ; the Epidaurians, eight ; the Eretrians, seven ; the Trcezenians, five ; the Styreans, two ; and the Ceians, two ships and two penteconters ; the Opuntian Lo- crians also came to their assistance with seven penteconters. These, then, were they who were engaged in the war at Arte- misium, and I have mentioned how each contributed to the number of the ships. The total of the ships assembled at Artemisium, besides the penteconters, was two hundred and seventy-one. The admiral, who had the chief power, the Spartans supplied, Eurybiades, son of Euryclides, for the allies had refused, if the Lacedaemonians did not command, to follow Athenian leaders, but said they would break up the intended fleet. For from the first there was a talk, even be- fore they sent to Sicily to solicit an alliance, that it would be proper to intrust the navy to the Athenians. But as the allies opposed, the Athenians gave way, deeming it of high impor- tance that Greece should be saved, and knowing that if they should quarrel about the command Greece would be lost; herein thinking justly. For intestine discord is as much worse than war carried on in concert, as war is than peace. Being, therefore, convinced of this, they did not resist, but yielded as long as they had need of their assistance, as they clearly showed. For when, having repulsed the Persian, they were now contending for his country, they put forward as a pre- text the arrogance of Pausanius, and deprived the Lacedae- monians of the chief command. But these things occurred 444 4-7] WITH THE FLEET 445 afterward. But at that time those Greeks who had arrived at Artemisium, when they saw a vast number of ships drawn up at Aphetas, and all parts full of troops, since the affairs of the barbarians turned out contrary to their expectation, in great consternation, deliberated about retiring from Arte- misium to the inner parts of Greece. The Eubceans, knowing that they were deliberating on this matter, entreated Eury- biades to remain a short time longer, until they could remove their children and domestics to a place of safety. But finding they could not persuade him, they then went over to the Athenian general, and prevailed on Themistocles, by a bribe of thirty talents, to promise that they would stay and engage the enemy by sea before Eubcea. Themistocles, to retain the Greeks, did as follows : of this money he gave five talents to Eurybiades, as if indeed he gave it from himself ; and when he had gained him over, as Adimantus, son of Ocytus, the Corinthian commander, was the only person who resisted, affirming that he would sail away from Artemisium, and not stay ; to him Themistocles said with an oath : " You shall not abandon us; for I will make you a greater present than the King of the Medes would send you for abandoning the allies." He at the same time said this and sent three talents of silver on board the ship of Adimantus. They therefore, being swayed by the present, were gained over, and complied with the wishes of the Euboeans ; but Themistocles himself was a considerable gainer, as he secretly kept the rest ; but those who took part of this money thought it came from the Athenians on that condition. They accordingly remained in Euboea, and came to an engagement by sea. It happened in this manner : when the barbarians arrived at Aphetse, in the afternoon, having been informed that a few Grecian ships were stationed there, and then descrying them at Artemisium, they were eager to at- tack, in the hope of taking them. However, they did not think it advisable to sail directly upon them, for the following rea- sons, lest the Greeks, seeing them sailing toward them, should betake themselves to flight, and the night should cover their retreat, by which means they would escape ; but, according to their saying, they thought that not even the torch-bearer would escape alive. For this purpose, then, they had re- course to the following plan: having detached two hundred ships from the whole fleet, they sent them round, outside Sci- athus, that they might not be seen by the enemy sailing round Eubcea, by Caphareus and round Gersestus to the Euripus ; that so they might surround them, the one party arriving at 446 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [7-10 the place appointed in that way, and intercepting their retreat, and themselves attacking them in front. Having determined on this, they despatched the ships appointed for this service, themselves not intending to attack the Greeks that day, nor before the agreed signal should be seen, given by those who sailed round, announcing their arrival. These, then, they sent round, and set about taking the number of the rest of the ships at Aphetae. At this time, while they were taking the number of their ships, there was in this camp Scyllias of Scyone, the best diver of his time ; he, in the shipwreck that happened off Pelion, had saved much of their treasure for the Persians, and had acquired a good deal for himself. This Scyllias had long before entertained the design of deserting to the Greeks, but had had no opportunity of doing so until that time. In what way he at length made his escape to the Grecians I can not certainly affirm, and I wonder whether the account given is true. For it is said that, having plunged into the sea at Aphetae, he never rose until he reached Arte- misium, having passed this distance through the sea, as near as can be, eighty stadia. Many other things are related of this man that are very like falsehood, and some that are true. If, however, I may give my opinion of this matter, it is, that he came to Artemisium in a boat. On his arrival he imme- diately informed the commanders of the shipwreck, how it had occurred, and of the ships that were sent round Euboea. The Greeks, having heard this, held a conference among themselves ; and, after much debate, it was resolved that re- maining there and continuing in their station during that day, then, when midnight was passed, they should proceed and meet the ships that were sailing round. But after this, when no ship sailed against them, having waited for the evening of the day, they sailed of themselves against the barbarians, being desirous to make trial of their manner of fighting, and of breaking through the line. The other soldiers of Xerxes, and the commanders, seeing them sailing toward them with so few ships, attributed their conduct to madness, and on their part got their ships under way, expecting that they should easily take them ; and their expectations were very reason- able when they saw that the Grecian ships were few, and their own many more in number, and better sailers : taking these things into consideration, they inclosed them in the middle of a circle. Now, such of the Ionians as were well affected to the Greeks, and joined the expedition unwillingly, regarded it as a great calamity when they saw them surrounded, feeling convinced that not one of them would return; so weak did io-h] OFF ARTEMISIUM 447 the Grecian forces appear to them to be. But such as were pleased with what was going on vied with each other how each might be the first to take an Athenian ship, and receive a reward from the king. For throughout the fleet they had the highest opinion of the Athenians. When the signal was given to the Greeks, first of all turning their prows against the barbarians, they contracted their sterns inwardly to the middle ; and when the second signal was given, they began the attack, though inclosed in a narrow space, and that prow to prow. On this occasion they took thirty ships of the barbarians, and Philaon, son of Chersis, the brother of Gorgus, King of the Salaminians, a man highly esteemed in their army. Lycomedes, son of .Eschreus, an Athenian, was the first of the Greeks who took a ship from the enemy, and he received the palm of valour. But night coming on, separated the combatants, who in this engagement fought with doubtful success. The Greeks returned to Artemisium, and the barbarians to Aphetae, having fought with far different success than they expected. In this engagement Antidorus, a Lemnian, was the only one of the Greeks in the king's serv- ice who went over to the Grecians ; and on that account the Athenians presented him with lands in Salamis. When night came on, and it was now the middle of sum- mer, heavy rain fell through the whole night, and violent thunder about Pelion; and the dead bodies and pieces of wreck were driven to Aphetae, and got entangled round the prows of the ships, and impeded the blades of the oars. But the soldiers who were on board, when they heard the thunder were seized with terror, expecting that they must certainly perish, into such calamities had they fallen. For before they had recovered breath, after the wreck and tempest that had occurred off Pelion, a fierce engagement followed; and after the engagement impetuous rain and mighty torrents rushing into the sea, and violent thunder. Such was the night to them. But to those who had been appointed to sail round Euboea, this same night proved so much the more wild, in that it fell upon them while they were in the open sea ; and the end was grievous to them; for as they were sailing, the storm and rain overtook them when they were near the Ccela of Eubcea, and being driven by the wind, and not knowing where they were driven, they were dashed upon the rocks. All this was done by the deity, that the Persian might be brought to an equality with the Grecian, or at least not be greatly superior. Thus they perished near the Ccela of Eubcea. The barbarians at Aphetae, when to their great joy day dawned, kept their 448 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [14-18 ships at rest, and were content, after they had suffered so much, to remain quiet for the present. But three-and-fifty Attic ships came to re-enforce the Greeks ; and both these by their arrival gave them additional courage, as did the news that came at the same time that those of the barbarians who were sailing round Eubcea had all perished in the late storm ; therefore having waited to the same hour, they set sail and attacked the Cilician ships, and having destroyed them, as soon as it was night they sailed back to Artemisium. On the third day the commanders of the barbarians, in- dignant at being insulted by so few ships, and fearing the displeasure of Xerxes, no longer waited for the Greeks to begin the battle; but encouraging one another, got under way about the middle of the day. It happened that these actions by sea and those by land at Thermopylae took place on the same days ; and the whole struggle for those at sea was for the Euripus, as for those with Leonidas to guard the pass. The one party encouraging each other not to suffer the barbarians to enter Greece ; and the other, to destroy the Grecian forces, and make themselves masters of the chan- nel. When the barbarians, having formed in line, sailed on- ward, the Grecians remained still at Artemisium; but the barbarians, having drawn up their ships in the form of a crescent, encircled them as if they would take them; where- upon the Greeks sailed out to meet them, and engaged. In this battle they were nearly equal to one another ; for the fleet of Xerxes, by reason of its magnitude and number, impeded itself, as the ships incommoded and ran foul of one another; however, they continued to fight, and would not yield, for they were ashamed to be put to flight by a few ships. Accord- ingly, many ships of the Grecians perished, and many men; and of the barbarians a much greater number, both of ships and men. Having fought in this manner, they separated from each other. In this engagement the Egyptians signalized themselves among the forces of Xerxes; for they both achieved other great actions, and took five Grecian ships, with their crews. On the part of the Greeks, the Athenians sig- nalized themselves on this day, and among the Athenians, Clinias, son of Alcibiades ; who at his own expense joined the fleet with two hundred men, and a ship of his own. When they had separated, each gladly hastened to their own stations : but the Grecians, when, having left the battle, they had withdrawn, were in possession of the dead and of the wrecks ; yet having been severely handled, and especially the Athenians, the half of whose ships were disabled, they 18-22] NEWS FROM THERMOPYLAE 449 consulted about a retreat to the interior of Greece. But The- mistocles having considered with himself that if the Ionians and Carians could be detached from the Barbarian, they would be able to overcome the rest; as the Eubceans were driving their cattle down to the shore, he there assembled the Grecian commanders together, and told them that he thought he had a contrivance by which he hoped to draw off the best of the king's allies. This, then, he so far discovered to them, but in the present state of affairs he told them what they ought to do; every one should kill as many of the Eubcean cattle as he thought fit ; for it was better that their own army should have them than the enemy. He also advised them each to direct their own men to kindle fires; and promised that he would choose such a time for their departure, that they should all arrive safe in Greece. These things they were pleased to do; and forthwith, having kindled fires, they fell upon the cattle. For the Eubceans, disregarding the oracles of Bacis as importing nothing, had neither carried out anything to a place of safety, nor collected stores, as if war was approach- ing; and so had brought their affairs into a precarious state. The oracle of Bacis respecting them was as follows : " Beware of the barbarian-tongued, when he shall cast a byblus-yoke across the sea, remove the bleating goats from Eubcea." As they paid no attention to these verses, in the calamities then present and those that were impending, they fell into the greatest distress. They, then, were acting thus, and in that conjuncture the scout arrived from Trachis. For there was a scout stationed off Artemisium, Polyas of Anticyra, who had been ordered (and he had a well-furnished boat ready), if the fleet should be in difficulty, to make it known to those that were at Thermopylae ; and in like manner Abronychus, son of Lysicles, an Athenian, was with Leonidas, ready to carry the tidings to those at Artemisium in a trieconter if any reverse should happen to the land forces. This Abronychus then ar- riving, informed them of what had befallen Leonidas and his army ; but they, when they heard it, no longer deferred their departure, but retired each in the order in which they were stationed, the Corinthians first and the Athenians last. Themistocles, having selected the best sailing ships of the Athenians, went to the places where there was water fit for drinking, and engraved upon the stones inscriptions which the Ionians, upon arriving next day at Artemisium, read. The inscriptions were to this effect : " Men of Ionia, you do wrong in fighting against your fathers, and helping to enslave Greece : rather, therefore, come over to us ; or, if you can not do that, 29 450 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [22-25 withdraw your forces from the contest, and entreat the Cari- ans to do the same. But if neither of these things is possible, and you are bound by too strong a necessity to revolt, yet in action, when we are engaged, behave ill on purpose, re- membering that you are descended from us, and that the enmity of the barbarians against us originally sprang from you." Themistocles, in my opinion, wrote this with two ob- jects in view : that either, if the inscriptions escaped the notice of the king, he might induce the Ionians to change sides and come over to them; or, if they were reported to him, and made a subject of accusation before Xerxes, they might make the Ionians suspected, and cause them to be excluded from the sea-fights. Themistocles left this inscription, and imme- diately afterward a certain Histiaean came to the barbarians in a boat, announcing the flight of the Greeks from Artemisi- um; but they, through distrust, kept the man who brought the news under guard, and despatched some swift vessels to reconnoitre. When they reported the truth as it was, the whole fleet, as soon as the sun's rays were spread, sailed in a body to Artemisium ; and having waited in that place until midday, they then sailed to Histisea, and on their arrival pos- sessed themselves of the city of the Histiaeans, and ravaged all the maritime villages of the Ellopian district, in the terri- tory of Histiaeotis. While they were on this coast, Xerxes, having made prepa- rations with respect to the dead, sent a herald to the fleet. And he made the following previous preparations : of those of his own army, who were slain at Thermopylae, and they were about twenty thousand, of these having left about one thou- sand, the remainder, having caused pits to be dug, he buried, throwing leaves over them and heaping up earth, that they might not be seen by those who should come from the fleet. When the herald crossed over to Histiaea, having convened a meeting of the whole encampment, he spoke as follows : " Allies, King Xerxes permits any of you who please to leave his post and come and see how he fights against those sense- less men who hoped to overcome the king's power." After he had made this announcement, nothing was more scarce than boats, so many were anxious to behold the sight : and having crossed over, they went through and viewed the dead ; and all thought that those that lay there were all Lacedae- monians and Thespians, though they also saw the Helots : however, Xerxes did not deceive those who had crossed over by what he had done with respect to his own dead, for in- deed it was ridiculous ; of the one party a thousand dead were 25-28] OLYMPIC GAMES CELEBRATED 451 seen lying; but the others lay all heaped up together, to the number of four thousand. This day they spent in the view, and on the next they returned to Histiaea, to their ships, and those with Xerxes set out on their march. Some few deserters came to them from Arcadia, in want of subsistence, and wished to be actively employed : taking these men into the king's presence, the Persians inquired concerning the Greeks, what they were doing. One in particular it was who asked them this question. They answered that they were celebrating the Olympic games, and viewing gymnastic combats and horse- races. He then asked what was the reward proposed to them, for which they contended. They mentioned the crown of olive that is given. Upon which Tritantsechmes, son of Arta- banus, having uttered a noble sentiment, incurred the charge of cowardice from the king: for having heard that the prize was a crown, and not riches, he could not remain silent, but spoke as follows before all : " Heavens, Mardonius, against what kind of men have you brought us to fight, who contend not for wealth, but for glory ! " This, then, was said by him. In the meantime, and when the defeat had occurred at Thermopylae, the Thessalians immediately sent a herald to the Phocians, as they had always entertained a grudge against them, and particularly since their last defeat. For not many years before this expedition of the king the Thessalians them- selves and their allies, having invaded the territories of the Phocians with all their forces, had been worsted by the Pho- cians and roughly handled. For when the Phocians had been shut up in Mount Parnassus, having with them the Elean prophet Tellias, this Tellias thereupon devised the following stratagem for them : having smeared over with chalk six hun- dred of the bravest Phocians, both the men themselves and their armour, he attacked the Thessalians by night, having ordered them to kill every man they should see not covered with white. The sentinels of the Thessalians, accordingly, seeing them first, were terrified, supposing it was some strange prodigy, and after the sentinels, the whole army, so that the Phocians got possession of four thousand dead and shields ; of these they dedicated one half at Abas, and the other at Delphi. The tenth of the treasures taken in this battle com- posed those great statues which stand about the tripod in the front of the temple at Delphi, and others like them were dedi- cated at Abae. Thus the Phocians dealt with the infantry of the Thessalians, who were besieging them ; and they inflicted an irreparable blow on their cavalry when they made an irrup- tion into their territory ; for in the entrance which is near Hy- 452 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [28-32 ampolis, having dug a large pit, they put empty jars in it, and having heaped soil over and made it like the rest of the ground, they waited the attack of the Thessalians; but they, hoping to overwhelm the Phocians, being borne violently on, fell among the jars, whereupon the horses had their legs broken. The Thessalians, bearing a grudge against them for these two things, sent a herald and made the following an- nouncement : O Phocians, now at length learn better, and know that you are not equal to us. For both before among the Greeks, as long as that party pleased us, we always proved superior to you ; and now we have so great influence with the Barbarian, that it is in our power to deprive you of your country ; and, moreover, to reduce you to slavery. We, how- ever, though possessing full power, are not mindful of in- juries ; therefore, let fifty talents of silver be given us by way of reparation, and we promise you to avert the evils that im- pend over your country." The Thessalians sent them this message. For the Phocians were the only people of those parts who did not side with the Mede ; for no other reason, as I conjecture, than their hatred of the Thessalians ; but if the Thessalians had taken part with the Greeks, in my opinion the Phocians would have sided with the Mede. When the Thessalians sent this mes- sage, they said they would not give money, and that it was in their power to join the Medes as well as the Thessalians, if only they chose to do so ; but that they would not willingly be traitors to Greece. When this answer was brought back, the Thessalians thereupon, being incensed with the Phocians, became guides to the barbarians ; and, accordingly, they en- tered from Trachinia into Doris. For a narrow strip of Doric territory extends that way, about thirty stades in breadth, and situated between the Malian and Phocian territory, and which was anciently Dryopis. This region is the mother country of the Dorians in Peloponnesus. The barbarians, in their passage through, did not ravage this Doric territory, for the inhabitants sided with the Mede, and the Thessalians wished them not to do so. When they entered from the Doric to the Phocian territory, they did not take the Phocians themselves, for some of the Phocians had ascended to the heights of Parnassus; and the summit of Parnassus lying near the city of Neon, which stands apart, is well adapted to receive a multitude; its name is Tithorea; to this, then, they carried their property, and ascended themselves : but the greater num- ber of them had conveyed their effects to the Locrian Ozolse, to the city of Amphissa, which is situated on the Crisaean 32-37] IN PHOCIS AND BOEOTIA 453 plain. But the barbarians overran the whole Phocian terri- tory. For marching this way along the river Cephissus, they ravaged the whole country, and burned down the cities of Drymus, Charadra, Erochus, Tethronium, Amphicaea, Neon, Pedieae, Triteae, Elatea, Hyampolis, Parapotamii, and Abae ; where was a rich temple of Apollo, adorned with many treas- ures and offerings, and there was then, and still is, an oracle there ; this temple they plundered and burned ; and pursuing some of the Phocians, they took them near the mountains ; and they caused the death of some women, by having inter- course with them in great numbers. The barbarians having passed by Parapotamii, arrived at Panopeae, and from thence, their army being divided, proceeded in two bodies. The largest and most powerful part of the army marching with Xerxes himself toward Athens, entered Bceotia, at the terri- tory of the Orchomenians. But the Bceotians sided with the Mede ; Macedonian soldiers therefore posted in different places, having been sent by Alexander, saved their cities ; and they saved them in order by this means to make it known to Xerxes that the Bceotians favoured the cause of the Medes. These barbarians, then, took this route. The rest of them, having guides, proceeded toward the Temple of Delphi, keeping Parnassus on their right: and whatever parts of Phocis they came to, they pillaged ; for they set fire to the city of the Panopians, and of the Daulians, and the ^olidae. They marched this way detached from the rest of the army for this reason, that having plundered the Temple at Delphi, they might present the treasures to King Xerxes. But Xerxes, as I am informed, knew everything that was of value in the temple better than what he had left at home, many persons continually telling him, especially of the offerings of Croesus, son of Alyattes. The Delphians having heard of this, fell into a great consternation; and being in a state of great terror, consulted the oracle respecting the sacred treas- ures, whether they should hide them under ground or trans- port them to another country. But the god would not suffer them to be moved, saying that he was able to protect his own. The Delphians having received this answer, began to think of themselves : accordingly, they sent their children and wives across to Achaia ; and the greater part of the men ascended to the tops of Parnassus, and carried their effects into the Corycian cavern; while others withdrew to the Lo- crian Amphissa. Thus all the Delphians abandoned the city, except only sixty men and the prophet. When the barbarians were advanced near, and saw the temple in the distance, then 454 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [37-40 the prophet, whose name was Aceratus, saw the sacred arms, which it was not lawful for any mortal to touch, lying before the temple, having been brought out from within the fane. He therefore went to make known the prodigy to the Del- phians who were at hand. But when the barbarians, hasten- ing their march, were near the Temple of Minerva Pronae prodigies still greater than the former succeeded. And this is indeed a great wonder, that warlike instruments should be seen, self-moved, lying before the temple, yet the second prodi- gies, which succeeded after this, are worthy of admiration be- yond all other portents. For when the barbarians had ad- vanced near the Temple of Minerva Pronaea, at that moment thunder fell on them from heaven, and two crags, broken away from Parnassus, bore down upon them with a loud crash, and killed many of them, and a loud cry and a war-shout issued from the temple of the Pronaea. All these things being commingled together, a panic struck the barbarians ; and the Delphians, having learned that they had fled, came down after them, and slew a great number of them : the survivors fled direct into Boeotia. Those of the barbarians who re- turned, as I am informed, declared that besides these they saw other miraculous things, for that two heavy armed men, of more than human stature, followed them, slaying and pur- suing them. The Delphians say these two were heroes of the country, Phylacus and Autonous, whose precincts are near the temple ; that of Phylacus by the road-side, above the temple of the Pronaea; and that of Autonous, near the Cas- talian spring under the Hyampeian summit. The rocks that fell from Parnassus were still preserved in my time, lying in the inclosure of Minerva Pronaea, where they fell when borne among the barbarians. Such, then, was the retreat of tjiese men from the temple. .>V The Grecian fleet from Artemisium, at the request of the l^y^Athenians, put in at Salamis. For this reason the Athenians **\ requested them to direct their course to Salamis, that they might remove their children and wives out of Attica, and, moreover, might consult of what measures were to be taken. For in the present posture of affairs they intended to hold a consultation, as they had been disappointed in their expecta- tion. For whereas they expected to find the Peloponnesians with all their forces waiting in Boeotia to receive the barbarians, they found nothing of the kind ; but were informed that they were fortifying the isthmus leading into the Peloponnesus, considering it of the greatest importance that it should be saved, and that, keeping guard there, they gave up all the rest. 40-44] ATHENS ABANDONED 455 Having been informed of this, they therefore entreated them to direct their course to Salamis. The rest, therefore, held on to Salamis, but the Athenians to their own country; and on their arrival they caused proclamations to be made that every one should save his children and family by the best means he could. Thereupon the greatest part sent away their families to Trcezene, some to iEgina, and others to Salamis. They used all diligence to remove them to a place of safety, both from a desire to obey the oracle, and more particularly for the following reason : the Athenians say that a large serpent used to live in the temple as a guard to the Acropolis : they both say this, and, as if it were really there, they do it honour by placing before it its monthly food; the monthly food consists of a honey-cake: this honey-cake hav- ing been in former time always consumed, now remained un- touched. When the priestess made this known, the Athenians with more readiness abandoned the city, since even the god- dess had forsaken the Acropolis. As soon as everything had been deposited in a place of safety, they sailed to the encamp- ment. When those from Artemisium stationed their ships at Salamis, the rest of the naval forces of the Greeks being informed of this joined them from Trcezene ; for they had been ordered to assemble at Pogon, a harbour of the Trcezenians. Many more ships were assembled together than had fought at Artemisium, and from a greater number of cities. The same admiral commanded them as at Artemisium, Eurybi- ades, son of Euryclides, a Spartan, though he was not of the royal family : the Athenians, however, furnished by far the most and the best sailing ships. The following joined the fleet: From the Peloponnesus, the Lacedaemonians, furnishing sixteen ships ; the Corinthi- ans, furnishing the same number as at Artemisium ; the Sicy- onians furnished fifteen ships ; the Epidaurians, ten ; the Trce- zenians, five ; and the Hermionians, three ; all these, except the Hermionians, being of Doric and Macedonic extraction, having come from Erineum, and Pindus, and last of all from Dryopis. The Hermionians are Dryopians, driven out by Hercules and the Malians, from the country now called Doris. These, then, of the Peloponnesians served in the fleet. The following were from the outer continent: the Athenians, be- yond all the rest, alone furnished one hundred and eighty ships ; for at Salamis the Plataeans did not join their forces to the Athenians, on account of the following circumstance: when the Greeks retired from Artemisium, and were off Chal- cis, the Plataeans, having landed on the opposite coast in 456 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [44-48 Boeotia, set about carrying away their families : they, there- fore, while saving them, were left behind. The Athenians, when the Pelasgians possessed that which is now called Greece, were Pelasgians, and went by the name of Cranai : under the reign of Cecrops, they were surnamed Cecropidse; but when Erectheus succeeded to the government, they changed their name for that of Athenians; and when Ion, son of Xuthus, became their leader, from him they were called Ionians. The Megarenes furnished the same complement as at Artemisium ; the Ambraciots assisted with seven ships ; and the Leucadians, three, these are of Doric extraction, from Corinth. Of the islanders, the ^ginetae furnished thirty ships ; they had also other ships ready manned, but with some they guarded their own country, and with thirty the best sailing vessels, they fought at Salamis. The ^Eginetse are Dorians, from Epidaurus, and their island formerly had the name of CEnone. Next to the ^Eginetae, the Chalcidians furnished the same twenty as at Artemisium, and the Eretrians the same seven : these are Ionians. Next, the Ceians furnished the same ; they are of Ionian extraction, from Athens. The Nax- ians furnished four ; though they had been sent by their fellow- citizens to join the Medes, like the rest of the islanders ; but disregarding their orders, they went over to the Greeks, at the instigation of Democritus, a man eminent among the citi- zens, and then commander of a trireme. The Naxians also are Ionians, sprung from Athens. The Styreans furnished the same ships as at Artemisium; the Cythnians one, and a penteconter: both these people are Dryopians. The Seriph- ians, the Siphnians, and the Malians also joined the fleet; for they only of the islanders refused to give earth and water to the Barbarian. All these nations, situated on this side the Thesprotians and the river Acheron, joined the fleet; for the Thesprotians border on the Ampraciots and Leucadians, who joined the fleet from the most distant countries. Of those that dwell beyond them, the Crotoniatae were the only people who came to assist Greece in this time of danger, with one ship, which Phayllus, who had thrice been victorious in the Pythian games, commanded. The Crotoniatae are Achaeans by extraction. Now the rest joined the fleet, furnishing tri- remes; but the Malians, Siphnians, and Seriphians, pente- conters. The Malians, who are by extraction from Lacedae- mon, furnished two ; the Siphnians and the Seriphians, who are Ionians from Athens, one each. So that the whole num- ber of ships, besides the penteconters, amounted to three hun^ dred and seventy-eight. 