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Hon. Hife-President. Pror. J. O. WESTWOOD, M.A., F.L.S.,
Professor of Zoology in the University of Oxford.
President, ROBERT M‘LACHLAN, F.R.S., &ce.
HERBERT GOSS, F.L.S., F.G.S. The Rev. W. W. FOWLER, M.A., F.L.S.
W. E. POOLE, Resident Librarian.
(Cie) THE
The Transactions can now be obtained by Fellows
at the following reduced prices :—
PUBLIC. First Series, 4 volumes (1834—1845) ...... Price £4 13 0 Second Series, 5 volumes (1850—1861) .... 8) 10) 0 Third Series, 5 volumes (1862—1869) OO The Transactions for the year 1868........ i @ @ 7 - TSO ee 120 ” A ISTO pte iy ts} (0) 0 A TTL ach < ge i & © ” oa VST 2 cence 1 2 0 ” 3 1873: cpipe esc easy G) ” 5 USA esac srs = Ie ° 6 UST DN cte Necks Wh 99 + USD4 6 no06 ac ib iy, ” ” US licvereherecro: = 14 O n y, USSIoodoon'en LEO (0) % %p RLS Ote ceeuarst aks 2) 0 % 4 USEOs ooocdce 019 O ” 5 LSS 10 ecicteys « 116 0 9 ns SS 2a 110 0 93 ¥ SSS saeco. Lec a0 a . 1884 oon. woh is. 0 9 Ar USB Dp reeterstete = lf @ » " SSCs 160 Any single volume from 1850 to 1877 half-price to Fellows.
First Series, vol. v., is out of print.
FELLOWS. £3) LOMO 3) 15; (0) 410 0
The other volumes may be obtained separately, also the following :—
Pascoe’s Longicornia Malayana .......... 212 0 Baly’s Phytophaga Malayana, Pt. 1, Aposta-
SUCCTIC ge cuore svchetelet ictonssa! + ene eater Wore terete 016 O Saunders’ ‘ British Heterogyna and Fossorial
ELUIMENOD TET. We ce-ustateict ods arte eae 0 4 6 Saunders’ ‘ Synopsis of British Hymenoptera,’
12a rd Le ce LESION CIR Oe Be Rae ares 8 06 0 Newport’s ‘ Athalia centifolie’ (Prize Essay) O10
ils) (e 012 0 0 3 4 0 4 6 OPO
The JournaL or PrRocEEDINGS is bound up with the Transacrrons, but may be obtained separately, by Fellows, gratis; by the Public, price
Sixpence per Sheet (16 pp.).
Fellows who have paid their Subscription for the current year, are entitled to receive the Transactions for the year without further payment,
and they will be forwarded free, by post, to any address.
(ya. 4)
PAGE Explanation of the Plates = ar ae ae 56 (lil List of Fellows .. : ae = ois se ai fa 1X
Additions to the Library sis sc ate Be Re 5 ae 88
. On the classification of the By ee By EHpwarp Meyrick, B.A. a 1
II. On a small collection of Languriide ae Tee eit
descriptions of two new species. ey the Rev. W. W.
Fow er, M.A., F.L.S., &e. .. 5 23
Til. Bose DuORe of new genera and ree of Galen aie By JosppH 8. Baty, M.R.C. Shy Ital Uae ne 27
IV. A Synopsis of British Un: Gieaainc: By nore Epwarpbs 4 41
V. Descriptions and es upon Ave new Nocted roe from Japan. By Arruur G. Burner, Has. gE aso., ec. Lol VI. Notes in 1885 upon lepidopterous larvee and pupe, including an account of the loss of weight in the freshly- formed lepidopterous pupa, &e. By K. B. Pourron, M.A., F.G.S.,
HAZ S QC : 137
VII. On some proposed Pamir of t names sof genera. By Davip Suarp, M.B., F.Z.8. xc 181
VIII. Descriptions of Tentaantens from ne South Pacifica. By Epwarp Meyrick, B.A. z ‘ 189
IX. On Hucnemis enue Ahr., and a ia By isa Suarp, M.B., F.Z.8. Or 297
X. New genera and species of Langur ide. bys fhe Rove Wie W. Fowzer, M M.A., F.L:S. se : 303
XI. Notes on the occurrence in Britain of some eaicueated Aphides. By G. B. Bucxron, F.R.S., F.L.S. .. .. 323
XII. Notice of a tube-making Homopterous insect from Ceylon. By Prof. J. O. Westwoop, M.A., F.L.S., pon ee Pres.
Bot. Soc. London, &c. ae 329 XII. Further additions to the Rev. T. A. Magahallts eaioree of
British Ichneumonidae. By Joun B. Bripeman, F. if Ss. Bit) XIV. On Bruchus-infested Beans. By THropore Woop . 5a 0)
XV. Descriptions of 21 new genera and 103 new species of Lepidoptera-Heterocera from the Australian Region. ey
Anrruur G. Burer, F.L.S., F.Z.5. 3 xe 381 XVI. Descriptions of unchar toriaed oy of Diabrotica. By Josnru S. Bary, M.R.C.S., F.L.S. .. Be 443
XVII. Some observations on the Tea- fund (elanele): of re and Java. By Cuarnes O. WATERHOUSE .. .. 457
( vill)
PAGE XVIII. Notes on insects apparently of the genus Margarodes, Lansd.-Guilding, stated to occur abundantly in the nests of White Ants, and also of true Ants, in certain Western Districts of the Cape cE By Roxanp Trimen, F.R.S., F.L.8. .. fe .. 461 XIX. The life-history of Geometra a smaragdaria By GrorcE ELISHA Bc 30 Pe: 01)) Proceedings for 1886 .. oie fe be = ie ac i Charter and Bye-Laws .. oe 35 3¢ oc 3é soy lboogy Index 36 ae oe 30 sf ox 56 ao 36 cv
Plates I.—II. See pages 41 to 129 | Plate VIII. See pages 329 to 333 Plate III. Pr 7 303 5, o22 || Platespix. Xo) » oes ,, 441 Plates IV.,V., VI.,& VII. 328 ,, 828 | PlateXI. .. ,, ;, 467 ,, 459
At page 271, first line from top, for ‘‘ Puyticipm” read ‘‘PuyciTipm.” Page 458, first line from top, for “fig. 4”’ read ‘fio, 5.’ Page 459, eleventh line from top, for “fig. 5” read “fio. 4” ; lines eleven, thirteen and fourteen from bottom, for ‘“atér” read ‘‘niger.”
ist of Fellotus
83lst Decemper, 1886.