49-52] XERXES BURNS ATHENS 457 When the leaders from the above-mentioned cities met together at Salamis, they held a council, in which Eurybiades proposed that any one who chose should deliver his opinion, where he thought it would be most advantageous to come to an engagement by sea, of all the places of which they were still in possession : for Attica was already given up, and he made this proposition concerning the rest. Most of the opin- ions of those who spoke coincided, that they should sail to the isthmus and fight before Peloponnesus ; alleging this reason, that if they should be conquered by sea while they were at Salamis, they should be besieged in the island, where no suc- cour could reach them ; but if at the isthmus, they might escape to their own cities. While the commanders from Peloponnesus were debating these matters, an Athenian arrived with intelligence that the barbarian had entered Attica, and was devastating the whole of it by fire. For the army with Xerxes, having taken its route through Boeotia, after having burned the city of the Thespians, who had departed to Peloponnesus, and likewise the city of the Plataeans, had arrived at Athens, and was lay- ing waste every part of it. They set fire to Thespia and Platsea, being informed by the Thebans that they were not on the side of the Medes. From the passage over the Helles- pont, thence the barbarians began to march, having spent one month there, including the time they were crossing over into Europe; in three months more they were in Attica, when Calliades was archon of the Athenians. They took the city, deserted of inhabitants, but found some few of the Athenians in the temple, with the treasurers of the temple, and some poor people; who, having fortified the Acropolis with planks and stakes, tried to keep off the invaders : they had not with- drawn to Salamis, partly through want of means, and more- over they thought they had found out the meaning of the oracle which the Pythian delivered to them, that the wooden wall " should be impregnable " ; imagining that this was the refuge according to the oracle, and not the ships. The Per- sians, posting themselves on the hill opposite the Acropolis, which the Athenians call the Areopagus, besieged them in the following manner: when they had wrapped tow round their arrows, and set fire to it, they shot them at the fence. Thereupon those Athenians who were besieged still defended themselves, though driven to the last extremity, and the fence had failed them ; nor, when the Pisistratidas proposed them, would they listen to terms of capitulation ; but still defending themselves, they both contrived other means of defence, and 458 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [52-56 when the barbarians approached the gates, they hurled down large round stones ; so that Xerxes was for a long time kept in perplexity, not being able to capture them. At length, in the midst of these difficulties, an entrance was discovered by the barbarians ; for it was necessary, according to the oracle, that all Attica, on the continent, should be subdued by the Persians. In front of the Acropolis, then, but behind the gates and the road up, where neither any one kept guard, nor would ever have expected that any man would ascend that way, there some of them ascended near the temple of Cecrops's daughter Aglauros, although the place was precipitous. When the Athenians saw that they had ascended to the Acropolis, some threw themselves down from the wall and perished, and others took refuge in the recess of the temple. But the Persians who had ascended first turned to the gates, and hav- ing opened them, put the suppliants to death : and when all were thrown prostrate, having pillaged the temple, they set fire to the whole Acropolis. Xerxes having entire possession of Athens, despatched a messenger on horseback to Susa, to announce to Artabanus his present success. And on the second day after the despatch of the herald, having summoned the exiled Athenians who at- tended him, he ordered them to offer sacrifices after their own manner, having ascended to the Acropolis; whether he gave this order from having seen a vision in a dream, or a religious scruple came upon him for having set fire to the temple. The exiles of the Athenians performed what was commanded. Why I have recorded these things I will now mention. There is in this Acropolis a shrine of Erectheus, who is said to be earth-born : in this is an olive tree and a sea ; which, as the story goes among the Athenians, Neptune and Minerva, when contending for the country, placed there as testimonies. Now it happened that this olive tree was burned by the barbarians with the rest of the temple ; but on the second day after the burning, the Athenians who were ordered by the king to sacri- fice, when they went up to the temple, saw a shoot from the stump, sprung up to the height of a cubit. This they affirmed. The Greeks at Salamis, when intelligence was brought them how matters were with respect to the Acropolis of the Athenians, were thrown into such consternation that some of the generals would not wait until the subject before them was decided on, but rushed to their ships and hoisted sail, as about to hurry away ; by such of them as remained it was determined to come to an engagement before the isthmus. Night came on, and they, being dismissed from the council, THE PARTHENON. Steel engraving by William G. Jackman. their 56-60] CONFERENCE AT SALAMIS 459 went on board their ships. Thereupon Mnesiphilus, an Athe- nian, inquired of Themistocles, on his return to his ship, what had been determined on by them. And being informed by him that it was resolved to conduct the ships to the isthmus, and to come to an engagement before the Peloponnesus, he said : " If they remove the ships from Salamis, you will no longer fight for any country ; for they will each betake them- selves to their cities ; and neither will Eurybiades nor any one else be able to detain them, so that the fleet should not be dispersed ; and Greece will perish through want of counsel. But, if there is any possible contrivance, go and endeavour to annul the decree, if by any means you can induce Eurybi- ades to alter his determination, so as to remain here." The suggestion pleased Themistocles exceedingly ; and without giving any answer he went to the ship of Eurybiades; and on reaching it he said that he wished to confer with him on public business. He desired him to come on board his ship, and say what he wished. Thereupon Themistocles, seating himself by him, repeated all that he had heard from Mne- siphilus, making it his own, and adding much more, until he prevailed on him, by entreaty, to leave his ship, and assemble the commanders in council. When they were assembled, be- fore Eurybiades brought forward the subject on account of which he had convened the commanders, Themistocles spoke much, as being very earnest ; and as he was speaking, the Corinthian general Adimantus, son of Ocytus, said, " O The- mistocles, in the games those who start before the time are beaten with stripes." But he, excusing himself, answered, " But they who are left behind are not crowned." At that time he answered the Corinthian mildly. But to Eurybiades he said not a word of what he had before men- tioned, that if they should remove from Salamis they would disperse themselves ; for when the allies were present it would be by no means becoming in him to accuse any one ; he therefore made use of another argument, speaking as follows : " It rests now with you to save Greece, if you will listen to me, and, remaining here, give battle, and not attend to those who advise you to remove the fleet to the isthmus. For hear and compare each opinion. In engaging near the isth- mus you will fight in the open sea, where it is least advan- tageous to us, who have heavier ships and fewer in number. Besides, you will lose Salamis, and Megara, and ^gina, even if we succeed in other respects : for the land forces will fol- low close upon their navy ; thus you will yourself lead them to the Peloponnesus, and expose all Greece to danger. But 460 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [60-63 if you should do what I advise, you will find the following advantages in it: First of all, by engaging in a narrow space with few ships against many, if the probable results of war happen, we shall be much superior. For to fight in a narrow space is advantageous to us; but in a wide space, to them. Again : Salamis is preserved, in which our children and wives are deposited. Moreover, there is advantage in the plan I advise, for which, too, you are very anxious : by remaining here, you will fight for the Peloponnesus just as much as at the isthmus ; nor, if you are wise, will you lead them to the Peloponnesus. But if what I hope should happen, and we conquer with our fleet, neither will the barbarians come to you at the isthmus nor will they advance farther than Attica, but will retreat in disorder, and we shall gain by saving Megara, and ^Egina, and Salamis, where it is announced by an oracle we shall be superior to our enemies. To men who determine on what is reasonable, corresponding results are for the most part wont to follow; but to those who do not determine on what is reasonable, the deity is not wont to further human designs." When Themistocles had spoken thus, Adimantus the Corinthian again attacked him, bidding him who had no country be silent, and urging Eurybiades not to go to the vote for a man who had no city; for when Themistocles showed a city, then he would allow him to give his suffrage. He threw out this against him, because Athens had been taken and was in the possession of the enemy. Then, at length, Themistocles spoke with much severity of Adiman- tus and the Corinthians; and showed by his speech that the Athenians themselves had a city and a territory greater than they, so long as they had two hundred ships fully manned; for that none of the Greeks could repel their attack. Having intimated this, he transferred his discourse to Eurybiades, say- ing with greater earnestness : " If you remain here, by re- maining you will show yourself a brave man — if not, you will subvert Greece: for the whole success of the war depends on our fleet; therefore yield to my advice. But if you will not do so, we, as we are, will take our families on board and remove to Siris in Italy, which is an ancient possession of ours, and oracles say it is fated to be founded by us. And you, when bereft of such allies, will remember my words." When Themistocles had spoken thus, Eurybiades changed his opinion: in my opinion, he changed his opinion chiefly from a dread of the Athenians, lest they should desert them if he took the fleet to the isthmus. For if the Athenians de- serted them, the rest would no longer be a match for the 63-66] PREPARATIONS AT SALAMIS 461 enemy. He, therefore, adopted this advice, to stay there and come to a decisive engagement. Thus they at Salamis, hav- ing skirmished in words, when Eurybiades had come to a determination, made preparations to come to an engagement there. Day came, and at sunrise an earthquake took place on land and at sea. They determined to pray to the gods, and to invoke the .^Eacidae as allies ; and as they had deter- mined, so they did. For having prayed to all the gods, they forthwith, from Salamis, invoked Ajax and Telamon ; and sent a ship to iEgina for ^Eacus and the ./Eacidae. Dicaeus, son of Theocydes, an Athenian, and an exile at that time esteemed by the Medes, related that when the Attic territory was being devastated by the land forces of Xerxes, having been deserted by the Athenians, he happened then to be with Demaratus the Lacedaemonian in the Thriasian plain ; and he saw a cloud of dust coming from Eleusis, as if occasioned by about thirty thousand men : they were wondering at the cloud of dust, from whatever it might proceed, and suddenly heard a voice, and the voice appeared to him to be that of the mystic Iacchus. Demaratus was unacquainted with the mysteries of Eleusis, and asked Dicaeus what it might be that was uttered ; but he said : " O Demaratus, it can not be otherwise than that some great damage will befall the king's army. For this is clear, since Attica is deserted, that what is uttered is super- natural, proceeding from Eleusis to the assistance of the Athe- nians and the allies. And if it should rush toward the Pelo- ponnesus, there will be danger to the king himself and his army on the continent ; but if it should turn toward the ships at Salamis, the king will be in danger of losing his naval armament. The Athenians celebrate this feast every year to the Mother and the Damsel,1 and whoever wishes of them and the other Greeks is initiated ; and the sound, which you hear, they shout in this very festival." To this Demaratus said : " Be silent, and tell this story to no one else ; for if these words should be reported to the king, you would lose your head; and neither should I nor any other human being be able to save you. Keep quiet, therefore; and the gods will take care of the army." He accordingly gave this advice. But from the dust and voice there arose a cloud, and being raised aloft it was borne toward Salamis, to the encampment of the Greeks. Thus they understood that the fleet of Xerxes was about to perish. This account Dicaeus, son of Theocydes, gave, calling on Demaratus and others as witnesses. When the men belonging to the fleet of Xerxes, having 1 Ceres and Proserpine. 462 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [66-68 viewed the Lacedaemonian loss, crossed over from Trachis to Histiaea, they remained there three days, and then sailed through the Euripus, and in three days more arrived off Pha- lerus. In my opinion, they were not fewer in number when they entered Athens, as well those that came by the continent as those in the ships, than when they arrived at Sepias and at Thermopylae. For I set off against those that perished by the storm, and at Thermopylae, and at the sea-fight at Arte- misium, the following who at that time did not attend the king: the Malians, Dorians, Locrians, and Boeotians, who attended with all their forces, except the Thespians and Platae- ans ; and, besides, the Carystians, Andrians, Tenians, and all the rest of the islanders, except the five cities whose names I have before mentioned: for the farther the Persian advanced into the interior of Greece, a greater number of nations at- tended him. When, therefore, all these, except the Parians, arrived at Athens, the Parians, being left behind at Cythnus, watched the war, in what way it would turn out ; when, how- ever, the rest arrived at Phalerus, then Xerxes himself went down to the ships, wishing to mix with them, and to learn the opinions of those on board. When he had arrived and taken the first seat, the tyrants and admirals of the several nations, being summoned from their ships, came and seated themselves according as the king had given precedence to each: first, the Sidonian king; next, the Tyrian; and then the others. When they had seated themselves in due order, Xerxes, having sent Mardonius, asked, in order to make trial of the disposition of each, whether he should come to an en- gagement by sea. When Mardonius, going round, asked the question, beginning from the Sidonian, all the others gave an opinion to the same effect, advising that battle should be given, but Artemisia spoke as follows : " Tell the king from me, Mardonius, that I say this. It is right that I, sire, who proved myself by no means a coward in the sea-fight off Eu- boea, and performed achievements not inferior to others, should declare my real opinion, and state what I think best for your interest. Therefore I say this, abstain from using your ships, nor risk a sea-fight; for these men are as much superior to your men by sea as men are to women. And why must you run a risk by a naval engagement? Have you not possession of Athens, for the sake of which you undertook this expedition, and have you not the rest of Greece? No one stands in your way ; and those who still held out against you have fared as they deserved. In what way the affairs of your enemies will turn out, I will now say. If you should 68-71] PERSIANS APPROACH SALAMIS 463 not hasten to engage in a sea-fight, but keep your fleet here, remaining near land, or even advancing to the Peloponnesus, you will easily effect what you came purposing to do. For the Greeks will not be able to hold out long against you ; but you will disperse them, and they will respectively fly to their cities. For neither have they provisions in this island, as I am informed, nor is it probable, if you march your land forces against the Peloponnesus, that those of them who came from thence will remain quiet, nor will they care to fight by sea for the Athenians. But if you should hasten forthwith to en- gage, I fear lest the sea forces, being worsted, should at the same time bring ruin on the land forces. Besides, O king, consider this, that the good among men commonly have bad slaves, and the bad ones, good ; and you, who are the best of all men, have bad slaves, who are said to be in the number of allies, such as the Egyptians, Cyprians, Cilicians, and Pam- phylians, who are of no use at all." When she said this to Mardonius, such as were well affected to Artemisia were grieved at her words, thinking she would suffer some harm at the king's hand, because she dissuaded him from giving battle by sea : but those who hated and envied her, as being honoured above all the allies, were delighted with her de- cision, thinking she would be ruined. When, however, the opinions were reported to Xerxes, he was very much pleased with the opinion of Artemisia; and having before thought her an admirable woman, he then praised her much more. However, he gave orders to follow the .advice of the majority in this matter, thinking that they had behaved ill at Euboea on purpose, because he was not present ; he now prepared in person to behold them engaging by sea. When they gave the signal for putting to sea, they got the ships under way for Salamis, and drew up near it, taking their stations in silence : at that time, however, there was not day enough for them to enter on a naval engagement; for night was coming on, they therefore held themselves in readi- ness for the next day. But fear and dismay took possession of the Greeks, and not least those from Peloponnesus. They were dismayed, because, being posted at Salamis, they were about to fight for the territory of the Athenians ; and if con- quered, they would be shut up and besieged in the island, having left their own country defenceless. The land forces of the barbarians marched that same night against the Pelo- ponnesus; although every possible expedient had been con- trived to hinder the barbarians from entering by the main land. For as soon as the Peloponnesians heard that those 464 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [71-74 with Leonidas at Thermopylae had perished, they flocked to- gether from the cities and stationed themselves at the isthmus ; and Cleombrotus, son of Anaxandrides, and brother of Leon- idas, commanded them. Having stationed themselves, there- fore, at the isthmus, and having blocked up the Scironian way, they then, as they determined on consultation, built a wall across the isthmus. As they were many myriads in number, and every man laboured, the work progressed rapidly; for stones, bricks, timber, and baskets full of sand were brought to it, and those who assisted flagged not a moment in their work, either by night or by day. Those who assisted at the isthmus with all their forces were the following of the Greeks : the Lacedaemonians, and all the Arcadians, the Eleans, Cor- inthians, Sicyonians, Epidaurians, Phliasians, Trcezenians, and Hermionians. These were they who assisted, and were very much alarmed at the dangerous situation of Greece ; but the rest of the Peloponnesians did not concern themselves about it; however, the Olympian and Carnian festivals were now past. Seven nations inhabit the Peloponnesus : of these, two, being indigenous, are now seated in the same country in which they originally dwelt, the Arcadians and Cynurians. One nation, the Achaeans, never removed from the Pelopon- nesus, though they did from their own territory, and now occu- py another. The remaining four nations of the seven are for- eign, Dorians, vEtolians, Dryopians, and Lemnians. The Dori- ans have many and celebrated cities ; the yEtolians, only Elis : the Dryopians, Hermione and Asine, situated near Cardamyle of Laconia ; the Lemnians have all the Paroreatae. The Cynu- rians, who are indigenous, are the only people that appear to be Ionians ; but they have become Dorians by being governed by the Argives, and through lapse of time, being Orneatae * and neighbouring inhabitants. Of these seven nations, the remaining cities, except those I have enumerated, remained neutral; or, if I may speak freely, by remaining neutral, favoured the Mede. Those at the isthmus, then, persevered with such zeal as having now to contend for their all, and as they did not expect to distinguish themselves by their fleet; meanwhile, those at Salamis, having heard of these things, were alarmed, not fearing so much for themselves as for the Peloponnesus. For some time one man standing by another began to talk in secret, wondering at the imprudence of Eurybiades; till at 1 Baehr takes the word Orneatae to describe people who were trans- planted from a distance, and made to dwell near Argos. One advantage in following his interpretation is, that it obviates the necessity of altering. 74-76] BATTLE OF SALAMIS 465 last their discontent broke out openly, and a council was called, and much was said on the same subject. Some said that they ought to sail for the Peloponnesus, and hazard a battle for that, and not stay and fight for a place already taken by the enemy ; but the Athenians, ^ginetse, and Megareans, that they should stay there and defend themselves. There- upon Themistocles, when he saw his opinion was overruled by the Peloponnesians, went secretly out of the council; and having gone out, he despatched a man in a boat to the en- campment of the Medes, having instructed him what to say : his name was Sicinnus ; and he was a domestic, and preceptor to the children of Themistocles ; him, after these events, The- mistocles got made a Thespian, when the Thespians aug- mented the number of their citizens, and gave him a compe- tent fortune. He, then, arriving in the boat, spoke as follows to the generals of the barbarians : " The general of the Athe- nians has sent me unknown to the rest of the Greeks (for he is in the interest of the king, and wishes that your affairs may prosper, rather than those of the Greeks) to inform you that the Greeks in great consternation are deliberating on flight; and you have now an opportunity of achieving the most glori- ous of all enterprises if you do not suffer them to escape. For they do not agree among themselves, nor will they oppose you; but you will see those who are in your interest, and those who are not, fighting with one another." He having delivered this message to them, immediately departed. As these tidings appeared to them worthy of credit, in the first place, they landed a considerable number of Persians on the little island of Psyttalea, lying between Salamis and the con- tinent; and, in the next place, when it was midnight, they got their western wing under way, drawing it in a circle toward Salamis, and those who were stationed about Ceos and Cynosura got under way and occupied the whole pas- sage as far as Munychia, with their ships. And for this reason they got their ships under way, that the Greeks might have no way to escape, but being shut up in Salamis, might suffer punishment for the conflicts at Artemisium ; and they landed the Persians at the little island of Psyttalea for this reason, that, when an engagement should take place, as they expected most part of the men and wrecks would be driven thither (for that island lay in the strait where the engagement was likely to take place), they might save the one party, and de- stroy the other. But these things they did in silence, that the enemy might not know what was going on. They there- fore made these preparations by night, without taking any rest. 30 466 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [77-80 I am unable to speak against the oracles as not being true, nor wish to impugn the authority of those that speak clearly, when I look on such occurrences as the following : " When they shall bridge with ships the sacred shore of Diana with the golden sword, and sea-girt Cynosura, having with mad hope destroyed beautiful Athens, then divine Vengeance shall quench strong Presumption, son of Insolence, when thinking to subvert all things. For brass shall engage with brass, and Mars shall redden the sea with blood. Then the far-thunder- ing son of Saturn and benign victory shall bring a day of freedom to Greece." Looking on such occurrences, and re- garding Bacis, who spoke thus clearly, I neither dare myself say anything in contradiction to oracles, nor allow others to do so. There was great altercation between the generals at Sala- mis : and they did not yet know that the barbarians had sur- rounded them with their ships; but they supposed that they were in the same place as they had seen them stationed in during the day. While the generals were disputing, Aristides, son of Lysimachus, crossed over from vEgina ; he was an Athenian, but had been banished by ostracism : having heard of his manner of life, I consider him to have been the best and most upright man in Athens. This person, standing at the entrance of the council, called Themistocles out, who was not indeed his friend, but his most bitter enemy; yet, from the greatness of the impending danger, he forgot that, and called him, wishing to confer with him; for he had already heard that those from Peloponnesus were anxious to get the ships under way for the isthmus. When Themistocles came out to him, Aristides spoke as follows : " It is right that we should strive, both on other occasions, and particularly on this, which of us shall do the greatest service to our coun- try. I assure you that to say little or much to the Pelo- ponnesians about sailing hence is the same thing; for I, an eye-witness, tell you, now, even if they would, neither the Corinthians, nor Eurybiades himself, will be able to sail away ; for we are on all sides inclosed by the enemy. Go in, there- fore, and acquaint them with this." He answered as follows : " You both give very useful advice, and have brought good news ; for you are come yourself as an eye-witness of what I wished should happen. Know, then, that what has been done by the Medes proceeds from me. For it was necessary, since the Greeks would not willingly come to an engagement, that they should be compelled to it against their will. But do you, since you come bringing good news, announce it to them 80-84] BATTLE OF SALAMIS 467 yourself, for if I tell them I shall appear to speak from my own invention, and shall not persuade them, as if the barbarians were doing no such thing. But do you go in, and inform them how the case is : and when you have informed them, if they are persuaded, so much the better; but if they attach no credit to what you say, it will be the same to us : for they can no longer escape by flight, if, as you say, we are sur- rounded on all sides." Aristides, going in, gave this ac- count, saying that he came from ^Egina, and with difficulty sailed through unperceived by those that were stationed round ; for that the whole Grecian fleet was surrounded by the ships of Xerxes. He advised them, therefore, to prepare themselves for their defence. And he, having said this, withdrew; a dispute, however, again arose, for the greater part of the generals gave no credit to the report. While they were still in doubt there arrived a trireme of Tenians that had deserted, which Panaetius, son of Socimenes, commanded, and which brought an account of the whole truth. For that action the name of the Tenians was engraved on the tripod at Delphi, among those who had defeated the barbarians. With this ship that came over at Salamis, and with the Lemnian before, off Artemisium, the Grecian fleet was made up to the full num- ber of three hundred and eighty ships ; for before it wanted two of that number. When the account given by the Tenians was credited by the Greeks, they prepared for an engagement. Day dawned, and when they had mustered the marines, Themistocles, above all the others, harangued them most eloquently. His speech was entirely taken up in contrasting better things with worse, exhorting them to choose the best of all those things which depended on the nature and condition of man. Having fin- ished his speech, he ordered them to go on board their ships : they accordingly were going on board, when the trireme from iEgina, which had gone to fetch the yEacidae, returned. There- upon the Greeks got all their ships under way. When they were under way, the barbarians immediately fell upon them. Now all the other Greeks began to back water and made for the shore; but Aminias of Pallene, an Athenian, being carried onward, attacked a ship ; and his ship becoming en- tangled with the other, and the crew not being able to clear, the rest thereupon coming to the assistance of Aminias, engaged. Thus the Athenians say the battle began ; but the iEginetae affirm that the ship which went to JEgina to fetch the vEacidse was the first to begin. This is also said, that a phantom of a woman appeared to them, and that on her 468 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [84-87 appearance she cheered them on, so that the whole fleet of the Greeks heard her, after she had first reproached them in these words, " Dastards, how long will you back water?" Opposite the Athenians the Phoenicians were drawn up, for they occupied the wing toward Eleusis and westward ; oppo- site the Lacedaemonians, the Ionians occupied the wing to- ward the east and the Piraeus. Of these some few behaved ill on purpose, in compliance with the injunctions of The- mistocles ; but most of them, not so. I am able to mention the names of several captains of triremes who took Grecian ships ; but I shall make no use of them, except of Theomestor, son of Androdamas, and Phylacus, son of Histiaeus, both Samians. I mention these two only for this reason, because Theomestor, on account of this exploit, was made tyrant of Samos by the appointment of the Persians; and Phylacus was inscribed as a benefactor of the king, and a large tract of land was given him. The benefactors of the king are called in the Persian language Orosangae. Such was the case with regard to these men. The greater part of the ships were run down at Salamis ; some being destroyed by the Athenians, others by the JEginetae. For as the Greeks fought in good order, in line, but the barbarians were neither properly formed nor did anything with judgment, such an event as did happen was likely to occur. However, they were and proved them- selves to be far braver on this day than off Eubcea, every one exerting himself vigorously, and dreading Xerxes; for each thought that he himself was observed by the king. As regards the rest, of some of them I am unable to say with certainty how each of the barbarians or Greeks fought; but with respect to Artemisia, the following incident occurred, by which she obtained still greater credit with the king: for when the king's forces were in great confusion, at that mo- ment the ship of Artemisia was chased by an Attic ship, and she not being able to escape, for before her were other friendly ships, and her own happened to be nearest the enemy, she re- solved to do that which succeeded in the attempt. For being pursued by the Athenian, she bore down upon a friendly ship, manned by Calyndians, and with Damasithymus himself, King of the Calyndians, on board ; whether she had any quar- rel with him while they were at the Hellespont I am unable to say, or whether she did it on purpose, or whether the ship of the Calyndians happened by chance to be in her way ; how- ever, she ran it down, and sunk it, and by good fortune gained a double advantage to herself. For the captain of the Attic ship, when he saw her bearing down on a ship of the bar- 87-90] BATTLE OF SAL AM IS 469 barians, concluding Artemisia's ship to be either a Grecian or one that had deserted from the enemy and was assisting them, turned aside and attacked others. In the first place this was the result to her, that she escaped and did not perish ; and in the next, it fell out that she having done an injury, in consequence of it, became more in favour with Xerxes. For it is said that Xerxes, looking still on, observed her ship mak- ing the attack, and that some near him said, " Sire, do you see Artemisia, how well she fights, and has sunk one of the ene- my's ships ? " Whereupon he asked if it was in truth the exploit of Artemisia : they answered that they knew the en- sign of her ship perfectly well ; but they thought that it was an enemy that was sunk. For, as has been mentioned, other things turned out fortunately for her, and this in particular, that no one of the crew of the Calyndian ship was saved so as to accuse her. And it is related that Xerxes said in answer to their remarks, " My men have become women, and my women, men." They relate that Xerxes said this. In this battle perished the admiral Ariabignes, son of Darius and brother of Xerxes, and many other illustrious men of the Persians and Medes, and the other allies ; but only some few of the Greeks : for as they knew how to swim, they whose ships were destroyed, and who did not perish in actual conflict, swam safe to Salamis ; whereas many of the bar- barians, not knowing how to swim, perished in the sea. When the foremost ships were put to flight, then the greatest num- bers were destroyed ; for those who were stationed behind, endeavouring to pass on with their ships to the front, that they, too, might give the king some proof of their courage, fell foul of their own flying ships. The following event also occurred in this confusion : some Phoenicians, whose ships were destroyed, going to the king, accused the Ionians that their ships had perished by their means, for that they had betrayed him. It, however, turned out that the Ionian cap- tains were not put to death, but that those Phoenicians who accused them received the following reward: for while they were yet speaking, a Samothracian ship bore down on an Athenian ship ; the Athenian was sunk, and an ^Eginetan ship coming up, sunk the ship of the Samothracians. But the Samothracians being javelin-men, by hurling their javelins, drove the marines from the ship that had sunk them, and boarded and got possession of it. This action saved the Ioni- ans ; for when Xerxes saw them perform so great an exploit, he turned round to the Phoenicians, as being above measure grieved, and ready to blame all, and ordered their heads to be 470 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [90-93 struck off, that they who had proved themselves cowards might no more accuse those who were braver. (For when- ever Xerxes saw any one of his own men performing a gallant action in the sea-fight, being seated at the foot of the moun- tain opposite Salamis, which is called ^Egaleos, he inquired the name of the person who did it, and his secretaries wrote down the family and country of the captain of the trireme.) Moreover, Ariaramnes, a Persian, who was a friend to the Ionians, and happened to be present, contributed to the ruin of the Phoenicians. They accordingly betook themselves to the Phoenicians.1 The barbarians being turned to flight, and sailing away toward Phalerus, the ^ginetae waylaying them in the strait, performed actions worthy of record. For the Athenians in the rout ran down both those ships that resisted and those that fled; and the iEginetse, those that sailed away from the battle : so that when any escaped the Athenians, being borne violently on, they fell into the hands of the ^Eginetge. At this time there happened to meet together the ship of Themistocles, giving chase to one of the enemy, and that of Polycritus, son of Crius, an ^Eginetan, bearing down upon a Sidonian ship, the same that had taken the ^Eginetan ship, which was keep- ing watch off Sciathus, and on board of which sailed Pytheas, son of Ischenous, whom, though covered with wounds, the Persians kept in the ship from admiration of his valour. The Sidonian ship that carried him about was taken with the Per- sians on board, so that Pytheas, by this means, returned safe to ttgina. But when Polycritus saw the Athenian ship, he knew it, seeing the admiral's ensign ; and shouting to The- mistocles, he railed at him, upbraiding him with the charge of Medism brought against the ^Eginetae. Polycritus, accord- ingly, as he was attacking the ship, threw out these reproaches against Themistocles. But the barbarians, whose ships sur- vived, fled and arrived at Phalerus, under the protection of the land forces. In this engagement of the Greeks, the ^ginetae obtained the greatest renown ; and next, the Athenians — of particular persons, Polycritus of ^gina, and Athenians, Eumenes the Anagyrasian, with Aminias, a Pallenian, who gave chase to Artemisia ; and if he had known that Artemisia sailed in that ship he would not have given over the pursuit till he had either taken her or been himself taken. For such had been the order given to the Athenian captains ; and, besides, a re- ward of ten thousand drachmas was offered to whoever should 1 That is, " the executioners put them to death." 