1875 Burmeister, Hermann Carl Conrad, Buenos Ayres.
1885 Donen, Carl August, Stettin.
1863 Hacen, Hermann Aveust, Cambridge, U.S.A.
1884 Miturr, Fritz, Blumenau, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
1884 OstTeNn-SackEN, Baron C. R. von, Heidelberg.
1884 Pacxarp, AtpHmus 8., Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.A. 1872 Saussure, Henri F. de, Geneva.
1871 Srtys-Lonecnuamps, Baron M. E. de, Liege.
1882. Sianoret, Victor, Paris.
1885 SNELLEN, Pinter C. T., Rotterdam.
Marked * are Original Members. Marked + have compounded for their Annual Subscriptions
Date of Election.
1877. Apams, Frederick Charlstrom, 20 Old Bond-street, W.
1877. Apams, Herbert J., Roseneath, London-road, Enfield, N.
1885 Apktn, Robert, Wellfield, Lingard-road, Lewisham, 8.E.
1880 Anprt, Ed., Member of the Entomological Societies of France, Berlin, Stettin, &c., 21 Boulevard Bretonniere, Beaune (Cote @Or), France.
1886 ArcueEr, F., Little Crosby-road, Crosby, Liverpool.
1856 ArmiracE, Ed., R.A., 3 Hall-road, St. John’s Wood, N.W.
1886 Armore, E A., 3 Haylett-terrace, HExton’s-road, King’s
Lynn, Norfolk. b
1883 >
1885 1850 1886 1886
1865 1861
Attys, Robt. Jervoise, Ingow Grange, Stratford-on-Avon.
+ Basineton, Charles Cardale, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c.,
Professor of Botany in the University of Cambridge, 5 Brookside, Cambridge.
Baker, G. 'T., 16 Clarendon-road, Hdgbaston, Birmingham.
Baty, Joseph 8., M.R.C.S., F.L.S., The Butts, Warwick.
Bankes, Eustace R., M.A., Corfe Castle, Dorset.
Bareacui, Nobile Cavaliere Piero, Piazza S. Maria, Palazzo Tempt No. 1, Florence, Italy.
Barrett, Charles Golding, Norfolk-street, King’s Lynn, Norfolk.
Barton, Stephen, 32 St. Michael’s Hill, Bristol.
Bates, Henry Walter, F.R.S., F.L.S., &e., 11 Carleton- road,'Tufnell Park, N.
1851 + Beaumont, Alfred, 80 Ladywell Park, Lee, 8.1K.
1882 1886
1886 1841 1875
Brre, C., Museo Publico, Buenos Ayres.
Bipvig, I’. W., M.A. Lanherne, Foxgrove-road, Beckenham, Kent. .
BIGNELL, George Carter, 7 Clarence-place, Stonehouse, Plymouth.
Biuuvrs, T. R., 20 Swiss Villas, Coplestone-road, Peckham, S.E.
Buatuwayt, Lieut.-Col. L., F.L.8., Hagle House, Bath- easton, Bath.
Buiss, Arthur, 48 New Broad-street, E.C.
BuLoMEFIELD, Rev. Leonard, M.A., F.L.S., &c., 19 Belmont, Bath.
BLoomFIELD, Rey. H. N., M.A., Guestling Rectory, Hastings.
Bonn, Frederick, F.Z.8., 5 Fairfield Avenue, Staines.
Borrer, Wm., junr., F.G.S., Parkyns Manor House, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex.
BoscuHer, Edward, Bellevwe House, Twickenham.
1852 + Boyp, Thomas, Woodvale Lodge, South Norwood Hill, 8.K.
1867 1886 1877 1870 1879
1878 1886
Boyp, William Christopher, Cheshunt, Herts.
Bripeman, John B., F.L.8., 69 St. Giles’-street, Norwich.
Briecs, Charles Adolphus, 55 Lincolm’s Inn Fields, W.C. ; and Surrey House, Leatherhead, Surrey.
Briaes, Thos. Henry, M.A., Surrey House, Leatherhead, Surrey.
Bronenrart, Le Chevalier Charles, Memb. Ento. Soc. France, and Memb. Geol. Soc. France, &c., 8 Rue Guy de la Brosse, Paris.
Brown, Capt. Thomas, Drury, Auckland, New Zealand.
Brown, John, 5 King’s Parade, Cambridge.
1862 Browne, Rev. Thomas Henry, M.A., F.G.S., The Cedars High Wycombe, Bucks.
1883 Bucxron, George Bowdler, F.R.S., F.L.8., Weycombe, Haslemere, Surrey.
1855 Burnett, Edward Henry, 32 Bedford-row, W.C.
1868 + Burter, Arthur Gardiner, F.L.S., F.Z.S., 10 Avington- grove, Penge, 8.E.
1883 Buriter, Edward Albert, B.A., B.Se., F.Z.S., Windeyer, Ashley Road, Crouch Hill, N.
1886 CatverT, Wm. Bartlett, Collegio Ingles, 13 Nataniel, Santiago, Chili, South America.
1886 Cameron, Peter, 20 Beech-road, Sale, Cheshire.
1885 CampBELL, Francis Maule, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &c., Rose Hill, Hoddesdon, Herts.
1860 Canvrze, Dr. E., Glain, Liége.
1880 CanspaLtr, W. D., 6 Whittington-terrace, London-road, Forest Hill, S.E.
1886 Capron, Edward, M.D., Shere, Guildford.
1886 CarmicHaEL, T. D. Gibson, F.L.S., Castle Craig, Peebles, N.B.
1868 CarrRineton, Charles, Ellerslie, Lower Merton, S.W.
1871 CuHampion, G. C., 11 Calder-Vale-road, Elms Park, Clapham Common, S.W.
1886 CuarK, John A., The Broadway, London Fields. N.E.
1867 CxuarkE, Alex. Henry, 109 Warwick-road, Earls Court, S.W.
1886 CrarKe, C. Baron, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.8., F.G.8., Royal Herbarium, Kew.
1874 CocK LE, Capt. George, 9 Bolton-gardens, S.W.
1873 Corr, William, Laurel Cottage, Buckhurst Hill, Essex.
1884 CoxuettT, EK. Pyemont, 19 St. John-street, Manchester.
1880 CopuLanpD, Patrick F., Hilleote, Buckhurst Hill, Essex.
1876 | CoprertTHwalTE, William Charles, Beech-grove, Malton.