93-96] BATTLE OF SALAMIS 47 1 take her alive ; for they considered it a great indignity that a woman should make war against Athens. She, however, as has been before mentioned, made her escape; and the others, whose ships survived, lay at Phalerus. The Athenians say that Adimantus, the Corinthian admiral, immediately from the beginning, when the ships engaged, being dismayed and excessively frightened, hoisted sail and fled; and that the Corinthians, seeing their admiral's ship flying, likewise bore away; and when, in their flight, they arrived off the Temple of Minerva Sciras, on the coast of Salamis, a light bark fell in with them by the guidance of heaven ; that no one appeared to have sent it, and that it came up to the Corinthians, who knew nothing relating to the fleet. From this circumstance they conjectured the circumstance to be divine; for that when those on board the bark neared the ship, they spoke as fol- lows : " Adimantus, having drawn off your ships, you have hurried away in flight, betraying the Greeks: they, however, are victorious, as far as they could have desired to conquer their enemies." Having said this, as Adimantus did not credit them, they again spoke as follows : that they were ready to be taken as hostages, and be put to death, if the Greeks were not found to be victorious : upon which, having put about ship, he and the rest returned to the fleet when the work was done. Such a story is told of them by the Athenians; the Corinthians, however, do not admit its truth, but affirm that they were among the foremost in the engagement ; and the rest of Greece bears testimony in their favour. Aristides, son of Lysimachus, an Athenian, of whom I made mention a little before as a most upright man, in this confusion that took place about Salamis, did as follows : taking with him a con- siderable number of heavy armed men, who were stationed along the shore of the Salaminian territory, and were Athe- nians by race, he landed them on the island of Psyttalea, and they put to the sword all the Persians who were on that little island. When the sea-fight was ended, the Greeks, having hauled on shore at Salamis all the wrecks that still happened to be there, held themselves ready for another battle, expecting the king would still make use of the ships that survived. But a west wind carrying away many of the wrecks, drove them on the shore of Attica, which is called Colias, so as to fulfil both all the other oracles delivered by Bacis and Musaeus concern- ing this sea-fight, and also that relating to the wrecks which were drifted on this shore, which many years before had been delivered by Lysistratus, an Athenian augur, but had not been 472 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [96-99 understood by any of the Greeks, " The Colian women shall broil their meat with oars." x This was to happen after the departure of the king. Xerxes, when he saw the defeat he had sustained, fearing lest some of the Ionians might suggest to the Greeks, or lest they themselves might resolve to sail to the Hellespont, for the purpose of breaking up the bridges, and lest he, being shut up in Europe, might be in danger of perishing, meditated flight. But wishing that his intention should not be known either to the Greeks or his own people, he attempted to throw a mound across to Salamis ; and he fastened together Phoe- nician merchantmen, that they might serve instead of a raft and a wall ; and he made preparation for war, as if about to fight another battle at sea. All the others who saw him thus occupied were firmly convinced that he had seriously deter- mined to stay and continue the war ; but none of these things escaped the notice of Mardonius, who was well acquainted with his design. At the same time that Xerxes was doing this he despatched a messenger to the Persians to inform them of the misfortune that had befallen him. There is noth- ing mortal that reaches its destination more rapidly than these couriers : it has been thus planned by the Persians. They say that as many days as are occupied in the whole journey, so many horses and men are posted at regular intervals, a horse and a man being stationed at each day's journey: nei- ther snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor night, prevents them from performing their appointed stage as quickly as possible. The first courier delivers his orders to the second, the second to the third, and so it passes throughout, being delivered from one to the other, just like the torch-bearing among the Greeks, which they perform in honour of Vulcan. This mode of trav- elling by horses the Persians call angareion. The first mes- sage that reached Susa, with the news that Xerxes was in possession of Athens, caused so great joy among the Per- sians who had been left behind that they strewed all the roads with myrtle, burned perfumes, and gave themselves up to sacrifices and festivity. But the second messenger arriving threw them into such consternation that they all rent their garments, and uttered unbounded shouts and lamentations, laying the blame on Mardonius. The Persians acted thus, not so much being grieved for the ships, as fearing for Xerxes himself. And this continued with the Persians during all the time that elapsed until Xerxes himself arrived and stopped them from doing so. 1 Or, " shall shudder at the oars." ioo-ioi] AFTER THE BATTLE 473 Mardonius, seeing1 Xerxes much afflicted on account of the sea-fight, and suspecting he was meditating a retreat from Athens, and having thought within himself that he should suffer punishment for having persuaded the king to invade Greece, and that it would be better for him to incur the hazard either of subduing Greece or ending his life gloriously in at- tempting great achievements: however, the thought of sub- duing Greece weighed more with him ; having, therefore, con- sidered these things, he thus addressed the king : " Sire, do not grieve, nor think you have suffered any great loss in con- sequence of what has happened ; for the contest with us does not depend on wood alone, but on men and horses. None of those who imagine they have already finished the whole busi- ness will quit their ships and attempt to oppose you, nor will any one from this continent ; and they who have opposed us have suffered punishment. If, then, you think fit, let us im- mediately make an attempt on Peloponnesus ; or if you think right to delay, you may do so. But be not discouraged; for the Greeks have no means of escape from rendering an account of what they have done now and formerly, and from becoming your slaves. By all means, therefore, do this. If, however, you have determined yourself to retire, and to with- draw the army, I have then other advice to offer. Do not you, O king, suffer the Persians to be exposed to the derision of the Greeks ; for where the Persians fought, your affairs re- ceived no damage, nor can you say that we have on any occasion proved cowards. But if the Phoenicians, Egyptians, Cyprians, and Cilicians, have shown themselves cowards, this disaster in no respect extends to the Persians. Since, there- fore, the Persians are not to blame, yield to my advice. If you have resolved not to stay here, do you return to your own home, and take with you the greatest part of the army; but it is right that I shouki deliver Greece to you reduced to slavery, having selected three hundred thousand men from the army." Xerxes, having heard this, was rejoiced and de- lighted, as relieved from troubles, and said to Mardonius that, after deliberation, he would give him an answer as to which of these plans he would adopt. While he was delib- erating with his Persian counsellors, he thought fit to send for Artemisia to the council, because she was evidently the only person who before understood what ought to have been done. When Artemisia arrived, Xerxes having ordered his other counsellors of the Persians and his guards to withdraw, spoke as follows : " Mardonius advises me to stay here, and make an attempt on the Peloponnesus; saying that the Persians 474 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [roi-105 and the land army are not at all to blame for the defeat I have sustained, and wish to give me proof of it. He, therefore, ad- vises me either to do this, or wishes himself, having selected three hundred thousand men from the army, to deliver Greece to me reduced to slavery ; and advises me to return to my own home with the rest of the army. Do you, therefore, for you gave me good advice respecting the sea-fight that has taken place, in persuading me from engaging in it, advise me now, by adopting which measure I shall consult best for my inter- est." Thus he asked her advice. She answered as follows : " O king, it is difficult for me to say what is best for you who ask my advice. However, in the present state of affairs, it appears to me that you should return home, and leave Mar- donius here with the troops he requires, if he wishes it, and promises to effect what he says. For, on the one hand, if he conquers what he says he will, and his plans should succeed, the achievement, sire, will be yours, for your servants will have accomplished it. But, on the other hand, if things fall out contrary to the expectation of Mardonius, it will be no great misfortune, so long as you survive, and your own affairs are safe at home. For while you survive, and your house, the Greeks will have to hazard frequent struggles for themselves. But of Mardonius, if he should suffer any reverse, no account will be taken ; nor if the Greeks are victorious, will they gain any great victory in destroying your slave. But you, having burned Athens, for which you undertook this expedition, will retil™ faoggfrg JY~™ac was pleased with her advice, for she happened to say the very things that he designed. For even if all the men and women of the world had advised him to stay, in my opinion, he would not have stayed, so great was his terror. Having commended Artemisia, he sent her to con- duct his sons to Ephesus; for some of his natural sons had accompanied him. With the children he sent Hermotimus as guardian, who was by birth a Pedasian, and among the eunuchs second to none in the king's favour. The Pedasians dwell above Hali- carnassus; and among these Pedasians the following occur- rence takes place : when within a certain time any calamity is about to fall on the different neighbours who dwell round their city, then the priestess of Minerva has a large beard. This has already happened twice to them. Hermotimus, then, was sprung from these Pedasians; and of all the men we know, revenged himself in the severest manner for an injury he had received. For having been taken by an enemy and sold, he was purchased by one Panionius, a Chian, who gained a live- 105-107] RETREAT OF XERXES 475 lihood by most infamous practices. For whenever he pur- chased boys remarkable for beauty, having castrated them, he used to take and sell them at Sardis and Ephesus for large sums ; for with the barbarians eunuchs are more valued than others, on account of their perfect fidelity. Panionius, there- fore, had castrated many others, as he made his livelihood by this means, and among them this man : Hermotimus, how- ever, was not unfortunate in every respect, for he went to Sardis with other presents to the king ; and in process of time was most esteemed by Xerxes of all his eunuchs. When the king was preparing to march his Persian army against Athens, and was at Sardis, at that time having gone down, on some business or other, to the Mysian territory which the Chians possess, and is called Atarneus, he there met with Panionius. Having recognised him, he addressed many friendly words to him ; first recounting to him the many advantages he had ac- quired by his means ; and, secondly, promising him how many benefits he would confer on him in requital if he would bring his family and settle there : so that Panionius, joyfully accept- ing the proposal, brought his children and wife. But when Hermotimus got him with his whole family in his power, he addressed him as follows : " O thou, who of all mankind hast gained thy livelihood by the most infamous acts, what harm had either I, or any of mine, done to thee, or any of thine, that of a man thou hast made me nothing? Thou didst im- agine, surely, that thy machinations would pass unnoticed by the gods ; who following righteous laws, having enticed thee, who hast committed unholy deeds, into my hands, so that thou canst not complain of the punishment I shall inflict on thee." When he had thus upbraided him, his sons being brought into his presence, Panionius was compelled to cas- trate his own sons, who were four in number ; and being com- pelled, he did it ; and, after he had finished it, his sons, being compelled, castrated him. Thus the vengeance of Hermoti- mus 1 overtook Panionius. Xerxes, when he had committed his sons to Artemisia to convey to Ephesus, having sent for Mardonius, bade him choose what forces he would out of the army, and endeavour to make his actions correspond with his words. Thus much was done that day; but in the night, the admirals, by the king's order, took back the ships from Phalerus to the Helles- pont, as quickly as each was able, in order to guard the bridges for the king to pass over. But when the barbarians were sail- ing near Zosta, where some small promontories jut out from 1 Literally, " vengeance and Hermotimus." 476 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [107-109 the mainland, they fancied that they were ships, and fled for a considerable distance ; but after a while, perceiving that they were not ships but promontories, they collected together, and pursued their voyage. When day came, the Greeks, seeing the land forces remaining in the same place, supposed that their ships also were at Phalerus ; they expected also that they would come to an engagement, and prepared to defend them- selves ; but when they were informed that the ships had de- parted, they immediately determined to pursue them. How- ever, they did not get sight of Xerxes's naval force, although they pursued them as far as Andros : on arriving at Andros, therefore, they held a council. Themistocles accordingly gave his opinion that, shaping their course between the islands, and pursuing the ships, they should sail directly to the Helles- pont, and destroy the bridges. But Eurybiades gave a con- trary opinion, saying that if they destroyed the bridges they would do the greatest possible harm to Greece: for if the Persian, being shut in, should be compelled to remain in Eu- rope, he would endeavour not to continue inactive ; for if he continued inactive, he could neither advance his affairs nor find any means of returning home, but his army must perish by famine; and if he should attack them and apply himself to action, all Europe would probably go over to him, by cities and nations, either through being taken by force or capitulat- ing beforehand : and they would derive sustenance from the annual produce of the Greeks. He thought, however, that the Persian, having been conquered in the sea-fight, would not remain in Europe, and therefore should be permitted to fly, until in his flight he should reach his own country. After that he advised that he should be compelled to fight for his own territories. This opinion the commanders of the other Peloponnesians adhered to. When Themistocles perceived that he could not persuade the majority to sail for the Hellespont, changing his plan, he thus addressed the Athenians (for they were exceedingly an- noyed at the escape of the enemy, and were desirous, having consulted among themselves, to sail to the Hellespont, even if the others would not) : " I have myself ere this witnessed many such instances, and have heard of many more; that men, when driven to necessity after being conquered, have renewed the fight and repaired their former loss. Since, then, we have met with unexpected success for ourselves and Greece, by having repelled such a cloud of men, let us no longer pursue the fugitives. For we have not wrought this deliver- ance, but the gods and the heroes, who were jealous that one io9-iii] RETREAT OF XERXES 477 man should reign over both Asia and Europe, and he unholy and wicked ; who treated sacred and profane things alike, burning and throwing down the images of the gods ; who even scourged the sea, and threw fetters into it. Since, then, our affairs are in a prosperous condition, let us remain in Greece, and take care of ourselves and our families; let every one repair his house and apply attentively to sowing his ground, after he has thoroughly expelled the barbarians ; and at the beginning of the spring let us sail to the Hellespont and Ionia." This he said, wishing to secure favour with the Per- sian, that, if any misfortune should overtake him from the Athenians, he might have a place of refuge ; which eventually came to pass. Themistocles, in saying this, deceived them; and the Athenians were persuaded ; for as he had been before considered a wise man, and had now shown himself to be really wise and prudent in counsel, they were ready to yield implicitly to what he said. But after they had been per- suaded, Themistocles presently sent off certain persons in a boat, who he was confident would, though put to every tor- ture, keep secret what he had enjoined them to say to the king; and of these his domestic Sicinnus was again one. When they reached the shore of Attica, the rest remained in the boat, and Sicinnus having gone up to the king, spoke as follows : " Themistocles, son of Neocles, general of the Athe- nians, the most valiant and wisest of all the allies, has sent me to tell you that Themistocles the Athenian, wishing to serve you, has withheld the Greeks, who wished to pursue your ships, and to destroy the bridges on the Hellespont ; now therefore retire at your leisure." They, having made this com- munication, sailed back again. The Greeks, when they had determined neither to pursue the ships of the barbarians any farther nor to sail to the Helles- pont and destroy the passage, invested Andros with intention to destroy it : for the Andrians were the first of the islanders who, when asked for money by Themistocles, refused to give it: but when Themistocles held this language to them, that the Athenians had come having with them two powerful dei- ties, Persuasion and Necessity, and that therefore they must give money, they answered to this, saying that the Athe- nians were with good reason great and prosperous, and were favoured by propitious gods ; since, however, the Andrians were poor in territory, and had reached the lowest pitch of penury, and two unprofitable goddesses, Poverty and Impos- sibility, never forsook their island, but ever loved to dwell there; therefore that the Andrians, being in possession of 478 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [111-114 these deities, would not give any money; for that the power of the Athenians would never prove superior to their inabil- ity. They then, having made this answer, and refused to give money, were besieged. Themistocles, for he never ceased coveting more wealth, sending threatening messages to the other islands, demanded money by the same persons, using the same language he had used with the Andrians ; saying that, unless they gave what was demanded, he would lead the forces of the Greeks against them, and would besiege and destroy them. By saying this he collected large sums from the Carystians and the Parians ; who being informed respecting Andros that it was besieged for siding with the Mede, and with regard to Themistocles, that he was in the greatest repu- tation of the generals, alarmed at these things, sent money. Whether any other of the islanders gave it I am unable to say ; but I am of opinion that some others did, and not these only. However, the Carystians did not by these means at all defer calamity; though the Parians, having conciliated The- mistocles with money, escaped a visit from the army. The- mistocles accordingly, setting out from Andros, obtained money from the islanders unknown to the other generals. The army with Xerxes having stayed a few days after the sea-fight, marched back into Bceotia by the same way, for it appeared to Mardonius both that he should escort the king and that the season of the year was unfit for military opera- tions ; and that it would be better to winter in Thessaly, and to make an attempt on the Peloponnesus early in the spring. When he arrived in Thessaly, Mardonius there selected, first, all the Persians who are called Immortals, except Hydarnes, their general, for he declared he would not leave the king; after these, out of the rest of the Persians, the cuirassiers, and the body of a thousand horse, and the Medes, Sacse, Bactrians, and Indians, both infantry and cavalry, he chose these whole nations ; but from the rest of the allies he selected a few, choos- ing such as were of a good stature, or by whom he knew some gallant action had been performed. Among them, he chose the greatest part of the Persians, who wore necklaces and bracelets ; next to them, the Medes ; these were not less nu- merous than the Persians, but were inferior in strength. Thus the whole, together with the cavalry, made up the number of three hundred thousand. At this time, while Mardonius was selecting his army, and Xerxes was in Thessaly, an oracle came to the Lacedaemonians from Delphi, admonishing them to demand satisfaction of Xerxes for the death of Leonidas, and to accept whatever should be given by him. Accordingly, H4-U7] RETREAT OF XERXES 479 the Spartans immediately despatched a herald as quickly as possible, who when he overtook the whole army still in Thes- saly, having come into the presence of Xerxes, spoke as fol- lows : " King of the Medes, the Lacedaemonians and Heracli- dae of Sparta demand of you satisfaction for blood, because you have slain their king while protecting Greece." But he laughing, and having waited a considerable time, as Mar- donius happened to be standing near him, pointed to him, and said, " This Mardonius, then, shall give them such satisfac- tion as they deserve." The herald, having accepted the omen, went away. Xerxes, having left Mardonius in Thessaly, himself marched in all haste to the Hellespont; and arrived at the place of crossing in forty-five days, bringing back no part of his army, so to speak. Wherever, and among whatever na- tion, they happened to be marching, they seized and consumed their corn; but if they found no fruit, overcome by hunger, they ate up the herbage that sprang up from the ground, and stripped off the bark of trees and gathered leaves, both from the wild and cultivated, and left nothing; this they did from hunger. But a pestilence and dysentery falling on the army, destroyed them on their march. Such of them as were sick, Xerxes left behind, ordering the cities through which he hap- pened to be passing to take care of and feed them : some in Thessaly, others at Siris of Paeonia, and in Macedonia. Here having left the sacred chariot of Jupiter, when he marched against Greece, he did not receive it back, as he returned ; for the Paeonians having given it to the Thracians when Xerxes demanded it back, said that the mares had been stolen, as they were feeding, by the upper Thracians, who dwell round the sources of the Strymon. There the King of the Bisaltae and of the Crestonian territory, a Thracian, perpetrated a most unnatural deed : he declared that he would not willingly be a slave to Xerxes, but went up to the top of Mount Rhodope, and enjoined his sons not to join the expedition against Greece. They, however, disregarding his prohibi- tion, from a desire to see the war, served in the army with the Persian : but when they all returned safe, being six in number, their father had their eyes put out for this disobedi- ence ; and they met with this recompense. The Persians, when in their march from Thrace they ar- rived at the passage, in great haste crossed over the Hellespont to Abydos in their ships ; for they found the rafts no longer stretched across, but broken up by a storm. While detained there, they got more food than on their march, and having 480 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [117-121 filled themselves immoderately, and changed their water, a great part of the army that survived died : the rest with Xerxes reached Sardis. This different account is also given, that when Xerxes in his retreat from Athens arrived at E'ion on the Strymon, from thence he no longer continued his journey by land, but committed the army to Hydarnes to conduct to the Hellespont, and himself going on board a Phoenician ship, passed over to Asia: that during his voyage a violent and tempestuous wind from the Strymon overtook him ; and then, for the storm increased in violence, the ship being overloaded, so that many of the Persians who accompanied Xerxes were on the deck, thereupon the king becoming alarmed, and call- ing aloud, asked the pilot if there were any hope of safety for them ; and he said, " There is none, sire, unless we get rid of some of those many passengers." It is further related that Xerxes, having heard this answer, said, " O Persians, now let some among you show his regard for the king, for on you my safety seems to depend." That he spoke thus ; and that they, having done homage, leaped into the sea; and that the ship being lightened, thus got safe to Asia. It is added that Xerxes, immediately after he landed, did as follows : he pre- sented the pilot with a golden crown, because he had saved the king's life ; but ordered his head to be struck off, because he had occasioned the loss of many Persians. This latter story is told of the return of Xerxes, but appears to me not at all deserving of credit, either in other respects nor as to this loss of the Persians ; for if this speech had been made by the pilot of Xerxes, I should not find one opinion in ten thousand to deny that the king would have acted thus : that he would have sent down into the hold of the ship those who were on deck, since they were Persians, and Persians of high rank, and would have thrown into the sea a number of rowers, who were Phoenicians, equal to that of the Persians. He, however, as I have before related, proceeding on the march with the rest of the army, returned to Asia. This also is a strong proof : it is known that Xerxes reached Abdera on his way back, and made an alliance of friendship with the people, and presented them with a golden scimetar, and a gold-embroidered tiara. And as the Abderites themselves say, saying what is by no means credible to me, he there for the first time loosened his girdle in his flight from Athens, as being at length in a place of safety. Abdera is situated nearer to the Hellespont than the Strymon and Eion, whence they say he embarked on board the ship. Meanwhile the Greeks, finding they were not able to re- 121-125] THEMISTOCLES HONOURED 481 duce Andros, turned to Carystus, and having ravaged their country, returned to Salamis. In the first place, then, they set apart first fruits for the gods, and, among other things, three Phoenician triremes : one to be dedicated at the isthmus, which was there in my time; a second at Sunium, and the third to Ajax, there at Salamis. After that, they divided the booty, and sent the first fruits to Delphi, from which a statue was made, holding the beak of a ship in its hand, and twelve cubits in height; it stands in the place where is the golden statue of Alexander the Macedonian. The Greeks, having sent first fruits to Delphi, inquired of the god in the name of all if he had received sufficient and acceptable first fruits : he answered that from the rest of the Greeks he had, but not from the jEginetae ; of them he demanded an offering on account of their superior valour in the sea-fight at Salamis. The vEgi- netae, being informed of this, dedicated three golden stars, which are placed on a brazen mast in the corner, very near the bowl of Croesus. After the division of the booty, the Greeks sailed to the isthmus, for the purpose of conferring the palm of valour upon him among the Greeks who had proved himself most deserving throughout the war. When the generals, having arrived, distributed the ballots at the altar of Neptune, selecting the first and second out of all ; there- upon every one gave his vote for himself, each thinking him- self the most valiant; but with respect to the second place, the majority concurred in selecting Themistocles. They, therefore, had but one vote, whereas Themistocles had a great majority for the second honour. Though the Greeks, out of envy, would not determine this matter, but returned to their several countries without coming to a decision ; yet Themisto- cles was applauded and extolled throughout all Greece as being by far the wisest man of the Greeks. But because, al- though victorious, he was not honoured by those who fought at Salamis, he immediately afterward went to Lacedaemon, hoping to be honoured there. The Lacedaemonians received him nobly, and paid him the greatest honours. They gave the prize of valour to Eurybiades, a crown of olive; and of wisdom and dexterity to Themistocles, to him also a crown of olive. And they presented him with the most magnificent chariot in Sparta ; and having praised him highly, on his de- parture, three hundred chosen Spartans, the same that are called knights, escorted him as far as the Tegean boundaries. He is the only man that we know of whom the Spartans es- corted on his journey. When he arrived at Athens, from Lacedaemon, thereupon 31 482 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [125-128 Timodemus of Aphidnae, who was one of Themistocles's ene- mies, though otherwise a man of no distinction, becoming mad through envy, reproached Themistocles, alleging against him his journey to Lacedaemon ; and that the honours he received from the Lacedaemonians were conferred on account of Athens, and not for his own sake. But he, as Timodemus did not cease to repeat the same thing, said : " The truth is, nei- ther should I, were I a Belbinite, have been thus honoured by the Spartans ; nor would you, fellow, were you an Athenian." So far, then, this occurred. In the meantime Artabazus, son of Pharnaces, a man even before of high repute among the Persians, and much more so after the battle of Plataea, having with him sixty thousand men of the army which Mardonius selected, escorted the king as far as the passage. And when the king arrived in Asia, he, marching back, came into the neighbourhood of Pallene ; but as Mardonius was wintering in Thessaly and Macedonia, and there was nothing as yet to urge him to join the rest of the army, he did not think it right, since he happened to be in the way of the Potidaeans who had revolted, to neglect the opportunity of reducing them to slavery. For the Potidaeans, as soon as the king had passed by, and the Persian fleet had fled from Salamis, openly revolted from the barbarians; as also did the other inhabitants of Pallene. Artabazus, there- fore, besieged Potidaea. And as he suspected that the Olyn- thians intended to revolt from the king, he also besieged their city. The Bottiaeans then held it, who had been driven from the bay of Therma by the Macedonians. When he had be- sieged and taken them, having taken them out to a marsh, he slaughtered them, and gave the city to Critobulus of Torone to govern, and to the Chalcidian race: thus the Chalcidians became possessed of Olynthus. Artabazus, having taken this city, applied himself vigorously to the siege of Potidaea ; and, as he was earnestly engaged with it, Timoxenus, general of the Scionaeans, treated with him for the betrayal