1883 CovERDALE, George, 24 Pleming-rd., Lorrimore-square, S.E.
1886 CoweELL, Peter (Librarian of the Liverpool Free Public Library), William Brown-street, Liverpool.
1853 Cox, Colonel C. J., Fordwich House, Canterbury.
1867 Cox, Herbert Ed., Ashleigh, Marlborough Hill, Harrow.
1880 + Crisp, Frank, LL.B., B.A., F.L.S., F.G.S.. Sec. R.M.S.,
5 Lansdowne-road, Notting Hill, W. 1883 Crow.ey, Philip, F.L.8., F.Z.8., Waddon House, Croydon.
18738 Dats, C. W., Glanville’s Wootton, Sherborie.
xl 1886
1885 1837
1886 1875
1885 1873 1886 1876 1874 1884
1865 1885
1885 1886 1884 1886 1886 1878
1869 1886
1881 1878 1874 1886 1865 1883
1885 1880
Dannatt, Walter, lvuy Dene, Westcombe Park, Blackheath S.E.
Dent, H. C., C.E., F.L.8., 20 Thurloe-square, 8.W.
DrEvVoNSHIRE, Wm. Cavendish, Duke of, K.G., M.A., D.C.L., F.R.S., &c., Devonshire House, 78 Piccadilly, W.
Dickson, The Rev. Prof. W., D.D., LL.D., Professor of Divinity in the University of Glasgow, Glasgow.
Distant, Wm. Lucas, Memb. Anthropological Institute, 1 Russell-hill-road, Purley, Surrey.
Donovan, C., junr., Westview, Glandore, Leap, Co. Cork.
Doria, Marquis Giacomo, Strada Nuova, Genoa.
Dormer, John Baptiste, Lord, Grove Park, Warwick.
Dovetas, John Wm., 8 Beaufort-gardens, Lewisham, 8.E.
Dowsert, Arthur, 54, Russell-street, Reading.
Druck, Hamilton H. C. J., 43 Circus-road, St. John’s Wood, N.W.
+ Dunninc, Joseph Wm., M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.S., 12 Old-
square, Lincolv’s Inn, W.C.
D’Ursan, W.S. M., F.L.8., Albwera, St. Leonards, Hxeter.
Durrant, John Hartley-, Bancroft House, Hitchin, Herts.
Eaton, Rey. Alfred Edwin, M.A., Bridy Lodge, Chepstow- road, Croydon.
Epmonps, Thomas, 25 Sandfield-terrace, Guildford.
Epwarps, James, 1386 Rupert-street, Norwich.
Epwarps, Stanley, Kidbrook Lodge, Blackheath, 8.B.
EisHa, George, 122 Shepherdess-walk, City-road.
Eis, John W., L.R.C.P., 8 Brougham Terrace, Liverpool.
Etwes, Henry John, F.L.8., F.Z.S., Preston House, Cirencester.
Emicu, Gustave d’, 6 Sebastian-place, Budapesth, Hungary.
Enock, Fred., 11 Parolles-road, Upper Holloway, N.
Fenwick, Nicholas Percival, Holmwood, South Bank, Surbiton Hill, Surrey.
Frerepay, R. W., Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Finzi, John A., 94 Oxford Gardens, N. Kensington, W.
Fircu, Edward A., F.L.S., Brick House, Maldon, Essex.
Fireu, Frederick, Hadleigh House, Highbury New Park, N.
Fuiercuer, J. E., 26 MeIntyre-road, St. John’s, Worcester.
+ FietcHEerR, W. H. B., M.A., 6 The Steyne, Worthing,
Foxxer, A. J. F., Zierikzee, South Holland, Netherlands.
Fow er, Rev. W. W., M.A., F.L.S., Secretary, Z'he School
House, Lincoln.
1883 Freeman, Francis Ford, 8 Leigham-terrace, Plymouth.
1855 Fry, Alexander, F.L.S., Thornhill House, Dulwich Wood Park, Norwood, 8.E.
1876 Fryrr, Herbert Fortescue, Chatteris, Cambridgeshire.
1884 Fuuier, Rev. Alfred, M.A., Hast Pallant, Chichester.
1865 + Gopman, Frederick Du Cane, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S, &e. South Lodge, Lower Beeding, Horsham, Sussex; and 10 Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, W.
1886 Goopricu, Arthur Mainwaring, Lieutenant, 27th Regiment, Aubrey, Lymington, Hants.
1855 Goruam, Rev. Henry Stephen, F.Z.8., The Chestnuts, Shirley Warren, Southampton.
1874 Goss, Herbert, F.L.S., F.G.S8., Secretary, Almora, Berry- lands-road, Surbiton Hull, Surrey.
1879 Gossr, Philip Henry, F.R.S., Sandhurst, Torquay, Devonshire.
1886 GREEN, A. P., Colombo, Ceylon.
1865 GreEEnsz, Rev. J., M.A., Rostrevor, Apsley-road, Clifton Bristol.
1846 Grut, Ferdinand, F.L.S., Liprartan, 9 Newcomen-street, Southwark, 8.E.
1885 Hau, Thomas William, 3 New Inn, Strand, W.C.
1877 Harpine, George, The Grove, Fishponds, Bristol.
1886 Harpers, John T., Newton-road, Burton-on-Trent.
1881 Henry, George, 38 Wellington-square, Hastings.
1883 Hix, Lewis Fredk., St. Swithin, Haling Common, W.
1876 + Hittman, Thomas Stanton, Hastgate-street, Lewes.
1869 HoupswortH, Edward, Shanghai.
1886 Horner, A. M., Tonbridge, Kent.
1876 + Horniman, Fredk. John, F.L.S., F.Z.8., F.R.G.S., &c., Surrey House, Forest Hill, 8.K.
1865 + Hupp, A. E., 94 Pembroke-road, Clifton, Bristol.
1880 + Incupatp, Peter, F.L.8., F.Z.S., Fulwith Grange, Harro- gate, Yorks.
1886 Jacosy, Martin, 30 Delancey-street, Regent’s Park, N.W.
1885 + James, Harry Berkeley, F.Z.S., F.R.G.S., Las Salinas, Valparaiso; and 16 Ashburn-place, 5.W.
1843 Janson, Ed. W., 382 Victoria-road, Finsbwry Park, N.; and 85 Little Russell-street, Bloomsbury, W.C.
1869 Janson, Oliver E., Perth-road, Stroud Green, N.; and 35 Little Russell-street, Bloomsbury, W.C.
18538 JeKkeL, Henri, 62 Rue de Dunkerque, Paris.
1886 Jenner, J.H. A., 4 Hast-street, Lewes.
1886 Jonn, Evan, Llantrissant, Pontypridd.
1886 Jounston, John M.C., The Yews, Grove Park, Denmark Hill, S.E.
1884 Kane, W. F. de Vismes, M.A., M.R.I.A., Sloperton Lodge, Kingstown, Ireland.
1884 Kappr, A. W., 5 Burlington Gardens, Chiswick, W.
1876 Karrer, Dr. F., Putbws, Rugen, North Prussia.
1876 + Kay, John Dunning, Leeds.