of the city : in what way at first I am unable to say, for it is not reported ; at last, however, the following plan was adopted : when either Timoxenus had written a letter and wished to send it to Arta- bazus, or Artabazus to Timoxenus, having rolled it round the butt-end of an arrow, and put the feathers over the letter, they shot the arrow to a spot agreed upon. But Timoxenus was detected in attempting to betray Potidaea. For Artabazus, when endeavouring to shoot to the spot agreed upon, missed the right spot and wounded one of the Potidaeans on the shoulder; a crowd ran round the wounded man, as is usual 128-130] THE WINTER CAMPAIGN 483 in time of war ; they having immediately drawn out the arrow, when they perceived the letter, carried it to the generals ; and an allied force of the other Pallenians was also present. When the generals had read the letter, and discovered the author of the treachery, they determined not to impeach Timoxenus of treason, for the sake of the city of the Scionaeans, lest the Scionaeans should ever after be accounted traitors. In this manner, then, he was detected. After three months had been spent by Artabazus in the siege, there happened a great ebb of the sea, which lasted for a long time. The barbarians, see- ing a passage that might be forded, marched across toward Pallene; and when they had performed two parts of their journey and three still remained, which they must have passed over to be within Pallene, a strong flood-tide of the sea came on them, such as never was seen before, as the inhabitants say, though floods are frequent. Those, then, that did not know how to swim perished, and those that did know how, the Potidaeans, sailing upon them in boats, put to death. The Potidaeans say that the cause of this flux and inundation, and of the Persian disaster, was this, that these very Persians who were destroyed by the sea, had committed impieties at the Temple of Neptune, and the statue which stands in the suburbs ; and in saying this was the cause they appear to me to speak correctly. The survivors Artabazus led to Thessaly, to join Mardonius. Such, then, was the fate of those troops that had escorted the king. The naval force of Xerxes that survived when it reached Asia in its flight from Salamis, and had transported the king and his army from the Chersonese to Abydos, wintered at Cyme. And at the first appearance of spring it assembled early at Samos; and some of the ships had wintered there. Most of the marines were Persians and Medes, and their gen- erals came on board, Mardontes, son of Bagaeus, and Artayn- tes, son of Artachaeus ; and Ithamitres, nephew of the latter, shared the command with them, Artayntes himself having associated him with them. As they had sustained a severe blow, they did not advance farther to the westward, nor did any one compel them ; but remaining, they kept watch over Ionia lest it should revolt, having three hundred ships, includ- ing those of Ionia. Neither did they expect that the Greeks would come to Ionia, but thought they would be content to guard their own territory ; inferring this, because they had not pursued them in their flight from Salamis, but had readily retired. By sea, therefore, they despaired of success, but on land they imagined that Mardonius would be decidedly supe- 484 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [130-133 rior. While they were at Samos they at the same time con- sulted together whether they could do the enemy any damage, and listened anxiously for news of how the affairs of Mar- donius would succeed. The approach of spring, and Mar- donius being in Thessaly, aroused the Grecians. Their land forces were not yet assembled ; but their fleet arrived at ^Egina, in number one hundred and ten ships. Their leader and admiral was Leoty chides, son of Menares, son of Agesi- laus, son of Hippocratides, son of Leotychides, son of Anax- ilaus, son of Archidamus, son of Anaxandrides, son of Theo- pompus, son of Nicander, son of Charillus, son of Eunomus, son of Polydectes, son of Prytanis, son of Euryphon, son of Procles, son of Aristodemus, son of Aristomachus, son of Cleodaeus, son of Hyllus, son of Hercules : he was of the second branch of the royal family. All these, except the two men- tioned first after Leotychides, were Kings of Sparta. Xan- thippus, son of Ariphron, commanded the Athenians. When all these ships were assembled at ^Egina, ambassadors from the Ionians arrived at the encampment of the Greeks ; who a short time before had gone to Sparta, and entreated the Lace- daemonians to liberate Ionia; and among them was Herodo- tus, son of Basilides. These, who were originally seven in number, having conspired together, formed a plan of putting Strattis, the tyrant of Chios, to death; but as they were de- tected in their plot, one of the accomplices having given in- formation of the attempt, thereupon the rest, being six, with- drew from Chios and went to Sparta, and at the present time to yEgina, beseeching the Greeks to sail down to Ionia ; they with difficulty prevailed on them to advance as far as Delos. For all beyond that was dreaded by the Greeks, who were unacquainted with those countries, and thought all parts were full of troops ; Samos, they were convinced in their imagina- tions, was as far distant as the Columns of Hercules. Thus it fell out that at the same time the barbarians durst not sail farther westward than Samos ; nor the Greeks, though the Chians besought them, farther eastward than Delos. Thus fear protected the midway between them. The Greeks, then, sailed to Delos, and Mardonius was in winter quarters about Thessaly. When preparing to set out from thence, he sent a man, a native of Europus, whose name was Mys, to consult the oracles, with orders to go everywhere and consult all that it was possible for him to inquire of. What he wished to learn from the oracles when he gave these orders I am unable to say, for it is not related ; I am of opin- ion, however, that he sent to inquire about the affairs then 133-136] MYS CONSULTS THE ORACLES 485 depending, and not about any others. This Mys clearly ap- pears to have arrived at Lebadea, and having persuaded a native of the place by a bribe, descended into the cave of Trophonius ; and arrived also at the oracle of Abse of the Phocians ; moreover, as soon as he arrived at Thebes, he first of all consulted the Ismenian Apollo, and it is there the cus- tom, as in Olympia, to consult the oracle by means of vic- ' tims ; and next, having persuaded some stranger, not a The- ban, by money, he caused him to sleep in the Temple of Am- phiaraus. For none of the Thebans are permitted to consult there, for the following reason : Amphiaraus, communicating with them by means of oracles, bade them choose whichever they would of these two things, to have him either for their prophet, or their ally, abstaining from the other; they chose to have him for their ally : for this reason, therefore, no The- ban is allowed to sleep there. The following, to me very strange circumstance, is related by the Theban to have hap- pened : that this Mys, of Europus, in going round to all the oracles, came also to the precinct of the Ptoan Apollo; this temple is called Ptoan, but belongs to the Thebans, and is situated above the lake Copais, at the foot of a mountain, very near the city of Acraephia: that when this man, called Mys, arrived at this temple, three citizens, chosen by the public, ac- companied him for the purpose of writing down what the oracle should pronounce: and forthwith the priestess gave an answer in a foreign tongue ; and that those Thebans who accompanied him stood amazed at hearing a foreign language instead of Greek, and knew not what to do on the present occa- sion ; but that Mys, suddenly snatching from them the tablet which they brought, wrote on it the words spoken by the prophet ; and said that he had given an answer in the Carian tongue; and after he had written it down he departed for Thessaly. Mardonius having read the answers of the oracles, after- ward sent Alexander, son of Amyntas, a Macedonian, as an ambassador to Athens ; as well because the Persians were re- lated to him (for Bubares, a Persian, had married Alexander's sister Gygaea, daughter of Amyntas, by whom he had the Amyntas in Asia, who took his name from his maternal grand- father,: to him Alabanda, a large city of Phrygia, had been given by the king to govern), as because he had been informed that Alexander was a friend and benefactor of the Athenians ; Mardonius therefore sent him. For in this way he thought he should best be able to gain over the Athenians, having heard that they were a numerous and valiant people; and, 486 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [136-138 besides, he knew that the Athenians had been the principal cause of the late disaster of the Persians at sea. If these were won over, he hoped that he should easily become master at sea, which indeed would have been the case; and on land he imagined that he was much superior: thus he calculated that his power would get the upper hand of the Grecian. Per- haps also the oracles had given him this warning, advising him to make Athens his ally; accordingly, relying on them, he sent. The seventh ancestor of this Alexander was Perdiccas, who obtained the sovereignty of the Macedonians in the fol- lowing manner: Gauanes, Aeropus, and Perdiccas, three brothers, of the descendants of Temenus, fled from Argos to the Illyrians, and crossing over from the Illyrians into upper Macedonia, they arrived at the city of Lebaea; there they entered into the king's service for wages. One of them had the care of his horses ; another, of his oxen ; and the youngest of them, Perdiccas, of the lesser cattle. Formerly, even monarchs were poor in wealth, and not only the people ; so that the wife of the king was accustomed to cook their food. Whenever the bread of the hireling lad Perdiccas was baked, it became twice as large as at first: and when this always happened, she told it to her husband. It immediately oc- curred to him, when he heard it, that it was a prodigy, and boded something of importance. Having, therefore, sum- moned the hirelings, he commanded them to depart out of his territories. They answered that they were entitled to receive their wages, and then they would go. Thereupon the king, hearing about wages, as the rays of the sun reached into the house down the chimney, said, being deprived of his senses by the deity, " I give you this, as your wages equal to your services," pointing to the sun. Gauanes and Aeropus, the elder, stood amazed when they heard this. But the lad, for he happened to have a knife, saying thus, " We accept thy offer, O king," traced a circle on the floor of the house round the sun's rays, and having so traced the circle, and having drawn the sun's rays three times on his bosom, departed, and the others with him. They accordingly went away; but one of those who were sitting by him informed the king what the lad had done, and how the youngest of them accepted the offer with some design. He, on hearing this, being in a rage, despatched after them some horsemen to kill them. In this country is a river, to which the descendants of these men from Argos sacrifice as their deliverer. It, when the Temenidae had crossed over, swelled to such a height that the horesmen were 138-140] ALEXANDER SENT TO ATHENS 487 unable to cross it. They, then, coming to another district of Macedonia, settled near the gardens that are said to have be- longed to Midas, son of Gordias; in which wild roses grow, each one having sixty leaves, and surpassing all others in fragrance. In these gardens Silenus was taken, as is related by the Macedonians. Above the gardens is a mountain, called Bermion, inaccessible from the cold. Issuing from thence, when they had possessed themselves of this tract, they sub- dued the rest of Macedonia. From this Perdiccas, Alexander was thus descended. Alexander was the son of Amyntas, Amyntas of Alcetes, the father of Alcetes was Aeropus, of him Philip, of Philip, Argseus, and of him, Perdiccas, who acquired the sovereignty. Thus, then, was Alexander, son of Amyntas, descended. When he arrived at Athens, being sent by Mardonius, he spoke as follows : " Men of Athens, Mardonius says thus : A message has come to me from the king, conceived in these terms : ' I forgive the Athenians all the injuries committed by them against me; therefore, Mardonius, do thus: First, restore to them their territory ; and next, let them choose, in addition to it, another country, whatever they please, and live under their own laws; and rebuild all their temples which I have burned, if they are willing to come to terms with me.' These orders having come to me, I must of necessity execute them, unless you on your part oppose. And now I say this to you. Why are you so mad as to levy war against the king ? for neither can you get the better of him, nor can you re- sist him forever. You are acquainted with the multitude of Xerxes's army, and their achievements ; you have heard of the force that is even now with me; so that even if you should get the better of us and conquer (of which, however, you can have no hope, if you think soberly), another much more numerous will come against you. Suffer not yourselves, then, to be deprived of your country, and to be continually running a risk for your existence, by equalling yourselves with the king, but be reconciled to him; and it is in your power to be reconciled honourably, since the king is so disposed. Be free, having contracted an alliance with us, without guile or deceit. This, O Athenians, Mardonius charged me to say to you. But I, for my own part, will say nothing of the good- will I bear toward you; for you would not learn it for the first time. But I entreat you, listen to Mardonius, for I see that you will not always be able to carry on war against Xerxes. For if I had seen this power in you, I would never have come to you bringing such a proposal. For the power 488 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [140-142 of the king is more than human, and his arm exceeding long. If, then, you do not immediately come to terms, when they offer such favourable conditions on which they are willing to agree, I greatly fear for you, who of all the allies dwell in the most beaten road, and who must continually be the only people destroyed, since ye possess a territory exposed, as being between both armies. Be persuaded, then ; for this is a high honour to you that the great king, forgiving your of- fences alone among all the Greeks, is willing to become your friend." Thus spoke Alexander. But the Lacedaemonians, having been informed that Alexander had arrived at Athens, in order to induce the Athenians to an agreement with the Barbarian; and remembering the oracles, how it was fated that they, with the rest of the Dorians, should be driven out of Peloponnesus by the Medes and Athenians, were very much afraid lest the Athenians should make terms with the Persian, and therefore resolved forthwith to send ambassadors. It so happened that the introduction of both took place at the same time. For the Athenians had purposely delayed the time, well knowing that the Lacedaemonians would hear that an ambas- sador had come from the Barbarian to negotiate a treaty, and that when they did hear of it, they would send ambassadors with all speed. They therefore designedly so contrived as to show their intentions to the Lacedaemonians. When Alex- ander had ceased speaking, the ambassadors from Sparta, speaking next, said : " The Lacedaemonians have sent us to entreat you not to adopt any new measures with respect to Greece, nor to listen to proposals from the barbarians ; for neither would it be by any means just nor honourable either in any others of the Greeks, and least of all in you, for many reasons. For you raised this war, against our wish, and the contest arose about your sovereignty; but it now relates to the whole of Greece. Besides, that the Athenians, who are the authors of all these things, should prove the occasion of slavery to Greece, is on no account to be borne ; you, who always, and from of old, have been seen to assert the freedom of many nations. We, however, sympathize with you in your difficulties, and that you have already been deprived of two harvests, and that your property has been so long involved in ruin. But in compensation for this, the Lacedaemonians and the allies promise to support your wives and all the rest of your families which are useless in war as long as the war shall continue. Therefore, let not Alexander the Macedonian per- suade you, by glossing over the proposal of Mardonius; for this is what he would naturally do ; for being himself a tyrant, 142-144] ANSWER OF THE ATHENIANS 489 he aids a tyrant's cause. But you should not so act, if indeed you think rightly ; because you know that with barbarians there is neither faith nor truth." Thus spoke the ambassadors. The Athenians gave the following answer to Alexander : " We ourselves are aware of this, that the power of the Medes is far greater than ours ; so that there was no need to insult us with that. But, nevertheless, being ardent for liberty, we will defend ourselves in such manner as we are able. But do not you attempt to persuade us to come to terms with the Bar- barian, for we will not be persuaded. Go, then, and tell Mar- donius that the Athenians say, so long as the sun shall con- tinue in the same course as now, we will never make terms with Xerxes : but we will go out to oppose him, trusting in the gods, who fight for us, and in the heroes, whose temples and images he, holding them in no reverence, has burned. And do you appear no more in the presence of the Athenians, bringing such proposals ; nor, imagining that you do us good service, urge us to do wicked deeds. For we are unwilling that you, who are our guest and friend, should meet with any ungracious treatment at the hands of the Athenians." To Alexander they gave this answer ; and to the ambassa- dors from Sparta the following : " That the Lacedaemonians should fear lest we should make terms with the Barbarian was very natural ; yet, knowing as you do the mind of the Athe- nians, you appear to entertain an unworthy dread ; for there is neither so much gold anywhere in the world, nor a coun- try so pre-eminent in beauty and fertility, by receiving which we should be willing to side with the Mede and enslave Greece. For there are many and powerful considerations that forbid us to do so, even if we were inclined. First and chief, the images and dwellings of the gods, burned and laid in ruins : this we must needs avenge to the utmost of our power, rather than make terms with the man who has perpetrated such deeds. Secondly, the Grecian race being of the same blood and the same language, and the temples of the gods and sacrifices in common ; and our similar customs ; for the Athenians to become betrayers of these would not be well. Know, there- fore, if you did not know it before, that so long as one Athe- nian is left alive we will never make terms with Xerxes. Your forethought, however, which you manifest toward us, we ad- mire, in that you provide for us whose property is thus ruined, so as to be willing to support our families ; and you have ful- filled the duty of benevolence ; we, however, will continue thus in the state we are, without being burdensome to you. Now, since matters stand as they do, send out an army with all pos- 490 HERODOTUS— BOOK VIII, URANIA [144 sible expedition; for, as we conjecture, the barbarian will in no long time be here to invade our territories, as soon as he shall hear our message that we will do none of the things he required of us. Therefore, before he has reached Attica, it is fitting that we go out to meet him in Bceotia." When the Athenians had given this answer, the ambassadors re- turned to Sparta. M BOOK IX CALLIOPE ARDONIUS, when Alexander, having returned, had made known the answer from the Athenians, set out from Thessaly, and led his army in haste against Athens ; and wherever he arrived from time to time, he joined the people to his own forces. The leaders of Thes- saly were so far from repenting of what had been before done that they urged on the Persian much more: and Thorax of Larissa both assisted in escorting Xerxes in his flight, and now openly gave Mardonius a passage into Greece. When the army on its march arrived among the Bceotians, the The- bans endeavoured to restrain Mardonius, and advised him, saying that there was no country more convenient to encamp in than that, and dissuaded him from advancing farther, but urged him to take up his station there, and contrive so as to subdue the whole of Greece without a battle. For that if the Greeks continue firmly united, as they had done before, it would be difficult even for all mankind to overcome them. " But," they continued, " if you will do what we advise, you will without difficulty frustrate all their plans : send money to the most powerful men in the cities ; and by sending it you will split Greece into parties, and then, with the assistance of those of your party, you may easily subdue those who are not in your interest." They gave this advice ; he, however, was not prevailed on, but a vehement desire of taking Athens a second time was instilled into him ; partly by presumption, and partly, he hoped, by signal fires across the islands, to make known to the king while he was at Sardis that he was in possession of Athens. When he arrived in Attica he did not find the Athenians there; but was informed that most of them were at Salamis, and on board their ships; he therefore took the deserted city. The capture by the king was ten months before this second invasion by Mardonius. While Mardonius was at Athens he sent Murychides, a Hellespontine, to Salamis, with the same proposals which 491 492 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [4-7 Alexander the Macedonian had already conveyed to the Athe- nians. He sent this second time, although before aware that the disposition of the Athenians was not friendly to him, but expecting they would remit something of their haughtiness, since the whole Attic territory was taken and now in his power. For these reasons he sent Murychides to Salamis. He, on coming before the council, delivered the message of Mardonius. And Lycidas, one of the councillors, gave his opinion that it appeared to him to be best to entertain the proposal which Murychides brought to them, and to report it to the people. He delivered this opinion, either because he had received money from Mardonius or because such was really his opinion. But the Athenians, immediately being very indignant, both those belonging to the council and those without, as soon as they were informed of it surrounded Lycidas, and stoned him to death ; but they dismissed Mury- chides the Hellespontine unharmed. A tumult having taken place at Salamis respecting Lycidas, the Athenian women ob- tained information of what had happened ; whereupon one woman encouraging another, and uniting together, they went of their own accord to the house of Lycidas, and stoned his wife and children. The Athenians had crossed over to Salamis under the following circumstances : as long as they expected that an army would come from the Peloponnesus to assist them, they remained in Attica ; but when they had recourse to delay and extreme tardiness, and Mardonius was advancing and reported to be in Bceotia, they then removed all their effects, and themselves crossed over to Salamis : they also sent ambassadors to Lacedaemon, partly to blame the Lacedae- monians, because they had allowed the barbarian to invade Attica, and had not gone out with them to meet him in Bce- otia; and partly to remind them of what the Persian had promised to give them if they would change sides ; and to forewarn them that, unless they assisted the Athenians, they would themselves find some means of escape. At that time the Lacedaemonians were employed in celebrating a festival, and it was the Hyacinthia with them ; and they deemed it of the greatest importance to attend to the service of the deity. At the same time they were busied in building the wall at the isthmus, and it had already received the breastworks. When the ambassadors from the Athenians arrived at Lace- daemon, bringing with them ambassadors from Megara and Plataea, they went before the ephori, and spoke as follows : " The Athenians have sent us to tell you that the King of the Medes in the first place offers to restore our country; and, 7-9] DELAY AT SPARTA 493 secondly, is willing to make us his allies on fair and equal terms, without fraud or deceit ; he is also willing to give us another territory, in addition to our own, whatever we our- selves may choose. We, however, reverencing the Grecian Jupiter, and thinking it disgraceful to betray Greece, have not acceded to, but rejected his offers ; though we are unjustly treated, and betrayed by the Greeks, and know that it is more for our interest to come to terms with the Persian than to con- tinue the war ; still we will never willingly come to terms with him. Thus sincerely we have acted toward the Greeks. But you, who were then in the utmost consternation lest we should come to terms with the Persian, when you were clearly as- sured of our resolution that we will never betray Greece, and because your wall drawn across the isthmus is now nearly completed, no longer show any regard for the Athenians. For having agreed to advance with us to meet the Persian in Bceotia, you have betrayed us, and have allowed the barbarian to invade Attica. Hitherto the Athenians are angry with you, for you have not acted in a becoming manner ; and now they exhort you to send out forces with us with all expedition, that we may receive the barbarian in Attica ; for since we have ■missed Bceotia, the Thriasian plain in our own territory is the most convenient place to give battle in." When the ephori had heard this message, they put off their answer to the next day, and on the next day to the morrow. This they did for ten days, putting them off from day to day. During this time they proceeded with the wall at the isthmus, all the Pelopon- nesians using the utmost diligence ; and it was nearly com- pleted. I can give no reason why, when Alexander the Mace- donian went to Athens, they took such pains to prevent the Athenians from siding with the Mede, and then took no trouble about it, except that the isthmus was now fortified, and they thought they had no further need of the Athenians ; whereas, when Alexander arrived in Attica, the wall was not yet built, but they were working at it, being in great dread of the Per- sians. At length the answer and march of the Spartans happened in the following manner : * On the day preceding that on which the last audience was to take place, Chileus of Tegea, who had the greatest influence in Lacedaemon of any stranger, was informed by the ephori of all that the Athenians had said. Chileus, having heard it, spoke to them as follows : " The case is thus, O ephori ; if the Athenians are not united with us, but 1 Literally, " the following manner of the answer and march took place." 494 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [9-12 are allied to the barbarians, although a strong wall has been carried across the isthmus, wide doors leading into the Pelo- ponnesus are open to the Persian ; therefore give heed, before the Athenians come to any other determination which may bring ruin on Greece." He then gave them this advice ; and they, taking his remark into consideration, forthwith, without saying anything to the ambassadors who had come from the cities, while it was still night, sent out five thousand Spartans, appointing seven helots to attend each, and committing the conduct of them to Pausanias, son of Cleombrotus. The com- mand properly belonged to Pleistarchus, son of Leonidas; but he was still a boy, and the former his guardian and cousin. For Cleombrotus, the father of Pausanias, and son to Anaxan- drides, was no longer living, but having led back the army that had built the wall from the isthmus, he died shortly after- ward. Cleombrotus led back the army from the isthmus for this reason : as he was sacrificing against the Persians, the sun darkened in the heavens. Pausanias chose as his colleague Euryanax, son of Dorieus, who was a man of the same family. These forces, accordingly, marched from Sparta with Pau- sanias. The ambassadors, when they came, knowing nothing of the march of the troops, went to the ephori, being resolved themselves also to depart severally to their own cities ; and having come into their presence, they spoke as follows : " You, O Lacedaemonians, remaining here, celebrate the Hyacinthia, and divert yourselves, while you are betraying the allies. But the Athenians, being injured by you, and destitute of allies, will make peace with the Persian on such terms as they can. And having made peace, it is evident that we shall become the king's allies, and shall march with them against whatever country they shall lead us ; and then you will learn what the consequence will be to yourselves." When the ambassadors had thus spoken, the ephori said with an oath that those who had set out against the foreigners were already at Oresteum, for they call the barbarians foreigners. The ambassadors asked what was meant ; and on inquiry learned the whole truth, so that, being much surprised, they followed after them with all possible expedition ; and with them five thousand chosen heavy armed troops of the neighbouring Lacedae- monians did the same. They then hastened toward the isth- mus. But the Argives, as soon as they heard that the troops with Pausanias had left Sparta, sent a herald to Attica, having looked out the best of their couriers, for they had before prom- ised Mardonius to prevent the Spartans from going out. He, when he arrived at Athens, spoke as follows : " Mardonius, 12-15] MARDONIUS RETREATS FROM ATHENS 495 the Argives have sent me to inform you that the youth of Lacedaemon are marched out, and that the Argives were' un- able to prevent them from going out. Under these circum- stances take the best advice you can." He, having spoken thus, went home again. Mardonius, when he heard this, was by no means desirous to stay longer in Attica. Before he heard this he lingered there, wishing to know from the Athenians what they would do; but he neither ravaged nor injured the Attic territory, being in expectation all along that they would come to terms. But when he could not persuade them, being informed of the whole truth, he withdrew, before those with Pausanias reached the isthmus, having first set fire to Athens, and if any part of the walls, or houses, or temples, happened to be standing, having thrown down and laid all in ruins. He marched out for the following reasons, because the Attic country was not adapted for cavalry; and if he should be conquered in an engagement, there was no way to escape except through a narrow pass, so that even a small number of men could inter- cept them. He determined, therefore, to retire to Thebes, and to fight near a friendly city, and in a country adapted for cavalry. Mardonius accordingly retreated ; and while he was yet on his march, another message came in advance that an- other army had reached Megara, consisting of a thousand Lacedaemonians. When he heard this he deliberated, wishing, if by any means he could, to take these first ; therefore, wheel- ing round, he led his army against Megara ; and his cavalry going on before scoured the Megarian territory. This was the farthest part of Europe, toward the sunset, to which the Persian army reached. After this, news came to Mardonius that the Greeks were assembled at the isthmus ; he therefore marched back to Decelea. For the Boeotian chiefs had sent for the neighbours of the Asopians ; and they conducted him along the way to Sphendale, and from thence to Tanagra; and having passed the night at Tanagra, and on the next day turned toward Scolus, he arrived in the territory of the The- bans. There he cleared the lands of the Thebans, though they sided with the Mede, not out of enmity toward them, but con- strained by urgent necessity ; wishing to make a fortification for his army, and in case, when he engaged, the result should not be such as he wished, he might have this as a place of refuge. His camp, beginning at Erythrae, passed by Hisiae and extended to the Plataean territory, stretching to the river Asopus. The wall, however, was not built of this extent, but each front was about ten stades in length. 