1872 Kayr, Ernest St. G., Jessore, Bengal.
1884 Keays, F. Lovell, F.L.S., 26 Charles-street, St. James, S.W.
1886 Kew, H. Wallis, 7 Lee-street, Louth, Lincolnshire.
1861 Kuirsy, W. F., 5 Burlington Gardens, Chiswick, W.
1876 Kraarz, Dr. G. (President of the German Entomological Society), 28 Link-strasse, Berlin.
1842 Kuprr, Rev. Charles Augustus Frederick, M.A., The Vicarage, Trelleck, Chepstow.
1875 Lamarcue, Oscar, 70 Rue Louvrex, Liege.
1868 Lane, Lieut.-Col. A. M., R.E., Simla, India.
1880 Lane, The Rev. Henry Charles, M.D., F.L.S., Western Elms Cottage, Reading, Berkshire.
1883 Lemann, Fredk. Charles, Blackfriars House, Plymouth.
1868 Lenpy, Major Augustus F., F.L.8., F.G.8., Sunbury House, Sunbury, 8.W.
1876 Lewis, George, F.L.S., 39 High-street, Wimbledon, 8.W.
1835 + Linewoop, Robert Maulkin, M.A., F.L.S., F.G.8., 6 Park Villas, Cheltenham.
1886 Livert, H. W., M.D., Wells, Somerset.
1875 Livinestonr, Clermont, Hast Lodge, Forest Rise, Walthamstow, Essex.
1865 + Luewetyn, J. Talbot Dillwyn, M.A., F.L.S8., Ynisgerwn, Neath.
1881 + Luoyp, Alfred, F.C.S., The Dome, Bognor, Sussex.
1885 Luoyp, R. W., 82 Grafton-square, Clapham Common.
1849 Loaan, R. F., Spylaw House, Colinton, near Edinburgh.
1850 Lown, W. H., M.D., Woodcote Lodge, Inner Park-road, Wimbledon Park, S.W.
1850 + Lussockx, Sir John, Bart., M.P., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.L.8., F.G.S., &e., High Elms, Farnborough, Kent.
1880 Lupron, Henry, 11 Hyde-terrace, Leeds.
1851 + M‘Inrosu, J.
1858 M‘Lacunan, Robert, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.Z.S., PRESIDENT, Westview, Clarendon-road, Lewisham, 8.K.
1869 + MarsxguL, L’Abbé 8. A. de, 271 Boulevard Perewre, Paris.
1865 Marsuatt, Rev. Thos. Ansell, M.A., F.L.5., Nwnton Vicarage, Salisbury.
1856 | MarsHauu, William, Rutland Gate, Belvedere, Kent.
1874 + Mason, P. Brooke, M.R.C.S., F.L.8., Burton-on-Trent.
1865 MatHEew, Gervase F., R.N., F.L.S., F.Z.8., F.R.G.S., Lee House, Dovercourt, Essex.
1860 May, John William, K.N.L., Arwndel Howse, Percy Cross, Fulham-road, 8.W.
1872, Mreupoua, Prof. Raphael, F.R.S., F.R.A.S., F.C.S., 6 Brunswick-square, W.C.
1885 Metviu1, James Cosmo, M.A., F.L.S., &c., Kersal Cottage, Prestwich, Lancashire.
1880 Meyrick, Edward, B.A., Ramsbury, Hungerford, Wilts.
1883 Mixes, W. H., 5 & 6 Hare-street, Calcutta.
1886 Miskin, W. H., Brisbane, Queensland.
1879 Mownrerro, Senor Antonio Augusto de Carvalho, 72 Rua do Alecrion, Lisbon.
1853 Moors, Frederic, F.Z.S., A.L.S., 110 Oakfield-road, Penge, 8.E.
1886 Morean, A. C. F., Villa Nova de Gaya, Oporto, Portugal.
1869 + Miurr, Albert, F.R.G.S., 1954 Junkerstrasse, Berne, Switzerland.
1872 + Murray, Lieut. H.
1886 Murcn, J. P., Hornsey-road, N.
1886 Neave, B. W., Lyndhurst, 95 Queen’s-road, Brownswood Park, N.
1884 Nerwcomse, 8. Prout, Northcote, Hast Croydon.
1878 Newman, Thomas P., F.Z.8., 54 Hatton Garden, E.C.
1882 NuictviLue, Lionel de, F.L.8., Indian Museum, Calcutta.
1886 NicHouson, William E., School Hill, Lewes, Sussex.
1886 Norris, Herbert E., Vine Cottage, St. Ives, Hunts.
1878 NorripGce, Thomas, Ashford, Kent.”
1869 OxsrrtTHir, Charles (fils), Rennes, France.
1877 Operruttr, René, Rennes, France.
1883 OLpFIELD, George W., M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.8., 6 South Bank- terrace, Stratford-road, Kensington, W.
1873 Ouivrer, Ernest, Ramillons, pres Moulins (Allter), France.
1886 Onurr, A. Sidney, Australian Museum, Sydney, N. 8S. Wales.
1878 Ormerop, Miss Eleanor A., F.M.S., Dunster Lodge, Spring-grove, Isleworth, W.
1880 OrmerRop, Miss Georgiana, Dunster Lodge, Spring-grove, Isleworth, W.
1841 }Owern, Sir Richard, K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., M.D., F.R.S., F.L.8., F.G.S., &e., Sheen Lodge, Richmond Park, 8.W.
1854 Pascor, Francis P., F.L.S., 1 Buwrlington-road, West- bourne Park, W.
1884 Patron, W. H., Waterbury, Connecticut, U.S.A.
1883 Prrineury, Louis, Rondebosch, Cape Colony.
1879 Prrxrs, Vincent Robt., Wotton-wnder-Hdge, Gloucester- shire.
1872 Purprson, Arthur, 3 Gray’s Inn-square, W.C.
1881 Pim, H. Bedford, Leaside, Kingswood-road, Upper Norwood, 8.K.; and Merton College, Oxford.
1885 Pou, J. R. H. Neerwort van der, Amsterdam.
1885 Poors, W. E., 11 Chandos-street, Cavendish-square, W.
1870 Porritt, George T., F.L.8., Greenfield Howse, Hudders- field.
1884 + Poutton, Edward B., M.A., F.G.S., F.Z.8., Wykeham House, Banbury-road, Oxford.