496 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [15-17 While the barbarians were employed in this task, At- taginus, son of Phrynon, a Theban, having made great prep- arations, invited Mardonius himself and fifty of the most eminent Persians to an entertainment; and they, being in- vited, came. The feast was held at Thebes. The rest I heard from Thersander, an Orchomenian, a man of high repute at Orchomenus. Thersander said that he also was invited by Attaginus to this feast, and that fifty Thebans were also in- vited ; and that he did not place each person on a separate couch, but a Persian and a Theban on each couch. When supper was over, and they were drinking freely, the Persian who was on the same couch, using the Grecian tongue, asked him of what country he was; he answered that he was an Orchomenian, whereupon the other said : " Since you are a partaker of the same table and of the same cups with me, I wish to leave with you a memorial of my opinion, in order that, being forewarned, you may be able to consider what is best for your own interest. Do you see these Persians feast- ing here, and the army that we left encamped near the river? Of all these you will see, after the lapse of a short time, only some few surviving." As the Persian said this, he shed abundance of tears ; and he himself, being astonished at his words, said to him, " Would it not be right to tell this to Mar- donius, and to those Persians who are next to him in author- ity?" To this he answered: " My friend, that which is fated by the deity to happen it is impossible for man to avert; for no one will listen to those who say what is worthy of credit. And though many of the Persians are convinced of this, we follow, being bound by necessity. The bitterest grief to which men are liable is this, when one knows much, to have no power to act." This I heard from Thersander the Orchomenian; and this, besides, that he immediately told this to several per- sons before the battle was fought at Plataea. While Mardonius encamped in Bceotia, all the rest fur- nished troops, and joined in the attack upon Athens, such, however, of the Greeks who, dwelling in these parts, sided with the Mede : but the Phocians only did not join in the at- tack ; for they took part with the Mede very unwillingly and by necessity. But not many days after his arrival at Thebes a thousand of their heavy armed troops arrived ; Harmocydes, a man of high repute among the citizens, commanded them. When they also arrived at Thebes, Mardonius, having sent some horsemen, ordered them to encamp by themselves in the plain ; and when they had done this, the whole cavalry came up. Upon this a rumour spread through the Grecian forces, 17-20] ADVANCE OF THE GREEKS 497 who were with the Medes, that they were going to despatch them with their javelins ; this same rumour also spread among the Phocians themselves. Whereupon their general Harmo- cydes encouraged them, addressing them as follows : " O Pho- cians, it is plain that these men are about to deliver us up to certain death, we having been calumniated by the Thessalians, as I conjecture. Now, therefore, it is fitting that every one of you should prove himself valiant, for it is better to die doing something, and defending ourselves, than expose our- selves to be destroyed by a most disgraceful death. Let some of these men learn, then, that, being barbarians, they have plotted death against men who are Greeks." Thus he encour- aged them. But the cavalry, when they had surrounded them on all sides, rode up as if to destroy them, and brandished their javelins, as if about to hurl them ; and one here and there did hurl his javelin. They, however, faced them, forming themselves into a circle, and closing their ranks as much as possible : whereupon the cavalry wheeled round and rode away. I am unable to say with certainty whether they came to destroy the Phocians at the request of the Thessalians, and when they saw them prepared to defend themselves, were afraid lest they might receive some wounds, and therefore rode off (because Mardonius had so ordered them), or whether he wished to try whether they had any courage. But when the cavalry had ridden back, Mardonius sent a herald and spoke as follows : " Be of good heart, O Phocians, for you have proved yourselves to be brave men, contrary to what I heard. Therefore sustain this war with resolution, and you shall not surpass me or the king in generosity." Such were the events in regard to the Phocians. The Lacedaemonians, when they arrived at the isthmus, there encamped. And the rest of the Peloponnesians, who favoured the better cause, when they heard of this, and others also who saw the Spartans marching out, thought it would be a disgrace to absent themselves from the expedition of the Lacedaemonians. Accordingly, the victims having proved favourable, they all marched out from the isthmus, and ad- vanced to Eleusis. And having consulted the victims there also, when they were again favourable, they continued their march ; and the Athenians with them, they having crossed over from Salamis and joined them at Eleusis. When they reached Erythrae in Bceotia, they learned that the barbarians were encamped on the Asopus, and having thereupon con- sulted together, they formed themselves opposite, at the foot of Mount Cithaeron. Mardonius, when the Greeks did not 33 498 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [20-22 come down to the plain, sent against them all his cavalry, which Masistius commanded, a man highly esteemed among the Persians (and whom the Greeks call Macistius) : he was mounted on a Nisaean horse, that had a golden bit, and was otherwise gorgeously caparisoned. Thereupon, when the cav- alry rode up to the Greeks, they charged them in squadrons, and in charging them did them much mischief, and called them women. By chance the Megarians happened to be sta- tioned in that part which was most exposed, and there the cavalry chiefly made their attack. When, therefore, the cav- alry charged, the Megarians, being hard pressed, sent a herald to the Grecian generals; and the herald, when he came into their presence, addressed them as follows : " The Megarians say : We, O confederates, are not able alone to sustain the Persian cavalry, retaining the post in which we were originally stationed : hitherto we have held out against them by our con- stancy and courage, though hard pressed; but now, unless you will send some others to relieve us, know we must aban- don our post." He accordingly delivered this message. Pau- sanias, therefore, made trial of the Greeks, to see if any others would volunteer to go to that position, and to relieve the Megarians. When all the others refused, the Athenians under- took to do it, and of the Athenians three hundred chosen men, whom Olympiodorus, son of Lampon, commanded. These were they who undertook that service, and who were stationed in front of all the Greeks at Erythrse, having taken with them some archers. After they had fought for some time, the result of the battle was as follows : As the cavalry charged in squadrons, the horse of Masistius, being in advance of the others, was wounded in the flank by an arrow; and being in pain, he reared and threw Masistius. As he fell, the Athe- nians immediately attacked him : accordingly, they seized his horse and killed Masistius, as he endeavoured to defend him- self, though at first they were unable to do so : for he was thus armed; underneath he had a golden cuirass covered with scales, and over the cuirass he wore a purple cloak. By strik- ing against the cuirass they did nothing; until one of them, perceiving what was the matter, pierced him in the eye, so he fell and died. By some means this, while it was going on, escaped the notice of the other horsemen, for they neither saw him when he fell from his horse nor when he was killed ; for while a retreat and wheeling round was taking place, they did not notice what had happened. But when they halted, they immediately missed him, as there was no one to marshal them. And as soon as they learned what had happened, all, cheer- 22-26] BATTLE OF PLAT^EA 499 ing one another on, pushed their horses to the charge, in order to recover the body. The Athenians, seeing the cavalry no longer advancing in squadrons, but all together, called out for assistance to the rest of the army; and while the whole infantry was coming up to their aid, a sharp struggle took place for the body. Now as long as the three hundred were alone, they were much inferior, and abandoned the body ; but when the multitude came up to their assistance, the cavalry no longer maintained their ground, nor did they succeed in recovering the body, but lost many others of their number, besides him; having therefore retired about two stades, they consulted about what ought to be done ; and determined, as they were without a commander, to retreat to Mardonius. When the cavalry arrived at the camp, the whole army, and Mardonius most of all, mourned the loss of Masistius; cut- ting off their own hair, and that of their horses and beasts of burden, and giving themselves up to unbounded lamentations ; for the sound reached over all Bceotia, as for the loss of a man who, next to Mardonius, was most esteemed by the Per- sians and the king. Thus the barbarians, according to their custom, honoured Masistius when dead. The Greeks, when they had withstood the attack of the cavalry, and having withstood had repulsed it, were much more encouraged, and, first of all, having placed the body on a carriage, they carried it along the line; but the body was worthy of admiration, on account of his stature and beauty; for that reason they did this, and the men, leaving their ranks, came out to view Masistius. After this, they determined to go down toward Plataea, for the Plataean territory appeared to be much more convenient for them to encamp in than the Erythraean, both in other respects and as it was better sup- plied with water. To this country, therefore, and to the foun- tain Gargaphia, which is in this country, they decided that it would be best to remove, and having drawn up their line, there to encamp. Accordingly, having taken up their arms, they marched by the foot of Mount Cithseron, near Hysiae, into the Plataean territory ; and on arriving there, they formed in line, nation by nation, near the fountain of Gargaphia, and the precinct of the hero Androcrates, on slight elevations and the level plain. There in the distribution of the stations a vehement dispute arose between the Tegeans and the Athe- nians ; for each claimed a right to occupy the other wing,1 alleging both their recent and former exploits. On the one hand, the Tegeans spoke thus : " We have ever been thought 1 The Lacedaemonians chose which wing they pleased. 500 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [26-27 entitled to this station by all the allies, in whatever common expeditions have been undertaken by the Peloponnesians, both anciently and recently, from the time when the Hera- clidae, after the death of Eurystheus, attempted to return to Peloponnesus. We then obtained this honour on the follow- ing occasion : when we, in conjunction with the Achaeans and Ionians, who were then in Peloponnesus, having marched out to the isthmus, were posted opposite the invaders, then it is related that Hyllus made proclamation that it would be better not to run the hazard of engaging army with army; but that from the Peloponnesian camp, the man among them whom they judged to be the best should fight singly with him on certain conditions. The Peloponnesians determined that this should be done; and they took oaths on the following terms : that if Hyllus should conquer the Peloponnesian leader, the Heraclidae should return to their paternal posses- sions ; but if he should be conquered, the Heraclidae should depart and lead off their army, and not seek to return into Peloponnesus during the space of a hundred years. And Echemus, son of Aeropus, son of Phegeus, who was our king and general, having volunteered, was chosen out of all the allies, and fought singly and slew Hyllus. From this exploit we obtained among the Peloponnesians of that day both other great privileges, which we continue to enjoy, and that we should always command one wing, whenever a common ex- pedition is undertaken. With you, then, O Lacedaemonians, we do not contend, but giving you the choice of whichever wing you wish to command, we concede it to you ; but we say that it belongs to us to lead the other, as in former times. And besides this exploit that has been mentioned, we are more entitled to have that station than the Athenians, for many and well-contested battles have been fought by us with you, O men of Sparta, and many with others. It is right, there- fore, that we should have one wing, rather than the Athe- nians; for such exploits have not been achieved by them as by us, either in modern or ancient times." Thus they spoke. To this the Athenians answered as follows : " We are aware that this assemblage was made for the purpose of fighting with the barbarians, and not for disputes ; but since the Tegean has proposed to mention the former and recent actions that have been achieved by each nation in all times, it is necessary for us to make known to you whence it is our hereditary right, having ever proved ourselves valiant, to hold the first rank, rather than the Arcadians. As to the Heraclidae, whose leader they affirm they slew at the isthmus ; in the first place, these 27-28] BATTLE OF PLAT^A 501 men formerly, when rejected by all the Greeks to whom they came, when flying from slavery at the hands of the Mycenae- ans, we alone received, and put an end to the insolence of Eurystheus, by conquering in battle, in conjunction with them, the people who then possessed Peloponnesus. In the next place, when the Argives who marched with Polynices against Thebes were killed, and lay unburied, we having led an army against the Cadmaeans, affirm that we recovered the bodies and buried them in our own territory at Eleusis. We also performed a valiant exploit against the Amazons, who once made an irruption into Attica from the river Thermodon; and in the Trojan war we were inferior to none. But it is of no avail to call these things to mind ; for those who were then valiant, the same may now be cowards ; and those who were then cowards, may now be brave. Enough, then, of ancient exploits. But if no other achievement had been performed by us, though there were many and gallant ones, if by any others of the Greeks, yet from our exploit at Marathon we are worthy of this honour, and more than this ; we who alone of the Greeks, having fought single-handed with the Persian, and having attempted such a feat, survived, and conquered six-and-forty nations. Do we not, then, from this single action, deserve to hold this post? But as it is not becoming on such an occasion as this to be contending about position, we are ready to submit to you, O Lacedaemonians, wherever it seems most convenient to place us, and against whatsoever nation. For, wheresoever we are stationed, we shall endeavour to prove ourselves brave. Command us, then, as ready to obey." Thus they answered ; and the whole army of the Lacedaemonians snouted out that the Athenians were more worthy to occupy the wing than the Arcadians. Accordingly, the Athenians had it, and got the better of the Tegeans. After this, those of the Greeks who came up later, and those who arrived at first, were drawn up in the following manner: ten thousand of the Lacedaemonians occupied the right wing; five thousand of these being Spartans, were at- tended by thirty-five thousand lightly armed Helots, seven being assigned to each man. The Spartans chose the Tegeans to stand next themselves, both for honour and valour; of these there were fifteen hundred heavy armed men : next to them stood five thousand of the Corinthians ; and with them they got permission from Pausanias for three hundred Potidae- ans, who came from Pallene, to stand : next these stood six hundred Arcadians of Orchomenus ; next them three thou- sand Sicyonians; next them were eight hundred Epidau- 502 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [28-31 rians ; and by the side of these were stationed three thousand of the Troezenians; and next the Troezenians two hundred Lepreatae; next these four hundred of the Mycenaeans and Tirynthians ; next them one thousand Phliasians ; and by the side of them stood three hundred Hermionians ; next the Her- mionians were stationed six hundred of the Eretrians and Styrians ; and next them four hundred Chalcidians ; next them five hundred Ambraciots ; after them stood eight hun- dred of the Leucadians and Anactorians ; next them two hun- dred Paleans from Cephallenia; and after them five hundred of the vEginetae were stationed ; and by the side of them were posted three thousand of the Megarians ; and next them six hundred Plataeans ; and last of all, and at the same time first, eight thousand Athenians took their station, occupying the left wing, Aristides, son of Lysimachus, commanding them. These, except the seven assigned to each of the Spartans, were heavy armed; their total number amounting to thirty-eight thousand seven hundred. All the heavy armed men assem- bled to oppose the barbarians were so many. Of the light armed the number was as follows : in the Spartans' line thirty- five thousand men, there being seven to each man ; every one of these was equipped as for war : and the light armed of the rest of the Lacedaemonians and other Greeks, about one to each man, amounted to thirty-four thousand five hundred. So that the number of the light-armed fighting men was sixty- nine thousand five hundred. Thus, then, the whole of the Grecian army assembled at Plataea, reckoning heavy-armed and light-armed fighting men, amounting to one hundred and ten thousand, wanting one thousand eight hundred men : and with the Thespians who came up, the full number of one hun- dred and ten thousand was completed; for the survivors of the Thespians joined the army, to the number of one thou- sand eight hundred, but they had not heavy armour. These, then, being drawn up in line, encamped on the Asopus. The barbarians, with Mardonius, when they had ceased to mourn for Masistius, having heard that the Greeks were at Plataea, themselves also marched to the Asopus, which flows there ; and on their arrival, they were thus drawn up by Mardonius : opposite the Lacedaemonians he stationed the Persians ; and as the Persians far exceeded them in number, they were both drawn up several ranks deep, and extended opposite the Tegeans ; and he arrayed them thus : having se- lected all the most powerful of his forces, he stationed them opposite the Lacedaemonians, and the weaker he arrayed by their side against the Tegeans : this he did by the advice and 31-33] BATTLE OF PLATjEA 503 direction of the Thebans. Next the Persians he ranged the Medes; these fronted the Corinthians, Potidaeans, Orcho- menians, and Sicyonians. Next the Medes he ranged the Bactrians ; these fronted the Epidaurians, Trcezenians, Le- preatae, Tirynthians, Mycenaeans, and Phliasians. Next the Bactrians he stationed the Indians; these fronted the Her- mionians, Eretrians, Styrians, and Chalcidians. Next the Indians he ranged the Sacae; these fronted the Ampraciots, Anactorians, Leucadians, Paleans, and iEginetae. And next the Sacae, and opposite to the Athenians, Plataeans, and Me- garians, he ranged the Boeotians, Locrians, Melians, Thes- salians, and the thousand Phocians ; for all the Phocians did not side with the Mede; but some of them assisted the cause of the Greeks, being shut up about Parnassus; and sallying from thence, they harassed the army of Mardonius, and the Greeks who were with him. He also ranged the Macedonians, and those that dwelt about Thessaly, against the Athenians. These, the most considerable of the nations that were ranged under Mardonius, have been named, and which were the most distinguished and of most account ; yet there were also mixed with them men of other nations, Phrygians, Thracians, Mysi- ans, Paeonians, Ethiopians, and others ; and among them those of the Ethiopians and Egyptians who are called Hermotybians and Calasirians, armed with swords ; who are the only Egyp- tians that are warriors. These, while he was still at Phalerus, he took from on board the ships, they being marines ; for the Egyptians were not arrayed with the land forces that came with Xerxes to Athens. Of barbarians there were three hun- dred thousand, as has been already shown; but of Greeks who were allies of Mardonius no one knows the number, for they were not reckoned up; but, to make a guess, I con- jecture that they were assembled to the number of fifty thou- sand. These, who were thus arrayed, were infantry ; the cav- alry were marshalled apart. When they were all ranged by nations and battalions, thereupon, on the second day, both sides offered sacrifices. For the Greeks, Tisamenus, son of Antiochus, was the per- son who sacrificed, for he accompanied this army as diviner; him, though an Elean, and by extraction a Clytiad of the Iamidae, the Lacedaemonians had admitted into the number of their citizens. For when Tisamenus was consulting the oracle at Delphi about offspring, the Pythian answered that he should be victorious in five very great contests. He ac- cordingly, mistaking the answer, applied himself to gymnastic exercises, as if he were to be victorious in gymnastic contests ; 504 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [33-36 and having practised the pentathlon, he missed winning the Olympic prize by one wrestling match, having contended with Hieronymus of Andros. The Lacedaemonians, having learned that the oracle delivered to Tisamenus referred not to gym- nastic but to martial contests, endeavoured by offers of money to persuade Tisamenus to become the leader of their wars, in conjunction with their Kings of the Heraclidae. But he, see- ing the Spartans very anxious to make him their friend, hav- ing discovered this, enhanced his price, acquainting them that if they would make him their own citizen, granting him a full participation of all privileges, he would comply, but not on any other terms. The Spartans, when they first heard this, were very indignant, and altogether slighted his prophetic skill ; but at last, when great terror of this Persian army was hanging over them, they sent for him and assented. But he, perceiving they had changed their minds, said he would no longer be contented with these things only, but that his brother Hegias must also be made a Spartan, on the same terms as himself. In saying this he imitated Melampus, to compare a kingdom with citizenship in his demands. For Melampus also, the women at Argos being smitten with mad- ness, when the Argives would have hired him from Pylus to cure their women of the disease, demanded one half of the kingdom for his recompense. And the Argives not yielding to his terms, but going away, when many more of their women became mad, at length submitted to what Melampus de- manded, and went to present it to him. But he thereupon, seeing them changed, coveted still more, saying that unless they would give a third part of the kingdom to his brother Bias he would not do what they wished. The Argives, there- fore, being driven to a strait, granted that also. In like man- ner the Spartans, for they wanted Tisamenus exceedingly, yielded to him entirely: and when the Spartans had thus yielded to him, Tisamenus the Elean, having become a Spar- tan, accordingly assisted them by his art of divination in gain- ing five most important battles. These, then, were the only persons of all mankind who were made Spartan citizens. The five battles were as follows : one and the first, this at Platsea ; next, that which took place at Tegea, against the Tegeans and Argives ; afterward, that at Dipaea, against all the Arcadi- ans except the Mantineans ; next, that of the Messenians, near Ithomse; and the last, that which took place at Tanagra, against the Athenians and Argives : this was the last achieved of the five victories. This Tisamenus, then, the Spartans bringing him, officiated as diviner to the Greeks at Plataea: 36-39] BATTLE OF PLAT^A 505 now the sacrifices were favourable to the Greeks, if they stood on the defensive; but if they crossed the Asopus, and began the battle, not so. To Mardonius, who was very desirous to begin the battle, the sacrifices were not propitious ; but to him also, if he stood on the defensive, they were favourable: for he, too, adopted the Grecian sacrifices, having for his diviner Hegesistratus, an Elean, and the most renowned of the Telliadae. This man, before these events, the Spartans had taken and bound for death, because they had suffered many and atrocious things from him. He being in this sad condition, as being in peril of his life, and having to suffer many tortures before death, performed a deed beyond belief. For as he was confined in stocks bound with iron, he got possession of a knife, which had been by some means carried in, and immediately con- trived the most resolute deed of all men we know of: for having considered in what way the rest of his foot would get out, he cut off the broad part of the foot; and having done this, as he was guarded by sentinels, he dug a hole through the wall and escaped to Tegea, travelling by night, and by day hiding himself in the woods and tarrying there. Thus, though the Lacedaemonians searched for him with their whole population, on the third night he arrived at Tegea ; but they were struck with great amazement at his daring when they saw half his foot lying on the ground, and were not able to find him. Thus Hegesistratus, having escaped from the Lacedaemonians, fled to Tegea, which was at that time not on friendly terms with the Lacedaemonians : and having been cured of his wounds, and procured a wooden foot, he became an avowed enemy to the Lacedaemonians. However, at last his hatred conceived against the Lacedaemonians did not bene- fit him ; for he was taken by them when acting as diviner at Zacynthus, and put to death. Now the death of Hegesistratus took place after the battle of Plataea : but at that time, on the Asopus, being hired by Mardonius for no small sum, he sacri- ficed and was very zealous, both from hatred to the Lace- daemonians and from a love of gain. As the victims were not favourable for fighting, either to the Persians themselves or the Greeks who were with them (for they also had a diviner for themselves, Hippomachus, a Leucadian), and as Greeks were flowing in, and their num- bers increasing, Timagenides, son of Herpys, a Theban, ad- vised Mardonius to guard the passes of Mount Cithaeron ; saying that the Greeks were continually pouring in every day, and that he would intercept great numbers. Eight days had 506 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [39-41 already elapsed since they had been posted opposite each other, when he gave this advice to Mardonius. But he, per- ceiving that the suggestion was good, as soon as it was night, sent some cavalry to the passes of Cithseron, that lead to Plataea, which the Boeotians call The Three Heads; but the Athenians, The Heads of Oak. The horsemen that were sent did not arrive in vain ; for issuing on the plain they took five hundred beasts carrying provisions from Peloponnesus to the army, with the men who attended the beasts of burden. The Persians, having taken this booty, killed them without mercy, sparing neither beast nor man : and when they had had enough of slaughter, they surrounded the rest of them, and drove them off to Mardonius and to the camp. After this action they passed two more days, neither being willing to begin the battle ; for the barbarians advanced as far as the Asopus, to tempt the Greeks, but neither crossed over. How- ever, the cavalry of Mardonius continually pressed on and harassed the Greeks: for the Thebans, being entirely in the interest of the Medes, carried on the war with vigour, and constantly led on even to actual fighting; but after that the Persians and Medes, coming up, gave signal proofs of valour. Accordingly, during the ten days nothing more than this took place ; but when the eleventh day came after the two armies had been encamped opposite each other in Platsea, and the Greeks had become much more numerous, and Mardonius was exceedingly vexed at the delay, thereupon Mardonius, son of Gobryas, and Artabazus, son of Pharnaces, who was one of the Persians esteemed by Xerxes, came to a conference. And on consulting, the following were their opinions : that of Artabazus, that it was expedient to remove their whole army away as quickly as possible, and march to the walls of Thebes, where a large store of provisions had been laid up for themselves, and forage for their horses ; and that sitting down quietly they might accomplish their enterprise, by doing as follows : for, as they had much coined gold and much un- coined, and much silver and many goblets, they should spare none of these, but distribute them among the Greeks, espe- cially among the principal men of the Greeks in the cities; and they would quickly surrender their liberty, nor run the hazard of an engagement. Thus his opinion was the same as that of the Thebans, since he had more foresight than the other. But the opinion of Mardonius was more violent, per- tinacious, and by no means inclined to yielding. For he thought that their army was far superior to the Grecian, and that they should engage as quickly as possible, and not suffer 41-44] BATTLE OF PLATyEA 507 more to be assembled than were already assembled ; and that they should dismiss the victims of Hegesistratus, and not do violence to them, but, following the usages of the Persians, to engage. When he thus decided, no one contradicted him, so that his opinion prevailed, for he held the command of the army from the king, and not from Artabazus. Having there- fore summoned the commanders of battalions, and the gen- erals of the Greeks who were in his service, he asked if they knew any oracle respecting the Persians which predicted that they should be destroyed. But when those who were con- voked remained silent, some not knowing the oracles, and others knowing indeed, but not deeming it safe to mention them, Mardonius himself said : " Since you either know noth- ing, or dare not speak, I will tell you, as I know perfectly well. There is an oracle importing that the Persians arriving in Greece should sack the temple at Delphi, and after the sacking all perish. We, therefore, being apprised of this, neither march against that temple nor intend to sack it ; and thus we shall not perish on that account. Let such of you, then, as are well affected to the Persians, rejoice on this ac- count, that we shall vanquish the Greeks." Having said this to them, he next gave orders to get all things in readiness, and put them in good order, for that a battle would take place early the next morning. This oracle, which Mardonius said related to the Persians, I know was delivered in reference to the Illyrians, and the army of the Enchelians, and not to the Persians. But the following had been delivered by Bacis in reference to this battle : " The meeting of the Greek and the barbarian-voiced shout on the Thermodon and grassy-banked Asopus ; in which many of the bow-bearing Medes shall fall, despite of Lachesis and fate, when the destined day shall come." These, and others like these, I know were pronounced by Musaeus in reference to the Persians ; but the river Ther- modon flows between Tanagra and Glisas. After the inquiry respecting the oracles, and the exhorta- tion given by Mardonius, night came on, and they set the watch. But when the night was far advanced, and silence appeared to prevail throughout the camps, and the men were in the most profound sleep, at that time Alexander, son of Amyntas, who was general and King of the Macedonians, having ridden up on horseback to the sentries of the Athe- nians, desired to confer with their generals. Most of the sen- tries remained at their post, while some ran to the generals, and having arrived told them that a man had come on horse- back from the camp of the Medes, who uttered not a word 508 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [44-46 more, but naming the generals, said he wished to confer with them. When they heard this they immediately followed to the outposts ; and on their arrival Alexander addressed them as follows : " O Athenians, I leave these words with you as a deposit, entreating you to keep them secret, and not tell them to any other than Pausanias, lest you should even ruin me. For I should not utter them were I not extremely con- cerned for the safety of all Greece; for I am both myself a Grecian originally, and would by no means wish to see Greece enslaved instead of free. I tell you, then, that the victims have not been favourable to Mardonius and his army, or else you would have fought long ago ; but now he has determined to dismiss the victims, and to come to an engagement at dawn of day ; fearing, as I conjecture, lest you should assemble in greater numbers. Therefore be ready. But if Mardonius should defer the engagement, and not undertake it, do you persevere remaining where you are, for in a few days pro- visions will fail him. And if this war should terminate accord- ing to your wishes, it is right that you should bear it in mind to effect my freedom, who on behalf of the Greeks have under- taken so hazardous a task, out of zeal for them, wishing to acquaint you with the intention of Mardonius, in order that the barbarians may not fall upon you unexpectedly. I am Alexander the Macedonian." He, having spoken thus, rode back to the camp and his own station. The generals of the Athenians, having gone to the right wing, told Pausanias what they had heard from Alexander; but he, on receiving this intelligence, being in dread of the Persian, spoke thus : " Seeing an engagement will take place in the morning, it is proper that you Athenians should be placed opposite to the Persians, and we opposite to the Boeo- tians and those Grecians who are now drawn up opposite to you, for this reason : you are acquainted with the Medes, and their manner of righting, having fought with them at Mara- thon ; whereas we are inexperienced in and unacquainted with those men, for no Spartan has ever made trial of the Medes ; but we have made trial of the Boeotians and Thessalians. It is therefore right that you should take up your arms and come to this wing, and we go to the left." To this the Athenians answered as follows : " To us also from the very first, when we saw the Persians drawn opposite to you, it occurred to mention the very thing which you have now been the first to propose ; but we feared that the proposal might not be agreeable to you; since, however, you yourselves have men- tioned it, the proposal is both agreeable to us, and we are 46-49] BATTLE OF PLATvEA 509 ready to act accordingly." As this pleased both parties, as soon as morning dawned they changed their stations : the Boeotians having perceived what was done, gave notice to Mardonius ; and he, when he had heard it, immediately began to alter his order of battle, leading the Persians opposite to the Lacedaemonians. But when Pausanias observed that this was being done, perceiving that he was discovered, he led the Spartans back to the right wing ; and Mardonius in like man- ner toward the left. When they were stationed in their original positions, Mar- donius, having sent a herald to the Spartans, spoke as fol- lows : " O Lacedaemonians, you are said to be the bravest, by the people in these parts, who admire you exceedingly, because you neither fly from the field of battle nor quit your ranks, but continuing firm, either kill your adversaries or are killed yourselves. Of all this, however, nothing is true. For even before we engaged, and came to the decision of blows, we have seen you flying and quitting your ranks, leaving the first risk to the Athenians, and ranging yourselves against our slaves ; this is by no means the conduct of brave men : we, then, have been very much deceived in you ; for whereas we expected, on account of your renown, that you would have sent a herald to challenge us, and that you would be desirous of fighting with the Persians alone, though we were ready to accept these terms, we have found you proposing nothing of the kind, but rather shrinking from us. Now, therefore, since you have not begun this proposal, we will begin it ; why, then, should not you, on the part of the Greeks, since you are deemed to be the bravest, and we, on the part of the barbarians, engage with equal numbers on both sides? If you think the rest ought also to fight, let them fight after- ward ; but if you do not think so, and that we only are suf- ficient, we will fight it out ; and whichever of us shall obtain the victory, let them be victorious for the whole army." He having spoken thus, and waited some time, when no one gave him any answer, returned back again, and on his arrival gave Mardonius an account of what had happened. But he, being above measure rejoiced and elated by a cold victory, sent his cavalry to charge the Greeks. When the horsemen rode up they harassed the whole Grecian army, hurling javelins and shooting arrows, since they were mounted archers, and very difficult to be brought to a close engagement; and they dis- turbed and choked up the fountain of Gargaphia, from which the whole Grecian army obtained water. Near this fountain the Lacedaemonians only were posted, and the fountain was 5io HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [49-52 farther off from the rest of the Greeks according as they sev- erally happened to be stationed ; but the Asopus was near. However, being repulsed from the Asopus, they then had re- course to the fountain ; for it was impossible for them to get water from the river, by reason of the cavalry and the arrows. When this happened the generals of the Greeks, as the army was deprived of water and harassed by the cavalry, as- sembled together to deliberate on these and other matters, going to Pausanias on the right wing. For when these things were so, other circumstances troubled them still more; for they had no longer any provisions, and their attendants, who had been despatched to the Peloponnesus to get provisions, were shut out by the cavalry, and unable to reach the camp. On consultation the generals resolved, if the Persians should defer making the attack on that day, to remove to the island. This island is ten stades distant from the Asopus and the foun- tain of Gargaphia, on which they were then encamped, before the city of the Plataeans. Thus it is an island in the midst of the continent. For the river, dividing itself higher up, flows down to the plain from Mount Cithaeron, having its streams about three stades separate from each other; and then they unite together, and the name of it is Oeroe ; the inhabitants say that she is the daughter of Asopus. To this place they determined to remove, that they might have an abundant supply of water, and the cavalry might not harass them, as when they were directly opposite. They determined to remove when it should be the second watch of the night, in order that the Persians might not see them setting out, and the cav- alry might not follow and annoy them. They also resolved that when they should arrive at this spot which the Asopian Oeroe encompasses flowing from Cithaeron, they would on the same night send away one half of their forces to Cithaeron, in order to bring in the attendants who had gone for pro- visions ; for they were shut up in Cithaeron. Having taken these resolutions, during the whole of that day, they suffered incessant labour by the cavalry pressing on them ; but when the day ended, and the cavalry had ceased to attack them, night having come, and it being the hour at which they had agreed to decamp, thereupon the greater part taking up their arms marched away, without any intention of going to the place agreed upon : while others, as soon as they were put in motion, gladly fled from the cavalry toward the city of the Plataeans ; and in their flight they arrived at the Temple of Juno : it stands before the city of the Plataeans, twenty stades distant from the fountain of Gargaphia; and having arrived 52-55] BATTLE OF PLATyEA 511 there, they stood to their arms before the sacred precinct. They then encamped round the Heraeum ; and Pausanias, seeing them departing from the camp, ordered the Lacedae- monians also to take up their arms and go in the same direc- tion as the others, supposing they were going to the place which they had agreed to go to. Whereupon all the other commanders of troops were ready to obey Pausanias ; but Amompharetus, son of Poliades, captain of the band of Pitanetae, said he would not fly from the foreigners, nor will- ingly bring disgrace on Sparta ; and he was astonished at see- ing what was being done, because he had not been present at the preceding conference. Pausanias and Euryanax consid- ered it a disgrace that he should not obey them, but still more disgraceful when he * had so resolved to forsake the band of Pitanetae, lest if they should forsake him in order to do what they had agreed on with the rest of the Grecians, Amompharetus himself, being left behind, and those with him should perish. Considering these things, they kept the Laco- nian forces unmoved, and endeavoured to persuade him that it was not right for him to do as he did. They, then, were expostulating with Amompharetus, who alone of the Lacedaemonians and Tegeans was left behind. But the Athenians did as follows : they kept themselves un- moved where they had been stationed, knowing the disposi- tions of the Lacedaemonians, who purpose one thing and say another. When, therefore, the army was in motion, they sent one of their horsemen to see whether the Spartans were be- ginning to depart, or whether they did not intend to depart at all ; and to inquire of Pausanias what it was right to do. When the herald came up to the Lacedaemonians, he saw them drawn up in the same spot, and their chiefs engaged in dis- putes. For when Euryanax and Pausanias urged Amom- pharetus not to incur danger by remaining with his men alone of all the Lacedaemonians, they were by no means able to prevail with him, until they fell into an open quarrel ; and the herald of the Athenians having come up stood by them. And Amompharetus, quarrelling, took up a stone with both his hands, and, laying it down at the feet of Pausanias, said, " With this pebble I give my vote, not to fly from the foreign- ers," by foreigners meaning the barbarians. But Pausanias, calling him a madman and out of his senses, then turned to the herald of the Athenians, who was making the inquiry he had been ordered to make, and bade him inform them of the present posture of affairs, and entreated the Athenians to 1 Amompharetus. 512 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [55-58 come over to them, and act, in relation to the departure, just as they should. He accordingly went back to the Athenians. But when morning found them still disputing with one an- other, Pausanias, having stayed during all that time, and sup- posing (as indeed happened) that Amompharetus would not stay behind when the rest of the Lacedaemonians were gone, having given the signal, led all the rest away along the hills ; and the Tegeans followed. But the Athenians, drawn up in order of battle, marched by a different way from the Lacedae- monians ; for they kept to the rising ground and the base of Cithaeron, through fear of the cavalry ; but the Athenians took their route toward the plain. But Amompharetus, thinking that Pausanias would on no account dare to forsake them, was very earnest that they should remain there and not aban- don their post; but when those with Pausanias had advanced some distance, supposing that they were in real earnest de- serting him, he ordered his band to take up their arms, and led them slowly toward the main body; which, having marched about ten stades, waited for the band of Amom- pharetus, halting at the river Moloeis, at a place called Argi- opius, where stands a temple of Eleusinian Ceres: and they waited there for this reason, that if Amompharetus and his band should not leave the post in which they had been sta- tioned, but should remain there, they might go back to their assistance. However, those with Amompharetus came up ; and the whole of the barbarian's cavalry pressed upon them. For the horsemen did as they were always accustomed to do ; but seeing the place empty in which the Greeks had been drawn up on the preceding days, they pushed on continually in advance, and as soon as they overtook them they pressed them closely. Mardonius, when he was informed that the Grecians had withdrawn under cover of night, and saw the place deserted, having summoned Thorax of Larissa, and his brothers Eu- rypilus and Thrasydeius, said : " O sons of Aleuas, what will you say now, when you see this ground deserted? For you, their neighbours, said that the Lacedaemonians never fled from battle, but were the first of men in matters of war; these, whom you before saw changing their station, and who now we all see have fled away during the past night. They have clearly shown, when they had to come to the issue of battle with those who are truly the most valiant in the world, that being themselves good for nothing, they have gained distinc- tion among worthless Greeks. And I readily forgave you; who are unacquainted with the Persians, when you extolled 58-61] BATTLE OF PLATyEA 513 them by whom you knew something had been done: but I wondered more at Artabazus, that he should dread the Lace- daemonians, and, dreading them, should have advanced a most cowardly opinion, that it was expedient to remove our camp, and retire to the city of the Thebans to be besieged : of this the king shall hereafter hear from me. But these matters will be discussed elsewhere. For the present, we must not suffer them to do what they intend, but they must be pursued until they shall be overtaken, and have given us satisfaction for all the mischief they have done to the Persians." Having spoken thus, he led the Persians at full speed, crossing the Asopus in the track of the Greeks, as if they had betaken themselves to flight ; he directed his course only against the Lacedaemonians and Tegeans ; for on account of the hills he did not discern the Athenians, who had turned into the plain. The rest of the commanders of the Barbarian's brigades, seeing the Per- sians advancing to pursue the Greeks, all immediately took up their standards, and pursued, each as quick as he could, without observing either rank or order : thus they advanced with a shout and in a throng, as if they were about to over- whelm the Greeks. Pausanias, when the cavalry pressed on him, having de- spatched a horseman to the Athenians with this message, spoke as follows : " Men of Athens, when the mighty contest lies before us, whether Greece shall be free or enslaved, we are betrayed by the allies (both we Lacedaemonians and you Athenians), who have fled away during the past night. It is now, therefore, determined what we must henceforth do; for defending ourselves in the best manner we can, we must sup- port each other. Now if the cavalry had attacked you first, it would have behooved us and the Tegeans, who with us have not betrayed Greece, to assist you. But now, since the whole body has advanced against us, you ought in justice to come to the succour of that division which is most hardly pressed. If, however, any inability to assist has befallen you, you will confer a favour on us by sending your archers to us. We are aware of your being by far the most zealous in this present war, so as in this instance to listen to our request." When the Athenians heard this, they prepared to assist and to de- fend them to the utmost of their power; but as they were already on their way, those of the Greeks who sided with the king, that were arrayed against them, attacked them, so that they were no longer able to render assistance; for the divi- sion that pressed upon them harassed them. Thus the Lace- daemonians and Tegeans being left alone, the former with the 33 514 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [61-64 light-armed men, amounting in number to fifty thousand, and the Tegeans to three thousand (for these last had never separated from the Lacedaemonians), performed sacrifices, purposing to engage with Mardonius and the forces with him. But as the victims were not favourable to them, many of them fell during this interval, and many more were wounded ; for the Persians, having made a fence with their osier shields, let fly a number of arrows so incessantly that, the Spartans being hard pressed, and the victims continuing unfavourable, Pau- sanias, looking toward the Temple of Juno of the Plataeans, invoked the goddess, praying that they might not be disap- pointed of their hopes. While he was yet making this invocation, the Tegeans, starting first, advanced against the barbarians ; and immedi- ately after the prayer of Pausanias, the victims became favour- able to the Lacedaemonians when they sacrificed. When some time had elapsed, they also advanced against the Persians, and the Persians withstood them, laying aside their bows. First of all a battle took place about the fence of bucklers ; and when that was thrown down, an obstinate fight ensued near the Temple of Ceres, and for a long time, till at last they came to a close conflict: for the barbarians laying hold of the enemy's spears, broke them. And, indeed, in courage and strength, the Persians were not inferior; but being lightly armed, they were, moreover, ignorant of military discipline, and not equal to their adversaries in skill ; but rushing for- ward singly, or in tens, or more or fewer in a body, they fell upon the Spartans and perished. In that part where Mar- donius happened to be, fighting from a white horse, at the head of a thousand chosen men, the best of the Persians, there they pressed their adversaries most vigorously. For as long as Mardonius survived they held out, and defending them- selves overthrew many of the Lacedaemonians ; but when Mar- donius had died, and the troops stationed round him, which were the strongest, had fallen, then the rest turned to flight, and gave way to the Lacedaemonians. Their dress, too, was particularly disadvantageous to them, being destitute of de- fensive armour; for being light armed, they had to contend with heavy armed men. Here satisfaction for the death of Leonidas, according to the oracle, was paid to the Spartans by Mardonius ; and Pausanias, son of Cleombrotus, son to Anaxandrides, obtained the most signal victory of all that we know of. (The names of his earlier ancestors have been mentioned in the genealogy of Leonidas, for they were the same.) Mardonius died by the hand of Aimnestus, a man of 64-68] BATTLE OF PLAT^A 515 distinction at Sparta, who, some time after the Medic affairs, at the head of three hundred men, engaged at Stenyclerus with all the Messenians, there being war ; and he himself per- ished and his three hundred. The Persians at Platsea, when they were put to flight by the Lacedaemonians, fled in disorder to their own camp, and to the wooden fortification which they had made in the Theban territory. It is a wonder to me that, when they fought near the grove of Ceres, not one of the barbarians was seen to enter into the sacred inclosure, or to die in it, but most fell round the precinct in unconsecrated ground. I am of opinion, if it is allowable to form an opinion concerning divine things, that the goddess would not receive them, because they had burned her royal temple at Eleusis. Such was the issue of this battle. Artabazus, son of Pharnaces, from the very first had dis- approved of Mardonius being left by the king, and at that time, though he strongly dissuaded him, he could not prevail, urging him not to engage. He therefore acted as follows, being displeased with the conduct of Mardonius : Those whom Artabazus commanded (and he had no small force, but to the number of forty thousand men with him), these, as soon as the action began, well knowing what the result of the bat- tle would be, he drew up in order and advanced, having ordered them to go where he should lead, whenever they should see him advancing at a quick pace; having given this order, he led his forces as if to join in the engagement: but being in advance of his troops, he discovered the Persians flying; whereupon he no longer led his forces in the same order, but fled with all possible speed ; neither toward the wooden fortification nor the walls of Thebes, but to the Pho- cians, wishing to reach the Hellespont as soon as he could. These, then, took that direction. Although the rest of the Greeks in the king's army behaved themselves ill on purpose, the Boeotians fought with the Athenians for a considerable time. For those Thebans who sided with the Mede displayed no little zeal, fighting and not willingly behaving ill, so that three hundred of them, the first and most valiant, fell there by the hands of the Athenians : but when they also were put to flight, they fled to Thebes, not as the Persians fled, and the whole throng of the other allies, without having fought at all, or performed anything considerable. And it is mani- fest to me that on the side of the barbarians all depended on the Persians, since the others, before they engaged with the enemy, fled at once, because they saw the Persians flying. Accordingly, all fled, except the rest of the cavalry and espe- 5i6 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [68-70 cially the Boeotians : they so far assisted the fugitives, keep- ing constantly close to them against the enemy, and separating their friends who were flying from the Greeks. The vic- tors, however, followed, pursuing and slaying the soldiers of Xerxes. In the midst of this rout news came to the rest of the Greeks who were drawn up about the Heraeum, and were absent from the battle, that a battle had been fought, and Pausanias's party were victorious. When they heard this, without observing any kind of order, the Corinthians took the road that leads by the base of the mountains and the hills direct to the Temple of Ceres, and the Megarians and the Phliasians the most level of the roads across the plain. But when the Megarians and Phliasians were near the enemy, the Theban cavalry seeing them hurrying on without any order, charging them with the horse, which Asopodorus, son of Timander, commanded; and having fallen on them, they threw down and killed six hundred of them, and pursuing the rest, drove them headlong to Mount Cithaeron. Thus they perished ingloriously. The Persians and the rest of the throng, when they ar- rived in their flight at the wooden wall, mounted the towers before the Lacedaemonians came up, and having mounted it, defended the wall in the best way they could; so that when the Lacedaemonians arrived, a vigorous battle took place be- fore the walls. For so long as the Athenians were absent, the barbarians defended themselves, and had much the advantage over the Lacedaemonians, as they were not skilled in attack- ing fortifications; but when the Athenians came up, then a vehement fight at the walls took place, and continued for a long time. But at length the Athenians, by their valour and constancy, surmounted the wall, and made a breach ; there at length the Greeks poured in. The Tegeans entered first within the wall ; and these were they who plundered the tent of Mardonius, and among other things took away the manger for the horses, all of brass, and well worth seeing : this manger of Mardonius the Tegeans placed in the Temple of the Alean Minerva ; but all the other things they took they carried to the same place as the rest of the Greeks. The barbarians, when the wall had fallen, no longer kept in close order, nor did any one think of valour ; but they were in a state of con- sternation, as so many myriads of men were inclosed within a small space ; and the Greeks had such an easy opportunity of slaughtering them, that of an army of three hundred thou- sand men, except the forty thousand with which Artabazus fled, not three thousand survived. Of Lacedaemonians from 7o-73] BATTLE OF PLAT^A 517 Sparta, all that died in the engagement were ninety-one; of Tegeans, sixteen; and of Athenians, fifty-two. Of the barbarians, the infantry of the Persians and the cavalry of the Sacae most distinguished themselves ; and Mar- donius is said to have shown himself the bravest man. Of the Greeks, though the Tegeans and Athenians showed great bravery, the Lacedaemonians exceeded in valour. I can prove this in no other way (for all these conquered those opposed to them), except that they were engaged with the strongest part of the enemy's army, and conquered them. And in my opinion Aristodemus proved himself by far the bravest : he being the only one of the three hundred saved from Ther- mopylae, was held in disgrace and dishonour. After him, Posidonius, Philocyon, and Amompharetus, the Spartan, most distinguished themselves. However, when it was debated which of them had been the bravest, the Spartans who were present decided that Aristodemus, evidently wishing to die on account of the disgrace attached to him, and acting like a madman, and leaving the ranks, had performed great deeds ; but that Posidonius, not wishing to die, had shown himself a brave man ; and therefore that he was the better. Perhaps, however, they may have said this through envy. All these that I have mentioned, except Aristodemus, of those that died in this battle, were honoured, but Aristodemus, wishing to die on account of the before-mentioned guilt, was not hon- oured. These, then, were they who acquired the greatest re- nown at Plataea. For Callicrates died out of the battle, who came to the army the handsomest man of the Greeks of that day, not only of the Lacedaemonians themselves, but also of the other Greeks ; he, when Pausanias was sacrificing, was wounded in the side by an arrow ; and then they fought, but he being carried off, regretted his death, and said to Arim- nestus, a Plataean, that he did not grieve at dying for Greece, but at not having used his arm, and at not having performed any deed worthy of himself, though he desired to perform it. Of the Athenians, Sophanes, son of Eutychides, of the borough of Decelea, is said to have acquired great renown; of the Deceleans, who had once performed an action that was beneficial for all future time, as the Athenians themselves say. For in ancient time, when the Tyndaridae entered the Attic territory with a numerous army in search of Helen, and drove out the people, not knowing where Helen had been carried to, then they say that the Deceleans, but some say that De- celus himself, being indignant at the insolence of Theseus, and alarmed for the whole country of the Athenians, discov- ji8 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [73-76 ered the whole matter to them, and conducted them to Aphid- nge, which Titacus, a native of the place, delivered up to the Tyndaridae. In consequence of that action, the Deceleans in Sparta continue to enjoy immunity from tribute and prece- dence up to the present time, so that in the war that occurred many years after these events between the Athenians and Peloponnesians, when the Lacedaemonians ravaged the rest of Attica, they abstained from Decelea. Of this borough was Sophanes, and having at that time distinguished himself above all the Athenians, he has two different accounts given of him. One, that he carried an iron anchor fastened by a brass chain from the girdle of his cuirass; which, when he approached the enemy, he used to throw out, in order that the enemy, rushing from their ranks, might not be able to move him from his position ; and when the flight of his adversaries took place, he determined to take up the anchor and so pursue. Thus this account is given. But the other account, varying from that before given, relates that on his shield, which constantly turned round and was never at rest, he wore an anchor as a device, and not one of iron fastened from his cuirass. There is also another splendid feat done by Sophanes, for that when the Athenians invested Mgina. he challenged and slew Eury- bates of Argos, who had been victor in the pentathlum. But some time after these events it befell this Sophanes, who proved himself a brave man, as he was commanding the Athe- nians jointly with Leagrus, son of Glaucon, to die at the hands of the Edoni at Datus, as he was fighting for the gold mines. When the barbarians were overthrown by the Greeks at Plataea, thereupon a woman came voluntarily over to them; who, when she learned that the Persians had perished, and that the Greeks were victorious, being a concubine of Pharan- dates, son of Theaspes, a Persian, having decked herself and her attendants in much gold, and in the richest attire she had, alighted from her carriage, and advanced toward the Lacedae- monians, who were still employed in slaughter, and when she observed that Pausanias directed everything, having before become acquainted with his name and country, since she had often heard of them, she knew it must be Pausanias, and em- bracing his knees, spoke as follows : " King of Sparta, de- liver me, your suppliant, from captive servitude ; for you have thus far benefited me by destroying these men, who pay no regard either to gods or heroes. I am by birth a Coan, daugh- ter to Hegetorides, son of Antagoras. The Persian having taken me away by force at Cos, kept me." He answered as follows : " Lady, be of good heart, both as a suppliant, and, 76-79] AFTER THE BATTLE 519 moreover, if you have spoken the truth, and are indeed the daughter of Hegetorides the Coan, who is the best friend I have of all who dwell in those parts." Having thus spoken, he committed her to the care of the ephori, who were present ; and afterward sent her to ^gina, where she herself wished to go. Presently after the arrival of the lady, the Mantineans came up when all was over; and finding they were come too late for the engagement, they considered it a great calamity, and confessed that they deserved to be punished. But being informed that the Medes with Artabazus had fled, they wished to pursue them as far as Thessaly; but the Lacedaemonians dissuaded them from pursuing the fugitives. They therefore, having returned to their own country, banished the generals of their army from the land. After the Mantineans came the Eleans : and the Eleans, in the same manner as the Man- tineans, considering it a calamity, marched away; and they also on their return home banished their generals. Such were the events relating to the Mantineans and Eleans. In the camp of the yEginetae at Plataea was Lampon, son of Pytheas, one of the most eminent of the /Eginetae : he hav- ing a most iniquitous proposal to make, went to Pausanias ; and having come into his presence, spoke with earnestness as follows : " Son of Cleombrotus, a superhuman feat has been achieved by you, both on account of its greatness and splen- dour ; and God has granted to you, by delivering Greece, to acquire the greatest renown of all the Greeks whom we know of. But do you complete what remains to be done after this, in order that still greater fame may attend you, and hence- forth every barbarian may beware of attempting to do wicked deeds against the Greeks. For when Leonidas died at Ther- mopylae, Mardonius and Xerxes, having cut off his head, fixed it on a pole. By requiting him in the same manner, you will have praise first from all the Spartans, and then from the rest of the Greeks. For by impaling Mardonius you will avenge your uncle Leonidas." He spoke thus, thinking to gratify Pausanias. But he answered as follows: "/Eginetan friend, I admire your good intentions and your foresight; but you have failed to form a right judgment ; for having highly ex- tolled me, my country, and my achievement, you have thrown all down again to nothing by advising me to insult a dead body, and saying that if I do so I shall increase my fame, which is more fit for barbarians to do than Greeks, and which we abhor even in them. I can not, therefore, in this matter please the /Eginetae, nor those to whom such things would be pleas- ing; it is sufficient for me to please the Spartans by doing J 520 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [79-82 and speaking what is right. As for Leonidas, whose death you exhort me to avenge, I affirm that he has been amply avenged ; both he and all the others who fell at Thermopylae have been avenged by the countless deaths of these men. However, do not you hereafter come to me with such a pro- posal, nor give such advice ; and be thankful that you escape unpunished." He having received this answer, went away. Pausanias, having made proclamation that no one should touch the booty, commanded the helots to bring together all the treasures. They accordingly, dispersing themselves through the camp, found tents decked with gold and silver, and couches gilt, and plated and golden bowls, and cups and other drinking vessels ; they also found sacks on the wagons in which were discovered gold and silver caldrons : and from the bodies that lay dead they stripped bracelets, necklaces, and scimetars of gold; but no account at all was taken of the variegated apparel. Here the helots stole a great deal and sold it to the ^Eginetae, and they also produced a great deal, such of it as they could not conceal : so that the great wealth of the iEginetae hence had its beginning, for that they pur- chased gold from the helots as if it had been brass. Having collected the treasures together, and taken from them a tithe for the god at Delphi, from which the golden tripod was dedi- cated, which stands on the three-headed brazen serpent, close to the altar ; and having taken out a tithe for the god at Olym- pia, from which they dedicated the brazen Jupiter, ten cubits high ; and a tithe to the god at the isthmus, from which was made the brazen Neptune, seven cubits high ; having taken out these, they divided the rest, and each took the share they were entitled to, as well the concubines of the Persians, as the gold, silver, and other treasures, and beasts of burden. Now what choice presents were given to those who most distin- guished themselves at Plataea is mentioned by no one ; yet I am of opinion that such presents were given to them. But for Pausanias ten of everything was selected and given him, women, horses, talents, camels, and all other treasures in like manner. It is said also that the following occurred : that Xerxes, flying from Greece, left all his own equipage to Mar- donius; Pausanias, therefore, seeing Mardonius's equipage furnished with gold, silver, and various coloured hangings, ordered the bakers and cooks to prepare a supper in the same manner as for Mardonius : and when they, being ordered, had so done, that Pausanias thereupon, seeing gold and silver couches handsomely carved, and gold and silver tables, and magnificent preparations for the supper, being astonished at 82-85] AFTER THE BATTLE 52 1 the profusion set before him, in derision ordered his own at- tendants to prepare a Laconian supper; and that when the repast was spread, the difference was great, and Pausanias, laughing, sent for the generals of the Greeks ; and when they had assembled, Pausanias, pointing to each preparation for supper, said : " Men of Greece, I have called you together for this reason to show you the folly of the leader of the Medes ; who, having such fare as this, has come to us, who have such poor fare, to take it from us." It is related that Pausanias said this to the generals of the Greeks. A considerable time after these events many of the Plataeans found chests of gold and silver, and other precious things. And still later than this the following also was discovered when the bodies were bared of flesh : for the Plataeans brought together the bones to one place ; there was found a skull without any seam, consisting of one bone; there was also discovered a jaw, and the upper jaw had teeth growing in a piece, all in one bone, both the front teeth and the grinders ; there was likewise discovered the skeleton of a man five cubits high. The following day the body of Mardonius had disap- peared ; by whom removed I am unable to say for certain. I have indeed heard of many men and of various nations who are said to have buried Mardonius, and I know that several have received large presents from Artontes, son of Mardonius, for so doing. Yet who of them it was that carried off and buried the body of Mardonius, I am unable to ascertain with certainty. However, Dionysiophanes, an Ephesian, is com- monly reported to have buried Mardonius. Thus, then, he was buried. But the Greeks, when they had divided the booty at Plataea, buried their own dead, each nation separately. The Lacedaemonians made three graves ; there, then, they buried the young officers,1 among whom were Posidonius, Amom- pharetus, Phylocion, and Callicrates ; accordingly, in one of the graves the young officers were laid ; in another, the rest of the Spartans ; and in the third, the helots : thus they buried their dead. The Tegeans buried all theirs together, in a sepa- rate spot ; and the Athenians, theirs in one place ; as also did the Megareans and Phliasians, those that had been destroyed by the cavalry. Of all these, therefore, the sepulchres were full. But of all the others whose sepulchres are seen in Plataea, they, as I am informed, being ashamed of their absence from the battle, severally threw up empty mounds, for the sake of 1 'Iptvrt were those who had attained their second year from boyhood, and now held a command. The manuscripts read iptas, "those who held sacred offices." 