1851 Preston, Rev. Thomas Arthur, M.A., F.L.8., Thurcaston Rectory, Leicester.
1876 PReuUDHOMME DE Borrg, Alfred (Sec., Ent. Soc. of Belgium), 19 Rue de Dublin, Ixelles, near Brussels.
1878 Pricr, David, 48 West-street, Horsham, Sussex.
1886 Pryrer, H. J.8., 127 Bluff, Yokohama, Japan.
1870 Puts, J. C., Place de la Calandre, Ghent.
1886 Raconot, E. L., Ex-President Ento. Soc. France, 12 Quar de la Rapée, Paris.
1882 { RamspEeN, Hildebrand, M.A., F.L.8., 26 Upper Bedford- place, Russell-square, W.C.
1874 Rerep, Edwyn C., 85 Calle San Ignacio, Valparaiso, Chili.
1886 Ruopes, John, F.R.M.S., 360 Blackburn-road, Accrington, Lancashire.
1871 Riry, Chas. V., M.A., Ph.D., Entomologist to the Depart- ment of Agriculture, and Hon. Curator of Insects, U.S. National Musewm, Washington, D.C., U.S.A.
1853 Rrpon, George Frederick Samuel, Marquis of, K.G., D.C.L., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., 1 Carlton-gardens, 8.W.
1869 Roptnson-Doveuas, William Douglas, F.L.S., F.R.G.S., Orchardton, Castle Douglas, N.B.
1886 Roskr, Arthur J., 2 Linden Villas, Bedford-road, Snares- brook, Essex, E.
1868 Rorunery, G. A. J., Calcutta.
1865 Rynanps, Thos. Glazebrook, F.L.S., F.G.S., Highfields, Thelwall, Warrington.
1885 Sapen, Ernest, F.Z.S., F.R.G.S., 6 Grove-road, Clapham Park, 8.W.
1875 Sauii, Auguste, 13 Rue Guy de la Brosse, Paris.
1866 + Satvin, Osbert, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., &c., 10 Chandos- street, Cavendish-sq., W.; and Hawksfold, Fernhurst, Haslemere.
1886 Sauwey, Reginald E., 1 Bowverie-place, Folkestone.
1885 Sanpars, T. C., 46 Cleveland-square, Hyde Park, W.
1865+ SaunpERs, Edward, F.L.S., Treasurer, St. Ann’s, Mason's Hill, Bromley, Kent.
1861 + SaunpERS, G. 8., Cwmberland House, Mount Sion, Tunbridge Wells.
1886 SaunpErs, Wm., London, Ontario, Canada (President of the Entomological Society of Ontario).
1881 Sconuick, A. J., Albion Lodge, Putney, 8.W.
1586 ScuppER, Samuel H., Cambridge, Mass., United States.
1875 + Seaty, Alfred Forbes, Cochin, South India.
1864 SrmmpPER, George, Altona.
1862 SHarp, David, M.B., C.M., F.Z.S., Bleckley, Shirley Warren, Southampton.
1883 SuHaw, A. Eland, 13 Lanhill-road, Paddington, W.
1883 } SHELLEY, Capt. George E., F.Z.8., 18 Rutland Gate, W.
1877 SuaTer, John Win., 86 Wray-crescent, Tollington Park, N.
18838 Sirs, Frederick W., Hollywood House, Dartmouth Point, Blackheath, Kent.
1869 Smrru, Henley Grose, 20 Finsbury Circus, E.C.
1885 Smiru, Sidney Philip, 22 Rylett’s-road, Shepherds Bush, W.
1885 Sovurn, Richard, 12 Abbey-gardens, St. John’s Wood, N.W.
+ Spence, William Blundell, Florence, Italy.
1848 + Stainton, Henry Tibbats, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.8., &c., Mountsfield, Lewisham, 8.E.
1862 Srrvens, John §., 388 King-street, Covent Garden, W.C.
1837 Srevens, Samuel, F.L.8., Loanda, Beulah Hill, Upper Norwood, 8.E.
1886 SurracE, J. Lyddon, Hertford College, Oxford; and Saville-place, Clifton, Bristol.
1882 Swanzy, Francis, Stanley House, Granville-road, Sevenoaks.
1884 SwinuHok, Lieut.-Col. Charles, F.L.S., F.Z.8., India.
1876 Swinton, A. H., Lansdowne, Danes Park, Ramsgate, Kent.
1886 THEOBALD, F. V., 12 Charles-road, St. Leonards-on-Sea ; and Chestnut Avenue, Kingston-on-Thames.
1856 THomson, Jas.,12 Rwe de Presbourg, Place del Etoile, Paris.
1882 Topp, Richard, 5 Princes-terrace, Bayswater, W.
1859 + Trimen, Roland, F.R.S., F.L.8. (Curator of South African Museum), Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope.
1886 Turr, J. W., Raylergh Villa, Westcombe Park, Blackheath, S.E.
1869 VauaHan, Howard, 11 Ospringe-road, Brecknock-road, N.W.; and 55 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, W.C. 1866 VuerRRALL, G. H., Sussex Lodge, Newmarket.
1876 WAKEFIELD, Charles Marcus, F.L.8., Belmont, Uxbridge.
1886 Waker, A. O., F.L.S., Chester.
1870 Waker, Rev. Francis Augustus, D.D., F.L.S., Dun Mallard, Cricklewood, N.W.
1878 Wauker, J. J., R.N., 23 Ranelagh-road, Marine Town, Sheerness.
1863 + WauLacr, Alfred Russel, F.L.S., F.Z.8., &¢., Nuwtwood
Cottage, Frith Hill, Godalming.
1866 + WausincHAM, Thomas de Grey, Lord, M.A., F.L.S., F.Z.8., &ce., Haton House, Eaton-square, 8.W.; and Merton Hall, Thetford, Norfolk.
1866 Warp, Christopher, F.L.8., Savile-road, Halifax.
1886 WarreEN, W., M.A., Merton Cottage, Cambridge.
1869 WatrrHousE, Charles O., British Musewm, South Ken- sington, S.W.; and Ingleside, Avenue Gardens, Acton, W.
WATERHOUSE, George R., F.Z.8., &., Curton Lodge,
Werter-road, Putney, S.W.
1845 Weir, John Jenner, F.L.S., F.Z.8S., Chirbury, Beckenham, Kent.
1876 + WestERN, E. Young, 27 Craven Hill Gardens, Bays- water, W.