522 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [85-89 future generations. For instance, there is a sepulchre there called that of the ^Eginetans, which, I hear, Cleades, son of Autodicus, a Plataean, who was their friend, threw up ten years after these events, at the request of the ^Eginetans. When the Greeks had buried their dead in Platsea, they immediately determined, on consultation, to march against Thebes, and to demand the surrender of those who had sided with the Medes, and among the first of them Timegenides and Attaginus, who were the chief leaders, and if they should not give them up, they resolved not to depart from the city before they had taken it. When they had determined on this, they thereupon, in the eleventh day after the engagement, arrived and besieged the Thebans, requiring them to give up the men. And when the Thebans refused to give them up, they both ravaged their country, and attacked the walls. As they did not cease damaging them, on the twentieth day Timegenides spoke thus to the Thebans : " Men of Thebes, since the Greeks have so resolved that they will not give over besieging us until either they have taken Thebes or you have delivered us up to them, let not the Boeotian territory suffer any more on our account. But if, being desirous of money, they demand us as a pretence, let us give them money from the public treas- ury ; for we sided with the Mede by general consent, and not of ourselves alone. If, however, they carry on the siege really because they want us, we will present ourselves before them to plead our cause." He appeared to speak well and to the purpose; and the Thebans immediately sent a herald to Pau- sanias, expressing their willingness to surrender the men. When they had agreed on these terms, Attaginus escaped from the city, and his sons, who were brought before him, Pausanias acquitted from the charge, saying that boys could have no part in the guilt of siding with the Mede. As to the others whom the Thebans delivered up, they thought that they should be admitted to plead their cause, and, moreover, trusted to repel the charge by bribery; but he, as soon as he had them in his power, suspecting this very thing, dismissed the whole army of the allies, and, conducting the men to Corinth, put them to death. Such were the events at Plataea and Thebes. In the meantime Artabazus, son of Pharnaces, flying from Platsea, was already at a considerable distance. And on his arrival among them, the Thessalians invited him to an enter- tainment, and asked him news of the rest of the army, know- ing nothing of what had happened in Plataea. But Artabazus, being aware that if he should tell the whole truth respecting the conflicts, both he and his army would be in danger of de- 89-91] FLIGHT OF ARTABAZUS 523 struction, for he thought that every one would attack him when informed of what had happened ; considering this, he told nothing to the Phocians, and to the Thessalians he spoke as follows : " I, O men of Thessaly, as you see, am hastening to march to Thrace with the utmost expedition, and am using all possible diligence, having been sent on certain business with these forces from the army. Mardonius himself and his army may be expected following close on my heels. Enter- tain him also, and do him all the good offices you can; for you will never have cause to repent of doing so." Having said this, he marched his army with all speed through Thes- saly and Macedonia direct toward Thrace, making all the haste he could, and cutting across by the inland road. At last he reached Byzantium, having left many of his men be- hind, partly cut off by the Thracians on the march, and partly having to contend with hunger and fatigue. From Byzantium he crossed over in boats. Thus, then, he returned to Asia. On the same day on which the defeat at Plataea occurred another happened to take place at Mycale in Ionia. For while the Greeks were stationed at Delos, those who had gone there on shipboard with Leotychides the Lacedaemonian, there came to them as ambassadors from Samos, Lampon, son of Thrasyc- leus, Athenagoras, son of Archestratides, and Hegesistratus, son of Aristagoras, being sent by the Samians, unknown to the Persians and the tyrant Theomestor, son of Androdamas, whom the Persians had made tyrant of Samos. When they came to the generals, Hegesistratus used many and various arguments, and said that if only the Ionians should see them they would revolt from the Persians, and that the barbarians would not withstand them ; or if they should withstand them, the Greeks would not find any other such booty. Invoking, too, their common gods, he besought them to deliver Grecian men from servitude, and to repel the barbarians ; and he said that this would be easy for them to do, for that their ships sailed badly, and were not fit to fight with them ; and, if they suspected at all that they were leading them on deceitfully, they were themselves ready to go on board their ships as host- ages. As the Samian stranger was earnest in his entreaties, Leotychides, either wishing to hear for the sake of the presage or by chance, the deity so directing it, asked, " O Samian friend, what is your name ? " He answered, " Hegesistratus " ; upon which he, interrupting the rest of his discourse, if Hegesi- stratus intended to add more, said : " I accept * the Hegesi- stratus, my Samian friend ; only do you take care that before 1 Hegesistratus means, " leader of an army." 524 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [91-94 you sail away both you yourself and those who are with you pledge your faith that the Samians will be zealous allies to us." He at the same time said this, and added the deed. For the Samians immediately pledged their faith and made oath of confederacy with the Greeks : and having done this, the others sailed home, but he ordered Hegesistratus to sail with the fleet, regarding his name as an omen. The Greeks, therefore, having tarried that day, on the next sacrificed auspiciously, Deiphonus, son of Evenius, of Apollonia in the Ionian Gulf, acting as diviner. The following incident befell his father, Evenius: There are in this Apollonia sheep sacred to the sun, which by day feed near the river that flows from Mount Lacmon through the Apollonian territory into the sea, near the port of Oricus ; but by night, chosen men, the most eminent of the citizens for wealth and birth, keep watch over them, each for a year: for the Apollonians set a high value upon these sheep, in con- sequence of some oracle. They are folded in a cavern at a distance from the city. There, then, on a time, Evenius, being chosen, kept watch, and one night when he had fallen asleep during his watch, wolves entered the cave and destroyed about sixty of the sheep. He, when he discovered what had hap- pened, kept silence, and mentioned it to no one, purposing to buy others, and put them in their place. This occurrence, however, did not escape the notice of the Apollonians ; but as soon as they discovered it, having brought him to trial, they gave sentence that, for having fallen asleep during his watch, he should be deprived of sight. When they had blinded Evenius, from that time forward neither did their sheep bring forth nor did the land yield its usual fruit. An admonition was given them at Dodona and Delphi, when they inquired of the prophets the cause of the present calamities ; they told them that they had unjustly deprived Evenius, the keeper of the sacred sheep, of his sight ; for that they themselves had sent the wolves, and would not cease avenging him, until they should give such satisfaction for what they had done as he himself should choose and think sufficient: and when they had done this the gods themselves would give such a present to Evenius that most men would pronounce him happy from possessing it. This answer was delivered to them : and the Apollonians, having kept it secret, deputed some of their citi- zens to negotiate the matter ; and they negotiated it for them in the following manner: when Evenius was seated on a bench, they went and sat down by him, and conversed on dif- ferent subjects, till at length they began to commiserate his 94-97] EVENIUS 525 misfortune, and having in this way artfully led him on, they asked what reparation he would choose if the Apollonians were willing to give him satisfaction for what they had done. He, not having heard of the oracle, made his choice, saying if any one would give him the lands of certain citizens, nam- ing those who he knew had the two best estates in Apollonia ; and besides these a house, which he knew was the hand- somest in the city; if put in possession of these, he said, he would thenceforth forego his anger, and this reparation would content him. He accordingly spoke thus ; and those who sat by him, immediately taking hold of his answer, said " the Apol- lonians make you this reparation for the loss of your eyes, in obedience to an oracle they have received." He thereupon was very indignant, on hearing the whole truth, as having been deceived ; but the Apollonians, having bought them from the owners, gave him what he chose ; and immediately after this he had the gift of divination implanted in him, so "that he be- came celebrated. Deiphonus, who was the son of this Evenius, the Corinth- ians having brought him, officiated as diviner to the army. Yet I have heard this also, that Deiphonus, having assumed the name of Evenius's son, let out his services for hire through- out Greece, though he was not really the son of Evenius. When, therefore, the sacrifices were favourable to the Greeks, they got their ships under way from Delos for Samos : and when they were off Calami of the Ionian territory, having taken up their station there near the Temple of Juno on that coast, they made ready for an engagement. But the Persians, being informed that they were sailing toward them, on their part also got the other ships under way for the continent, and permitted those of the Phoenicians to sail home. For on consultation they determined not to come to an engagement by sea, because they thought they were not equal. They, therefore, sailed away to the continent, that they might be under the protection of their land forces that were at Mycale, which by the order of Xerxes had been left behind by the rest of the army, and guarded Ionia ; their number was sixty thou- sand ; Tigranes commanded them, who surpassed the Persians in beauty and stature. Under the protection of this army the commanders of the navy resolved, having fled, to draw their ships on shore, and to throw up a rampart, as a defence for the ships, and a place of refuge for themselves. Having taken this resolution, they got under way: and having passed by the Temple of the Eumenides in Mycale, they came to the Gaeson and Scolopois, where is a temple of Eleusinian Ceres, 526 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [97-99 which Philistus, son of Pasicles, built, who accompanied Neleus, son of Codrus, for the purpose of founding Miletus: there they drew their ships on shore, and threw up a rampart of stone and wood, having cut down the fruit trees, and around the rampart they drove in sharp stakes. They made prepara- tions to sustain a siege, and to gain a victory, both one and the other; for they made their preparations deliberately. The Greeks, when they learned that the barbarians had gone to the continent, were vexed that they had escaped ; and were in doubt what to do, whether they should return home or sail to the Hellespont : at length they determined to do neither of these, but to sail to the continent : having, there- fore, prepared for a sea-fight, both boarding-ladders, and all other things that were necessary, they sailed to Mycale. When they were near the camp, and no one was seen ready to meet them, but they beheld the ships drawn up within the fortifica- tion, and a numerous land force disposed along the beach, thereupon Leotychides, advancing first in a ship, and nearing the beach as much as possible, made proclamation by a herald to the Ionians, saying : " Men of Ionia, as many of you as hear me, attend to what I say ; for the Persians will under- stand nothing of the advice I give you. When we engage, it behooves every one first of all to remember Liberty ; and next the watch-word Hebe; and let him who does not hear this learn it from those who do hear." The meaning of this pro- ceeding was the same as that of Themistocles at Artemisium ; for either these words, being concealed from the barbarians, would induce the Ionians to revolt, or if they should be re- ported to the barbarians, would make them distrustful of the Greeks. Leotychides having made this suggestion, the Grecians in the next place did as follows : putting their ships to shore, they landed on the beach and drew up in order of battle. But the Persians, when they saw the Greeks prepar- ing themselves for action, and knew that they had admon- ished the Ionians, in the first place suspecting that the Samians favoured the Greeks, took away their arms ; for when the Athenian captives, whom, being left in Attica, the forces of Xerxes had taken, arrived in the ships of the barbarians, hav- ing ransomed them all, they sent them back to Athens, fur- nishing them with provisions for the voyage ; on this account they were under no slight suspicion, having redeemed five hundred of the enemies of Xerxes. In the next place, the passes that lead to the heights of Mycale they appointed the Milesians to guard, because forsooth they were best acquainted with the country, but they did it for this purpose, that they 99-102] VICTORY AT MYCALE 527 might be at a distance from the army. Those of the Ionians, then, who they suspected might attempt something new if they had the power, the Persians took such precautions against; and they themselves brought their bucklers together to serve as a rampart. When, therefore, the Greeks were prepared, they advanced toward the barbarians ; and as they were marching, a rumour flew through the whole army, and a herald's staff was seen lying on the beach : the rumour that spread among them was this, that the Greeks had fought and conquered the army of Mardonius in Boeotia. Thus the interposition of heaven is manifest by many plain signs ; since on this same day on which the defeat at Plataea took place, and when that at Mycale was just about to happen, a rumour reached the Greeks in this latter place ; so that the army was inspired with much greater courage, and was more eager to meet danger. There was also this other coincidence, namely, that there was a temple of Eleusinian Ceres near both the engagements. For at Plataea, as I have already said, the battle took place near the Temple of Ceres ; and at Mycale it was about to happen in like man- ner. The rumour that a victory had been obtained by the Greeks under Pausanias turned out to be correct ; for the bat- tle of Plataea was fought while it was yet early in the day, and that of Mycale toward evening: and that both happened on the same day of the same month, not long afterward became manifest on inquiry. Before the rumour reached them great alarm prevailed among them, not so much for themselves as for the Greeks, lest Greece should stumble in the contest with Mardonius. When, however, this report flew among them, they advanced with greater readiness and alacrity. Accord- ingly, the Greeks and the barbarians hastened to the battle, as both the islands and the Hellespont were held out as the reward of victory. The Athenians, and those who were drawn up next them, forming about half the army, had to advance along the shore over level ground ; but the Lacedaemonians, and those drawn up near them, along a ravine and some hills. So that while the Lacedaemonians were making a circuit, those in the other wing were already engaged. Now, so long as the bucklers of the Persians remained standing, they defended themselves strenuously, and had not the worst of the battle ; but when the Athenians and those next them, having mutually encour- aged one another, in order that the victory might belong to them, and not to the Lacedaemonians, applied with more vig- our to the battle, then the face of affairs immediately changed ; 528 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [102-106 for having broke through the bucklers, they fell in a body on the Persians ; and they having sustained their attack and defended themselves for a considerable time, at last fled to the fortification. The Athenians, Corinthians, Sicyonians, and Trcezenians, for thus they were drawn up in order, following close upon them, rushed into the fortification at the same time. When, therefore, the fortification was taken, the barbarians no longer thought of resisting, but all except the Persians betook themselves to flight; they, in small detachments, fought with the Greeks who were continually rushing within the fortification. And of the Persian generals, two made their escape, and two died. Artayntes and Ithramitres, commanders of the naval forces, escaped; but Mardontes, and Tigranes, general of the land army, died fighting. While the Persians were still fighting, the Lacedaemonians and those with them came up, and assisted in accomplishing the rest. Of the Greeks themselves many fell on this occasion ; both others, and especially the Sicyonians, and their general Perilaus. The Samians, who were in the camp of the Medes, and had been deprived of their arms, as soon as they saw the battle turning, did all they could, wishing to help the Greeks ; and the rest of the Ionians, seeing the Samians lead the way, thereupon revolted from the Persians and attacked the barbarians. The Milesians had been appointed to guard the passes for the Persians, in order for their safety, to the end that if that should befall them which did befall them they might, having guides, get safe to the heights of Mycale. The Milesians accordingly had been appointed to this service for this reason, and in order that, by being present in the army, they might not form any new design. They, however, did everything contrary to what was ordered ; both guiding them in their flight by other ways which led to the enemy, and at last themselves became most hostile in slaying them. Thus Ionia revolted a second time from the Persians. In this battle of the Greeks, the Athenians most distinguished themselves ; and of the Athenians, Her- molycus, son of Euthynus, who had practised in the pan- cratium : it befell this Hermolycus after these events, when there was war between the Athenians and the Carystians, to die fighting at Cyrnus of the Carystian territory, and to be buried at Gersestus. After the Athenians, the Corinthians, Troezenians, and Sicyonians distinguished themselves. When the Grecians had killed most of the barbarians, some fighting and others flying, they burned the ships and the whole forti- fication, having first brought out all the booty on the beach ; and they found several chests of money, and having burned 106-108] VICTORY AT MYCALE 529 the fortification and the ships they sailed away. The Greeks, having arrived at Samos, consulted about transplanting the Ionians, and in what part of Greece, of which they themselves were masters, it would be best to settle them, intending to leave Ionia to the barbarians : for it was clearly impossible for them to protect and guard the Ionians forever; and if they did not protect them, they had no hope that the Ionians would escape unpunished by the Persians. Upon this it seemed ex- pedient to the men of rank among the Peloponnesians to re- move the marts of the Grecian nations that had sided with the Medes, and give their territory to the Ionians to inhabit ; but it did not appear at all expedient to the Athenians that the Ionians should be removed, or that the Peloponnesians should give advice respecting their colonies. However, as they op- posed, the Peloponnesians readily gave way: and accordingly they took into the alliance the Samians, Chians, Lesbians, and other islanders, who were then serving with the Greeks, bind- ing them by pledges and oaths that they would remain firm and not revolt : when they had bound them by oaths, they set sail to destroy the bridges, for they expected to find them still stretched across : accordingly they sailed to the Hellespont. The barbarians who fled, and were shut up in the heights of Mycale, not many in number, got safe to Sardis. But as they were marching, on their way Masistes, son of Darius, having been present at the defeat, uttered many hard words to the general Artayntes ; saying, among other things, that he was more cowardly than a woman, for having commanded the army in such a manner, and that he deserved the most extreme punishment for having brought mischief on the king's house. Now among the Persians to be called more cowardly than a woman is the greatest affront : he, therefore, when he had heard a good deal, being exceedingly indignant, drew his scimetar upon Masistes. But Xenagoras, son of Praxilaus, a Halicarnassian, who stood behind Artayntes, perceiving him rushing forward, seized him round the middle, and, having lifted him up, threw him on the ground; and in the mean- while the guards of Masistes came to his assistance. Xenag- oras did this, thereby laying an obligation both on Masistes himself, and on Xerxes, by saving his brother; and for this action Xenagoras received the government of all Cilicia, as the gift of the king. While they were marching on the road, nothing more than this occurred, but they arrived at Sardis. At Sardis the king happened to be from the time when he fled thither from Athens, after his failure in the sea-fight. While he was at Sardis he fell in love with the wife of 34 530 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [108-110 Masistes, who also was there ; but when she could not be moved by sending to solicit her, and he did not offer violence, out of regard for his brother Masistes (and this same circum- stance restrained the woman, for she well knew that she would not meet with violence) ; thereupon Xerxes, being shut out from any other resource, brought about the marriage of his son Darius with the daughter of this woman and Masistes ; thinking that he should get possession of her if he did thus. Having, therefore, concluded the marriage, and performed the usual ceremonies, he departed for Susa. When he arrived there, he introduced the wife of Darius into his own house ; and then his passion for the wife of Masistes ceased; and having changed his inclinations, he fell in love, and succeeded, with the wife of Darius, the daughter of Masistes : the name of this woman was Artaynte. In course of time the matter was discovered in the following manner: Amestris, the wife of Xerxes, having woven a large, various coloured, and beau- tiful mantle, presented it to Xerxes, and he, being delighted, put it on and went to Artaynte. Being pleased also with her, he bid her ask whatever she pleased as a reward for the favours she had granted him, for that she should have whatever she asked. Thereupon, for it was fated that misfortune should befall the whole family by her means, she said to Xerxes, " Will you give me whatever I shall ask of you ? " He, im- agining she would ask for anything rather than what she did, promised and swore; and she, when he had sworn, boldly asked for the mantle. Xerxes used every expedient, not wish- ing to give it; for no other reason than that he was afraid of Amestris, lest having before suspected what was going on, he should thus be detected ; he therefore offered her cities, and a vast quantity of gold, and an army, which no one but herself should command: but an army is a common Persian gift. However, as he could not persuade her, he gave her the mantle; and she, being overjoyed with the present, wore it, and prided herself in it: and Amestris was informed that she had it. Having learned what had been done, she was not angry with the woman herself ; but believing that her mother was the cause, and that she had done this, she planned the destruction of the wife of Masistes. Having therefore watched the time when her husband Xerxes should give the royal feast (this feast is prepared once a year, on the day on which the king was born ; and the name of this feast is, in the Persian language, " tycta," and in the Grecian language, " perfect " ; and then only the king washes his head with soap, and makes presents to the Persians) ; Amestris then, having watched that no-113] XERXES AND ARTAYNTE 531 day, asked Xerxes to give her the wife of Masistes. He con- sidered it a dreadful and cruel thing first of all to give up the wife of his brother, and next, one who was innocent of what had taken place; for he understood why she made this re- quest. At last, however, as she persisted, and being constrained by custom, for it is not allowed for any petitioner to be denied when the royal feast is spread, he therefore very reluctantly granted her request ; and having delivered the woman to her, he did as follows : he bade her do what she pleased, and then, having sent for his brother, spoke thus : " Masistes, you are the son of Darius, and my brother, and, moreover, you are also a brave man. Cohabit, then, no longer with the wife you now have; and instead of her I will give you my own daughter. Cohabit with her; but the wife whom you now have, as it does not seem well to me, no longer retain." Ma- sistes, astonished at what was said, answered : " Sire, what mischievous language do you hold to me, bidding me put away a wife by whom I have three young sons and daughters, of whom you have married one to your own son, and this wife too is very much to my mind ; you bid me put away her, and marry your own daughter? I, however, O king, though I deem it a great honour to be thought worthy of your daugh- ter, will do neither of these things ; and do not you use force in your desire to accomplish this end. Some other man, not inferior to me, will be found for your daughter; but let me cohabit with my own wife." Such was the answer he gave ; but Xerxes in a rage replied : " Masistes, you have thus done for yourself ; for neither will I give you my daughter in mar- riage, nor shall you any longer cohabit with your present wife ; that so you may learn to accept what is offered." He, when he heard this, withdrew, having said this much, " Sire, you have not yet taken away my life." In the intermediate time, while Xerxes was in conference with his brother, Ames- tris, having sent for the body-guards of Xerxes, mutilated the wife of Masistes : having cut off her breasts, she threw them to the dogs, and also her nose, ears, and lips ; and then, hav- ing cut out her tongue, she sent her home thus mutilated. Masistes, who had not yet heard anything of this, but suspect- ing some evil had befallen him, rushed home in great haste ; and seeing his wife utterly destroyed, he thereupon consulted with his sons, and set out with them and some others for Bac- tria, designing to induce the Bactrian district to revolt, and to do the king all the mischief he could ; which, in my opin- ion, would have happened if he had been beforehand in going 532 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [113-116 up to the Bactrians and Sacae ; for they were attached to him, and he was governor of the Bactrians. But Xerxes, being in- formed of his intentions, sent an army after him, and slew him, and his sons, and his forces upon the way. Such were the circumstances respecting the amour of Xerxes and the death of Masistes. The Greeks having set out from Mycale toward the Hel- lespont, being overtaken by a storm, anchored near Lectis, and from thence they went to Abydos, and found the bridges broken in pieces, which they expected to find stretched across ; and for this reason chiefly they came to the Hellespont. Upon this the Peloponnesians with Leotychides determined to sail back to Greece ; but the Athenians and their commander Xan- thippus resolved to stay there and make an attempt on the Chersonesus. The former, therefore, sailed away; but the Athenians, having crossed over from Abydos to Chersonesus, besieged Sestos. To this Sestos, as being the strongest fortress in these parts, when they heard that the Greeks were arrived in the Hellespont, there came together men from other neigh- bouring places, and, among others, CEobazus, a Persian from Cardia, who had had all the materials of the bridges conveyed thither. Native iEolians occupied it, and there were with them Persians, and a great body of other allies. Xerxes's viceroy Artayctes ruled over this district, a Persian wicked and impious, who had even deceived the king, on his march to Athens, by secretly taking away from Elaeus the treasures of Protesilaus, son of Iphiclus. For in Elaeus of the Cher- sonesus is a sepulchre of Protesilaus, and a precinct around it, where were great treasures, both gold and silver vessels, and brass, and robes, and other offerings, which Artayctes plundered by permission of the king. By speaking as follows, he deceived Xerxes : " Sire, there is here the habitation of a certain Grecian, who having carried arms in your territories, met with a just punishment and perished. Give me this man's house, that every one may learn not to carry arms against your territory." By saying this he would easily persuade Xerxes to give him the man's house, as he had no suspicion of his intentions. He said that Protesilaus had carried arms against the king's territory, thinking thus : the Persians con- sider that all Asia belongs to them and the reigning monarch. When, however, the treasures were granted, he carried them away from Elaeus to Sestos, and sowed part of the precinct, and pastured it ; and whenever he went to Elaeus he used to lie with women in the sanctuary. At this time he was besieged by the Athenians, neither being prepared for a siege, nor ex- ii6-I2o] FATE OF ARTAYCTES 533 pecting the Greeks ; so that they fell upon him somewhat un- awares. But when autumn came on, as they were engaged in the siege, and the Athenians were impatient at being absent from their own country, and not able to take the fortification, they besought their leaders to take them back ; they, however, refused, until either they should take the place or the people of Athens should recall them; accordingly, they acquiesced in the present state of things. In the meanwhile those who were within the fortification were reduced to the last extremity, so that they boiled and ate the cords of their beds ; and when they had these no longer, then the Persians, and Artayctes and CEobazus, made their escape by night, descending by the back of the fortification, where it was most deserted by the enemy. When it was day, the Chersonesians from the towers made known to the Athe- nians what had happened and opened the gates; and the greater part of them went in pursuit, but some took posses- sion of the city. As CEobazus was fleeing into Thrace, the Apsinthian Thracians seized him and sacrificed him to Plis- torus, a god of the country, according to their custom ; but those who were with him they slaughtered in another man- ner. Those with Artayctes, who had taken to flight the last, when they were overtaken a little above iEgos-Potami, having defended themselves for a considerable time, some were killed, and others taken alive, and the Greeks, having put them in bonds, conveyed them to Sestos ; and with them they took Artayctes bound, himself and his son. It is related by the Chersonitae that the following prodigy occurred to one of the guards as he was broiling salt fish : the salt fish lying on the fire leaped and quivered like fish just caught; and the per- sons who stood around were amazed ; but Artayctes, when he saw the prodigy, having called the man who was broiling the salt fish, said : " Athenian friend, be not afraid of this prodigy, for it has not appeared to you ; but Protesilaus, who is in Elaeus, intimates to me that, though dead and salted, he has power from the gods to avenge himself on the person that has injured him. Now, therefore, I wish to make him repara- tion, and instead of the riches which I took out of his temple, to repay one hundred talents to the god ; and for myself and my children, I will pay two hundred talents to the Athenians if I survive." By offering this he did not persuade the general Xanthippus; for the Elaeans, wishing to avenge Protesilaus, begged that he might be put to death, and the mind of the general himself inclined that way. Having, therefore, con- ducted him to that part of the shore where Xerxes bridged 534 HERODOTUS— BOOK IX, CALLIOPE [120-122 over the pass, or, as others say, to a hill above the city of Madytus, they nailed him to a plank and hoisted him aloft, and his son they stoned before the eyes of Artayctes. Hav- ing done these things, they sailed back to Greece, taking with them other treasures and the materials of the bridges, in order to dedicate them in the temples ; and during this year nothing more was done. Artembares, the grandfather of this Artayctes who was hoisted aloft, was the person who originated a remark which the Persians adopted and conveyed to Cyrus in these terms: " Since Jupiter has given the sovereign power to the Persians, and among men, to you, O Cyrus, by overthrowing Astyages ; as we possess a small territory, and that rugged, come, let us remove from this and take possession of another, better. There are many near our confines, and many at a distance. By possessing one of these, we shall be more admired by most men; and it is right that those who bear rule should do so; and when shall we have a better opportunity than when we have the command of many nations, and of all Asia ? " Cyrus having heard these words, and not admiring the proposal, bade them do so ; but when he bade them he warned them to pre- pare henceforward not to rule, but to be ruled over; for that delicate men spring from delicate countries, for that it is not given to the same land to produce excellent fruits and men valiant in war. So that the Persians, perceiving their error, withdrew and yielded to the opinion of Cyrus ; and they chose rather to live in a barren country, and to command, than to cultivate fertile plains and be the slaves of others. INDEX Abae, city of Phocis, with an ora- xle of Apollo, 17, 451, 453. 485- Abantes, 58. Abaris, a Hyperborean, 223. Abdera, Abderites, town and people of Thrace, 66, 332, 333, 400, 403, 404, 480. Abrocomes, son of Darius, 438. Abronychus, son of Lysicles, 449. Abydos, Abydoni, city and people, of the Asiatic side of the Helles- pont, 254, 316, 380, 382, 384, 396, 412, 423, 479, 483, 532. Acanthus, Acanthians, city and people of Macedonia, 332, 377, 402-404. Acarnania, Acarnanians, city and people of Epirus, 23, 88, 404, 437- Aceratus, a prophet at Delphi, 454- Aces, river of Asia, 196. Achaeans, 58, 299, 406, 426, 430, 456, 464, 500. Achaemenes, ancestor of the Per- sian royal family, 373. Achaemenes, son of Darius, 157, 368, 396, 441, 442. Achaemenidae, royal family of Persia, 51, 81, 154, 179, 225, 285, 390, 402. Achaeus, 118. Achaia, 396, 422, 429, 430, 453. Achelous, river of JEtolia, 88, 404. Acheron, river of Epirus, 308, 456. Achilleium, town near Sigeum, in the Troad, 309. Achilles, Course of, district near the Borysthenes, in Scythia, 229, 235. Acraephia, city of Boeotia, 485. Acrisius, father of Danae, 335. Acrothoon, city on Mount Athos, 377- Adimantus, father of Aristeas of Corinth, 408, 445, 471. Adimantus, son of Ocytus, 459, 460. Adramyttium, city, 384. Adrastus, son of Gordius, 14-17. Adrastus, son of Talaus, 296, 297. Adriatic Sea, 64, 222, 277. Adrymachidae, Libyan nation, 264. .lEa, city of Colchis, 2. jEaces, son of Syloson, tyrant of Samos, 168, 205, 254, 322, 323, 325, 326. ^Eacidae, the, 301, 461, 467. ^Eacus, 304, 329, 461. .Ega, 404 ^Egaeae, 59. ^Egaleos, mountain opposite Sala- mis, 470. iEge, 58. ^Egean Sea, 118, 123, 239, 381, 388. yEgest scans, 417. Mgtus, 68, 258. .