“e Westwoop, John Obadiah, M.A., F.L.S. (Professor of Zoology in the University of Oxford), Honorary Lire PRESIDENT, 67 Woodstock-road, Oxford.
1882 WeyMeER, Gustav, 67 Ost-strasse, Elberfeld, Rhenish Prussia.
1886 WHEELER, F. D., M.A., Paragon House School, Norwich.
1868 | Wuitr, F. Buchanan, M.D., F.L.S., <Annat Lodge, Perth, N.B.
1865 Wuirr, Rev. W. Farren, M.A., Stonehouse Vicarage,
1884 Wauire, William, Morden House, 55 Highbury Hill, N.
1882 WituiaMs, W. J., Zoological Society, Hanover-square, W.
1874 Witson, Owen, Cwmffrwd, Carmarthen.
1881 Woop, Theodore, Freeman Lodge, St. Peter’s, Thanet, Kent.
1862 Worma.D, Percy C., 10 Cromwell-avenue, Highgate, N.
1886 Youne, Morris, Free Museum, Paisley.
Abeille (L’). Journal d’Entomologie, redigé par 8. A. de Marseul.
No. 300—3811. The Editor. Annals and Magazine of Natural History for 1885. Purchased.
Barcaaui (Piero). Materiali per la Fauna dell’ isola di Sardegna.
Coleotteri, 1870—73. The Author. Descrizione di nuovo specie di Coleotteri dell’ Italia centrale trovate, 1871. The Author.
Alcune Escursioni Entomologiche fatte in Italia nel 1872. The Author.
Cenni Biologici su due specie di Percus. 1874. The Author. Caccie ed Escurzioni. V—VIII. 1874. The Author.
Ricordi di una escurzione entomologica al Monte Amiata. 1875. The Author.
Insetti commestibili. Svo. Firenze, 1877. The Author.
Di alcuni insetti nocivi ai rami di querca, di cerro e di leccio.
1878. The Author. La Flora delle Altiche in Kuropa.—Dati Biologici degli Alticiti Europei. 8vo. Firenze, 1878. The Author.
I Rimedi contro la Phylloxera vastatrix. 1879. The Author.
Notizie di Entomologia agraria. I.—VIII. 8vo. Firenze, 1880. The Author.
Di tre opuscoli sugli insetti fossili e sulle formazioni inglesi e straniere nelle quali sono stati scoperti avanzi d’insetti, publicatida H. Goss. 8vo. Firenze. 1880. The Author.
Breve nota sulla biologia dello Smicronyx cyaneus, Gyll. S8vo. 1881. The Author.
Insectes comestibles. Traduction littérale di M. Peragallo. Suivi d’une Note sur l’Anobiwm tomentosum. S8vo. Nice. 1882. The Author.
Contribuzioni alla biologia dei Lixidi. S8yo. 1882. The Author.
Geen, =)
Sul Ragiwm indagator, Fabr. 8vo. Firenze, 1883. The Author.
Note intorno alla biologia di aleuni Coleotteri. 1884. The Author.
‘‘Mémoires sur les Lépidoptéres. Tomes I. et Il. par N. M. Romanoff”’ [a Review]. 8vo. Firenze, 1884. The Author.
Un nuovo lavoro del Socio Sig. Herbert Goss, ‘‘ Di aleuni insetti scoperti recentemente in roccie carbonifere e siluriane.” 8vo. 1886. The Author.
Barrierr-Catvert (William). Catalogo de los Lepidopteros Rhopaloceros i Heteroceros. 8vo. Santiago de Chile. 8vo. 1886.
Bere (Carl). Notas sinonimicas acerca de algunos Cerambicidos de la Fauna Argentina. 1886. The Author.
Bericht iiber die wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Gebiete der Ento- mologie wiihrend des jahres 1884, von Dr. Philipp Bertkau und Dr. E. von Martens. 8vo. Berlin, 1885. Purchased.
Do. do. do. wihrend des jahres 1885, von Dr. Philipp Bertkau. 8vo. Berlin, 1886. Purchased.
Buiackspurn (Rev. T.) and P. Cameron. On the Hymenoptera of the Hawaiian Islands. S8vo. London, 1886. The Authors.
Biomerretp (Rev. Leonard). Reminiscences of Prideaux John Selby and Twizell House; also Brief Notices of other North Country Naturalists. Bath, 1885. The Author.
Borre (Alfred Preudhomme de). Analyse de deux travaux récents de MM. Scudder et Ch. Brongniart sur les Articulés fossiles. Bruxelles, 1885. The Author.
Discours prononcé a l’assemblée générale du 26éme Decembre, 1885, de la Société Entomologique de Belgique. 1885. The Author.
Note sur le Geotrupes stercorarius et les espéces voisines. 1886. The Author.
Descriptions de deux espéces nouvelles du genre Agidium, Westw.; suivi de la liste des Orphnides du Musée Royal Vhistoire naturelle de Belgique. 1886. The Author.
Liste des espéces de Coléoptéres Carnassiers terrestres et aquatiques authentiquement capturés en Belgique. 8vo. Gand, 1886. The Author.
Note sur les Crustacés Isopodes de la Belgique. 8vo. Gand, 1886. The Author. Note sur le genre Ectinohophlia, Redt. 1886. Vhe Author.
Sur les espéces Kuropéennes du genre Haplidia. 1886. The Author.
Anomalie observée chez un Leucopholis rorida, de Borre. 1886, The Author.
Crustacés Isopodes recueillis par feu Camille van Volxem, pendant son voyage en Portugal en 1871. 1886. The Author.
Note sur les T'riodonta aquila, Casteln. et cribellata, Fairm. 1886. The Author.
( xxi 7)
Catalogue des Trogides décrits jusqu’a ce jour, precedée d’un Synopsis de leurs genres et d’une esquisse de leur distribu- tion géographique. 8vo. Gand, 1886. The Author.
Broun (Captain Thomas). Manual of New Zealand Coleoptera. Parts lii. and iv. Colonial Museum, Wellington.
Buckier (William). The Larve of the British Butterflies and Moths. Edited by H. T. Stainton. Vol. I. (Ray Society). 8vo. London, 1886. J. W. Dunning.
Burmeister (H.). Révision der Gattung Eurysoma. The Author.
Burier (Arthur G.). Lepidoptera Heterocera in the British Museum. Part VI. The Trustees of British Musewm.
Canadian Entomologist (The). Edited by William Saunders. Vol. XVII., Nos. 11 and 12; Vol. XVIII., Nos. 1, 3—8. 1885-86. The Editor.
Canadian Record of Science (The). Vol. Il., Nos. 1, 2, and 4. 8vo.
Montreal, 1886. The Editor. Casry (Thomas L.). New genera and species of Californian Coleoptera. 8vo. 1885. The Author.
Dernv (Hastings Charles). A Year in Brazil. 8vo. London, 1886. Lady Beaujolais Dent.
Distant (Wm. Lueas). Rhopalocera Malayana. Parts XI. and XII. Purchased.
Doumarne (Claude J.). Remarks on Wild-silk yield as found in the Hazaree- bung District. 1886. [Reprint from Journal Agric. Soc. India}. The Author.
Durrant (John Hartley). List of Lepidoptera observed in the neigh- bourhood of Hitchin and Knebworth, Herts. The Author.
Karon (Rey. A. E.). A Revisional Monograph of recent Ephemeride or May-flies. Part IV. The Author.
[inwes (H. J.). On Butterflies of the genus Parnassius. 1886. The Author.
Entomologia Americana. Edited by John B. Smith. Vol.I., Nos. 9—12 ; Vol. II., Nos. 1—6, 8. 8vo. Brooklyn (N. Y.), 1885. The Editor. Entomologist (The) for 1886. 8vo. London, 1886. T. P. Newman. Entomologists’ Monthly Magazine. 8vo. London, 1885-6. The Editors.
Fiercurr (James). F.R.S.C. Report of the Entomologist. 8vo. Ottowa, 1885. The Author.
GasrERINI (Riccardo). Notizie sulla Fauna Imenotterologa Dalmata. 4to. Zara, 1886. The Author.
Here (N. Fenwick). Sphina pinastri (The Pine Hawk Moth) a British species. The Author.
(Seer) Host (George D.). Description of new Pyralide. S8yo. 1886. The Author.
Notes upon various species of Hinoming. 8vo. 1886. The Author.
New species and varieties of Geometride. 8vo. 1886. The Author.
Illustrated Science Monthly. Dec. 1885, Jan. & Feb. 1886. The Author.
Jarrert (EH. E.). Index to Kirby & Spence’s Entomology. The Author.
Journal of Science for Dec. 1885. The Editor.
Kirsy (W. F.). Ona small collection of Dragon Flies from Murree and Campbellpore (N.W. India), received from Major J. W.
Yerbury, R.A. (1 plate). The Author. Remarks on four rare species of Moths of the Family Sphingide. (1 plate). The Author.
Licurensrern (Jules). Monographie des Pucerons du Peuplier. 8vo. Montpellier. 1886. The Author.
Liversipce (Professor). President’s Address delivered to the Royal Society of New South Wales. 8vo. 1886. The Author.
Lusxsocx (Sir John), Bart. Recent Observations on the Habits of Ants,
Bees and Wasps. 1885. The Author. M‘Lacutan (Robert). Note additionnelle sur les Neuroptéres des Vosges (suite). The Author. Choroperla capnoptera, n. sp. 8vo. 1886. The Author. Une Excursion Névroptérologique dans la Forét Noire (Schwarz- wald). 8vo. 1886. The Author. Notes concerning Chrysopa ventralis, prasina, abdominalis, aspersa, and Zelleri. 8yo. 1886. The Author. On some points of variation in Chrysopa septempunctata, Wes. 8vo. 1886. The Author. Mraut (L. C.) and Alfred Denny. The Structure and Life-History of the Cockroach. 1886. The Author. Moore (Frederic). The Lepidoptera of Ceylon. Part XII. With coloured Plates. The Ceylon Government. Morawirz (August). Zur Keuntniss der Chilenischen Carabinen. 8vo. Petersbourg. 1886. The Author. Zur Keuntniss der Adephagen Coleoptera. 4to. S. Petersbourg. 1886. The Author.
Naturalist (The). See ‘‘ Socrerres (London).”’ Nature. Nos. 840—891. London, 1886. The Publishers.
© xiv.)
Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands. Bearbeitet von Julius Weise. 1 Abth. Sechster Band. 3 Lieferung. 8vo. Berlin, 1884. Purchased.
Outvier (Ernest). Description du Paussus Jousselini, Guér. 1883. The Author.
Révision du genre Pyrocelia, Gorh., fam. des Lampyrides. The Author.
Lampyrides nouveaux ou peu connus du Musée de Leyde. The Author.
Descriptions de deux nouvelles espéces de Lampyride. 1883. The Author.
Lampyrides nouveaux ou peuconnus. MemoiresI.—III. 8vo.
1883—1886. The Author. Les Lampyrides d’Olivier dans l’Entomologie et Encyclopédie Méthodique. S8vo. 1885. The Author.
Catalogue des Lampyrides faisant partie des collections du Musée Civique de Génes. (1 planche). 8vo. Genova, 1885. The Author.
Lampyrides récueillis au Brésil et 4 la Plata par feu C. van Volxem avec descriptions des espéces nouvelles. 8vo. 1885. The Author.
Etudes sur les Lampyrides. II. 8vo. 1886. (1 planche). The Author.
G. A. Olivier, sa vie, ses travaux, ses voyages. Moulins, 1880. The Author.
Ormerop (Eleanor A.). Tha recent appearance of the Hessian Fly (Cecidomyia destructor) in Great Britain. 1886. The Authoress.
Report of Observations of Injurious Insects and Common Farm Pests during the year 1885, with Methods of Prevention and Remedy. (9th Report). 80. London, 1886.
The Authoress.
The Hessian Fly (Cecidomyia destructor) im Great Britain: being Observations and Illustrations from Life. With means of Prevention and Remedy from the Reports of the Departments of Agriculture, U.S.A. London, 1886.
The Authoress.
OstEN-SackEN (Baron C. R. yon). Hine Beobachtung an Hilara (Dipt.). 1886. The Author. Dipterologische Notizen. 1886. The Author. Characters of the Larvee of Mycetophilide. {Reprint from the Proceedings of the Ent. Soc. of Philadelphia, March, 1862. ] 8vo. Heidelberg, 1886. The Author.
Packarp (Alpheus Spring), M.D. On the Structure of the Brain of the Sessile-eyed Crustacea. 8vo. 1884. The Author.
The Animal Kingdom. Introduction. [From the Standard Nat. Hist.] 4to. 1885. The Author.
( xxv )
On the Cinurous Thysanura and Symphyla of Mexico. 8vo.
1886. The Author. Memoir of Jeffries Wyman. 8vo. 1878. The Author. Discovery of the thoracic feet in a Carboniferous Phyllocaridan.