(Egialees, Pelasgian, ancient name of the Ionians, 396. 535 53$ HERODOTUS . 223, 226, 392, 395, 396. Lycidas, 492. Lycomedes, son of iEschreus, 447. Lycopas, 174. Lycophron, son of Periander, 172- 174. Lycurgus, son of Aristolaides, 21, 24. Lycus, river of Scythia, 250. Lycus, river of Phrygia, 380. Lycus, son of Spargapithes, 236. Lycus, son of Pandion, 68, 395. Lyda, mountain, 69. Lydia, Lydians, 6, 10, 27-29, 31, 33. 37-39, 42, 56, 57, 61, 62, 67, 147, 189, 200, 226, 278, 290, 292, 311, 312, 328, 359, 380, 384, 392. Lydias, river, 404. Lydus, son of Atys, 4, 67, 392. Lygdamis, of Naxos, 22, 23. Lygdamis, father of Artemisia, 397. Lynceus, 115. Lysagoras, son of Tisias, a Parian, 362. Lysagoras, father of Histiaeus. 283. Lysanias, an Eretrian, 360, 361. Lysimachus, father of Aristides, 502. Lysistratus, an Athenian augur, 471, 472. Macae, Libyan nation, 266, 288. Macednum, 20. Macedonia, Macedonians, 279-281, 309, 332, 370, 378, 392, 404, 405, 423, 426, 453, 455, 479, 482, 485- 487, 503, 523- Machlyes, Libyan nation, 266, 267. Macistius. See Masistius. Macistus, 258. Macrobian Ethiopians. See Ethi- opians. Macrones, the, 120, 190, 393. Mactorium, city, 415. Madyes, King of the Scythians, son of Protothyas, 42. Madytus, 380, 534. Mseander, river of Asia Minor, 7, 63, 88, 94, 198, 316, 317, 379, 380. Mseandrius, a Samian, 199, 206- 209, 283. Mselians, 429. Mseonians, Lydian, 4. Maeotians, 250. Maeotis, lake, 42, 214, 219, 226, 229, 239, 243, 244, 249, 250, 252. Magabazus, son of Megabates,396. Magacreon of Abdera, 403. Magdolus, 144. Magi, tribe of the Medes, 41, 43, 49, 52, 54, 56; slaughter of the, 185. Magnesia, Magnesians, 63, 189, 198, 199, 423, 425, 426, 428. Magnetes, 406. Malca, 32, 266, 421. Malene, 327. Males, brother of Titormus, 360, 361. Maliac Gulf, 222. Malis, Malians, 430, 431, 434, 435, 452, 455, 456, 462. INDEX 555 Mandane, mother of Cyrus, 43, 44. Mandrocles, a Samian architect, 239, 240. Maneros. See Linus. Manes, King of Lydia, 38, 226. Mantinea, Mantineans, 262, 431, 504, 519. Mantyes, 277. Mapen, son of Siromus, a Tyrian, 396. Maraphians, Persian tribe, 51, 264. Marathon, 22, 351, 353-358, 362, 363, 366» 501, 508. Mardians, Persian tribe, 33, 51. Mardonius, son of Gobryas, 331, 332, 349, 367, 370-373, 393, 400, 403, 451, 462, 463, 472-475, 478, 479, 482-494, 502, 505-507, 509, 512-521, 523, 527. Mardontes, son of Bagaeus, a Per- sian general, 393, 483, 528. Marea, a city of Egypt, 91, 95. Mares, 393. Mariandynians, 10, 189, 391, 392. Maris, a river of Scythia, 227. Maron, son of Orisiphantus, 439. Maronea, a city of Thrace, 400. Mars, 106-108, 113, 230, 231, 276, 392, 409, 466. Marsians, 190. Marsyas, 379. Marsyas, river of Phrygia, 316, 317- Mascames, son of Megadostes, 399, 400. Masistes, son of Darius and Atos- sa, 393, 403, 520-532. Masistius, commander of the Per- sian cavalry, 408, 499, 502. Masistius, son of Siromitres, 393. Maspians, Persian tribe, 51. Massages, son of Oarizus, 391. Massagetae, 78-84, 167, 216, 265, 376. Massilia. 277. Matienian Mountains, 73, 79. Matienians, 28, 73, 190, 291, 292, 391, 392. Mausolus, 317. Maxyes, Libyan nation, 270, 271. Mazares, a Mede, 62, 63. Mecistes, brother of Adrastus,297. Mecyberna, city of Thrace, 403. Medea, daughter of the King of Colchis, 2, 390. Media, Medes, 6, 19, 27-29, 39-41, 43, 51-53, 71, 72, 179, 190, 213, 214, 217, 224, 390, 394, 396, 426, 434, 439, 478, 483, 503. Megabates, 285, 286, 396. Megabyzus, 181-188, 209, 225, 255, 256, 275, 277-279, 281, 282, 310, 377, 39i, 400, 403. Megabyzus, son of Zopyrus, 212, 393- Megacles, son of Alcmaeon, 21-24, 359-362. Megacles, son of Hippocrates, 362. Megadostes, 399. Megapanus, 390. Megara, Megarians, 21, 176, 300, 456, 459, 460, 465, 492, 495, 498, 502, 503, 516, 521. Megarians of Sicily, 416. Megasidrus, father of Dotus, 392. Megistias, an augur, with the Greeks at Thermopylae, 436, 437, 439- Megureans, 444. Meionians, 392. Melampus, son of Amytheon, a seer, 103, 104, 437, 504. Melampygus, rock near the Aso- pus, 435. Melanchlaeni.219, 243-245, 248, 250. Melanippus, of Mitylene, 310. Melanippus, son of Astacus, 297. Melanthius, an Athenian com- mander, 310. Melanthus, father of Codrus, 59, 296. Melas, river of Thessaly, 389, 430. I 556 HERODOTUS Melas, Gulf of, 330, 389. Meles, King of Sardis, 33. Melians, 406, 503. Melibcea, 427. Melissa, wife of Periander, 172, 308, 309. Membliares, son of Paeciles, 257. Memnon, 121. Memnonia, 292. Memnonian Susa, 414. Memphis, 86-89, 118, 119, 123, 124, 126, 141, 142, 144, ISO, 155, 157- 159, 163, 167, 190, 205. Menares, father of Leotychides, 338, 484. Menda, a city of Pallene, 404. Mendes, Pan (Egyptian), 100, 102. Mendesian district, in Egypt, 100, 102, 147. Mendesian mouth of the Nile, 91. Menelaus, 123-127, 309, 421, 422. Menelaus, port of, in Libya, 265. Menes, King of Egypt, 86, 118, 119. Menius, brother of Eurydame,34l. Merbalus, son of Agbalus, an Aridian, 396. Mercury, 104, 136, 138; Thracian, 276. Mermnadae, kings of Sardis, 4. Meroe, city and capital of Ethi- opia, 95. Mesambria, city of Thrace, 241, 328, 400. Messana, city of Sicily, 419. Messenians of Peloponnesus, 171, 291, 334, S04, 515- Metapontium, in Italy, 218. Methymna, Methymnaeans, 8, 60. Metiochus, son of Miltiades, 330, 331- Metrodorus of Proconnesus, 254. Micythus, son of Chcerus, servant of Anaxilaus, 421, 422. Midas, son of Gordias, King of Phrygia, 6, 14, 487. Miletus, Milesians, 6-8, 57, 66, 144, 151, 169, 236, 254, 277, 282-287, 296, 308-314, 317-327, 346, 347, 526, 528. Milo, a wrestler, 205. Miltiades, son of Cypselus, 328- 330, 352. Miltiades, son of Cimon, tyrant of Chersonesus, 254, 328-331, 351- 355, 362-365, 400. Milyas, Milyans, 67, 392. Milyens, 189. Minerva, 7, 8, 23, 25, 63, 94, 106, 113, 148-150, 152, 171, 176, 267, 270, 289, 301, 302, 309, 384, 410, 454, 458, 47i, 474, 5i6. Minoa, 289. Minos, the Cnossian, 198. Minos, son of Europa, 66, 67, 421, 422. Minyae, 256-258. Minyan-Orchomenians, 58. Mitra. See Venus. Mitradates, 44-47. Mitrobates, a Persian prince, 198- 200. Mitylene, Mityleneans, 10, 63, 134, 151, 157, 158, 242, 277, 287, 309, 310, 320. Mnesarchus, father of Pythagoras, 241. Mnesiphilus, an Athenian, 459. Moeris, King of Egypt, 89, 119. Mceris, lake, 89, no, 119, 139-141, 189. Moloeis, river of Boeotia, 512. Molossi, a people of Epirus, 58, 360. Molpagoras, father of Aristagoras, 283. Momemphis, city of Egypt, 146, 147. Mophi, mountain in Upper Egypt, 94- Moschians, a people of Asia, 190, 392, 393- INDEX 557 Mosynoeci, a people of Asia, 190, 393- Mouths of the Nile, 91. Munychia, a port of Attica, 465. Murychides, a Hellespontine, 491, 492. Musaeus, oracles of, 368, 471, 472. Mycale, opposite Samos, 323, 393, 523, 525-529, 532. Mycenae, Mycenaeans, 431,501-503. Mycephoris, a district of Egypt, 147. Mycerinus, King of Egypt, 132, 133- Mycians, 190, 391. Myconus, island near Delos, 357. Mygdonian, a district of Mace- donia, 404. Mylasa, town in Caria, 67, 287, 317. Mylitta. See Venus. Myndians, 285. Myrcinus, city of Edonia, 277, 281, 282, 318. Myriandrian Gulf, 224. Myrina, 59. Myrinaeans of Lemnos, 365. Myris, Lake, 86. Myrmex, 425. Myron, father of Aristonymus, son of Andreas, 359. Myrsilus. See Candaules. Myrsus, father of Candaules, 4. Myrsus, son of Gyges, 198, 317. Mys, consults the oracles in be- half of Mardonius, 484, 485. Mysia, Mysians, 10, 14, 67, 189, 317, 327, 377, 392, 503- Mysus, 67. Myus, Myusians, 57, 286, 287, 320. Naparis, river of Scythia, 227. Nasamonians, a nation of Libya, 96, 97, 265, 266, 268, 270. Natho, an island of the Nile, 146. Naucratis, 118, 134, 151. Naucrari, the, 298. Nauplia, 343. Naustrophus, father of Eupalinus, 176. Naxos, Naxians, 22, 23, 283, 286, 349, 350, 415, 456. Neapolis, city of Egypt, 115. Neapolis, town of Pallene, 404. Neco, King of Egypt, 141, 144, 224, 225. Neleidae, 296. Neleus, son of Codrus, 526. Neocles, father of Themistocles, 410, 423. Neon, town of Phocis, 452, 453. Neon-teichos, ^Eolian town, 59. Neptune, 59, 101, 104, 230, 267, 270, 402, 405, 406, 428, 458, 481, 483, 520. Nereids, the, 104, 428. Nestor, father of Pisistratus, 296. Nestus, river, 400, 404. Neuri, a people of Scythia, 219, 228, 243, 244, 248, 250. Nicander, King of Sparta, 484. Nicandra, priestess of Jupiter, 105. Nicodromus, son of Cncethus, 347, 348. Nicolaus, father of Bulis, 407. Nicolaus, son of Bulis, 408. Nile, the river, 87-97, no, 115, 117- 119, 123, 130, 132, 136, 140-142, 144, 151, 156, 224-229. Nine Springs, the, 364. Nineveh, 42, 69, 71, 75, 141, 210. Nine Ways, of the Edonians, 401. Ninus, son of Belus, 4. Nisaea, Nisaean, 21, 193, 383, 498. Nisyrians, 397. Nitetis, daughter of Apries, 153, 154. Nitocris, Queen of Babylon, 71- 74, H9. Nitocris, Queen of Egypt, 119. Noes, river, 227. Nonacris, city of Arcadia, 342. Nothon, father of jEschines, 351. 558 HERODOTUS Notium, an ^Eolian town, 59. Nudium, 258. Nymphodorus, son of Pytheas of Abdera, 408. Nypsaei, 241. Nyssa, 139, 191. Oarizus, 391. Oarus, a river of Scythia, 250. Oasis, city of Libya, 163. Ocean, the river, 93, 215, 223, 224. Octamasades, brother of Scylas, 237- Ocytus, 445. Odomanti, 279, 401. Odrysae, 241. " Odyssey," the, 125, 221. OZa, 302. OZbares, groom of Darius, 187, 188. GEbares, son of Megabasus, 328. OZdipus, son of Laius, 258, 294. OZnoe, v, 74. OEnone, 456. CEnotria, 65. OZnyssse Islands, 64, 65. OZobarus, 238, 391, 532, 533. Oeroe, daughter of Asopus, 510. OZta, Mount, 424. OZtseans, 435. OEtosyrus (Apollo), Scythian god, 230. Oiolycus, 258. Olbiopolitse, 219. Olen, a Lycian poet, 223. Olenus, town of Achaia, 58. Oliatus, son of Ibanolis, tyrant of Mylassa, 287. Olophyxus, town of Mount Athos, 377- Olorus, King of the Thracians, 330. Olympia, Olympic games, 21, 145, 281, 290, 298, 329, 341, 352, 358- 360, 422, 432, 451, 464, 485, 504, 520. Olympieni, 392. Olympiodorus, son of Lampon, 498. Olympus, Mount, in Thessaly, 405, 422; in Mysia, 14, 20, 392. Olynthus, Olynthians, 403, 482. Oneatse, Sicyonian tribe, 297. Onesilus, son of Chersus, 312-316. Onetes, son of Phanagoras, a Carystian, 435. Onochonus, river of Thessaly, 405, 429. Onomacritus, an Athenian sooth- sayer, 368. Onomastus, son of Agaeus, an Elean, 360, 361. Onuphis, 147. Ophrynium, 384. Opis, Hyperborean virgin, 223. Opis, city at the mouth of the Tigris, 73. Opoea, wife of Scylas, 236. Opuntian Locrians, 431, 444. Oracles, 6, 17, 19, 23-25, 30, 34, 37, 63, 68, 91, 105, 122, 133, 134, 136, 139-142, 144, 149, 175, 209, 218, 258, 260, 261, 263, 297, 299, 301, 306, 307, 316, 324, 328, 343, 347, 350, 363. 409, 4io, 413, 421, 427, 437, 449, 453, 466, 472, 507. Orbelus, Mount, 279. Orchomenus, Orchomenians, 58, 431, 453, 496, 501. Ordessus, river of Scythia, 227. Orestes, son of Agamemnon, 25, 26. Oresteum, 494. Orges, father of Antipater, 402. Oricus, port of, 524. Oricus, son of Scylas, 236. Orisiphantus, 439. Orithyia, daughter of Erectheus, 427. Orneatse, 464. Oroetes, governor of Sardis, 198- 201, 206. Oromedon, 396. Oropus, 351. INDEX 559 " Orosangae," 468. Orotal (Bacchus), 155. Orpheus, 113. Orthian strain, 9. Orthocorybantes, 190. Orthosian, epithet of Diana, 239. Orus (Apollo), son of Osiris, 138, 143- Osiris (Bacchus), 100, 138, 143. Ossa, Mount, 20, 405, 422. Otanes, 179-188, 207-209, 282, 283, 316, 318, 331, 383, 389, 390, 393. Otaspes, son of Artachaeus, 390. Othryades, a Lacedaemonian, 32, 33- Othrys, Mount, 405. Ozolae, of the Locrians, 452. Pactolus, river, 312. Pactya, 329, 394. Pactyas, a Lydian, 60-63. Pactyes, 391. Pactyica, 190, 192, 226. Padaeans, 192. Paeaneans, 22. Paeciles, 257. Paeon, the, 275. Paeonia, Paeonians, 223, 227, 275, 277-279, 281, 295, 310, 311, 401, 404, 426, 479, 503. Paeoplae, 279, 401. Paeos, 360. Paesus, 316. Paeti, a Thracian nation, 401. Pagasae, 428. Paleans, 502, 503. Palestine, 42, 155, 189, 224, 395. Palladia, the, 270. Pallas, 301, 410. Pallene, Pallenians, 404, 467, 482, 483, SOI. Pallenian Minerva. See Minerva. Pamisus, a river of Thessaly, 405. Pammon, a Scyrian, 425. Pamphylians, a people of Asia Minor, 10, 189, 395, 463. Pamphylians, a Sicyonian tribe, 297. Pan, 100, 102, 138, 139, 352. Panaetius, son of Socimenes, 467. Panathenaic festival, 293. Pandion, 68, 395. Pangaeus, Mount, 279, 401, 402. Panionia, 59. Panionium, 57-59, 66, 320. Panionius, a Chian, 474, 475. Panites, a Messenian, 334. Panopians, 453. Panormus, 62. Pantagnatos, 168. Pantaleon, son of Alyattes, 38. Pantares, 415. Panthialaeans, Persian tribe, 51. Panticapes, river of Scythia, 219, 227, 229. Pantimathians, 190. Pantites, 440. Papaeus (Jupiter), Scythian god, 230. Paphos, Paphians, 429. Paphlagonians, a people of Asia Minor, 3, 10, 28, 189, 391. Papremis, a city of Egypt, 106, 107, no, 146, 157. Paraebates, 289. Paralatae, 215. Parapotamii, Phocian city burned by Xerxes, 453. Parataceni, tribe of the Medes, 41. Paricanians, 190, 391, 394. Paris, 123-127. Parium, 254, 316. Parmys, daughter of Smerdis, 188, 393- Parnassus, Mount, 53, 451-454. Paroreates, 257, 464. Paros, Parians, 283, 284, 362, 363, 462, 478. Parthenius, river of Thrace, 120. Parthenion, Mount, 352. Parthians, 190. 196. 390. Pasargadae, Persian tribe, 51. 56o HERODOTUS Pasicles, 526. Pataici, 168. Pataicus, 415. Patarae, in Lycia, 71. Patarbemis, 146. Patiramphes, son of Otanes, 383. Patizithes, the Magus, 176, 177, 184. Patrees, 58. Patumos, an Arabian city, 144. Pausanias, son of Cleombrotus, 238, 285, 444, 494, 495. 498, 501, 508-522, 527. Pausicae, 190. Pausiris, son of Amyrtaeus, 159. Pedasus, Pedasians, 68, 69, 317, 324, 474- Pedieae, town in Phocis, 453. Pelasgians, 20, 58, 104, 105, 148, 256, 283, 363-365, 396, 456. Peleus, 428. Pelion, Mount, 266, 405, 427, 446, 447- Pella, 404. Pellene, 58. Peloponnesus, Peloponnesians, 20, 22, 26, 58, 148, 175, 209, 236, 262, 266, 288, 299, 360, 395, 396, 408, 409, 412, 419, 420, 431, 432, 439, 441, 452, 454, 455, 457, 459, 460, 463-466, 473, 476, 478, 492, 497, 500, 501, 529, 532. Pelops, a Phrygian, 369, 417. Pelusiac mouth of the Nile, 91, 142, 156. Pelusium, 90, 137. Penelope, 138, 139. Peneus, a river of Thessaly, 377, 405, 406, 422, 425. Pentapolis, 58. Penthylus, son of Demonous, 429. Percalus, daughter of Chilon, 339. Percote, 316. Perdiccas, ancestor of Amyntas, 281, 486, 487- Pergamus, citadel of Troy, 384. Pergamus, a fort in Thrace, 401. Perialla, prophetess at Delphi, cor- rupted by Cleomenes, 339. Periander, King of Corinth, 8, g, 171-174, 308-310. Pericles, 362. Perilaus, general of the Sicyoni- ans, 528. Perinthus, Perinthians, 240, 275, 328, 378. Perpherees, 223. Perrhasbi, the, 405, 406, 423, 426. Perses, son of Perseus and An- dromeda, 389, 390, 414. Perseus, son of Danae, 90, 115, 335, 389, 390, 414, 437- Persians, passim. Petra, 306, 307. Phaedyma, daughter of Otanes, wife of Cambyses, 180, 181, 183. Phagres, 401. Phalerus, 295, 302, 303, 356, 462, 470, 471, 475, 476, 503. Phanagoras, father of Onetes, 435. Phanazathres, son of Artabates, 390. Phanes, a Halicarnassian, 154-156. Pharandates, son of Theaspes, 518. Pharbaethis, district of Egypt, 147. Pharees, town of Achaia, 58. Pharnaces, 390, 482. Pharnaspes, 85, 154, 179. Pharnuches, 394, 395. Phaselis, a Doric town, 151. Phasis, a river of Colchis, 2, 42, 120, 224, 226, 239, 345. Phayllus, of Crotona, 456. Phegeus, 500. Pheidon, tyrant of the Argives, 360. Pheneum, town of Arcadia, 342. Pherendates, son of Megabyzus, 391- Pherendates, son of Teaspes, 393. Pheretime, wife of Arcesilaus, 262-264, 273, 274. INDEX 56l Pheron, King of Egypt, 122, 123. Phidippides, 352, 353. Phigalea, 345. Philaeus, son of Ajax, 329. Philaon, son of Chersis, 447. Philargus, son of Cyneus, 351. Phileus, 176. Philip, son of Argseus, 487. Philippus, of Crotona, son of Bu- tacides, 290. Philistius, son of Pasicles, 526. Philition, a shepherd, 132. Phillis, 401. Philocyon, 517. Philocyprus, 316. Phla, island in Lake Tritonis, 266. Phlegra, 404. Phliasians, 464, 502, 503, 516, 521. Phlius, 431. Phocaea, Phocseans, 31, 57, 64, 65, 121, 151, 254, 321-323, 424- Phocis, Phocians, 58, 328, 431-436, 451-453, 496, 497, 503, 515, 523- Phoebus, Temple of, at Therapne, 337- Phoenicia, Phoenicians, 13, 43, 57, 96, 104-106, 112, 120, 123, 125, 154, 155, 160, 168, 189, 104, 195, 204, 224-226, 257, 271, 272, 289, 293, 294, 314, 319, 320, 323, 324, 326-328, 330, 333, 352, 357, 378, 380, 384, 395, 396, 419, 468-470, 473, 48o, 525. Phoenippus, 358. Phoenix, river, 424, 431. Phormus, an Athenian command- er, 425. Phraortes, father of Deioces, 28, 39- Phraortes, son of Deioces, 41, 42. Phrataguna, daughter of Artanes, 438. Phriconis. See Cyme. Phrixas, 258. Phronima, daughter of Etearchus, 259, 260. 36 Phrygia, Phrygians, 6, 10, 14, 28, 86, 189, 200, 290-292, 310, 379, 380, 392, 485, 503. Phrynichus, 325. Phrynon, 496. Phryxus, 430. Phthiotis, 20, 406. Phthius, son of Achseus, 118. Phya, 22. Phylacus, 454. Phylacus, son of Histiaeus, a Sa- mian, 468. Phylocion, 521. Pieria, Pierians, 401, 406, 424, 426. Pigres, 277. Pillar of Heaven. See Atlas. Pillars of Hercules. See Hercules. Pilorus, town of Mount Athos, 403. Pindar, the poet, 168. Pindus, Mount, 405, 455. Pirseus, 468. Pirene, 306. Piromis, 138. Pirus, river of Achaia, 58. Pisa, town of Elis, 87. Pisistratidse, 294-296, 298, 300, 305, 309, 330, 349, 358, 368, 457. Pisistratus, son of Hippocrates, 21-23, 293, 296, 298, 309, 328, 329, 35i, 352, 358, 368. Pisistratus, son of Nestor, 296. Pistyrus, town of Thrace, 401. Pitane, 59, 174. Pitanetae, 511. Pittacus, of Mitylene, 10. Pixodarus, son of Mausolus, 316, 317. Placia, 20. Plataea, Plataeans, 353-356, 406, 423, 440, 444, 455-457, 462, 482, 492, 495, 496, 527; battle of, 409- 522. Platea, island off Libya, 258, 259, 261, 265. Pleistarchus, son of Leonidas, 494. Plistorus, 533. 562 HERODOTUS Plinthinetic Bay, 87. Plunus, harbour in Libya, 265. Pogon, harbour of the Trcezeni- ans, 455. Polemarchs, 423. Poliades, father of Amomphare- tus, 511. Polias. See Minerva, 302. Polichne, of the Chians, 326. Polichnitae, 421. Polyas of Anticyra, 449. Polybus, 297. Polycrates, son of ^Eaces, tyrant of Samos, 152, 168-171, 174, 175, 198-202, 205, 206. Polycritus, son of Crius, an ^Egi- netan, 333, 470. Polydamna, 125. Polylectes, 484. Polydorus, son of Cadmus, 294, 431. Polymnestus, father of Battus, 258, 260. Polynices, father of Thersander, 257, 334, 50i. Pontus, 215, 216, 220, 226, 238-243, 320, 326, 381, 388, 396, 412. Porata (Pyretos), river of Scythia, 227. Poseideium, town of Cilicia, 189. Posidonians, 65. Posidonius, a Spartan, 517, 521. Potidaea, Potidaeans, 404, 482, 483, 501. Praesians, 421. Prasias, Lake, 279. Praxilaus, 529. Praxinus, 425. Prexaspes, 164-167, 177-179, 182- 184. Prexaspes, son of Aspathines, 306. Priam, King of Troy, 2, 126, 384. Priene, Prienians, 6, 10, 57, 63, 320. Prinetades, son of Demarmenus, 288. Procles, son of Aristodemus, 173, 257, 334, 484. Procles, tyrant of Epidaurus, 172. Proconnesus, 217, 218, 254, 328. Prodigies, 357, 388, 454, 533. Promenia, priestess of Jupiter, 105. Prometheus, 226. Pronaea, Minerva, 37, 454. Propontis, 239, 317. Proserpine, 461. Prosopitis, island of the Nile, 100, 146. Protesilaus, son of Iphichis, 380, 532, 533. Proteus, King of Egypt, 123-127. Protothyas, a Scythian, 42. Proxeni, Spartan officer, 335. Prytaneum, the, of the Athenians, 352, 365, 430; of Siphnus, 175. Prytanis, King of Sparta, 484. Psammenitus, King of Egypt, son of Amasis, 156-159. Psammis, King of Egypt, 144, 145. Psammitichus, King of Egypt, 42, 85, 86, 94, 95, I4I-I45. Psylli, Libyan nation, 266. Psyttalea, a small island near Sala- mis, 465, 471. Pteria, city in Cappadocia, 29-31. Ptoan Apollo, 485. Pygres, son of Seldomus, 397. Pylae (Thermopylae), 431, 435. Pylagori, 435. Pylians, 296. Pylus, 420, 504. Pyramids, Cheops, 130, 131; Che- phren, 132; Mycerinus, 133; Asy- chis, 135; Twelve Kings, 140. Pyrene, 97. Pyretos. See Porata. Pyrgus, 258. Pythagoras, citizen of Miletus, 318. Pythagoras, son of Mnesarchus, 241. Pythagoras, tyrant of Selinus, 289. Pythagoreans, 113. INDEX 563 Pytheas, 470. Pytheas, of Abdera, 408. Pytheas, son of Ischenous, 425. Pythermus, 60. Pythian Apollo, oracle of. See Apollo and Delphi. Pythian games, 456. Pythius, a Lydian, 379, 382, 383. Pythogenes, brother of Scythes, a Zanclaean, 325. Red Sea, 1, 70, 73, 79, 87, 88, 119, 144, 156, 165, 190, 224, 225, 324, 395- Rhaetium, city, 384. Rhampsinitus, King of Egypt, 127-130. Rhegium, a town of Italy, 65, 325, 419, 421, 422. Rhenea, island near Delos, 350. Rhodes, 68, 151, 415. Rhodope, Mount, of Thrace, 227, 479- Rhodopis, 134. Rhcecus, son of Phileus, a Sami- an architect, 176. Rhypes, 58. Sabacon, King of the Ethiopians, 135, 136, 141. Sabyllus, citizen of Gela, assassin of Cleander, 415. Sacae, 61, 190, 356, 370, 390, 396, 426, 478, 503, 517, 532. Sadyattes, son of Ardys, 6, 7, 28. Sagartians, 51, 190, 394. Sais, city of Egypt, 94, 106, 107, 132, 146-150, 159- Saitic mouth of the Nile, 91. Sala, a Samothracian city, 389. Salamis, 395, 410, 411, 420, 421, 447, 454-474, 481-483, 491, 492, 497- Salamis, in Cyprus, 263, 312-316. Salmydessus, 241. Samos, Samians, 18, 27, 57, 134, 139, 147, 151, 152, 163, 168-176, 198, 202, 205-209, 225, 240, 241, 254, 259, 263, 311, 315, 321-326, 349, 419, 468, 483, 484, 523-529- Samothrace, Samothracians, 104, 333, 389, 400, 469, 47o. Sana, town of Mount Athos, 377, 404. Sandanis, a Lydian, 27. Sandocles, son of Thaumasius, a Persian judge, 429. Sapaei, Thracian nation, 401. Sappho, the poetess, 134. Sarangeans, 190, 196, 391. Sardanapalus, King of Nineveh, 141. Sardinia, Sardinians, 66, 314, 318, 319, 419- Sardinian Sea, 65. Sardis, 4, 11, 26, 28, 30-34, 37, 57, 60-62, J21, 155, 171, 172, 198, 200, 201, 226, 277, 278, 281, 282, 284, 292, 293, 299, 310-320, 327, 33i, 351, 359, 366, 369, 373, 378, 380, 382-384, 388, 394, 411, 412, 475, 480, 491, 529- Sarpedon, 67, 68. Sarpedon, Cape, 388. Sarta, town of Mount Athos, 403. Saspires, 44, 190, 224, 393. Sataspes, son of Teaspes, a Per- sian, 225. Satrae, Thracian nation, 401. Sattagydae, the, 190. Saulius, King of Scythia, 235, 236. Sauromatae, a Scythian people, 219, 229, 244-251, 254. Scaeus, a boxer, 294. Scamander, river of Troas, 206, 384. Scamandronymus, 134. Scapte-Hyle, gold mines of, 332, 333- Sciathus, 423, 425, 445, 470. Scionaeans, 482, 483. Scione, 404. Scios, river of Scythia, 227. 564 HERODOTUS Scironian, 464. Sciton, servant of Democedes, 202. Scolopois, river, 525. Scoloti, 215. Scolus, 495. Scopades, 360. Scopasis, King of the Scythians, 248, 251. Scydrus, 324. Scylace, 20. Scylas, son of Ariapithes, King of the Scythians, 235-237. Scylax of Caryanda, 226. Scylax, a Myndian captain, 285. Scyllias, of Scyone, a diver, 446. Scyone, 446. Scyrian, 425. Scyrmiadae, 241. Scythes, son of Hercules, 216. Scythes, a Coan tyrant, 419. Scythes, King of the Zanclseans, 325, 326. Scythia, Scythians, 6, 28, 42, 43, 78, 83, 92, 120, 122, 147, 203, 213- 256, 282, 330, 331, 345, 371, 376, 377, 387, 389, 390. Sebennys, district of Egypt, 147. Sebennytic mouth of the Nile, 91, 143. Seldomus, father of Pigres, 397. Selinus, Selinuntians, 289. Selybrie, 328. Semele, daughter of Cadmus, 138, 139. Semiramis, Queen of Babylon, 71, 210. Sennacherib, King of Assyria, 137. Sepia, 343. Sepias, 425, 427-429, 462. Serbonis, Lake, 87, 155. Seriphians, 456. Sermyla, a Greek town of Sitho- . nia, 403. Serrhium, a promontory of Thrace, 389. Sesostris, King of Egypt, 1 19-122, 135. Sestos, 255, 380, 393, 532-534- Sethon, King of Egypt, 136, 137, 139- Sicania, ancient name of Sicily, 421. Sicas, father of Cyberniscus, 396. Sicily, Sicilians, 9, 288, 289, 324- 326, 411, 415-421, 432, 444- Sicinnus, preceptor to the chil- dren of Themistocles, 465, 477. Sicyon, Sicyonians, 58, 296, 297, 348, 359-361, 444, 455, 464, 501, 528. Sidon, Sidonians, 125, 145, 204, 384, 396, 397, 405, 462, 470. Sigaeum, 224. Sigeum, 296, 305, 309, 310. Sigynnae, 277. Silenus, Marsyas, 379, 487. Simonides, the poet, 312, 439. Sindus, 404. Singus, 403. Sinope, on the Euxine, 29, 97, 217, 239- Siphnus, Siphnians, 175, 456. Siris, town in Italy, 460. Siris, of Paeonia, 360, 479. Siromitres, son of GEobazus, 391, 393- Siromus, son of Euelthon, 312. Siromus, father of Mapen, 396. Siropaeonians, 279. Sisamaces, 317. Sisamnes, son of Hydarnes, 390. Sisamnes, father of Otanes, 282. Sitalces, son of Teres, King of Thracians, 237, 408. Sithonia, 403. Siuph, a city of Egypt, 148. Smerdis, son of Cyrus, 164, 165, 176-183, 188, 393- Smerdis, the Magus, 176-184. Smerdomenes, son of Otanes, 393, 403. INDEX 565 Smila, 404. Smindyrides, son of Hippocrates, a Sybarite, 360, 361. Smyrna, Smyrneans, 6, 39, 58-60, 121. Socimenes, 467. Sogdians, 190, 390. Soli, Solians, 315, 316. Solois, western promontory of Libya, 96, 225. Solon, 11, 34, 150, 316. Solymi, 67. Sophanes of Decelea, 349, 517-518. Sosicles, the Corinthian, 306-309. Sostratus, son of Laodamus, of ^Egina, 259. South Sea, 160. Spaco, nurse of Cyrus, 44. Spargapises, son of Tomyris, 82, 83. Spargapithes, King of the Aga- thyrsi, 236. Sparta, Spartans. See Lacedae- mon. Sperchius, river of Thessaly, 430, 439- Sperthies, son of Aneristus, 407, 408. Sphendale, 495. Stagirus, city, 402. Stentoris, a lake of Thrace, 389. Stenyclerus, 515. Stesagoras, 328, 351, 352. Stesagoras, son of Cimon, 330. Stesenor, tyrant of Curium, 315. Stesilaus, son of Thrasylus, 356. Strattis, tyrant of Chios, 254, 484. Struchates, tribe of the Medes, 41. Stryme, city of the Thasians, 400. Strymon, the river, 23, 275, 278, 281, 310, 378, 392, 400, 401, 479, 480. Strymonians, 392. Stymphalis, Lake, 343. Styreans, 353. 444, 456, 502, 503. Styx, the, 342. Summer and Winter (statues at Memphis), 127. Sunium, promontory of Attica, 243, 347, 348, 356, 481. Susa, 73, 178, 181, 190, 201, 202, 206, 238, 239, 282, 283, 286, 291- 293, 314, 319, 324, 327, 357, 366- 368, 387, 407, 414, 442, 458, 472, 530. Syagrus, Lacedaemonian ambassa- dor to Gelon, in Sicily, 415-419. Sybaris, Sybarites, 289, 324, 360. Syene, city in Thebais, 94. Syennesis, King of the Cilicians, 29, 317, 396. Syleus, plain of, 402. Syloson, son of ^aces, brother of Polycrates, 168, 205-209, 322. Syme, 68. Syracuse, Syracusans, 199,415-420. Syrgis, river, 250. Syria, Syrians, 3, 27, 30, 42, 89, 92, 95, 120, 125, 144, 155, 189, 224, 291, 390-392, 395, 409- Syrtis, the, 96, 141, 265, 266. Tabalus, a Persian governor of Sardis, 60-63. Tahiti (Vesta), Scythian goddess, 230. Tachompso, island in the Nile, 94. Taenarus, 9, 420. Talaus, father of Adrastus, 206. Talthybius, herald of Agamemnon, hero worshipped at Sparta, 407, 408. Tamynae, 351. Tanagra, town of Boeotia, 293, 301, 495, 504. Tanais, river of Scythia, 219, 226, 227, 229, 243, 247, 249, 250. Tanis, a district of Egypt, 147. Tarentum, city of Italy, 9, 204, 205, 421, 422. Targitaus, ancestor of the Scyth- ians, 214, 215. 566 HERODOTUS Tarichaea, city of Pelusium, in Egypt, 90, 123. Tartessus, Tartessians, 64, 259, 271. Tauchira, city of Barcaea, 265. Taurica, Tauri, 219, 243, 244, 248. Taurus, Mount, 214. Taxacis, 249. Taygetus, Mount, 256, 257. Teams, river, 240. Teaspes, 225, 393. Tegea, Tegeans, 24-26, 341, 352, 422, 431, 481, 494, 499-502, 504, 505, 5", 513, 5H, 5i6, 517, 521. Teians, 66, 320, 321. Teispes, 373. Telamon, 461. Teleboans, 294. Telecles, 169. Teleclus, 432. Telemachus, 125. Telesarchus, 207. Telines, 415. Telliadas, 505. Tellias, an Elean prophet, 451. Tellus, the Athenian, story of, 11. Telmessus, Telmessians, 30, 33. Telus, island, 415. Telys, King of the Sybarites, 289, 290. Temenidae, 486. Temenus, ancestor of the Mace- donian kings, 486. Temnos, 59. Tempe, 405, 422. Tenedos, 60, 327, 330. Tenos, Tenians, 222, 350, 462, 467. Teos, 57, 66, 151, 198. Teres, 408. Terillus, son of Crinippus, tyrant of Himera, 419, 420. Termera, 287. Termilas, ancient name of the Ly- cians, 68, 395. Tereus, 237. Tethronium, Phocian city burned by Xerxes, 453. Tetramnestus, son of Anysus, a Sidonian, 396. Teucria, Teucrians, 125, 278, 318, 377, 392. Teucrians, Gergithae, 384. Teuthrania, 88. Thales, a Milesian, 28, 29, 66. Thamanaeans, 190, 196. Thamimasadas (Neptune), Scyth- ian god, 230. Thannyras, son of Inarus, 159. Thasos, Thasians, 101, 102, 327, 332, 333, 400, 402. Thaumasius, 429. Theasides, son of Leoprepes, 345. Theaspes, 518. Thebais, 94. . Thebe, daughter of Asopus, 301. Thebes, plain of, in Asia Minor, 384. Thebes, Thebans, of Bceotia, 18, 22, 37, 294, 297, 301, 304, 347, 353, 354, 357, 406, 431, 432, 437, 438, 440, 485, 49i, 495, 496, 501, 503, 506, 513, 515, 5i6, 522; of Egypt, 71, 86, 88, 90, 100, 101, 105, 106, no, in, 147, 156, 163, 267, 268. Themis, 104. Themiscyra, 239. Themison, a Theraean merchant, 259, 260. Themistocles, son of Neocles, 410, 411, 423, 445, 449, 450, 459, 460, 465-470, 476-478, 481, 482, 526. Theocydes, 461. Theodorus, a Samian engineer, 18. Theomestor, son of Androdamas, a Samian, 468, 523. Theophanian festival, 18. Theopompus, 484. Theoris, 347. Thera, Theraeans, 257-264, 288. Therambus, 404. Therapne, 337. Theras, son of Autesion, 257, 258. INDEX 567 Therma, 403-406, 425, 482. Thermodon, river, 120, 239, 245, 501, 507. Thermopylae, 423-425, 427, 431- 443, 448-451, 462, 464, 517, 5IQ- Theron, son of ^Enisidemus, King of the Agrigentines, 419, 420. Thersander, son of Polynices, 257, 334- Thersander, an Orchomenian, 496. Theseus, 517. Thesmophoria, 148, 323, 362. Thespia, Thespians, 301, 406, 431, 437-439, 450, 457, 462, 465, 502. Thesprotia, Thesprotians, 106, 308, 424, 456. Thessaliotis, 20. Thessaly, Thessalians, 191, 295, 309, 341, 342, 360, 368, 400, 405, 406, 422-424, 428, 429, 433, 435, 440, 451, 452, 478, 479, 482, 484, 485, 491, 497, 503, 508, 519, 522, 523- Thessalus, 289. Thestes, fountain of, in Libya, 262. Thetis, 428. Thmuis, a district of Egypt, 147. Thoas, King of Lemnos, 364. Thonis, 124, 125. Thorax, of Larissa, 491, 512. Thoricus, in Attica, 243. Thornax, Mount, in Laconia, 26. Thrace, Thracians, 10, 66, 120, 134, 147, 189, 223, 227, 237, 240, 241, 243, 244, 247, 255, 275-278, 281, 318, 328, 330, 332, 349, 377, 378, 389, 392, 399-402, 408, 423, 426, 479, 503, 523, 533- Thrasybulus, tyrant of Miletus, 8, 308. Thrasycleus, 523. Thrasydeius, 512. Thrasylas, 356. Three Heads, the, pass of Mount Cithaeron, 506. Thriasian Plain, in Attica, 461, 493. Thyia, 424. Thynians, 10. Thyrea, an island near Peloponne- sus, 32, 33, 175, 343. Thyssagetae, 219, 250. Thyssus, city, 377. Tiarantus, a river of Scythia, 227. Tibarenians, 190, 393. Tibisis, a river of Scythia, 227. Tigranes, commander of the Per- sian forces at Mycale, 390, 525- 528. Tigris, river, 73, 75, 141, 292, 324. Timagenides, son of Herpys, 505, 522. Timagoras, 397. Timander, 516. Timarete, priestess of Jupiter, 105. Timesthius, of Delphi, 299. Timesius, of Clazomenae, 66. Timnes, a Scythian, 235. Timo, a priestess, 362, 363. Timodemus, of Aphidnae, 481. Timon, son of Androbulus, a Del- phian, 410. Timonax, son of Timagoras, a Cyprian, 397. Timoxenus, general of the Sci- onaeans, 482, 483. Tiryns, Tirynthians, 343, 345, 408, 503. Tisamenus, son of Thersander, 257, 334- Tisamenus, son of Antiochus, a di- viner with the Greeks at Plataea, 503, 504. Tisander, 360, 361. Tisias, a Parian, 362. Titacus, of Aphidnae, 518. Tithaeus, son of Datis, 394. Tithorea, 452. Titormus, brother of Males, 360. Tmolus, Mount, near Sardis, 33, 38, 311, 312. Tomyris, Queen of the Massa- getae, 80-83. 568 HERODOTUS Torone, 377, 403, 482. Trachea, 243. Trachis, Trachinians, 423, 430, 431, 435, 438, 439, 449, 452, 462. Trapezus, 360. Traspies, 214. Trausi, 276. Travus, river of Thrace, 400. Triballic Plain, 227. Triopium, 58, 224, 415. Tritaea, town of Achaia, 58. Tritantaechmes, son of Artabanus, 75, 393, 403, 451. Triteae, Phocian city, 453. Triton, river of Libya, 266, 267, 270. Triton, a divinity, 267, 270. Tritonis, lake in Libya, 266, 267, 269, 270. Troezene, Trcezenians, 175, 397, 425, 444, 455, 464, 502, 503, 528. Troglodytes, 268. Trophonius, oracle, 17, 485. Troy, Trojans, 3, 124-126, 138, 270, 278, 377, 395, 4i8, 422, 501. Twelve kings, Egypt under the, 139-142. Tydeus, 297. Tymnes, father of Histiaeus, 287, 397- Tyndaridse, 256, 300, 517, 518. Tyndarus, 125. Typhon, 138, 143, 155. Tyras (Tyres), river, 217, 227, 228, 238. Tyre, Tyrians, 101, 123, 145, 396, 462. Tyritae, 228. Tyrodiza, 378. Tyrrhenia, Tyrrhenians, 20, 38, 39, 65, 324, 325. Tyrrhenian Sea, 64. Tyrrhenus, 39. Umbrici, the, 39, 228. Urania. See Venus. Utians, 190, 391. Venetians, of Illyria, 76. Venus, 152, 232; Assyrian (Mylit- ta), 54, 78; Arabian (Alitta), 54, 155; Persian (Mitra), 54; Scyth- ian (Artimpasa), 230: temples of, at Ascalon, 42; in Egypt, 100, 123. Vesta, 104; Scythian (Tahiti), 230, 251. Vulcan, 86, 119, 121-123, 127, 134, 136, 137, 139, 141. 142, 150, 167, 168, 472. "Winter and Summer (statues at Memphis), 127. White Columns, 316. Xanthippus, son of Ariphon, fa- ther of Pericles, 361-363, 380, 484, 532-534- Xanthus, a Samian, 134. Xanthus, Xanthians, 69. Xenagoras, son of Praxilaus, a Halicarnassian, 529. Xerxes, son of Darius, 71, 225, 350, 366-490, 503, 519, 525, 526, 529-532. Xuthus, father of Ion, 396. Zacynthus, Zacynthians, 176, 271, 341, 505. Zalmoxis, 241, 242. Zancle, Zanclseans, of Sicily, 325, 326, 415, 419. Zaveces, 271. Zeuxidemus, 341. Zona, a town of Samothracia, 389. Zopyrus, son of Megabyzus, a Persian prince, 209-212, 225. Zopyrus, a Persian deserter, 212. Zosta, promontory, 475. THE END / '* RETURN TO the circulation desk of any University of California Library or to the NORTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY Bldg. 400, Richmond Field Station University of California Richmond, CA 94804-4698 ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 2-month loans may be renewed by calling (415)642-6233 1-year loans may be recharged by bringing books to NRLF Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW MAR 9 1988 a 3 1989 AUTO. DISC. MAY 1 7 1989 SEP 0 4 1933 AUlUDKCikC AUG 26*9 U.C. BERKELEY UBR ■**&*** jjJMM ^v>; asm*- - . / ' & »* ?' f ■ ' m- 1; W^- i^ *A ff W r van I " # ^i * if Strait;. r