(1 plate). Svo. 1886. The Author.
On the Nature and Origin of the so-called “Spiral thread” of
Trachezw. 8yo. 1886. The Author.
First Lessons in Zoology. New York, 1886. The Author.
Pascor (Francis P.). Analytical Lists of the Classes, Orders, &c., of the Animal Kingdom. London, 1886. The Author.
Puarrav (Félix). Les Animaux Cosmopolites. The Author.
Une expérience sur la fonction des antennes chez la Blatte (Per planeta orientalis). 8vo. 1886, The Author.
Expériences sur le role des palpes chez les Arthropodes maxillés. (2éme partie.—Palpes des Myriopodes et des Aranéides. 8vo. Meulan, 1886. The Author.
Rizey (Charles V.). Annual Address as President of the Entomological Society of Washington for the year 1884. 8vo. Washington,
1886. The Author. Report of the Entomologist for the year 1885. 8vo. Washington. 1886. The Author.
The Mulberry Silkworm, being a Manual of Instructions on Silk-Culture. Sixth revised edition. With illustrations.
8vo. Washington. 1886. The Author. Rorn (H.L.). The Animal Parasites of the Sugar-Cane. 8vo. London, 1885. The Author.
Scupprer (Samuel H.). Memoir of John Lawrence LeConte (1825—1883). Washington. 1884. The Author.
The oldest-known Insect Larva, Mormolucoides articulatus, from the Connecticut River Rocks. 4to. Boston, 1886. The Author. Note on the supposed Myriapoden Genus Trichiulus. 4to. Boston, 1886. The Author. A Review of Mezozoic Cockroaches. (4 plates). 4to. Boston, 1886. The Author. The Cockroach of the Past (Periplaneta orientalis). 1886. (Reprint from Miall & Denny’s Structure and Life-History of the Cockroach. | The Author. Sunys-Lonecuames (Baron EK. de). Révision du Synopsis des Agrionines. Premiére partie, comprenant les Legions Psewdostigma— Podagrion et Protonevra. 8vo. Bruxelles, 1886. The Author. SNELLEN (P.C.T.). Sesiomorpha. Ein neues Tineidengenus. The Author.
Un nouveau genre des Pyralides. (1 planche). 1884. The Author.
Description d’un nouveau genre des Pyralides (1 planche). The Author.
C “xxvi )
Socrrties (Transactions of Scientific) :—
(ApELAipE). Transactions and Proceedings and Report of the Royal Society of Adelaide. Vol. VIII. 1884-5. The Society.
(BrraincHam). Proceedings of the Birmingham Philosophical Society. Vol. V., Part 1. The Society.
(Bompay). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society. Vol. I. Nos. 1—3. The Editors.
(Boston, Mass.). Memoirs of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. III., No. 11. 1885. The Society.
Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History. Vol. MXIT Part 4 Vole Xxanl Partials The Society.
(Brinn). Verhandlungen des Naturforschenden Vereines in Briinn. Bd. XIIi., Heft 1&2. 1884. The Society.
(Brussets). Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique. Tome XXIX., Partie 2. The Society.
(Buenos Ayres). Boletin de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias en Cordoba. Tomo VIII., Entrega 2. The Society.
Actas dela Academia Nacional de Ciencias en Cérdoba. Tomo V.,
Entrega 2. 1884. The Academy. Anales del Museo Publico de Buenos Aires por German Bur- meister. The Editor. (Burrato). Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Vol. V., No.1. 1886. The Society.
(CampripGE, Mass.). Twenty-fifth Annual Report of the Curator of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College
for 1884 and 1885. The Museum. (Carr Town). The Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society. IIIL., Pt.2. 1883—1885. The Society. Report of the Phylloxera Commission. (Drespen). Correspondenzblatt des EHntomologischen Vereins ‘Tris’ zu Dresden. No. 3. The Editor.
(Dvupuin). Scientifie Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society. New Series. Vol. III., Nos. 7—10; Vol. IV., Parts 7—9;
Vol. V., Parts1&2. 1885-86. The Society. (FLtorence). Bulletino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Anno XVIIL., Trim. 1—3. The Society.
(ERANKFOR?T-oN-THE-Marng). Abhandlungen herausgegeben von den Senckenbergischen Gesellschaft. Bd. 14, Heft 1. The Society.
Bericht iiber die Senckenbergische naturforschende Gesellschaft.
(1885). 1886. The Society. (Geneva). Mémoires de la Société de Physique et d’histoire naturelle
de Genéve. T. XXIX. 4to. 1884. The Society. (Genoa). Annali del Museo Civico di Storia naturali di Genova.
Série 2. Vol. II. (XXII.). 1885. The Museum.
(Guascow). Proceedings and Transactions of the Natural History Society of Glasgow. N.S., Vol. L., Pt. 2. The Society.
Index to Ist Series of ditto. The Society.
(ey xvi»)
Societies (Transactions of Scientific) :— (Hacur). Tijdschrift voor Entomologie. XXVIII. Deel., Afl. 1—4; XXIX. Deel., Afl. 3. 1884—86. The Society. (Lonpon). Proceedings of the Royal Society. Nos. 239—246. The Society.
Journal of the Linnean Society of London (Zoology). Vol. XIX., Nos. 110—115; Vol. XX., No. 116; Vol. XXI., No. 126. The Society.
Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society. Ser. 2, Vol. V.,
Parts 6 & 6a; Vol. VI., Parts 1—d. The Society. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. 1885, Pt. 4; 1886, Pts. 1—3. The Society. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club. Ser. 2, Vol. IL.,
Nos. 14—16. The Club. Journal of the Royal Agricultural Society of England. Ser. 2, Vol. XXII., Parts 1 & 2. The Society. The Naturalist : a Journal of the Natural History of the North of England for 1886. The Editors. Abstract of the Proceedings of the South London Entomological and Natural History Society for 1885. The Society.
(Mapras). Administrative Report of the Government Central Museum. 1885. The Revenue Department.
(Mexico). Memorias de la Sociedad Cientifica. ‘*‘ Antonio Alzati.” Tomo I., cuaderno 1. 8vo. 1836. The Society.
(Moscow). Bulletin de la Société Imperiale des Naturalisies de Moscou. Année 1884, No. 4; 1885, Nos. 1—4. The Society.
(New Yorx). Transactions of the New York Academy of Science. Vol. III., Nos. 1—10. 1883-84. The Academy.
(Oprssa). Zapiski. Tom. IX., Fase. 1&2. 1884-80. The Society of Naturalists of New Russia.
(Parts). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 6 Série,